Qian Shui touched his chin, he was about to start showing off, "Challenge a hundred thousand year soul beast? How many are there? Can they be killed? What a good thing!"


The sea spirit masters across from him looked at each other, Qian Shui's expression became strange, as if he was looking at a fool.

The middle-aged man looked at him deeply and whispered a few words to a young sea soul master in yellow clothes beside him. The way he spoke was very strange. It seemed to be a strange sound wave buzzing, which Qian Shui couldn't hear at all. No sound.

‘Encrypted calls, great stuff! ’

The young yellow-clothed sea soul master respectfully agreed and quickly turned around and left. The middle-aged man then said to Qian Shui Shun: "I hope you won't regret it. Come with me."

As he said that, he led the yellow-clothed sea spirit masters and turned around and walked towards the woods.

Qian Shui, on the other hand, looked indifferent, put his hands in his pockets, and followed him with steps as if he didn't recognize his relatives.

Soon a pool of water appeared in front of Qianshui. What was strange was that this inland pool, which was supposed to be extremely calm, turned out to be as rough as the sea, without wind.

The pool is surrounded by dense forest. It looks like it is the size of a large residential area. In the middle of the pool, there is a triangular platform with a strange stone pillar standing on it.

The stone pillar is shaped like a pointed cone, with a special sculpture carved on the top, and countless complex patterns engraved on the entire pillar. It seemed to be a kind of text, invisible and strange energy, emanating from this strange pillar.

Qian Shui has excellent eyesight. After being blessed with soul power, he formed a soul power telescope in front of his eyes through the principle of lens refraction. He can clearly see that there is a person sitting under the stone pillar with his eyes closed and his back to the stone pillar. It seems that Practicing meditation.

The clothes on this person are black. When they came here, the middle-aged soul masters in yellow seemed much more reserved, and the young soul masters in yellow also stood aside respectfully, not even daring to express their anger.

"Welcome to the sea within the sea, Seahorse Holy Pillar."

The middle-aged man in yellow said in a special tone: "The Seahorse Holy Pillar is one of the seven Holy Pillars of Poseidon Island. Poseidon has given the seven Holy Pillars divine power, and they can spread God's will through the Seven Holy Pillars. Any Holy Pillar can They can all test foreign soul masters.

You will get the questions from Lord Poseidon's test here. "

After saying this, he turned to the triangular platform in Hai Zhong Hai, bent down at ninety degrees and saluted respectfully. Under the urging of his soul power, he transmitted his voice over. At this moment, the middle-aged man almost subconsciously He released his martial spirit. Two yellow, three purple, and one black, a pretty good combination of soul rings appeared on him.

‘Soul Emperor…the configuration of the soul ring is not very good. ’

"Lord Haima, a foreign land soul master has come to accept the test, please allow it." Under the urging of the soul power, the voice of the middle-aged man in yellow spread like a straight line, covering the sea within the sea. The sound of crashing waves.

The man in black, who was sitting under the holy seahorse pillar on the triangular platform, suddenly opened his eyes, and those two resentful eyes were like two deep pools.

Qian Shui made a judgment in his mind, 'Seahorse Douluo... is probably stronger than that old guy with Snake Spear. ’

"A land soul master wants to accept His Majesty the Sea God's test? You can only be qualified to accept the test by crossing the sea within the sea and coming to the Seahorse Sacred Pillar."

Seahorse Douluo's voice sounded. Unlike the man in yellow, this voice did not come in a straight line, but seemed to be mixed with the waves of the sea and hit his face.

As he spoke, a blue halo lit up behind Seahorse Douluo, and then, the Seahorse Holy Pillar behind him suddenly lit up, and a ray of blue light passed from below to the top of the Seahorse Holy Pillar.

Centered on the top of the Seahorse Holy Pillar, a circle of blue ripples suddenly surged across the sea like a curtain of light. Since the Seahorse Holy Pillar is about ten meters high, the light curtain suspended above the sea within the sea is also ten meters high.

Needless to say, this ten-meter distance limits flight capabilities and forward space.

Qian Shui frowned slightly and was unambiguous. The ten-meter limit was like nothing to him. Even if the air was completely banned, he still had many ways.

The momentum around him rose, and six super-life soul rings of yellow, purple, black, and black came out of his body. He stepped back more than ten steps, leaving enough distance for acceleration. Then, with a 'pop' sound, Qian Shui disappeared. In place.

Seahorse Douluo's expression was extremely solemn, because the next moment, Qian Shui was already standing in front of him!

The sea in the sea behind him seemed to have just reacted, and the sea water shot up crazily on both sides of Qian Shui's path.

"No wonder you have the confidence to come to Poseidon Island. The Sixth Ring has such strength. You are the most incredible soul master I have ever seen!"

Chapter 132 The divine test is no surprise

Qian Shui's flower work is very simple. He forms the initial acceleration, and the inertia will carry him forward. Then he uses the soul power to spray, drive the airflow, and walk on the water, which is the principle of aerodynamics.

The reason why a Titled Douluo can be disabled is because his soul power is floating in the air, and the principle is similar. The only difficulty with Qian Shui's operation is his soul power.

If the soul power is not enough, it is impossible to do it. This is why if it is not for special abilities or martial soul characteristics, the untitled Douluo cannot fly at all. This is why Seahorse Douluo is shocked.

"Seahorse Douluo is so impressed."

Bowing slightly and saluting is considered as respect for the strong.

"Are you from the Spirit Hall?!"

Except for Wuhun Palace, it was hard to believe that people from other forces could have such incredible strength at such a young age, and he happened to have met one, and that was Bibi Dong back then!

‘I’ll go, this is so annoying! What did you have to do to make them like this? ’

Qian Shui thought of his beautiful teacher and the time when Wuhun Palace wanted to incorporate Poseidon Island.

Thinking about Bibi Dong's violent beatings every time, Qian Shui's expression turned ferocious, "Don't mention the Spirit Hall! I have a grudge against their Pope!"

You have to act, otherwise you will be beaten. One or two is fine, but he can't do Bo Saixi.

Qian Shui's operation made Seahorse Douluo a little confused, as long as he wasn't from the Spirit Hall.

After looking at Qian Shui for a while, Seahorse Douluo couldn't see anything wrong with Qian Shui. After all, that expression couldn't be faked.

Seahorse Douluo walked slowly to the Seahorse Holy Pillar. Facing the Holy Pillar, his eyes revealed a pious light, and he said calmly: "Come forward."

Seahorse Douluo slowly raised his hands, with a look of piety on his face. He raised his hands to his chest, with their palms facing each other half a foot apart. A faint blue light slowly appeared in the middle of his palms, and the blue light gradually became stronger.

‘It’s similar to the Vast Sea Universe Shield, it’s just a technology. ’

When the blue light filled the palms of Seahorse Douluo's hands, the light suddenly bloomed, causing the entire Seahorse Sacred Pillar Platform to be filled with a clear blue light.

Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of light below the Seahorse Holy Pillar, and a line of blue spread along the lines on the Holy Pillar. It rose to the top almost in the blink of an eye.

Seahorse Douluo turned around and faced Qian Shui. He pointed his right hand towards Qian Shui's body. A blue beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped Qian Shui's body. Qian Shui bathed in the beam of light and felt nothing. It was almost like being illuminated by a lamp. .

The blue light became more and more intense. This was the first time for Seahorse Douluo to encounter such a situation, and he didn't understand why the blue light did not change.

No matter how weak the soul master is, he will at least appear in the white level assessment, and the young man in front of him is obviously extremely powerful.

Just when Seahorse Douluo was surprised, the color of the light beam that enveloped Qian Shui began to change dramatically. Blue, white, yellow, and purple, these four colors all flash for a moment and then change to the next one, very fast, even giving people a dazzling feeling.

Soon, black magic patterns appeared.

However, Seahorse Douluo was not surprised at all. Qian Shui was extremely powerful and it was natural for him to pass the black level assessment.

But before he could react, the black magic pattern climbed up at an extremely alarming speed. The speed was so fast that it had surpassed everyone who had been tested before.

"Oh my god, the top test?"

The bloody magic pattern suddenly appeared and rushed to the top in an instant, straight to the highest point of the Seahorse Holy Pillar. A hum like the whimpering of the sea sounded from the Seahorse Holy Pillar, and then, a huge bloody light pillar rose into the sky.

The sea within the sea boiled. At this moment, the entire sea within the sea suddenly set off huge waves up to a hundred meters high, rising vertically. In the huge waves, intense blue light erupted.

The changes were not over yet. The entire Poseidon Island seemed to tremble with the red light rising from the Seahorse Holy Pillar. Then, everyone clearly saw the same six huge bloody light pillars rising into the sky.

Seven beams of light converged at one point in the air. The next moment, the blood color faded, and from the point where they gathered, a brilliant golden light fell from the sky.

Everything seemed to have entered a state of absolute stillness at this moment, with only the brilliant light falling from the sky like the center point between the sea and the sky.

Before this, Qian Shui had seen golden soul power, and the one he was most familiar with was undoubtedly Qian Renxue's Seraph Martial Spirit, and the other was the Enshrinement Hall.

but. The golden light in front of him was completely different from any golden light he had seen before. This is the royal light full of majesty and magnificence.

The moment it appears. The entire Poseidon Island. Whether it is the Seven Sacred Pillars, the forest, the hills, or the sea within the sea, they have been completely rendered golden at this moment.

Even all the sea soul masters are illuminated with that special layer of golden light, but this golden light has only one end point.

That was Qianshui, who was standing under the Seahorse Holy Pillar.

Qian Shui felt as if something inside his body had been touched, and then, nine square golden light curtains appeared out of thin air.

appear before him. The light on the first light curtain is the brightest, while the other eight sides appear dim.

'Poseidon's Nine Tests...' These light curtains had floated directly into his eyebrows like golden meteors.

Suddenly. A huge amount of information is poured directly into the mind. And this information is vague, and only one of them can be clearly identified.

Qian Shui felt a special energy wave like an enlightenment, and his whole body seemed to be soaked in cool liquid. Indescribably comfortable.

Subtly, Qian Shui vaguely felt that his body had undergone some subtle changes in this golden light. He couldn't explain what it was exactly. He would have to wait until he summoned his soul to take a closer look.

But the feeling was magical, as if the functions of his body had been straightened out. It was indescribably comfortable, and he unconsciously opened his mouth and let out a breath of turbid air.

This seems to be the turbidity caused by the golden light forcing out all the impurities in the body. The golden light gradually fades away, first from the air and from the sea within the sea.

Then Qian Shui's body faded from all directions. This is the final destination of all this golden light. And the place where all the golden light finally converged was in the middle of his forehead.

There. What was left was not a star-shaped mark. Instead, it was a golden trident mark. The faint golden trident made Qianshui, who was in a daze, look noble.

At the same time, the one in the Sea God Temple opened her eyes, and she felt everything clearly.

Seahorse Douluo shook his head vigorously. Then he looked at Qianshui carefully. What he saw was still the trident mark shining with brilliant golden light. Yes, this was not a dream.

Although Qianshui knew everything, he still had to express something.

Scratching his head, Qianshui showed a puzzled expression at the right time and looked at Seahorse Douluo, "What's the situation? The assessment is so awesome?"

"I don't know either." These five words seemed very difficult to spit out from Seahorse Douluo's mouth.

And suddenly, a leisurely voice came from afar. It was beautiful and pleasant, as if it came from heaven, but it was full of kindness. "Since the appearance of Sea God Island, this situation has never occurred before. What you have to endure is the Nine Tests of Sea God."

In the distance. A red light spot slowly enlarged, and the space seemed to be slightly distorted. The next moment, there was already one more person in front of the Seahorse Holy Pillar.


The identity of the person who came was self-evident. It was the strongest man in the world—Poseidon Douluo Poseidon!

Poseidon’s appearance did not surprise Qianshui. Instead, it was natural. Qianshui also looked at this strong man who was over a hundred years old but had not changed his appearance.

She was covered in a bright red robe. In Qianshui’s opinion, she was taller than Bibi Dong.

Her long sea-blue hair was scattered behind her, and the scattered state was close to the face. Her soft face looked at most about thirty years old. Her beauty came more from her temperament, noble, elegant and warm.

In her right hand, she held a three-meter-long scepter. The scepter was golden, just like the gold that appeared in the sky just now, and it was engraved with magic patterns all over. At the top of the scepter was a diamond-shaped protrusion like a spear. Five inches below the tip of the spear, there is a diamond-shaped golden gem inlaid.

If you just look at her appearance, she is definitely a rare beauty, but her temperament is incomparable to anyone, even Bibi Dong, who can only be better in appearance.

The main thing is her eyes, the clear blue eyes are deeper than the sea, and the kind and vicissitudes in them confess all the wind and rain she has experienced.

"See the great worshiper." Seahorse Douluo bowed slightly and saluted the red-robed woman.

"The subordinate failed to complete the guidance of the Lord of the Sea. Please punish me, the great worshiper."

The red-robed woman smiled slightly, and the sea in the sea seemed to fluctuate because of her smile. "It's not your fault. This is also the first time I have seen such a situation."

Seeing her eyes moving, everyone present seemed to feel that she was looking at them, and the red-robed woman's eyes finally fixed on Qianshui, or on the golden trident mark on his forehead.

"Young man, I have waited for more than a hundred years, and finally met you in my old age. Can you tell me your origins?"

Listening to her voice closely, I immediately felt my heartbeat suddenly speed up.

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