Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 147 Why are you still biting? (2-in-1)

what to do?

Su Cheng also felt secretly troubled at this moment.

Nowadays, Zhu Zhuqing is very opinionated and has a stubborn personality. If he doesn't handle it well, it will easily leave a knot between the two of them.

If I want to make a joke and fool him, I'm afraid it will be too much.

It's usually fine, but if you joke playfully at this moment, it might just add fuel to the fire.

Then tell her the plan directly?

The mysterious inheritance of the divine throne in the Spirit Hall, the ownership of Xiao Wu’s 100,000-year-old soul ring, and so on.


He couldn't fully understand Zhu Zhuqing's current thoughts, but he was certain that if she told the truth, she would never remain indifferent, and would most likely choose to do something silently on her own.

This is not Su Cheng's problem alone.

It was related to Qian Renxue, and he had no right to exchange this information for Zhu Zhuqing's trust.

Moreover, Zhu Zhuqing was not strong enough and there was no one to look after him, so it was too dangerous to get involved.

As for joining Wuhun Palace, even if she wanted to, Su Cheng would not let her do it, and it would not do her any good.

Netherworld White Tiger's growth path determines that after her martial soul is completed, she is not suitable to join any force at all.

Su Cheng's eyes flickered, and his heart was a little uncertain.

The incident happened so suddenly that he never expected that Zhu Zhuqing's invitation to meet him was about Qian Renxue, and his reaction was so intense.

Not to mention that Qian Renxue is not yet in power, Wuhun Palace should not be too talkative to promote her existence.

Even if Zhu Zhuqing knew it, there was no reason to think too much about it.

He does not understand the nature of the simulated world, and does not know whether it is a real parallel world that can interact with the real world, or a virtual game.

But Zhu Zhuqing in that world had known him for decades, and whether it was true or false, he couldn't just sit back and watch the other person take risks.

That's why I mentioned Qian Renxue's situation at the last moment, but I didn't want the other party to remember such details clearly.


Seeing Su Cheng's silence, the anger, questioning, and ridicule on Zhu Zhuqing's face gradually subsided, and finally turned into calm.

His eyes gradually dimmed, and the fingers that gripped his collar slowly loosened.

"I'm tired." Zhu Zhuqing said softly.

"I don't want to be used by you anymore, or cooperate with you in those pretending games. I will do what I promised you, and I will help Xiao Wu enter the finals."

She dropped her hands and took a step back.

"Then I will withdraw from the academy with Dai Mubai, and I will not participate in the finals again."

After saying that, he took a deep look at Su Cheng and prepared to turn around and leave.

Su Cheng was startled when he heard this.

This seems to be the best direction of development.

Xiao Wu and Tang San go to the Wuhun Palace to participate in the competition, and then they can join forces with Xiaoxue to plan a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Zhu Zhuqing can also take the opportunity to escape and wait for his martial soul to be promoted to the Netherworld White Tiger in the future.

Then the two parted ways.

Just like he once said, let the other party have nothing to worry about.


"What does Zhuqing mean to me?"

Seeing the other party's actions and words, Su Cheng felt his heart sink.


He doesn't need to use those close to him as tools.

He has many ways to take advantage of the situation and follow the trend.


If so, then you really should let it go now.

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and there is no need to be too demanding of each other.


Zhu Zhuqing's slightly fragile shoulders were held down by a strong palm.

She looked up and glared.


Before he finished speaking, his eyes were shrouded in shadow.

The red lips were also blocked, and the subsequent words were forced to be swallowed back and turned into a soft moan.

Under the moonlight, two figures overlapped.

Zhu Zhuqing's originally slightly cold face froze instantly.

Soon, her eyes became empty and blank, and they seemed to be filled with mist.

After a moment, Zhu Zhuqing's absent-minded eyes suddenly trembled slightly and regained focus.

His brows were furrowed and his brows were raised high——


Su Cheng let go of the other party, raised his hand to cover his mouth and raised his head.

The mouth was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"Are you a dog?"

Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face turned red as she stared at him, her high chest rising and falling violently, drawing a moving trajectory.

Then he raised his right hand and wiped his lips vigorously.

"What are you doing!"


"You stick your tongue out! Isn't that disgusting!"



Su Cheng was not given a chance to continue speaking.

After Zhu Zhuqing scolded him for a few words, he immediately turned around and fled, quickly leaving the forest.

However, compared with when he came, his movements seemed a bit awkward, as if he was running for his life.

There was no more talk about not going to the finals or going our separate ways.


"Really obscene."

A soft voice with inexplicable emotions suddenly sounded beside him, making Su Cheng feel a little embarrassed.

"You do not understand."

"You are really confident. You are relying on this little girl to have a good impression of you, so you use this method to force her to stay. What about the honest words you said about me before?"

Listening to A Yin's faint words, Su Cheng couldn't help but be speechless.

Indeed, he himself was too greedy to let go.

He said something nice, saying that he hoped she would pursue freedom, but in the end, he still provoked the other party like this.

The qualifiers for the Tiandou Division continue as usual.

After the battle with Tianshui Academy, Su Cheng encountered no other surprises in the next few appearances.

The strength of the Elephant Armor Academy was pretty good, but their martial arts and soul skills were unremarkable. The entire team consisted of heavy tanks, so he quickly ended the battle.

After winning, Su Cheng also recruited Hu Yanli, who had a soul bone, just like before.

Unlike the entanglement between Feng Xiaotian and Shui Binger, Hu Yanli showed a strong intention on the spot.

This matter has actually been discussed internally before.

At this time, most people didn't know that the Elephant Armor Sect behind the Elephant Armor Academy had already secretly surrendered to the Wuhun Palace.

The qualifiers have progressed to this day, and the places are actually relatively certain.

Tiandou Royal Academy, Divine Wind Academy, and Thunder Academy are basically guaranteed to have a place in the finals.

With Zhu Zhuqing here at Shrek Academy, there is a great chance of advancement.

Among the remaining colleges, Tianshui College and Blazing Fire College are not weak. It is extremely difficult for Elephant Armor College to win and rank in the top five in the standings.

What they want mainly is to have a main roster spot.

This would give him a chance to perform in the finals, and at least let the Pope and the elders see the potential of the Diamond Mammoth Spirit in the hands of the younger generation.

As for the Thunder Academy team behind them, Su Cheng's recruitment was predictably rejected by the other team.

Although their captain Yu Tianxin spoke very politely, his attitude was extremely firm.

Su Cheng didn't care either.

With the strength of this team, there is a great chance of advancing to the finals.

What's more, there is the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect behind the opponent.

With the way this family behaves, it is indeed unlikely that students from its affiliated colleges would be allowed to form teams with others and serve as accessories.

One month passed quickly, and all the qualifiers in Tiandou City were over.

According to the procedure, an awards ceremony will be held soon to issue qualification certificates to the top five teams in the qualifiers.

The process of the ceremony was not complicated. Under the announcement of the host, the captains and vice-captains of the top five teams walked onto the podium together.

Among them, Tiandou Royal Academy ranked first, Divine Wind Academy ranked second, Thunder Academy ranked third, Shrek Academy ranked fourth, and Tianshui Academy ranked fifth.

Su Cheng and Ning Rongrong are the representatives of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Not far away were Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San, representing the Shrek Academy team.

During this process, Tang San, who was the deputy captain of the Shrek team, looked at him from time to time, which seemed to imply provocation.

Tang San's current cultivation level has reached the promotion threshold of level 40.

While waiting for the promotion competition, he will devote all his efforts to attaching soul rings to the Clear Sky Hammer.

He also believes that he will be able to shine in the next stage of the competition.

As the captain, Zhu Zhuqing, on the other hand, always turned a blind eye to Su Cheng on the other side when he took the stage, as if this person did not even exist in his eyes.

But when Su Cheng looked at her, a faint blush seemed to flash on her cheeks.

As the representatives of several teams stood on the rostrum, the host said: "Now, His Majesty, the Master of the Qibao Glazed Sect Ning and Bishop Salas Platinum will personally issue the qualification certificates and bonuses to the five teams that entered the promotion competition. .”

Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi both looked at Su Cheng and Ning Rongrong with satisfaction.

Especially Emperor Xueye, the blazing light in his eyes was almost undisguised.

On the other side, Salas, the representative of Wuhun Palace, had his eyebrows lowered, as if he was indifferent to all the scenes.

But from an angle where no one was paying attention, he was looking at Su Cheng not far ahead with his peripheral vision from time to time.

The promotion qualification certificate is actually a letter, which is more like a formality. After all, everyone knows which college has obtained the promotion qualification.

The top five academies will receive the same prize, which is 10,000 gold soul coins issued by the Tiandou Empire. In the finals, the top three prizes will be provided by Wuhun Palace.

The award ceremony ended quickly. Su Cheng and Ning Rongrong walked out of the Tiandou Spirit Arena together. Others in the academy were waiting for them outside.

"Emperor Xue Ye is really generous. He directly granted the title of viscount to ten people. If he wins the championship, he can be promoted to another level. It is still the kind that directly gives the fief. Was the empire like this before?"

Su Cheng looked at the certificate in his hand and asked casually.

Regarding the rewards of the competition, he really hadn't paid much attention before.

Anyway, this competition is not for these rewards.

"No." Ning Rongrong shook his head, "Let alone viscount, we have never had a baron. Even the titles given to soul masters are just noble titles without fiefdoms."

After saying that, she turned around and looked around. After finding no one around, she continued in a low voice: "I heard from dad that the conflict between Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace has become more and more intense, almost to the point of being irreconcilable. .”

Su Cheng frowned when he heard this.

It's not that he has any doubts about the relationship between Wuhun Palace and the Empire.

But it was a bit strange why Ning Fengzhi told Ning Rongrong these things.

Are you talking to yourself?

"Su Cheng!"

Just as he was thinking in his mind, a sudden voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

Su Cheng looked back and saw that the person who stopped him was a very beautiful girl, tall and well-proportioned, with long red hair like a burning fire.

It was Huo Wu, the control soul master of the Blazing Academy team who had fought against him before.

The opponent's martial spirit is the same as Feng Qingyu's. It is a shadow of herself, but its attributes are different and its talent is also much different.

"What's wrong?"

Huo Wu stared at Su Cheng and said in a deep voice: "If we join the Tiandou Royal Team, can we play as the main force?"

Now the trip to Blazing Fire Academy's Soul Master Competition has ended in advance.

Although they defeated the Elephant Academy, they failed to win against several other elemental academies. In addition, they lost to the Shrek Academy team and the Tiandou Royal Academy team, so they naturally missed the finals.

This was a big blow to the arrogant Huo Wu.

Su Cheng had done routine recruitment after the battle before.

But the problem is that he only offered two substitute places at that time. In Huo Wu's view, there was no sincerity at all. How could he be willing to accept it.

For this reason, she was depressed for a long time.

Su Cheng glanced at her, then at Huo Wushuang, who was smiling helplessly beside her, and shook his head gently.

He said calmly: "I can't guarantee it. If Shui Bing'er from Tianshui College joins, you will only be able to play as a substitute."

One person, Feng Qingyu, is enough to study the shadow martial spirit.

If you consider team combat, you don't need too many control-type soul masters in the team.

If Shui Bing'er could join the team, Fire Wu would no longer be needed, and it would be difficult for Ice and Fire to cooperate.

Compared to the surprises brought by Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu's martial soul fusion skills, Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu were clearly far behind, and it was obvious what choice they should make.

What's more, Shui Bing'er can also help him practice.

But Shui Bing'er still hasn't got a definite answer until now.

Su Cheng is not in a hurry about this. It is too late to wait until the promotion competition is over.

When Huo Wu heard this, his anger surged.

The other party's remarks at this time obviously felt that her strength was much inferior, but there was no good way to do this.

Su Cheng didn't pay attention, but nodded towards Huo Wushuang beside her.

"Captain Fire, my previous promise is still valid. If you are interested in participating in the finals, you can consider coming to me."

"Okay, come on, come on." Huo Wushuang said with a smile.

He didn't feel disgusted by Su Cheng's remarks.

The Soul Master Competition is all about strength, from team selection to step-by-step promotion.

Since Blazing Academy has been eliminated, it proves that their skills are inferior to others, and there is nothing to say.

They are even willing to give them a substitute spot, which is already very good.

He didn't think that with Su Cheng's terrifying strength, he really needed any help from his teammates in the subsequent battles.

"Who does he think he is!" Huo Wu said angrily after Su Cheng left.

"The same goes for us when we go to Shenfeng Academy. Moreover, we can also play as the main force and cooperate with their soul skills. Feng Xiaotian will definitely agree."

Hearing this, Huo Wushuang was stunned.

He glanced sideways at the sister beside him, his eyes thoughtful.

That's an idea.

The next stage of the promotion competition will be held in one month. This period of time can give the team members of each academy to fully adjust their status.

One month later, the promotion competition will still be held in the Tiandou Empire, but the venue will be changed from the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena to the Royal Paddock. At that time, the ten teams from the Five Principalities and Kingdoms that have passed the preliminary round will also participate.

But this is probably the least important part of the entire format.

The places for the finals have been determined, and the rankings in the promotion round can only help the team gain a slight advantage in the finals.

Different from the qualifying round, the promotion round is an individual arena battle, and the battle is based on the list submitted for each game.

Su Cheng had already made up his mind to look at the situation and focus on fishing. As for the final ranking of the team, it didn't matter at all.

Unlike him, this is a good opportunity for other team members.

In addition to gaining experience by competing against the best among your peers, there are also additional rewards.

The Tiandou Empire has promised that the top three students with the most wins in the promotion competition will have the soul beasts they need for their next promotion to be provided by the empire, and any soul beast with a cultivation level of less than 30,000 years can be chosen at will.

Night, Shrek Academy.

When no one noticed, a tall figure quietly appeared in Yu Xiaogang's room.

The man was wearing a simple gray robe, with messy black hair hanging on his shoulders, and his old face was full of vicissitudes of life.


The person's voice was low and hoarse.

But as soon as Yu Xiaogang heard the voice, he immediately recognized the other party's true identity.

They had met more than once before.

"Your Majesty Haotian Crown."

Yu Xiaogang quickly stood up and greeted him.

Tang Hao waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to be polite.

Then he whispered: "Are you ready to let Xiaosan start practicing the Clear Sky Hammer now?"

Although he didn't always stay by Tang San's side, he often paid attention to Tang San's cultivation progress.

Naturally, he would not be unaware of the changes in his son's mentality in recent days.

After all, with Yu Xiaogang returning from Wuhun Palace, it was no longer a secret in the academy that Tang San was preparing to transfer to the Clear Sky Hammer.

"indeed so."

Upon hearing the other party's question, Yu Xiaogang's expression became serious.

He recounted the previous conversation between him and Tang San, as well as his decision regarding the soul master's golden training period.

At the end, he added: "I made a special trip to meet a person for this purpose and learned more about the key to training twin martial souls. There is no problem in letting Xiao San start using the Clear Sky Hammer now."

After Tang Hao was silent for a moment, he said in a hoarse voice: "But I'm afraid you don't know that Xiaosan's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is not that simple. It is not an ordinary Blue Silver Grass, but a Blue Silver Emperor, which can compete with Hao A top-notch martial spirit comparable to the Sky Hammer."

"Blue Silver Emperor? What kind of martial spirit is that?"

Yu Xiaogang believed that he had a deep knowledge of martial arts and had read a lot of relevant information. He was familiar with all martial spirits, but he had never heard of a martial spirit called Blue Silver Emperor, which was transformed from Blue Silver Grass. Come, it can be compared with the top martial spirit Haotian Hammer.

"The emperor of the Blue Silver Grass clan, the only one among the countless Blue Silver Grasses." Tang Hao said slowly, with a complex tone that seemed to contain deep pain, "The Blue Silver Emperor will always be of the same blood in this world. Everyone is the same. Only one Blue Silver Emperor exists in a generation."

Looking at his expression, Yu Xiaogang felt something vaguely and suddenly said: "That's Xiaosan's -"

"Those have nothing to do with this matter." Tang Hao waved his hand and interrupted the other party's words rudely. His emotions seemed to be out of control for a moment.

Then he quickly calmed down and whispered: "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I understand." Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed with pain when he saw this, feeling that their experiences might be somewhat similar.

Then he pondered and said: "Blue Silver Emperor... But according to my observation, there is nothing special about Xiao San's martial spirit."

"This is normal, because his martial spirit is not yet the true Blue Silver Emperor, or it is still far from it." Tang Hao said lightly, "His martial spirit needs to be awakened again before he can become a true blue silver emperor." Blue Silver Emperor, that is the real top martial spirit."

"That's it." Yu Xiaogang suddenly realized, feeling very mysterious.

He quickly asked: "When can I wake up?"

Since Tang Hao said this, the awakening of the Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit must require some prerequisites, otherwise there is no need to wait until now to let Tang San use the Blue Silver Emperor to practice and fight.

Sure enough, Tang Hao immediately replied: "Judging from the growth rate of Xiao San's mental power, it will take at least level 60 to have a chance of awakening, and it's not very sure yet. Maybe it needs a head soul bone."

He knew everything about Yu Xiaogang's problems.

Tang Hao knew very well that although he was extremely talented in cultivation, his knowledge of martial arts was extremely shallow. At least he thought he was far behind Yu Xiaogang.

So what we can do now is to tell Yu Xiaogang all this information, and then let the other party design Tang San's future development route.

"Level sixty..."

After hearing this threshold, Yu Xiaogang's already stiff cheeks became more serious.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at Tang Hao solemnly.

"Your Majesty Haotian, you may not know that my initial expectation for Xiao San was to wait until he reaches level 60 to start practicing the Haotian Hammer."


Tang Hao was a little surprised when he heard this.

He himself hadn't thought about this in detail.

His idea was simple, since Tang San had the talent of twin martial spirits. Then practice the Blue Silver Grass first, and then practice the Clear Sky Hammer as your level increases. You can add high-end soul rings to your heart's content, and your combat power will definitely far exceed that of the same level.

When the time comes to face the Wuhun Palace, he will be able to fight and complete his revenge.

As for how he should practice during this period, what risks were involved, and whether this decision should be taken for granted, he had not considered it carefully at all.

After thinking about it, Tang Hao asked doubtfully: "Why don't you wait until he becomes a Titled Douluo before you can practice the Clear Sky Hammer?"

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this.

“It’s not as simple as imagined.

“The first is the issue of physical endurance.

"Everyone knows that soul masters attach soul rings to enhance various attributes of the body. However, the increase of various attributes is a good thing for ordinary soul masters, but when the attributes are enhanced to a certain level, the body cannot When tolerated, benefits turn into disasters.

"When a soul master reaches level 60, even if the first soul has the best configuration of soul rings, it is not enough to allow the soul master's physical endurance to reach the upper limit. At this time, when cultivating the second soul, a large number of ten-thousand-year soul rings are added. Chance to succeed.

"But if you wait until level 90, the difficulty will suddenly increase, and your life may be in danger."

"It's so..." Tang Hao's eyes widened slightly when he heard this, and he couldn't help but feel scared.

"But this is not the most critical issue." Yu Xiaogang shook his head, "After I learned about the cultivation method of twin martial arts some time ago, this matter is not completely unsolvable."

He stared at Tang Hao.

"The most important thing is that Blue Silver Grass itself is recognized as a useless martial spirit. It has insufficient cultivation potential. It will take too long to reach level 60. At that time, it will be really difficult to practice the Clear Sky Hammer. Is it too late?

"You know, the difficulty of leveling up after level 60 is many times higher than before. Even if you switch to the Clear Sky Hammer to practice, or the awakened Blue Silver Emperor to practice, it will probably be too late.

"The best age for soul masters to practice has been completely missed."

After hearing this, Tang Hao couldn't help but fell silent, his expression serious.

"Of course, now that we know that Xiao San's number one martial spirit is actually the Blue Silver Emperor, which is not weaker than the Clear Sky Hammer, it will be easier."

At this time, Yu Xiaogang's expression became much calmer.

"We can definitely let Xiaosan practice with the Clear Sky Hammer first.

"After he was promoted to the Soul Sect normally, he actually had the opportunity to start trying to directly add a ten-thousand-year soul ring to the Clear Sky Hammer.

"There is a student in our college team whose fourth soul ring is the ten thousand year level. Xiao San is actually starting from the thousand year fourth soul ring and adding a ten thousand year soul ring, which is more feasible.

"Then, after he reaches level 60 with the help of the Clear Sky Hammer, wouldn't it be an excellent way to help him awaken the Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit?

"You can even directly use the Clear Sky Hammer to cultivate to a titled Douluo, and then add a high-life soul ring to the Blue Silver Emperor."

"That's right!" Tang Hao's eyes lit up when he heard this, "You are indeed worthy of the name of master. He is really wise."

His face, which had been extremely cold since he entered the room, finally showed some joy.

Although it was an extremely subtle change, it finally diluted a lot of the gloom.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang's expression suddenly changed.

"Your Majesty Haotian, can you try the awakening of the martial spirit you just mentioned with your mistress first?"

"Huh?" Tang Hao was stunned, "Is this still necessary?"

"Although cultivating the Clear Sky Hammer first is one way, it is definitely a better choice if you can continue to cultivate the first martial soul first. In this way, the advantages of Xiaosan's twin martial souls can be maximized. .”

I have a social event today, so I can't make the extra money. I'm really sorry.

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