Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 115 The lie from twenty years ago (two chapters in one)

Chapter 115 Lies from Twenty Years Ago (True·Two-in-One Chapter)

Three months later, the already clear situation on the border battlefield between the two countries suddenly became turbulent again.

In the early morning, the sky was cloudless and the breeze was gentle.

The Star Luo Empire's camp, which is nearly a hundred miles long, is like an ancient behemoth stalking the plains in front of the mountains. The sight is filled with a tense and murderous atmosphere.

But beneath the murderous appearance, there was exhaustion and anxiety that could not be concealed.

They are now at an absolute disadvantage.

The military strength of the Tiandou Empire was actually much weaker than that of the Star Luo Empire. Both the combat quality of the ordinary army and the average strength of the soul master legion were extremely average.

However, with the secret support of Wuhun Palace, the Star Luo Empire was suppressed and retreated steadily, and could only continue to shrink its defense line.

Now, the only thing they can do is to stick to the border and use natural barriers to delay time, but they have no way to organize a counterattack.

Even if it is inconvenient for the world-famous Titled Douluo elders in the Spirit Hall to take action, there are always some less famous people among them who can appear on the battlefield and bring huge pressure to the Xingluo army.

The combat power of any Titled Douluo will have a huge impact on the local battle situation, not to mention that there are far more than one Titled Douluo in Tiandou Fang at this time.

Coupled with the fact that a large number of soul masters reserved by the Wuhun Palace continued to enter the battlefield, the improvement in military strength reached an extremely exaggerated level.

In the past few months, the defense lines of the Star Luo Empire on the plains have been quickly defeated and dismantled.

However, the Tiandou Empire is advancing steadily and is simply unstoppable.

Fifty miles away from the Star Luo Empire war camp, after having breakfast early in the morning.

Then they heard the thundering sound of war drums in the distance, and everyone knew that this was the Tiandou Empire starting to send troops to invade again.

One phalanx after another appeared outside the camp, each huge phalanx was composed of ten thousand people.

With a series of general orders issued from the Central Army, hundreds of thousands of Tiandou Empire troops slowly moved forward. They were ten heavy cavalry regiments, and they were all the heavy cavalry brought by the Tiandou Empire this time.

The speed of their advance was not fast, but the overwhelming pressure made the earth tremble.

Following closely behind the ten heavily armored legions were twenty-two thousand soul masters assembled by the Tiandou Empire.

After that, ten more light cavalry regiments ran out from both wings, all composed of soul masters.

The plain battlefield is continuously cut and divided into countless small battlefields in order to maximize the role of the soul masters in each legion.

Under the joint action of tens of thousands of soul masters, soul skills with fire and ice attributes were quickly laid out on the battlefield.

With the use of various auxiliary soul skills on the heavy cavalry, the momentum of the entire military formation increased a lot.

The powerful pressure coming towards him made the commander-in-chief of the Star Luo Empire's military look even more ugly.

This kind of situation has been repeated countless times in the past three months.

In this case, the only thing they could do was to use the terrain advantage to cope with it.

Fortunately, the current Tiandou Army is not in a hurry and has no intention of competing with the Star Luo Empire for consumption. Instead, it slowly encroached, dividing the battlefield bit by bit while maintaining its own strength.

But everyone understands that this weak balance will not last long.

Zhu Zhuyun walked in the military camp worriedly.

Her soul power was exhausted at this time. As a strong person at the high-level Soul King level, she had a relatively high degree of freedom on the battlefield and could retreat to the military camp to rest at any time.

But he was alone and not with Davis.

On the one hand, as Davis, there are not many opportunities to go to the battlefield, and there are also many affairs in the imperial capital.

On the other hand, the two of them have not used martial soul fusion skills for a long time.

Ever since her conversation with Zhu Zhuqing many years ago, a considerable barrier had gradually developed between her and Davis.

Moreover, although the explosive power of martial soul fusion skills is strong, it consumes a lot of soul power. On the battlefield, it is far less useful than her fighting alone and using the characteristics of the Nether Civet to carry out assassinations and sneak attacks.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuyun's originally bright and charming eyes were full of confusion.

The current situation in the empire is deteriorating from bad to worse. Based on her knowledge, she can't think of any way to break the situation.

But at this critical moment, Zhu Zhuqing, who was the true core of the Zhu family faction, suddenly disappeared, which cast a layer of gloom over her heart.

When I asked my father before, the news I got was just to wait patiently.

But how can we feel at ease at this time?

Whether it is taking this opportunity to seize power in the imperial capital, or establishing meritorious deeds on the battlefield, even if it is to prevent the country from being liquidated by the Tiandou royal family after the country is destroyed, we cannot do nothing.

If the border cannot be defended, then the demise of the entire empire is really only a matter of time.

Not only Zhu Zhuqing, but also Su Cheng has been missing during this time.

After so many years, because of Zhu Zhuqing's relationship, she became familiar with Su Cheng and probably knew some details about that person.

Compared to his increasingly dazzling sister, although Su Cheng is not famous, his strength cannot be underestimated, and he is even better in cultivation.

The most important thing is that Su Cheng often has some unexpected and whimsical ideas, but he always hits the mark.

A few words of advice to her occasionally can help her gain many new insights.

She even had an inexplicable feeling that Su Cheng's understanding of the Nether Civet Spirit was better than that of the Zhu family.

She has always had an inexplicable intuition in her heart that as long as these two people can be present, even if they cannot reverse the situation, they can definitely play a key role.

What's more, the martial soul fusion skills performed by these two people are completely different from hers.

That weird Netherworld White Tiger, apart from being slightly inferior in soul power, was definitely not weaker than an ordinary titled Douluo in terms of strength.

Just as she was thinking wildly, she heard a sudden exclamation in her ears.

"……what is that?!"

"It's the Netherworld White Tiger!"

"It's the Netherworld White Tiger, a martial soul fusion technique unique to the royal family and the Zhu family!"


Zhu Zhuyun heard the noise and suddenly looked back.

I saw the phantom of a white tiger tens of meters in size passing through the air like a gust of wind.

But she was even more surprised at this moment, and even opened her red lips slightly unconsciously.

Zhu Zhuyun, who was very familiar with this martial soul fusion skill, could tell that it was not the martial soul fusion skill Netherworld White Tiger.

That is the true form of a person's martial spirit!

"How can it be……"

A huge white tiger flies through the sky.

The pair of transparent wings formed by the hurricane behind him whipped up gusts of wind, and in an instant they crossed hundreds of meters and penetrated into the center of the battlefield!

At this moment, there was a Titled Douluo-level expert from the Tiandou Empire camp, using all kinds of soul skills wantonly, constantly killing the Star Luo Empire's soul master army.

The next moment, the man suddenly felt a terrifying murderous intention coming from behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind surged past, and as soon as he turned around, a sharp claw struck.

The Netherworld White Tiger's eighth soul skill - Divine Wind Slash!

This soul skill comes from the mutated 100,000-year-old soul ring. It can integrate Zhu Zhuqing's entire body's strength into one claw, bringing her strength and speed to the limit. It is her strongest single-target attack skill today.

The titled Douluo, who had already consumed more than half of his soul power, was instantly enveloped by the aura of death, and quickly launched a defensive move.

Although he successfully used his soul skills to resist, it was still difficult to take advantage of him. Huge claw marks passed through his body, and his aura instantly faded and dissipated.

The huge white tiger struck with lightning speed without stopping.

He jumped directly over, rushed into another battlefield with a strong wind, and once again killed another titled Douluo who was showing off his power with one claw.

Then, the domineering Netherworld White Tiger began to run rampant on the battlefield.

The wind god's wings flew wildly, harvesting the high-level soul masters on the Tiandou side with their absolute strength and speed advantages.

By the time they reacted and sent several titled Douluo to join the battlefield to contain them, they had already suffered heavy losses.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing's soul power had bottomed out. Seeing that the opponent had new combat power, he did not continue to entangle him.

After using two group attack spirit skills, he quickly retreated into the Xingluo army formation.

Titled Douluo is not that easy to kill.

Don't look at the fact that she had quickly killed two powerful enemies with thunderous means before, but that was just because Zhu Zhuqing's speed was too fast, and Tiandou's side did not expect such a change at all.

The two titled Douluo had already consumed a lot of soul power in the previous battle, but Zhu Zhuqing used all his strength as soon as he came up, and used powerful soul skills in the true form of the martial soul to succeed.

It is almost impossible to replicate the results just now in the future.

But that's enough.

Suddenly, the morale of the Star Luo army was greatly boosted, and there were signs of gaining the upper hand.

However, the ordinary troops of the Tiandou Empire did not actually suffer many casualties.

Zhu Zhuqing had not focused on these mortals before.

Her soul power is limited, and she must exert maximum effect on her first appearance. There is little point in wasting too much soul power on these people.

The armies of the two countries exceed one million. With her little soul power, even if the opponent stands still and lets her kill them, she still won't be able to kill them all. Not to mention that the opponent does not have high-end combat power. If she delays for a long time, she will endanger herself. Put in danger.

Besides, she didn't even bother to do it.

The Nether White Tiger is indeed very murderous, but it is to enjoy the killing in battle, not to kill in vain.

Killing mortals would only weaken her will, which would be harmful rather than helpful.

Now that she is in her current state, what matters more when she wants to go further is perception, rather than simply accumulation of resources.

Unless it is a special resource that transcends the level of this world, such as the inheritance of divine status.

After this battle, not only the Tiandou Empire was shocked, but also the Star Luo Empire itself was completely shocked.

Zhu Zhuqing almost single-handedly reversed the current situation.

Nowadays, even though Zhu Zhuqing, who has the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit in her hand, has just entered the threshold of peak Douluo, even those ninety-sixth level peak Douluo may not be her opponent.

Even the Wuhun Palace, if it doesn't want to waste a lot of lives in a desperate fight when the sacrifices cannot be made, is temporarily helpless against her.

Not long after, the Tiandou Empire chose to withdraw its troops.

But it is conceivable that when the next battle occurs, some of the world-famous peak Douluo in the Spirit Hall will take action.

After Zhu Zhuqing returned to the military camp, he immediately released his martial spirit avatar and came to Zhu Zhuyun's side.

At this time, her face was so pale that it was almost transparent.

In such a short period of time, her soul power almost bottomed out.

The short-term explosive power of the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit is so strong that it is almost unreasonable, but the spirit power consumption speed is also ridiculously fast.

"Zhuqing, you are finally here."

The dark clouds covering Zhu Zhuyun's heart dissipated in an instant.

His eyes immediately became brighter.

But amid the joy, there was also a hint of hesitation.

Zuo Zi glanced around, smiled and teased: "Where's your little follower, why is it missing? I remember, aren't you two always inseparable?"

"..." Zhu Zhuqing paused slightly before saying softly: "Are you talking about Su Cheng? He can't come for the time being."

"That's right..." Zhu Zhuyun nodded thoughtfully, and then looked at Zhu Zhuqing, "But why have you become so strong now? And that was the Netherworld White Tiger just now, right? But your martial spirit ...?"

"Well, my martial soul has undergone some mutations, and my strength has been broken through because of this."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't explain much.

In fact, with her current strength, she no longer needs to explain anything to anyone.

But Zhu Zhuyun was different to her after all.

"Mutation?" Zhu Zhuyun's smile froze.

Then it quickly returned to its sweet and soft appearance.

"I really envy you, Zhuqing. It would be great if I could be like you." She sighed softly.

"With your current strength, you can finally completely control your own destiny. Dai Mubai and the like can easily make him go away. And you have a friend like Su Cheng who stands by your side wholeheartedly and is so strong. , he usually talks nicely, and it’s really comfortable to get along with him.”

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned when he heard this, turned to look at Zhu Zhuyun, and said in astonishment: "You think so?"


"...Su Cheng is my friend, and I feel comfortable getting along with him."

"Isn't that what you think?" The smile on Zhu Zhuyun's face was a little difficult to maintain, "Su Cheng is just a tool in your eyes?"

Her soft-lined cheeks were slightly stiff at this time, looking very unnatural.

"Zhuqing, maybe you have really changed. No, you changed more than ten years ago, but I just don't want to admit it." Zhu Zhuyun sighed.

"Actually, sometimes I feel really lucky. I am weak in ability and have little use value. This at least proves that your feelings for me are real."

Zhu Zhuqing stared at Zhu Zhuyun blankly, his already bloodless cheeks becoming paler.

She didn't expect that Su Cheng would be such a person in her sister's eyes.

Is it because I have been with him for too long and have become accustomed to those efforts as a matter of course?

On the contrary, in the eyes of outsiders, they can see it more clearly.

Or maybe it's because he never pretends in front of himself and often shows his ruthless and cynical side. Instead, he is always polite, gentle, and humble towards others.

Which one is the real him?

Maybe I thought wrongly.

The side he showed in front of him was disguise.

But why...

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly realized that she had been with Su Cheng for more than 20 years, but she didn't even understand what kind of person the other person was.

How have you spent these years?

He practiced hard day and night and fought for power and gain at all costs.

Maybe, as Zhu Zhuyun said, he only regarded him as a tool? Do you even use everyone around you as a tool?

No, that's not the case.

Whether it is Su Cheng or Zhu Zhuyun, they are extremely special existences to themselves.

Maybe I have indeed changed now.

Can be easily cruel to others.

But when she first learned that Su Cheng's bloodline could be taken away, she was obviously extremely resistant.

"You are wrong, sister." Zhu Zhuqing looked at Zhu Zhuyun and said word by word: "I have never regarded Su Cheng as a tool."

Now that the war between the two countries has eased slightly, Zhu Zhuqing did not stay at the border battlefield for long. He greeted the commander of the Central Army and returned to the Star Luo Imperial Capital with Zhu Zhuyun.

The commander of the army is naturally reluctant to give up.

Such a powerful combat force can reverse the situation to a certain extent as long as it is stationed at the border.

But no matter in terms of status or strength, they are obviously not qualified to change Zhu Zhuqing's decision.

The two of them could only be allowed to leave.

After returning to the Duke's Palace, Zhu Zhuqing did not go to meet Zhu Hongtao. Instead, he casually communicated with Zhu Zhuyun in the courtyard about the current situation in the empire and the next plan.

As for Zhu Hongtao, Zhu Zhuqing actually doesn't want to see him now.

Although logically speaking, she should have gone there as soon as possible.

After all, her current strength is largely due to her father's guidance over the years.

But after getting along with her for these years, she is no longer the little girl she was back then.

How could there be no doubts in my heart about all these unreasonable things?

It's just that everything the other party has been doing is really helping her.

It can even be said that the person who should be most grateful to Zhu Zhuqing for being able to reach this point is Zhu Hongtao.

No matter it was teaching her how to behave in the first place.

Or the techniques and potions that follow.

The last step to capture her bloodline almost brought her to the top of the world step by step.

But it was precisely because of the bloodline seizure that the emotions in her heart became more complicated.

Although she knew that Zhu Hongtao could not be blamed at all, the choice was in her own hands.

But that’s the way the human heart is.

No matter how objective you are, it is always difficult to ignore those special reasons after regret.

Under extreme emotions, it is very normal to be angry with others.

It is precisely because Zhu Zhuqing can clearly realize this that she does not want to pass at this time to prevent herself from being unable to control her emotions.

Zhu Zhuqing had some doubts about this father, but more than anything, he was undoubtedly grateful.

After all, in the normal perception of this world, there is no such heaven-defying skill as being able to perfectly disguise one's appearance, figure, and even martial spirit aura into another person.

A hundred thousand year old soul bone technique might be enough to do it.

But if there was such a thing, Zhu Hongtao wouldn't have been unable to break through to the realm of Titled Douluo for many years.

In fact, Zhu Zhuqing has always speculated that there may be other forces behind Zhu Hongtao.

But what is the truth hidden in it? Now is not the time to explore it.

After all, the empire is currently facing internal and external troubles, and the future fate of the Zhu family is equally confusing. It is pointless to worry about irrelevant things.

Not long after, the two of them walked outside Zhu Zhuqing's room without knowing it.

"Come in and sit for a while?" Zhu Zhuqing said casually.

"Okay." Zhu Zhuyun smiled slightly, "It seems that I haven't been to your room since you were six years old."

Speaking of this, she felt a little emotional.

Zhu Zhuqing's room had not changed much from when Su Cheng came, it was as clean and neat as before.

Although she now holds great power, she is not a person who is greedy for pleasure, and she has never thought of changing her residence.

The two walked from the front hall to the main hall. Zhu Zhuqing walked to the table and poured two cups of tea.

Zhu Zhuyun took advantage of this gap to look around.

With a glance from the corner of his eye, he saw the layout of Zhu Zhuqing's bedroom.

He couldn't help but said in surprise: "Hey, you also have this doll?"

"What?" Zhu Zhuqing was stunned when he heard this and walked closer.

"That's the one." Zhu Zhuyun pointed at the doll bear placed on the table, "It was a doll given by my father when I was a child. I had not yet awakened my martial spirit. Alas, that seemed to be the last time he met me alone. Ha, Royal Bloodline..."

After she sighed, a smile appeared on her face again, "But fortunately, Zhuqing, you can change everything soon."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't listen to what she said next. He walked to the room and took out the bear doll.

"You just said... that was the last time father saw you alone?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Zhu Zhuyun felt something was wrong with her expression and asked cautiously.

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, but did not explain anything.

The two didn't stay in the room for long.

After drinking two cups of tea, Zhu Zhuyun was ready to get up and leave.

Mainly because she felt that her little sister's mood seemed a little wrong at the moment, which made her feel inexplicably depressed.

Zhu Zhuqing did not say anything to persuade him to stay.

At this time, she was only calm on the surface, but in fact, her heart was already turbulent, and countless memories were rolling around.

After sending Zhu Zhuyun out of the room, Zhu Zhuqing silently stared at the doll in his hand for a moment.

Then gently shake it out.


Zhu Zhuyun, who had just walked not far away, heard the noise and turned around in surprise.

The old stuffed bear exploded in mid-air and turned into countless powders that scattered in the wind.

Still owe 5 chapters.

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