After giving herself a big thumbs up, the little girl's name was decided, and Qian Shui was also given the title of teacher.

‘I don’t know what happened to Shuishui, but you haven’t told me, Sister Xiaowu! ’

“We who don’t understand the torment of love and hatred still think that committing suicide for love is just an ancient rumor~…”

Qian Shui hummed a tune and carried Gordon on the road of the Killing City.

"Welcome to the killing city..."

"This is the capital of hell..."

"You can be here..."

"Get everything you want..."

"The price is your life!"

The Killing City seems to have an inexplicable ability to influence emotions, allowing Qian Shui to see strange scenes.

"Hey, 3D stereoscopic projection? Isn't this much better than VR?"

To be fair, he was quite looking forward to this kind of environment. It was like virtual reality. Isn't this much better than a 3A masterpiece?

But just like playing too many games and getting dizzy in 3D, after a long time, Qian Shui chose to take possession of Bo Yuanshen and shut down his computer directly.

"Tsk, if you keep turning me into a little angel, that's pretty much it~"

Qian Shui, whose brain had recovered somewhat, was in a very happy mood, which also made Gordon understand what a 'singer' was.

Chapter 115 Killing

"Welcome to the City of Killing."

A woman wearing a black gauze mask walked out of the gate of the Killing City.

‘Hey…it feels like a famous scene~’

Qian Shui followed the formal channels and did not need to go to any tavern. He had already investigated clearly in the Wuhun Palace in the early years.

He and Gordon received two number plates, which read '8384' and '8385' respectively. Qian Shui took the lead, but he wittily exchanged it with Gordon.

Without saying anything, the woman with a black veil covering her face and a smoky make-up walked into the killing city.

What came into view was a blue-purple street, as if illuminated by some kind of ambient light. The smell of rust in the air was extremely pungent. You didn't need to think about it to know what it was.

“I am your explainer, if you have anything you don’t understand, you can ask me.

Within twelve hours, I will answer all your questions. After twelve hours, this is where you will live, and you will officially become a member of the Killing City. "

There was a lot about Qianshui, the city of killing. After all, Bibi Dong, the former God of Killing, was here, so he didn't have much to ask, except for one thing.

"Is the ruler of the Killing City the King of Killing?"

"Oh? It seems like you know the Killing City very well?"

"It's okay. Another question is how long has the King of Slaughter been in the Capital of Slaughter?"

'It is known that the so-called King of Slaughter is Tang Chen. Tang Hao and Bibi Dong both came before I was born. He should have been here by then, otherwise he would not have felt Tang Hao's aura. ’

"No one knows how long the King of Slaughter has been around, and it's not your place to ask!"

The woman in black gauze was obviously unhappy and looked unhappy.

"Didn't you say you would answer all my questions?"

Looking at the killing envoy with murderous intent, Qian Shui was too lazy to say anything more, "Forget it, of course you can't answer if I don't know. Take me to the killing fields of hell, or take me to find a place to live first." OK."

"Are you sure? Only ten people can compete in the Hell Killing Fields and only one can survive. This is the easiest place to reduce the population in our Killing City.

Each person is only required to enter the Hell Killing Fields once a year. As long as they win once, they can live in the Killing City for one year. "

Qian Shui dropped Gordon in his hand and ignored his presence. He was getting ready to warm up.

"I know everything you said. In fact, I just want to ask if I can only participate once a day?"


This question obviously confused the woman. Could it be that the residents of the Killing City were thinking about how to participate less or not participate in the Hell Killing Fields, but they didn't expect that this young man wanted to participate multiple times a day?

Qian Shui's thought was very simple. He just wanted to leave this hellish place as soon as possible. He had just made a girlfriend. If he didn't go back and hold her, why would he let it go?

Thinking of this, he felt a little regretful. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. If you don't have a clear mind, you will have to bear the price of being irrational.

What's more, his perception is very strong, and he has already felt the scenes in the inner city that shocked the world.

'A hundred games, one game a day, a hundred days, hurry up...'

"As long as someone signs up, the competition will continue. If you gather ten people, you can start a game."

"Oh~ So that's it."

After saying that, Qian Shui took out the Qing Xin Ming Xin and kept it on his waist, ready to take action at any time.

"How fast can you run?"

Qian Shui had no interest in visiting the prison at all, he just wanted to finish the work quickly.


"Stop, which direction is the killing field of hell?"

The woman subconsciously pointed in a direction, and then all she could hear was the howling wind and the receding street scene.

"That's it."

The direction of the flow of people, the central location of the Killing City, and the tall tower-shaped structure all showed that the place in front of them was not simple.

The woman was a little frightened. The strength displayed by the young man in front of her was far beyond what Shi Xie could achieve at his level.

Seeing the fallen Bloody Mary with a glass of blood in each hand, Qian Shui also felt a little clear in his heart.

"You need a Bloody Mary to get in, right?"


The sword light flashed, and the unlucky guy closest to him was so unlucky.

"Let's go"

The woman was a little sluggish, but she came to her senses.

There are very few newcomers. The man Qianshui killed was also a Soul Emperor, but he didn't even have the slightest chance to resist.

The most terrifying thing is that the young man in front of him couldn't feel how much murderous aura he had.

Qianshui himself was also secretly surprised, because it was too fast, and he didn't seem to react. Attacking the vitals would kill, and killing was such a simple thing.

He has always been aware that all attacks exist for killing, and there is no such thing as a soul-wasting skill like "entanglement".

Because of this, he usually restrains fighting, and killing is too simple for him.

But there is no need to worry about these in the Killing City. Anyone here can go to the tongue-pulling hell, so he just needs to let go of the restrictions on his mind.

The smoky-makeup woman took Qianshui into the hell killing field and poured bloody Mary into a huge container, which was considered entering.

"It's been so long since this place has been repaired. It's so shabby." Qianshui complained about the interior of the Hell Killing Field and turned around to hand the ID card to the woman, "Please help me sign up."

And soon, Qianshui stood on the killing field.

In the spectator's seat, a spectator slapped his hand hard on the railing.

"Qianshui! This little bastard! How dare he come to the Killing City!"

The speaker was Yu Luomian from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

"Brother Yu, the Hell Killing Field cannot be stopped."

"I understand, Brother Dugu, this little bastard has fallen into our hands!"

Yu Luomian grinned. The Killing City had a great impact on him. At this time, he couldn't control his killing intent at all.


Obviously, Qianshui also noticed the situation in the spectator's seat. 'Yu Luomian and Dugu Bo? No way? So unlucky? Tsk, it seems that I can only fight one game today. '

Soon the killing began, and he didn't have time to think about the two old men.

But since he dared to let people in, and he was going to come, he would not be looking for death.

‘A Douluo person without soul skills is worse than an Asan who eats with his hands! ’

Looking at the nine opponents in front of him, they started to kill each other, and Qianshui did not move immediately. Although he was a newcomer, half of them chose to besiege him, but they were easily dodged.

‘They have three, four, and five rings, and they are just chickens pecking at each other…’

The originally lazy eyes condensed, and he flashed and swung the sword, and an opponent was beheaded, "Tsk, it's powerful."

Adjusting the strength of the sword, Qianshui took a step forward and rushed into the crowd until there was no one on the other side of the battle.

And his actions attracted the attention of the remaining eight people, all of whom looked at him.

But the next moment, the necks of the people on the path just now all spurted blood.

“Poor control, all blood.”

He originally thought that if the sword was fast enough, there would be less blood on the sword, but it was true that his heart had been soaked thoroughly.

The rest of the people naturally couldn't escape the disaster, and all of them were killed by a sword and fell on the killing field of hell.

"Is this the absorption of soul power? Tsk, it's disgusting, but it's better than nothing."

Qianshui knew that when the contestants were killed in the killing field of hell, some of their soul power would be absorbed by the winner. It was just a little hard to accept mentally. After all, they were carrying human souls, and he could easily feel it.

"Alas, the next two old men are the most troublesome!"

Chapter 116 Encirclement and death battle!

"People don't know how strong they are until they are forced into a desperate situation."

Qianshui, who was already soaked in blood, said so.

On the second day of arriving in the killing city, Qianshui was besieged by nearly a thousand people!

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