"Hey, can you talk?"

Su Cheng looked at the golden-haired soul beast crouching in front of him with thoughtful eyes.

Just now, it was this spirit beast that stopped him and the Silver Dragon King by uttering human words.

It is small in size, only about two meters in length and five feet high at the shoulders. Its whole body is covered with a layer of golden hair.

The satin-like golden fur glowed dazzlingly in the sun, and when blown by the breeze, it fluttered and undulated like a burning golden fire.

It looks very much like a lion, but has four claws like a dragon, and there is a ball of golden flame under each dragon claw.

The mouth is also longer than the lion soul beast, and the hair is covered with a layer of fine golden dragon scales.

However, the most eye-catching thing about the soul beast in front of him is its eyes.

Its normal eyes shone with a moving golden light, and above its forehead, there was a special vertical pupil that emitted a slightly eerie red light.

At the same time, there is a special energy field surrounding it that ordinary people cannot detect at all, which is completely different from any attributes Su Cheng knows.

If it weren't for the wrong timing, he would have wanted to directly open his true vision and carefully study the situation of this three-eyed soul beast.

"What breed is this?"

"Three-eyed golden beast." The Silver Dragon King said calmly, his expression very calm.

As he spoke, he looked at the three-eyed golden man again, with a trace of unnoticeable displeasure flashing deep in his eyes, "Why are you running over here?"

She originally didn't want Su Cheng to see the three-eyed golden beast.

This is a soul beast that possesses the dual ultimate attributes of ultimate fire and ultimate light. Although it has only less than 5,000 years of cultivation, its true strength can even compete with ordinary 50,000-year-old soul beasts.

Comparing it among human soul masters, he is a strong man close to the soul saint level.

However, strength is only secondary. The key point is that the identity of the three-eyed golden tiger is very special. It is an auspicious beast among soul beasts, which is of great significance to the soul beast clan.

In any soul beast habitat where auspicious beasts exist, the growth rate of all soul beasts is doubled under normal circumstances. In addition, after a hundred thousand year soul beast reaches a bottleneck, the chance of a successful breakthrough can also be doubled.

It can be said that the reason why there are so many ferocious beast-level beings in the Star Forest is that in addition to the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm as a tonic, the existence of the Three-Eyed Golden Elephant is also indispensable.

Take the emerald swan named Brigitte wearing a green dress as an example. The guy's real age is actually very young, but relying on the energy accumulated by sucking the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, and being escorted by the luck of the Three-Eyed Golden Elephant, the two-pronged approach has allowed her level of strength to increase rapidly over the past thousands of years. Breaking the Heavenly Tribulation, now has more than 500,000 cultivation levels.

The reason why this happens is because the auspicious beast carries the power of destiny of Douluo Star.

In the Silver Dragon King's mind, this power of destiny might have some containment effect on Su Cheng, a man who has troubled his destiny, and serve as a well-prepared backup plan.

But she never expected that before she could warn Di Tian, ​​the child would be exposed to Su Cheng's eyes immediately.

In fact, it's no wonder that this happened to Di Tian.

He has always been very fond of the three-eyed golden beast, and he always focuses on protecting it. He will not control it too much and let it roam freely in the Star Forest.

It's just that the Silver Dragon King couldn't figure out why the three-eyed golden beast, which had always been indifferent to human beings and was extremely in awe of him, would take the initiative to show up at this time.

"Lord, I just happened to be passing by, so I came to take a look."

Seemingly aware of the displeasure in Silver Dragon King's eyes, the three-eyed Jin Yang looked a little nervous.

It didn't know much about the "Lord" Di Tian called him, and had only seen him three times since his birth.

At that time, the opponent was still in the form of the Silver Dragon King, a giant silver dragon, which was extremely majestic.

Although he now looks like a human child, his inner characteristics such as eyes, temperament, and aura will not change due to changes in appearance.

Both of them are dragons, and they are very sensitive to each other's emotions. The three-eyed golden man suddenly realized that he might be too reckless.

But even so, its eyes still looked at Su Cheng uncontrollably.

It felt an extremely strong entanglement of fate in this human being, which was far more complex and profound than its own situation, and even its nature seemed to be fundamentally different.

"Well, after you've seen it, go back and go to Ditian's place."

Three-Eyed Golden Raider: "..."

"Anything else?"

"Lord, are you going to the human world?"


Hearing this, the three-eyed golden beast couldn't help but reveal some curiosity in its golden beast eyes, and turned to look at Su Cheng again.

Seeing this, the Silver Dragon King frowned slightly and said calmly: "Don't think too much about anything else, stay here and practice well, and listen to Di Tian's words."


The three-eyed golden man immediately did not dare to say anything more, so he responded and left quickly.

After it left, Su Cheng suddenly said: "It has a very special energy attribute, which is unique. It is much more special than those two dragons, the swan soul beast, and the tree demon."

"That's right." The Silver Dragon King nodded nonchalantly, "The ultimate fire and the ultimate light, its talents are truly unique."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about. It carries more things, and it has a deep connection with the planet under our feet."


"For a soul beast, its status is unique, right? Even life and death are related to the destiny of the clan?"


The Silver Dragon King completely gave up his luck this time and nodded lightly.

"You don't seem to want me to know of its existence?"

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked sideways at the Silver Dragon King.

The Silver Dragon King glanced at him and said nothing, neither admitting nor denying.

Su Cheng didn't care either.

It's not surprising that the other party has this kind of mentality. This kind of special creature that carries the destiny of the family is still in its infancy and does not have enough self-preservation ability. Of course, it must be carefully protected.

The Silver Dragon King's ideas are blameless, and he will not feel bad about it.

However, this does not mean that Su Cheng is ready to put aside the existence of the three-eyed golden beast.

On the contrary, he is very interested in it now.

He had no choice but to ignore the characteristics of this soul beast.

Su Cheng himself has no understanding of the power of destiny, and the mission orientation of this simulation is closely related to the power of destiny.

If given the chance, of course he would find a way to study the special features of the three-eyed golden beast.

"Where are you going to take me to practice next? When can I start generating soul rings?"

The Silver Dragon King looked in the direction outside the forest and asked softly.

"Don't worry about the soul ring. For you, the improvement of strength is the least important. It is easy to be promoted, but then the meaning of this transformation will be lost. You have to learn how to truly become a human being. "

"Really becoming a human being?" The Silver Dragon King looked confused.

Now she has completely embarked on the road of reconstruction, and her body and soul are no different from humans. Because the accumulation is so profound, it does not even have the maturity period of an ordinary hundred thousand year soul beast. Even so, are they still not truly human?

"Don't be anxious. You will understand after I take you to a few places and meet some people."

With that said, he walked towards the outside of the Star Dou Forest.

When the Silver Dragon King saw this, he stopped talking and followed him silently.

This was something they had agreed upon before.

Not long ago, with Su Cheng's support, Ditian, Silver Dragon King and others did not take long to return to the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest without making a sound.

During this period, no one's aura was leaked at all, and no one else was alerted, including the several hundred thousand year soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest. Their traces were also not detected at close range.

When they arrived at the place, Su Cheng and Silver Dragon King separated from Di Tian and the others.

On the way, he used his senses to secretly observe the current situation in Douluo Continent, and was finally able to confirm that the time he was at at this time was basically consistent with reality.

The territory of the two empires has not changed. There are only the auras of Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu in the Wuhun Palace. Qian Renxue is not there. She must be lurking in the Tiandou royal family pretending to be the prince.

Su Cheng also made a rough follow-up plan in his mind.

The cultivation of the Silver Dragon King is naturally imperative, as this is the strongest helper for completing tasks in the future.

Regardless of stance, camp or combat power, they are all naturally aligned with his interests.

Especially in terms of combat potential, let alone Qian Renxue in this world, even Qian Renxue in the real world, in terms of final potential, it is actually difficult to say whether it can surpass this Dragon God clone.

But cultivating the Silver Dragon King does not conflict with completing other layouts.

Su Cheng planned to observe the situation first, see who the four so-called "Sons of Destiny" were, and also try to find out any clues about the "key figures" in "Mission Remodeling".

However, he just looked at it.

How we should operate in the future can only be decided after we actually see it.

The Star Dou Forest is located directly south of the Tiandou Empire, straddling the two empires. Due to the large number of spirit beasts here, it is also the place where the border between the two countries is least clear.

At this time, in the Tiandou Empire, outside a small town near the edge of the Star Dou Forest, two young-looking figures appeared.

The young man has a tall and straight posture, a handsome face, black hair and black eyes, with a somewhat careless look in his eyes.

Next to him, there was a petite silver-haired girl who looked to be about six years old. She had a pair of calm and indifferent purple eyes on her delicate white face. Both appearance and temperament are a bit unreal, with an ultimate sense of beauty that is very unreal.

Su Cheng glanced at the Silver Dragon King next to him and said thoughtfully: "Your appearance is a bit too ostentatious, it's best to cover it up."

"What needs to be done."

"Just make your hair and eyes black."


"Also, if you enter human society, you need to have a normal name. You must not say that your name is 'Silver Dragon King'. It sounds too strange."


"So think of a name. From now on you will also be a human being. Having a new name can be considered a new beginning."

Upon hearing this, the Silver Dragon King glanced at Su Cheng and said calmly: "I don't know how to name him."

"It's okay. You can take your time and think about it. There's no rush."

"Think of one for me."


"Think of one for me."


Hearing this, Su Cheng was immediately embarrassed.

He wasn't very good at naming people.

It seems inappropriate to say this. It should be said that he has never done anything to name others.

However, it seems quite interesting...

Su Cheng raised his left hand to support his right arm, gently rubbed his chin, and immediately began to think deeply.

The Silver Dragon King just stood beside him silently, watching him silently.

After a long time, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he clenched a fist with his left hand and hammered it into the palm of his right hand.

"Long Aotian!"

He looked at the Silver Dragon King with bright eyes, "Long Aotian, how about this name! Not only does it fit your original identity, but it also sounds extremely domineering. What's more important is that this name is also blessed with luck, and often It can bring you unexpected benefits and surprises!”


The Silver Dragon King didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

His extremely excited face was reflected in a pair of pure amethyst eyes.

"It seems that you are quite satisfied, so it's settled. From now on, you will be able to roam the world in the name of Long Aotian, blocking gods and killing gods!"

Su Cheng moved his legs again with a face full of joy, feeling that his chances of winning this mission had increased by 20% out of thin air.

However, after he took a few steps, he found that Long Aotian was still standing there without moving. He couldn't help but turned back with some confusion, "Why don't you leave?"


"You said the name? Are you not satisfied with this name? I think Long Aotian is pretty good."


Silver Dragon King's tone became more serious.

She was a little angry.

After a long time, Su Cheng, who tried to persuade him to no avail, had no choice but to think of a new name for the Silver Dragon King.

"Ao Yue..." the silver-haired girl murmured in a low voice.

"Yeah." Su Cheng nodded and looked into the distance.

"In my hometown, there is also a legendary being who is born sacred and has no name. They call the wind and rain, ride the mist and clouds, are handsome and graceful, and bless the common people. They are the totems of the human race. Those creatures are the earliest ones. The followers’ surname is ‘Ao’, so they also chose ‘Ao’ as their surname.”

"Bless the common people, the totem of the human race..." There seemed to be a faint light flashing in the eyes of the Silver Dragon King.

"As for 'Moon'," Su Cheng's eyes inadvertently rested on the other party's short silver hair, "your hair color is beautiful, and your scales are also beautiful, just like the moonlight shining on the earth, elegant Touching, yet mysterious and lofty.”


"So, is this name okay? Although it's not as domineering as Long Aotian, it still has a lot of meaning." Su Cheng commented proudly.

"Not good." The Silver Dragon King shook his head, showing no sign of approval.

"..." Su Cheng was speechless for a while, curled his lips and turned around. He was so shocked that he didn't want to name him anymore, "You think about it yourself, don't ask me."

"Just call me Su Yue from now on." A faint smile seemed to flash in the Silver Dragon King's eyes.

"Su Yue, that's my name." She said softly.

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment and looked back at the other party.

That pretty face was still as usual, maintaining an indifferent and calm expression without any unnecessary emotions.

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