Chapter 12 The First Soul Ring

After a while, Qianshui finished absorbing, opened his eyes and half sat, reaching out to touch the dead Nether Spirit Cat, feeling a little uncomfortable.

This was the first tangible life he had personally killed besides mosquitoes, flies and ants, and it was a cat, so he could not accept it emotionally for the time being. And he was in awe of life and grateful for the soul ring it contributed.

Bibi Dong no longer had this feeling. She killed people like crazy in the City of Slaughter. The weight of life was nothing more than the stagnation of a knife entering her throat.

"What soul skills did you get?"

"The first soul skill, Nether Possession!" Rather than talking, it is better to practice directly.

A faint purple light was attached to Qianshui. He tried to run, and after circling Bibi Dong, he stopped: "I feel that the speed has increased by about 20%, and it seems that the aura has also settled a little. It is an amplification type soul skill, which is okay."

Talking to smart people does not require too much explanation. Bibi Dong understood Qianshui's meaning immediately, so she did not explain why Qianshui was asked to absorb a soul ring of about 800 years. She believed that Qianshui should know the age of the soul ring, but he did not ask and started to absorb the soul ring.

Bibi Dong had no way of judging whether this was out of trust or Qianshui also knew the conditions for absorbing soul rings beyond the level. If it was the former, it would be too simple, but if it was the latter, then his behavior before awakening the martial soul was very intriguing. How young did he have to be to understand this?

"It's not OK, it's very good! Qianshui, don't you know the age limit of soul ring absorption?"

"Teacher, you don't want to tell me not to trust anyone in a clichéd way~"


To be honest, Qianshui's ability to confront people is not bad at all. He understands what Bibi Dong means and guessed it the moment he saw the Nether Spirit Cat. Subconsciously, he felt that it was a very clichéd plot. He started typing unconsciously again after not having an attack for a long time~

Anyway, Bibi Dong was speechless~

"Although the theoretical limit of the first ring is about 400 years, this is just an appearance. People always have a preconceived idea that the soul ring of a certain level can be absorbed in a certain age, because this is the best answer obtained by countless people who have exploded and died over the past tens of millions of years and have used their lives to try and error. But this is the cause from the result!

But to make an inappropriate analogy, there is a person with a titled strength realm, but he has no soul ring! Then can he absorb a 100,000-year soul ring in the first ring?

It is possible, right? ! Just like you! The owner of a twin martial soul should do this!

On the contrary, if you absorb spirit rings beyond your level without the corresponding realm strength, the result will naturally be an explosion and death!

So you are very clear about this, so I trust you!

So in fact, it is not impossible to absorb spirit rings beyond your level, but you need to meet some conditions, such as physical and mental, or soul strength, etc.! And it happens that I should meet all of these. After all, the characteristics of martial souls are like this, and my physical fitness far exceeds that of my peers. 800-year spirit rings are not a big deal for me. So, I also trust myself! "

'What a genius!' Bibi Dong sighed a little. Can you speculate to this extent based on theory alone? She can't do it herself, at least before the twin martial souls are cultivated successfully, she doesn't even dare to guess so.

"Next, you will practice in this area. This is the outer periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest. As long as you don't go deep, there will be no great danger. "

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Bibi Dong's plan is very simple, throwing Qianshui outside the Star Dou Great Forest, which is also the reason why she planned to come to the Star Dou Great Forest!

Bibi Dong, who was not completely crazy and had a certain degree of humanity, did not want Qianshui to serve the Qian family anymore. She had a good impression of him and did not want to kill him. Then there was only one choice, to drive him away!

Fortunately, he still had the spirit of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. As long as Qianshui found a way out of the Star Dou Great Forest, he could return to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and there would be no worries about future development.

The reason why it could not be somewhere else, or directly sent back to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

First, there were many eyes and ears in the Spirit Hall, and she needed to distance herself from the relationship. She only said that he was allowed to train, but she did not expect him to run away. It would become a fait accompli at that time, but she would be punished.

Second, it could not be around the Spirit City to prevent Qianshui from running back to the Spirit City directly, literally running~

Third, she wanted Qianshui to feel desperate! She, the Saint of the Spirit Hall, did not care about him, and casually threw him in the Star Dou Great Forest without even sending a protector. In disappointment, he would feel disgusted with the Spirit Hall, and would not have the idea of ​​returning to the Spirit City, but would return to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, which had the greatest benefits!

Bibi Dong believed that her plan was perfect, killing three birds with one stone! But~

"Really? Wow, you are worthy of being the teacher! Training alone! Loneliness tests willpower, survival ability and danger perception!"

Qianshui was extremely excited, and he also had three reasons!

First, this is a fantasy drama!

Second, he really likes watching wilderness survival programs, and De Ye and Bear Grylls are invincible! And his favorite is the great Matt who can run 100 kilometers a day in a pair of slippers! It can be said that his ability to insist on running every day is also influenced by this!

'Just kidding! Running 80 kilometers a day for interest! Created a super marathon runner! It can be called a magical skill! This thing is too useful in the early stage of crossing! '

Third, he is free! Living next to the Elder Hall is very depressing. A bunch of top masters live next to him, and you have to be careful when peeing. And without Qian Renxue pestering him to do this and that, he has more time to study the problem of cultivation!

Moreover, Qian Shui has too many topics to study, and his spiritual path has just begun. Even if the novels about his previous life are true, there is no step-by-step instruction, and he can only touch the elephant blindly, so there is no established system for reference.

Some are only vague descriptions. All cultivation theories and applications have to be crossed by feeling for the stones. Just like magic, people can fly with swords even during their Qi training period! Can Qianshui do it? No one taught him how to fly with his sword!

Some people just understand that this can be done at this stage, and the established logic is established. There is no need to deduce it from the beginning, which saves countless trial and error costs. To be honest, it has saved a lot of effort, so there is nothing to complain about.

Bibi Dong really didn't expect Qian Shui to respond to her like this, and her steps stopped for a moment. She felt that at best, silence was golden, and at worst, asking why was the best option. She even thought about the scene of crying and making trouble!

But Qian Shui didn't do what she wanted! Feeling short of breath for a moment, Bibi Dong gave up thinking and said, whatever you want, just do it if you like it!

Without saying anything, he spread out his six purple wings and flew away~

"Don't mention it, Bibi Dong is quite beautiful with soul bones attached to her wings! And she's very handsome!" Bibi Dong left, and the habit of calling her teacher's name behind her back in her previous life came back. Holding a dagger in one hand and pinching his chin with the other, he sighed that Bibi Dong had a soul bone.

China did not have the habit of eating cats. After returning the corpse of the Nether Civet to dust, he began his first wilderness operation.

In my previous life, I had no choice, it was difficult to engage in such activities, and as a homebody, I was not physically strong enough, and I was scared to death~

This life is great. He now feels that he has the peak level of physical fitness of an ordinary human in his previous life. He has also practiced cultivation and has special powers!

So when Bibi Dong said she wanted to leave him and run away, Qian Shui was really excited, but looking back, she seemed to have a deeper meaning.

"Hey, it would be nice not to have this little bit of goodwill. After all, she is a beauty, so why should she be so vicious? Forget it, ignore her. Don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering. If I were her, I wouldn't necessarily do it. Even better~ I’m afraid I just killed myself out of despair. It’s already very powerful for someone to have the courage to survive and achieve the status of a god in the end.”

Qian Shui underestimated the situation while walking and observing the environment. This is the habitat of the ghost civet, and the environment is very secluded. The canopies of trees rising into the sky block out the sun, competing for the few light overhead.

The bottom of this primitive forest is shielded from direct sunlight all year round, and the ground is covered with tangled leaves and a thick layer of dead leaves.

And it was very humid. There were moss everywhere on the dead trees, green, yellow, red, and even blue and purple!

"Three principles of survival: water, fire, and food!" Qian Shui kept thinking back to the various survival programs he had watched back then.

After clarifying the necessary conditions for survival, Qian Shui began to look for water sources, flowing water sources, at least to avoid dying of thirst before finding food!

Chapter 13 Survival in the Wilderness

Fortunately, Qian Shui's physical strength and endurance were good enough, and he found a small stream about half a day's journey from the starting point. The only drawback is that he vomited when Bibi Dong brought him here, so his stomach is empty now.

On the way, he was also constantly collecting useful things, such as relatively dry fire fuel, which he stuffed into his clothes to keep them dry and to keep out moisture. As well as collecting some appropriately shaped branches.

It was already afternoon when he and Bibi Dong arrived at the Star Forest. He absorbed the soul ring very quickly, but it took a long time. When he arrived at the creek, the sky had already begun to darken.

Qian Shui was obviously inexperienced, but he was also aware of this. The uncertainty of time made him particularly concerned about ambient light. Because this is a pre-industrial society, even in Wuhun City, things like the Sleepless City that were commonplace in previous lives would not exist.

It's completely dark as soon as night falls!

Therefore, Qian Shui must light a fire before the sun sets, otherwise he will be completely swallowed up by the darkness of the Star Forest at night and be in a completely unknown environment tonight.

Qian Shui, who is cautious, is absolutely unwilling to face this kind of thing! Unknown equals uncontrollable!

So he must light a fire as quickly as possible, and preferably build a shelter to survive this first and most dangerous night!

"A dry short round stick is added to a dry plank, and slits are cut into the plank. A few cuts are made where the surface and the slit are in contact to form drilled holes."

Qian Shui knew the principle of drilling wood to make fire, but he had never tried it before, so he could only imitate what the great masters did in his memory.

There are many ways to drill wood to make fire. The most direct one is to rub it with your hands. This method is the simplest, but it is not smart at all!

"It's impossible to rub by hand." So Qian Shui used some curved branches and strips of cloth torn from his own clothes to make a short bow to facilitate his work.

Then I found a palm-sized wooden block and placed it on top of the friction stick to serve as a friction plate.

"I hope it's okay!" Qian Shui started drilling wood to make fire for the first time in his previous life and this one!

He stepped on the wooden plank cut with a dagger with both feet, held the friction plate with his left hand, and pulled the small bow back and forth with his right hand. The buzzing friction sound was like sawing wood, and at this time, the sunset was no longer visible, and the sun was about to completely disappear on the horizon!

Fortunately, Qian Shui was lucky. When he traveled to Douluo, it was the first time that he felt some pain in his arm. But the end result was good, he got carbon Mars produced by frictional heat.

Ignoring the sweat all over his head, Qianshui quickly poured the fire on the kneaded tinder, lifted the tinder over his head, and blew air on it slightly.

This scene is just like worshiping a great god. Is this worshipping fire water?

As the white smoke gradually dissipated, the flames rose!

Finally! Qianshui lit the fire!

Quickly put up small branches, tore off the extra and useless small strips of cloth from his clothes, expanded the fire and put the big wood on it.

"Ahhh! It's really not easy! I dare not breathe!" Maintaining the kneeling posture, Qianshui couldn't help but fall back, completely ignoring his image.

Feeling the warmth and joy brought by the flames, Qianshui somewhat understood what human evolution looked like at the beginning! The brain and hands brought everything, there is no such thing as a god emperor!

"I want a lighter, absolutely a lighter!..."

Qianshui muttered to himself, adding firewood, and silently spread a dry area with dead grass and dead leaves.

Qianshui would definitely not sleep that night, and he could practice instead. He needed to maintain the fire, and he didn't dare to lose consciousness. Because this was the Star Dou Great Forest!

Soon, Qianshui sat in front of the fire and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Holding the dagger given by Bibi Dong in his hand, Qianshui began to summarize what he had learned today as he watched the fire burn.

"The Netherworld Spirit Cat~ The inherited martial spirit of the Xingluo Zhu family, Zhu Zhuqing should not be born yet! If it were an ordinary novel, could this be the starting point of fate?" It's so confusing!

Qianshui carefully felt the soul skills, from release to effect, and then dissipation. He probably understood what this was!

"This is a concrete way of using the soul power of a soul beast, engraved on the external form of a soul ring after death, so that it can be absorbed by the soul master.

The soul master uses the soul ring to break the shackles on the martial soul, so that he can continue to practice.

And the soul ring will also add some characteristics of the soul beast, so that the martial soul also has this characteristic."

Silently analyzing the rules of the martial soul plus the soul ring, Qianshui can be said to have truly understood this process, and the next step will be easy.

"It's just a way of using soul power. Why use soul rings? Can't I just run it myself?"

It's easy to say, but it's hard to do. The specific way of using soul power is a skill created by a specific soul beast over the years. Soul skills belong to the doctrine of taking it, and you can use it as you like.

This is the advantage, but the disadvantage is also obvious. No matter how you say it, it is external. To put it bluntly, it is plundering the soul beast's years of cultivation.

This does not belong to you, and you cannot fully control it. You can only rely on soul rings as skills. How can you walk your own way and achieve higher achievements! ?

The three great masters of the time are the best examples. Qian Daoliu and Poseidon could only reach level 99 by relying on the divine test.

Tang Chen, on the other hand, relied on the development of the use of the Clear Sky Hammer and used skills other than the spirit ring to strengthen himself, and he eventually went the furthest.

Qian Daoliu and Poseidon were locked at level 99 and could not make any progress! Admittedly, this was limited by the duties of the great priest, but it was a small pattern after all.

Qianshui spent the whole night using spirit skills, experiencing the operating logic of the netherworld possession, and restoring spirit power.

“Damn, this thing is not an ability used by the body following a certain operating logic, but is directly emitted by the spirit ring and then acts on the body! But what are attack skills?

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