"What singer?"

Chapter 104: All things in heaven

"What singer? Two-way foil?"

"What Erxiang Bo? 'Singer' is your nickname!"

"My nickname is Lao Wang!?"


After joking around for a while, Qian Shui also figured out the origin of his new nickname.

"Didn't you defeat those two Haotian sect disciples while singing in the elite competition? That's when the news spread. After all, I don't know what your martial spirit is, so I can't give you a nickname in a universal way. It's probably Because of this and the fact that your deeds in Yuexuan have spread widely, the public calls you 'Singer'."

Qian Shui combed Qian Renxue's hair and dried her hair while listening to her explain the origin of the matter.

"It's you who started this thing."


Qian Renxue did not answer directly, but this cold snort still answered the question.

"What is Erxiangbo?"

"Nothing, you can understand it as a weapon in my fantasy that can turn everything I see into a painting."



Qian Shui also clapped her hands as she tied up Qian Renxue's hair.

"What happened? Your hair is still falling out?"

Looking at the small bunch of blond hair on hand, Qian Shui was a little confused. After all, Qian Renxue's hair quality was very good. With the blessing of high-level soul power, there was no such thing as hair loss.

"Who do you think it's because of?"

Qian Renxue turned around and looked at Qian Shui angrily.

"Because of me? Why don't I just comb my hair?"

Qian Shui spread his hands and said that he definitely combed his hair carefully and added soul power to protect his hair. It had nothing to do with him.

She rolled her eyes angrily and grabbed the wrist guard soul guide that she had taken off. Qian Renxue ignored Qian Shui and walked straight to the desk, took out a half-person tall document and started reviewing it.

"Uh...what are you doing? Do you have to deal with official documents in the middle of the night?"

It was late at night when Qian Shui was waiting for Qian Renxue. He probably just took a look and left without disturbing her rest.

"These are the information documents for the initial project of your 'big infrastructure plan'."

"What the hell?"

In Qian Shui's plan, Qian Renxue could just be the boss and leave everything to Ning Fengzhi and the other contractors.

Party A, you know everything.

Qian Shui couldn't help but flip through the documents, and Qian Shui became more and more numb as he read.

‘What a bullshit regime! All in name only! There is no basic administrative structure!

Tax collection is basically a tax package, and there is no basic bureaucracy! Isn't this a game of death? ! ’

Qian Shui's most intuitive impression is that Qian Renxue has to personally decide on all the messy things, even down to the work arrangements of grassroots personnel. It is not an administrative unit at the village or town level. It is strange that such a big empire is not exhausted from doing this. .

Bang bang bang, slapped the table, Qian Shui's face was filled with anger.

"Stop it!"

I originally wanted to come up with an idea to strengthen the power of several parties. Anyway, the Tiandou Empire will be completely taken over in the future, so it is necessary to plan large-scale infrastructure in advance.

But Qian Renxue ignored her and just wrote hard.

"Stop it! Do you hear me?"

He walked up to Qian Renxue and grabbed her writing hand.

"Stop making trouble, Xiaoshui. If you don't hurry up, we won't be able to finish tonight..."

Qian Renxue raised her head. The thick dark circles and bloodshot eyes had lost their original spirituality.

Taking a deep breath, Qian Shui said seriously: "It's my fault!"

"you are wrong?"

Qian Shui didn't explain too much, but forcefully pulled Qian Renxue up and pressed her down on the bed.

"You should have a good rest." He said and walked to the table.

"There is a problem with the administrative structure of the empire. It needs to be comprehensively reformed. If you don't take the throne, you will die from exhaustion!"

"Starting from tomorrow, you will complain that you are sick, and it will be passed on that you are so tired.

Get rid of all these tasks, whether it is Xue Ye or Ning Fengzhi, and let their people take over first.

If those two people come to see you in a few days, you can suggest that reforms that are too radical will lead to death.

The priority is to focus on this project. In the name of checking for deficiencies, we can train a group of low-level soul masters, educated ones, to be administrators, as long as they are capable, and the force must be matched, otherwise they will not be able to suppress the subordinates..."

Qian Shui's voice became increasingly blurry. She was too tired, but at this moment she felt at ease, "He can do anything. He can see through the essence of such a difficult problem in one go. It's really amazing!" ’

The hand holding the quilt was tightly pressed against the center of her heart. At this moment, Qian Renxue was extremely relaxed, and she fell asleep unconsciously with the feeling that "it's just a disease that deserves it".

Qian Shui wrote for a long time, and he put into words the construction of an administrative organizational structure that he felt was suitable for this era.

‘Only Party A, what about the supervision and consulting companies? The boss has to personally handle all subcontracting tasks. Accounting and business are basically just decorations, so it’s not surprising that he’s not exhausted! ’

What Qian Shui asked Qian Renxue to do was not just assign tasks, it also involved project planning and design, fund allocation, and final completion acceptance.

These standards are based on Blue Star's modern society, and each item corresponds to a different department's follow-up. The big boss of Party A only needs to spend money, assign tasks, and then wait for the final results.

If there are professional managers, the boss doesn't even need to worry about it. To put it bluntly, if there are officials like consuls or prime ministers, the emperor doesn't need to be so hands-on.

‘This ghost problem is really big. If you can’t even read the news coming from below, how can you do anything?

It is not equivalent to one person holding the prime minister, all the functions of the three provinces and six ministries, and also taking care of the affairs of the Wuhun Palace. No wonder he is so miserable and has lost his hair. I guess he hasn't had much rest for so long. If he really keeps doing this Sooner or later you will be bald! . ’

Qian Shui felt really distressed at this time. This was the most fundamental reason why he didn't want power. He was too tired!

Let him take charge of it, and you must make innovations. The administrative organization under the red flag was engraved into the DNA when you were in school. How is it possible to adapt to this extremely primitive administrative structure?

'The organizational structure of Douluo Continent is basically the European aristocratic feudal system. Not to mention that the imperial power does not go to the countryside, and if it can go to the provinces, it is considered an emperor. Let alone a country like the Barak Kingdom, it is simply a scam! ’

When Qian Renxue woke up, it was already noon on the second day, and she habitually turned on her disguise.

She finished reading Qian Shui's and asked her to have a good rest.

message, as well as a proposal for a gradual reform of the administrative structure, even considering the consequences of some radical measures.

Qian Shui had left long ago, but what he left behind was a storm, a storm that swept across the entire Tiandou Empire.

Qian Renxue looked solemn and commented in her heart.

Opening the window and looking into the distance, she murmured in a low voice: "I just left without saying anything. Are you going to do something dangerous again?"

At this time, the noise outside the house also reached her ears.

"You said you can't come in, you can't come in!"

"Your Highness, the Second Prince~Brother Xue~just do it! If father has important matters, he must come to His Highness the Prince..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Big brother is sick because of you guys! Gordon! Don't you dare to support Marshal Gelong to me! Don't think I don't know about your dog-like bigotry!

No one except my father wants to see my eldest brother today! "

The second prince Xue Luochuan learned early in the morning that his eldest brother was ill and would not see guests. At that time, he was furious.

He has become much more at ease since being taught a lesson by Xue Qinghe, and his two younger brothers also live in the Prince's Mansion together.

Xue Qinghe is usually very busy, but he is not sloppy with his brothers at all. Sometimes he also follows Xue Qinghe and does things personally. Although many things are not handled well in the process, the prince does not mean to blame him at all, but teaches him carefully. .

Things like this came and went, and he began to admire his elder brother more and more with his charming personality.

He knew something about the country's recent major projects. Since then, the lights in Xue Qinghe's room had almost never been extinguished. As a younger brother, he was always embarrassed. Although he tried to persuade him, it had no effect.

Seeing his eldest brother, who was as handsome as a jade, sluggish day by day, he was anxious in his heart, knowing that today, he would be completely bedridden.

And in front of him, Marshal Ge Long's second-rate idiot son wanted to disturb his elder brother again, and it was still a trivial matter in the scope of tax collection, which made him angry.

"Xiaochuan, what's wrong?"

"Brother, why are you out?"

Seeing Xue Qinghe sitting on a chair and being carried out, his face extremely pale, Xue Luochuan was so anxious that he almost jumped up, and turned around to stare at Gordon fiercely.

"His Royal Highness, it's time to meet you!"

"Master Ge, is there something important?"

"It's about the tax area. I haven't received any reply from you, so my father asked me to ask..."

"It turns out that it was Marshal Ge Long who invited me, so Qinghe will definitely come in person."

"No, no, no, His Royal Highness just needs to issue a warrant and go down to complete the next thing."

Looking at Gordon, who had a weak face, even a fool could tell there was something fishy about it, but from Xue Qinghe's point of view, it was really hard to refuse, so he gave the young man a tax zone adjustment warrant without saying anything.

"Brother, how can you still..."

"It doesn't matter. Marshal Ge Long's relationship cannot be careless. Do you understand this?"

"All right…"

"Master, have you ever obtained a warrant?"

"I got it! It was really unlucky last time. The point in Tiandou City was pulled out by Wuhun Palace. It's such a pity."

“The elite competition period is already tight and it’s really difficult to handle.”

"It's a pity that there are so many people and animals that we can't make good use of it. Fortunately, we got a new tax area, and we don't have to worry about it when it's relatively remote."

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