Douluo: Thousands of Templates Tang Chen

Chapter 145: About to return

   "Elder Yi..."

   When the crystal-like carving knife flew towards him, Huo Yuhao whispered in disbelief. But before he finished speaking, the tip of the carving knife had already arrived in front of him.

   It's too late, or it's impossible to dodge. An inexplicable potential was attached to the carving knife. Although Huo Yuhao was too late to use the spirit detection and sharing, he knew that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to escape this blow.

  Aren’t you a magician...

   only had time to spit out in his heart, the carving knife had already pierced his forehead and penetrated his skull. The intense pain made Huo Yuhao want to roar and struggle loudly, but he found that he couldn't do anything.

   After staggering a few times, Huo Yuhao fell heavily to the ground. The strange thing was that the knife had clearly pierced his skull and brain at that moment, but he did not feel that death was approaching, and his consciousness was exceptionally clear instead.

What exactly is going on?

   Before he could think through the matter clearly, the blade of creatures stuck in his forehead radiated a bright blue light. Peng Pai's breath of life rushed in instantly. At this moment, Huo Yuhao seemed to have suffered a mental shock, and the whole person's mind was completely blank.

   "Yuhao...... Um"

   In Huo Yuhao's sea of ​​spirit, Tianmeng Bingcan and Bingdi also felt something was wrong. But when they wanted to save, the huge breath of life instantly poured into the sea of ​​spirit from Huo Yuhao's forehead, scouring their spiritual origin and there was an indescribable comfort.

   At this time, Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea has turned into a green sea. The thick breath of life gradually became sticky, and his sea of ​​spirit, which had expanded more than once, surged again and began to slowly extend.

   The breath of life extended to Tianmeng Ice Silkworm and Ice Emperor, and their originally illusory figures were also slowly consolidating.

   They looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes. They are all ancient life forms that have survived for at least one hundred thousand years. Although one of them is very useless, their vision is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

   Even though Huo Yuhao's head was pierced by the Blade of Life at this time, they could feel that Electrolux was not malicious behind this action. Moreover, the huge vitality poured into Huo Yuhao's spirit sea, and the process of expanding it was greatly beneficial to them.

   The process of nourishing the sea of ​​spirit by the breath of life is equivalent to nourishing their spiritual origin. Therefore, they all stabilized their minds, and while jointly protecting Huo Yuhao's spiritual origin, they felt the changes around them.

   "Bingbing, did you feel it just now? Eli... the kind of breath that Elder Yi exudes when he makes a shot?"

   Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is rare and serious. He recalled the terrible "potency" and couldn't help but marvel at it.

"The follower... If it is really like the knowledge said, the strength of the follower is only a small part of the hero... How powerful is the true hero? I am afraid it will not be inferior to the true god? !"

   "I don't know why, in recent years, the world seems to have changed more and more."

   When they were communicating with each other in the sea of ​​spirit, a strange scene was happening to Huo Yuhao.

The blade of the cyan creature that pierced his forehead trembled slightly. Strangely, there was no more blood flowing out of the wound. Instead, the blade of the crystal-like creature slowly softened, turning into a blue liquid flowing down the wound. Huo Yuhao's head.

   Huo Yuhao's whole person was once again rendered into a thick blue color, and the huge vitality was constantly washing his body with his forehead as the center.

   The broken wound did not close as the knife melted in, but slowly opened under the action of a circle of blue-gold light, like a baby's mouth, and like...a blue eye!

   "The effect of the gold of life is indeed the same as I thought."

   Seeing the changes in Huo Yuhao's body, Electrolux on the side showed such an expression as expected. Although he has never obtained a piece of real life gold, he has done research based on the most fundamental of life, and thus obtained the usage of life gold.

   Looking at Huo Yuhao whose expression gradually became hideous, Electrolux shook his head, took out the holy grail war comrade again, and looked at it with relish.

   It is impossible to reach the true peak without going through hardships. The world is becoming more and more weird. Yuhao's future may also change. I can only do what I can do as much as possible...

   An hour later, Huo Yuhao's hollow eyes gradually recovered their lustre. He slowly sat up from the ground, and subconsciously touched his forehead, where a strange blue and golden eye was turning.

"Woke up?"

   Electrolux closed the book, got up and came to Huo Yuhao's side, stretched out his hand to him, and asked: "How do you feel, has the gold of life brought you any changes?"

Holding Electrolux's hand, Huo Yuhao stood up from the ground, staggered a few steps, and said helplessly: "Elder Yi, next time I want to do something like this, can I be told by the prophet? Suddenly... …Well, it’s exciting."

   "...Let’s talk about the changes in your body first."

   Electrolux looked away, avoided Huo Yuhao's question, and then asked. Although he became independent as a follower, he had no sense of Huo Yuhao's spiritual world, nor could he feel the changes in his body.

Recalling the pain that was not inferior to the melting of the Ice Emperor, Huo Yuhao twitched his eyes, but said honestly: "My sea of ​​spirit has doubled again, and there seems to be another... Space, there is a bead there, which seems to be the blade of life before."

   "My body has also changed, and my physical fitness seems to have become much stronger, and there is still a lot of vitality remaining in my blood and soul power."

   Talking, Huo Yuhao touched his chest, feeling that his condition couldn't be better.

   Listening to Huo Yuhao's description, Electrolux nodded and said: "It's normal. This is the function of the gold of life."

As he said, he looked at Huo Yuhao with a blank face, and explained: "First, let's talk about the gold of living things. Living things represent all living creatures. Whether it is me or you, it is the same. Living beings have no distinction between superior and inferior. The difference lies in wisdom. Their most original strength is vitality."

   "And the gold of life is the solid purified form of vitality. Simply put, it is the extremely large vitality gathered together, the treasure of heaven and earth that can only appear after thousands of years of gestation."

"You know, I did not belong to your world, but in another parallel space. However, no matter in which world, the existence of the gold of life is the same. The huge vitality contained in it is for any As far as beings are concerned, they all have tremendous help. A creature represents a life, and a piece of spiritual gold represents a world."

   "You can be treated as... the whole vitality of a world's creatures can be gathered together into a piece of gold."

   "A world?!"

   Hearing this explanation, Huo Yuhao was obviously startled. Electrolux continued to explain: "I have left you with very little energy in the sea of ​​spirit, but it also represents a rule and a trait. Together with the gold of life, this trait has created your first place. Three eyes."

"This eye has many magical uses, but your ability can only be explored by yourself." With that, Electrolux's eyes flickered slightly, turned his head, looked at the solid wooden door, and said: "Your teacher, they are back. , Let’s talk about these later."

As soon as the voice of    fell, Electrolux’s body transformed again [Baidu Novel] as light particles slowly dissipating.

   "The dean are they back?"

   Huo Yuhao touched the eyes on his forehead, covering his mental energy, and the next moment, this strange eye closed.

Just after finishing this matter, the door was kicked with a "boom". In Huo Yuhao's bewildered expression, Wang Dong jabbered in, first glanced around without leaving a trace, this Just shouted:

   "Yuhao, clean up, we are going back to college!"


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