Douluo: Thousands of Templates Tang Chen

: Fanwaiditian's Dragon King Legend Tour 7

"Whether what I'm talking about is true or not? Hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing. You will know if you go and see for yourself."

After speaking, the rainbow-like colors in Tang Chen's eyes flickered, and the next moment, Di Tian's eyes became blank. Seeing it calm down, Tang Chen waved his hand, and its huge dragon body flew into a drop of river water with countless lights and shadows.

Time and space were fluctuating, and Di Tian only felt that time had only passed for a moment, almost in the blink of an eye, it came to the top of an extremely huge city.

This majestic city stands in the middle of the endless plain. Hundreds of soul-guided train tracks leading to different locations extend outwards from the center of this city, and there is a continuous train of soul-guided trains heading to this city, which demonstrates this The prosperity of the city.

In the huge city, in addition to a few hundred meters of modern buildings and many strange buildings that cannot be named, quite a lot of antique traditional buildings are also preserved. These two different styles of buildings are perfectly integrated in this city, showing its inclusive spirit.

The moment he appeared in this sky, Di Tian immediately woke up. Out of caution, it quickly hid its shape and began to observe the surrounding environment.

"Where is this place?"

Di Tian looked at the somewhat familiar city under him in confusion. From its perspective, there were too many things in this city that it couldn't understand. Not only that, but the scale of this city is unexpectedly huge, even Shrek, the largest city it has ever seen before, is not as large as the eleventh here.

Hold on, Shrek City? !

Di Tian frowned, and he finally knew why he felt familiar. Even though it has changed a lot, it will never forget the breath at the center of the city.

That is... the old golden tree!

Di Tian, ​​who had just suffered a big loss on this, was naturally impressed by the aura of the ancient golden tree. With this marker, it immediately knew where it was.

This is Shrek City.

Although I don't know what happened, the scope of Shrek City has expanded so much, and it has become very different from before. He only knew that this might be the ghost of that human cub.

"Let me go and see for myself? Then I'll see what your conspiracy is!"

With a cold snort in Di Tian's heart, the daring master of art, it straightly transformed into a human form, continued to hide its figure, and slowly flew towards the city below.

"Drip! Dip! Dip!"

Things that Ling Ditian didn't expect happened. Before it entered Shrek City, but only got a little closer, a shrill alarm sounded on the huge and heavy wall of Shrek City.

"How is it possible? They found me?!"

Di Tian was full of astonishment. You must know that if it had hidden its body and had not had any killing intent, even Dragon God Douluo Moon would not be able to find its trace immediately. Even Xuanzi discovered it only by virtue of the uniqueness of gluttony.

But now, it didn't even touch the gate of Shrek City, but was instantly sensed.

At the moment it was stunned, a Shrek student paddling fish on the city wall was startled by the sudden sound of an alarm. He ignored the soul guide model that fell on the ground, and ran to a monitoring screen that kept flashing red.

[Dididi! 】

[Discover high-risk targets. Query the data list, lock the enemy, the beast **** emperor heaven! 】

[It is recommended to evacuate people immediately and turn on the highest level of protection. According to the regulations, Poseidon Pavilion has been notified, please enter the instructions as soon as possible! 】


The student swallowed fiercely, looked at the big red characters on the screen in disbelief, and came back to his senses only after the alarm sounded again.

Mom, what kind of luck is this for me? ! Obviously the senior said that guarding the gate is a very easy life to remember. Why did I memorize so much so that I could encounter such a situation when I first came here? !

Although panicked, fortunately, he had been trained when he came, and quickly operated on the Soul Guidance screen, and quickly completed a series of instructions such as evacuating the crowd and turning on the protective Soul Guidance device.

Although he didn't know what kind of madness Ditian had gone, he came here somehow after being defeated by the dean. He only hoped that the dean could come here sooner.

After all, although the Protective Soul Guidance Device has been updated countless times, under the offensive of a powerful person like Di Tian, ​​it will definitely not last a minute.

The next moment, something stunned him happened.

I saw that on the wall of Shrek City, countless soul guides were shining, and a huge soul guide shield enveloped the entire Shrek City. Immediately afterwards, countless barrels stretched out, driven by the soul power in the sealed milk bottle, emitting a dangerous red light. Hundreds of muzzles were lifted up at the same time, pointing at Ditian far away.

"Soul Guidance Device?" Di Tian glanced at the fast-charged Soul Guidance Device disdainfully. He had fought against humans countless times, and he had already figured out the laws of the Soul Guidance Device. A Soul Guidance Device like this without the control of a Soul Master is absolutely impossible to have too much power.

Although thinking like this, when he came to a new place, out of cautious consideration, he released a shield made of the ultimate dark soul power.

As soon as his movements were completed, the Soul Guidance Cannon on the city wall had already been charged. I saw hundreds of red soul-guided rays across the sky in an instant, and before Di Tian could react, it blasted on the shield in front of it.

This layer was condensed from the extreme darkness, and the shield with the characteristics of soul-swallowing power did not hold up for even a second under the soul-guide ray.

Although the shield had bought a little time for Di Tian, ​​the speed of the Soul Guidance Ray was too fast. Even if Di Tian tore through the space and dodge, a ray pierced his arm.

"Soul Guidance Device? This is the Soul Guidance Device?!"

In the other direction, Di Tian, ​​who came out of the tearing space, looked at the **** hole in his arm, and was shocked in his heart. You know, even though it has changed into a human appearance, its physical defenses are still far beyond those so-called limit Douluo. But this defense was easily broken. Coupled with that incredible speed, such a soul guide could already threaten Super Douluo.

Is this the future that humans are talking about? Will the soul guides developed by humans in the future be so terrifying? !

As everyone knows, the eyes of the students sitting in front of the screen are almost staring. He couldn't help but yelled:

"Fuck! Fuck! I actually injured Ditian!"

Although the power of these Soul Guidance Devices is indeed terrifying, they can even be called Level Ten Soul Guidance Devices together. However, because the attack method is too single, and there is a certain amount of time to accumulate power, almost no strong will be hit, just a tool for delaying time.

He really didn't expect that such an attack could hurt Di Tian. He could blow this for a lifetime...if he could survive.

But... I feel that this beast **** is a bit naive, standing there and letting me fight?

When he was in a daze, all the remaining Soul Guidance Devices were also activated. But facing the defensive Emperor Tian, ​​all the attacks did not cause any harm. However, it took a lot of effort to avoid these soul guides that he had never seen before.

At this time, Di Tian had a vague intention to retreat in his heart. After all, it has never seen these soul guides, these powerful and difficult to dodge soul guide rays, if they are given to it when it is fighting against Shrek's powerhouses, it will definitely not be able to stand it.

Retreat first, understanding the situation does not necessarily have to be in Shrek City.

Just when it was about to leave, in the distance, a breath that made it hard to ignore began to approach extremely quickly.

"Di Tian! Why, are you not convinced? Do you want to fight me again?!"

The hearty laughter was like thunder, which shook the sky rumbling. Immediately afterwards, an incandescent meteor fell from the sky, and a man who looked very handsome, but with vicissitudes in his eyes, stepped on the void and looked at Ditian.

"Qingtian Douluo Yunming, please advise Senior Ditian again!"

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