Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 320 The Art of Pulling, the Silver Dragon King Breaking the Defense

Hearing Su Cheng's overture, the Silver Dragon King's eyes only fluctuated slightly, but he didn't react much.

The aura on the other person's body also made her feel a little inexplicably friendly, but that was all.

As the leader of the Dragon Clan, she couldn't let this kind of thing affect her decision-making.

"It's normal that you don't believe me. After all, I'm just an outsider and a human being. It's hard to believe what I say without any proof." Su Cheng said solemnly.

"However, what if I say that I can help you become stronger? Your true strength should be much more than this, right? I have long seen that you are injured now, and you have gone deep into the source, and your strength is even at its peak. Less than Chengdu.”

"Haha." The Silver Dragon King finally spoke.

There was just a strong sarcasm in his voice.

"Help me become stronger? Where do you get the confidence?"

In fact, her strength is less than 10% of the peak?

It is no exaggeration to say that there is nothing left.

But she was too lazy to explain this kind of thing to Su Cheng.

This meaningless dialogue bored her.

Su Cheng smiled and did not answer the question directly. Instead, he asked: "Do you know the essential difference between humans and dragons?"

The Silver Dragon King said nothing and stared at him coldly.

"Human beings are not born strong. They are born weak. Natural disasters, wild beasts, hunger, disease... these small disasters that may seem ordinary to you may determine the life or death of many people.

“They don’t have sharp claws and fangs, and they don’t have strong limbs and bodies. They are just acquired creatures that can be seen everywhere.

"Human beings have been able to get to where they are today because of their brains. Generation after generation, people have worked hard, constantly summing up past experiences, correcting past mistakes, adapting to and changing the laws of nature, and then studying and practicing, optimizing the practice methods, and climbing up step by step, until Stand at the top of all races.”

With that said, Su Cheng asked in an extremely positive tone: "I guess, in the God Realm you mentioned, there should be many strong men who were cultivated by ordinary humans, right? Even the vast majority of them All of them!”


The Silver Dragon King was silent.

This is true.

That once fragile and insignificant race has now become a mainstream member of the new generation in the God Realm, and holds an important position.

Not counting the five God Kings, human power has an overwhelming advantage in the God Realm.

"Do you know when I entered this valley?"

Su Cheng stretched out his right palm and opened it, "Five years. It only took me five years to develop the technique I just showed you. Before that, not to mention that you dragons have never studied it for millions of years. There have been methods to amplify the influence of bloodline itself. I’m afraid even similar ideas have never appeared, right?”

Then, he gathered the remaining four fingers and raised his arm to point deep into the valley.

"Do you want to go there, find the will energy body that you call the 'Dragon God' left behind, and then try to absorb it?

"Foolish approach!

"As you are now, you cannot make deep use of that kind of thing, because you are not the Dragon God at all, you are just an incomplete and incomplete clone of the Dragon God.

“And that thing, once you take it away, this small world will become unstable because it has lost its core.

"Not to mention whether the 'God Realm' you call will be aware of the changes here, even if the outside world is safe and sound, this treasure land has been completely wasted."

When the Silver Dragon King heard this, he still looked at him silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Su Cheng continued:

“Do you want to regain the power of the Dragon God to reverse the situation?

"This is wishful thinking! As a split body, no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to return to the top by yourself. If you could do it, you wouldn't be able to spend such a long time, but even the old injuries would be difficult to recover. get well.

"By the way, you just said that after the defeat of Dragon God, the other half of the split body was sealed by the God Realm, right? Are you afraid that you are still thinking about the other half?"

"..." The Silver Dragon King's eyes narrowed.

This guy……

He guessed all his thoughts correctly.

“I advise you to give up.

"Since you have now become the 'Silver Dragon King', the other part that remains after the Dragon God split, no matter what the situation is now, must also have a will of its own.

"You are no longer the Dragon God, but two different individuals! Forced fusion is definitely harmful and useless!

"Taking a step back, even if it succeeds and returns to the level of the Dragon God, so what?

"Even the Dragon God at his peak failed. What's the point of trying it again?! Are the corpses all over the place just for display?!"

"That's enough!" The Silver Dragon King leaned forward slightly and let out a low roar.

Her voice was unusually deep, and sharp fangs were exposed in her mouth.

The cold breath was like a gust of cold wind blowing across Su Cheng's cheek.

The breath does not have the fishy stench of ordinary beasts, but has a slight fragrance.

This female dragon is probably a vegetarian.

Su Cheng thought to himself.

"Human, my patience has its limits. You don't need to comment on things that have nothing to do with you!"

This time, the Silver Dragon King called him "human" again, apparently unable to suppress his anger.

But she couldn't blame her. What Su Cheng said just now was really too much. It not only exposed her thoughts and expectations, but also ruthlessly denied them.

Words were like knives, and every word was pouring salt on her wounds.

"I said, I can help you. Give me time and use my way." Su Cheng just said this in the face of the Silver Dragon King's anger.


The Silver Dragon King paused slightly.

Immediately, he bared his teeth and raised his head again, no longer looking at him.

"Why not consider changing your thinking? Instead of absorbing that energy body, you can further delve into the power of the Dragon Clan and touch the power of the Dragon God step by step."

Su Cheng didn't pay attention to the disdain in the other person's expression and kept talking to himself.

"With my ability, since I can develop the previous skills in five years. If I have more patience, I can definitely discover the mystery of your dragon bloodline in a deeper level.

"Although I am not a member of your dragon clan, it is no exaggeration to say that my understanding of that power now is far deeper than yours.

"There is already a problem with the power of the Dragon God. At least I don't think that a normal living body would have that kind of split.

"Although that split caused you to lose most of your power, it may not be a good thing, and it may not be an opportunity to go further. An opportunity to surpass the Dragon God!

"Silver Dragon King, are you willing to give up your former status? Do you want the Dragon Clan to succumb to the God Realm forever?

"It would be great if the situation can be changed, but is it possible? To the God Realm, you are the most precious treasure, the cultivation material to break through bottlenecks.

"Your thoughts are just wishful thinking that deceives yourself and others!"

Finally, he looked at the stunned Silver Dragon King and said, "So, do you want to consider my suggestion?"

"……Not consider."

"Are you really not moved at all?"


The Silver Dragon King closed his eyes and remained silent for a moment, then slowly turned around and headed towards the depths of the valley.

"Not moved."

How could I not be moved...

The skills Su Cheng taught her before had proved that the other party did have unique research on the dragon bloodline and was not just bragging.

As the king of the dragon clan, how could she be willing to live like this on a small human planet?

Even the former spiritual consciousness has now degenerated into ordinary spiritual consciousness. After hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, it has barely recovered.

The Dragon Clan was so powerful at that time.

The planet they were on once stood at the apex of the universe.

If you haven’t experienced it, that’s it.

The feeling of falling from the sky into dust is difficult for anyone to accept.

However, expectations, longings, responsibilities, missions...

What she shoulders is definitely not her own future.

Compared with herself, the pressure of her race is the burden on her heart.

Both desire success and fear of failure.

Compared to "recreating the grand occasion of the Dragon Clan", even letting the Dragon Clan and Soul Beasts stand under the same starry sky as humans would be enough.

Instead of hiding in dark corners like now, guarding against the prying eyes of the divine world, and willing to serve as materials for human advancement.

However, many things are not something you can just do if you want to.

All kinds of shackles and omnipresent malice were always holding her back.

Trapped in shackles, I dare not take risks, for fear that if I take a step forward, I will not step onto a broad road, but into a bottomless abyss!

So, what if Su Cheng realizes a little bit of the magical power of the Dragon God?

After all, that's just a special case.

How could she believe the exaggerated rhetoric that followed, and how could she dare to bet?

No matter how reasonable the other party's words were and no matter how exciting the prospect he described, she would not be shaken.

She has to think about the future of her race and the consequences of failure.

Nowadays, neither the dragon clan nor the soul beasts have been forced to a dead end.

Her own injuries would be healed in tens of thousands of years, so how could she risk it so easily at this juncture?

Compared with the big cakes like "surpassing the Dragon God" that Su Cheng said, the core of the Dragon God is the visible benefit.

For this trip, he, Di Tian and others took huge risks, endured unhealed injuries, and tore apart space cracks to achieve it.

Maybe it has attracted the attention of the God Realm now.

If you miss this time, you may never have such a good opportunity again in the future.

The space cracks opened previously have had a certain impact on the small world of Dragon Valley.

Even if the God Realm is not aware of the situation here, it will not take too long, ranging from a few years to more than ten years, before this place will be exposed sooner or later.

By then, it's hard to say whether the core of Dragon God can be saved.

"We don't need to wait for many more years, we can't take risks at this time..."

The Silver Dragon King reopened his eyes and said silently in his heart.

Looking at her retreating back, Su Cheng shouted loudly: "Do you know how many years it has taken me to practice in many worlds?"

"..." The Silver Dragon King paused and said nothing.

"More than a hundred years! Only a little over a hundred years, which is less than a fraction of your lifespan! Not only that, in these more than a hundred years, I have transcended the shackles of my predecessors and blazed my own path!

"Even now, it's still not my limit. Just give me five more years and my strength will be much stronger than yours!

"Give me ten more years and I can go one step further and crush you easily!

"Do you believe that one day, even if you reach the level of 'Dragon God' in your mouth, it may not be impossible!"


After remaining silent for a long time, the Silver Dragon King took steps again.

She didn't look back, but said coldly: "I don't believe it!"


Su Cheng just watched her back getting smaller and smaller.

Until the silver dragon got farther and farther away from him...

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Su Cheng suddenly laughed loudly.

"Yes, you are right not to believe it. If you did, I would laugh at your stupidity! Because what I just said was all made up to deceive you!

"What kind of existence is the Dragon God? The powerful energy body in front of you alone is a level of life that I can't even touch!

"I don't know how I, a little human being, can possibly understand that thing after more than a hundred years of practice!"


The unbridled ridicule continued to echo in the ears of the Silver Dragon King.

She suddenly turned her head and stared at Su Cheng.

A pair of purple dragon eyes flashed with bright silver light, like a burning silver flame.

In the depths of his eyes, there was intense anger and murderous intent.

At this moment, she finally got really angry!

Even though Su Cheng had threatened her with words, forced her with tactics, and even ridiculed her with cold words, she had never been so angry.

That means her skills are inferior to others and she has nothing to say.

But at this moment, no matter who it is, no matter who it is, the faith and persistence in their hearts are being joked about, and they will never be able to stay calm.

That was the mission she had shouldered from the moment she was born, her lifelong dream, and her obsession!

It is precisely because of expectations that I hesitate.

Those visions that have been shelved for various reasons in the past can always turn into the strongest impulse in the heart once they are ignited.

And when the illusion is completely exposed, the disappointment and resentment that follows will be a hundred times more intense.

The anger in his heart erupted like a volcano.

She was not only angry with Su Cheng, but also angry with herself.

The dragon clan’s hatred, the race’s plight, and the big stone that has been weighing on my heart for nearly a million years...

What's even more ridiculous is that I actually believed it a little bit before...

All kinds of emotions completely burst out at this moment, turning into monstrous rage that could ignite the world!

"But what if..."

At this time, that hateful human voice sounded in the Silver Dragon King's ears again.

The voice was very soft and thin, but calm and serious, without any intention of joking.

"What if there is really a chance? Don't you want to give it a try..."

The next moment, her eyes suddenly opened wide.

"How can it be……"

She actually sensed an extremely subtle breath of Dragon God's bloodline in that human being!

Not an ordinary dragon clan, not the residual energy of the Dragon God...

But it was something that even she herself had never fully possessed, the aura of the Dragon God's bloodline!

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