Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 327 Silver Dragon King: The human soul master really bows down

"Why am I so careless?" Su Cheng frowned, obviously dissatisfied.

"Those people, are they all friends?"

"Huh?" He was stunned for a moment and looked at several students from Shrek Academy, "I guess so."

"Don't worry, I didn't talk about you. If they can be regarded as friends, it's really casual."


After hearing this, Su Cheng noticed that the teenagers at the table didn't seem to be getting along very well with each other.

Just as Su Yue said, the positions of the seven Shrek people in front of the dinner table were very interesting.

They were obviously fellow soul masters who came from the same academy, but they seemed completely different from each other.

Dai Mubai sat in the middle and ordered food, occasionally whispering and laughing with the male classmates on both sides. On his left were Ma Hongjun and Oscar, and on his right were Tang San and Xiao Wu.

Zhu Zhuqing was sitting some distance away from the others. He had no intention of participating in the conversation and looked boredly towards the town outside the door.

Next to her sat Ning Rongrong, who had run away from the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Compared to the others, Ning Rongrong's likes and dislikes are more obvious.

Especially whenever she glanced at Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun inadvertently, her eyes could not help but show obvious disgust and contempt.

She turned to look at the girl next to her, and asked in a low voice with a friendly manner: "Zhuqing, how did you practice? You have cultivated to the soul master level at such a young age, which is much better than that perverted tiger. "

"It's no wonder he has such poor talent."

Zhu Zhuqing responded very casually, not taking Dai Mubai to heart at all.

Ning Rongrong was speechless upon hearing this.

Although he didn't know what level Dai Mubai's innate soul power was, the white tiger spirit was astonishingly powerful and was obviously a top-notch beast spirit. And being able to reach the soul master realm at the age of thirteen is already an amazing talent.

I am afraid that only Zhu Zhuqing, who has cultivated to the Soul Master at the age of eleven, is qualified to say such a thing.

Others, even Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Oscar, those geniuses who were said to be innately full of soul power, couldn't look down at the pervert tiger from such a high position.

Thinking like this, she couldn't help but have a trace of curiosity and inquiry in her eyes, and the scene that happened not long ago appeared in her mind again.

As the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Rongrong was pampered since she was a child. She came to the remote Shrek Academy out of fun.

But she didn't expect that the dean and teachers here didn't give her any face at all. They gave her a slap on the wrist as soon as the school started and threatened to say that they didn't care about students like her.

Ning Rongrong, who was dissatisfied, noticed that Dai Mubai seemed to have some other thoughts towards Zhu Zhuqing, so she found an opportunity to verbally ridicule him.

That day, Dai Mubai returned to the academy in a bad mood and asked her in a cold tone whether she was leaving or staying.

Ning Rongrong responded: "Of course I'm staying. How can I just leave such a fun place? By the way, what's your expression? Are you exhausted at Zhuqing's place? Haha, it's a shame that Oscar said you What kind of love-sage-level master is this?"

As soon as these words came out, Dai Mubai was angered on the spot. He sneered and said: "Ning Rongrong, don't challenge my patience. This is Shrek Academy, not your home. Others are afraid of your Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. I wear Mubai is not afraid. If you anger me, be careful I will rape you first and then kill you, then rape you again and then kill you!"

With Ning Rongrong's character, how could she be so angry? She immediately raised her chest and taunted, "I'm so scared! Come on, let me see how you rape me."

Dai Mubai finally couldn't suppress his anger.

The powerful soul power exploded instantly. Ning Rongrong's cultivation was not high and he was an auxiliary soul master. His delicate body was sent flying out almost instantly.

Ning Rongrong had never suffered such a loss since she was a child. She almost shed tears on the spot and stared at Dai Mubai.

"Remember, this is not your home. Don't provoke me again, otherwise I don't care what your status is."

After a cold threat, he turned around and left.


The next moment, another extremely powerful wave of soul power appeared.

Zhu Zhuqing stood in front of Ning Rongrong at some point, looking at Dai Mubai coldly, "Apologise to her."

"What did you say?!" Dai Mubai laughed angrily.

When did he, the evil-eyed white tiger, fall to the point where he was threatened by a little girl and apologized to another little girl?

"I asked you to apologize to Ning Rongrong for what you just said."

Zhu Zhuqing raised his eyebrows and repeated word for word.


Dai Mubai sneered coldly.

Over the past few days, the other party had always maintained a near-ignorant attitude toward his contacts and overtures, which made him feel very unhappy.

In Dai Mubai's view, Zhu Zhuqing, like himself, had to flee Xingluo due to family rules.

If that's the case, why should you show off in front of yourself?

As for things like PCs, they are just a small hobby of normal men, and they are of no consequence.

What's more, this girl has joined Shrek Academy now, it must be to defect to him, but she still has to put on airs and act to make people unhappy.

Dai Mubai didn't know the specific situation of Zhu Zhuqing. He entered the school two days late and he was not there at the time. He just knew that his cultivation was good.

But so what, how could the Nether Civet be the opponent of the White Tiger Spirit?

Not to mention Zhu Zhuqing is still young, it doesn't matter even if he is at the same level as him, there is still a gap between the same levels!

Thinking in my mind, I immediately decided not to restrain myself and give the other party some color.

However, what happened next was contrary to Dai Mubai's expectation.

Even Ning Rongrong, who was still a little worried next to him, couldn't react for a moment.

It didn't even take a minute.

The powerful color tiger was easily defeated by Zhu Zhuqing.

If Tang San, Oscar and others hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid Dai Mubai would have suffered even more, and he might have been seriously injured.

But this is actually a natural result.

Although Zhu Zhuqing had just turned eleven years old, there was no existence that Dai Mubai could compete with, even though Zhu Zhuqing had just turned eleven years old.

Even though he is a few years older, his cultivation level is also higher.

But regardless of their talent, martial arts spirit, or their diligence in training, they are not on the same level at all.

Coupled with the strong restraining effect of the Netherworld White Tiger on the White Tiger Spirit, Dai Mubai's extra levels of soul power were obviously unable to make up for the gap in absolute strength.

However, the reason why Ning Rongrong was so close to Zhu Zhuqing was certainly because of his gratitude and admiration for the other person's outstanding actions that day, but there were also other selfish motives.

As the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, she is the most talented successor of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda's martial spirit among the younger generation of the sect.

Although she doesn't worry much about sect affairs on weekdays, she still has ideas after all.

When she learned that the astonishingly talented Zhu Zhuqing had taken refuge from the Star Luo Empire and had no sect power behind her, she became concerned.

On the other side, Dai Mubai was chatting casually with Ma Hongjun, Tang San and others as usual, seeming to have forgotten the previous conflict.

Only when his eyes occasionally touched Zhu Zhuqing, a hint of deep-seated fear would appear in his eyes.

This girl from the Zhu family is completely different from the information I know.

When Zhu Zhuqing awakened his martial spirit and the two families got married again, the Zhu family said that there was a descendant of the Nether Civet Cat who had awakened the seventh-level innate soul power in the family. She was the daughter with the best talent besides Zhu Zhuyun. As his marriage candidate, he and Davis competed for the position of future emperor and empress.

This is also completely consistent with common sense.

The Wuhun level of the Netherworld Zhu Family is already between the top and advanced levels, which is even worse than the White Tiger Wuhun. Level seven innate soul power is already considered pretty good.

But it wasn't until the fight that day that he discovered that what the other party had awakened was not the Nether Civet Cat at all, but the Netherworld White Tiger that could only appear when the descendants of the Dai and Zhu families used martial soul fusion skills!

Moreover, the cultivation level of a three-ringed soul master is definitely not what a soul master with only seventh-level innate soul power can achieve at this age!

How did he know that the reason why the Zhu family chose Zhu Zhuqing as Dai Mubai's fiancée was to use her identity as a royal contender to legitimately let her leave the Star Luo Empire in the name of running away.

Especially when Dai Mubai left first, it made more sense.

If not, the Zhu family would have to think of other ways.

Horror, worry, confusion, resentment...all kinds of emotions accumulated deep in my heart.

But he didn't dare to speak out at all, let alone inform his family - if he had had the courage, he wouldn't have fled the Xingluo royal family and gone far away.

To this day, Dai Mubai still clearly remembers what Zhu Zhuqing secretly said to him after standing up for Ning Rongrong that day.

"Dai Mubai, you'd better not have other thoughts. If you don't bother me, I won't mind saving your life. The achievements that my martial spirit can achieve in the future are beyond your imagination and reach. .

"Isn't what you pursue just survival and enjoyment? I can fulfill your wish.

"But if you dare to make your own decisions, you might as well think about the consequences. Whether Davis will let you go because of this, and whether your subpoena can break through the Zhu family's blockade is unknown.

"The strength of the Netherworld Zhu family is indeed not as good as that of the royal family, but as an abandoned son, how much strength can you mobilize? Behind me, there is the entire Zhu family, even Davis's nominal fiancée, my Sister, they are all on my side.

"Which is more important or not? You should weigh it carefully and don't make a decision that you will regret."

Zhu Zhuqing was not worried at all about Dai Mubai's impulsive behavior.

This guy was obviously more talented than Davis, but he immediately chose to escape and fell into trouble. He was obviously a weak and incompetent waste.

What's more, even if the other party really breaks through and wants to make some big news, the Zhu family is not a vegetarian.

She didn't lie about what she just said.

The Zhu family may not be able to fight against the Dai family, but it is more than enough to deal with the lonely Dai Mubai.

As for staying in Shrek Academy, it has nothing to do with Dai Mubai. Zhu Zhuqing actually has his eye on the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect behind Ning Rongrong.

If the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, one of the top three sects, could protect her during her growth, and once she became a titled Douluo, she would no longer need to fear the liquidation of the Xingluo royal family.

While several people were busy waiting for the food to be served in the hotel, a group of people suddenly walked in from outside.

The leader was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties, with a clean and handsome appearance. He was wearing a moon-white exquisite soul master's robe, with patterns embroidered with silver threads shining brightly.

Behind him were seven young men, six men and one woman, all of whom looked to be around twenty years old. They were wearing the same moon-white soul master robes, but without embroidery.

But whether it is the middle-aged man or the seven young people behind him, there is a cyan ring mark on the left shoulder with the word Canghui written on it.

Compared to the ordinary people in Shrek Academy, these soul masters looked much more flamboyant.

As soon as the hotel owner saw them, he hurriedly greeted them, nodding and bowing very politely.

For ordinary people, the profession of soul master is very high, and it is not much different from the nobles. They dare not be careless at all.

"That girl is really good-looking, Boss Dai, these guys should be from Canghui College, right?"

Ma Hongjun turned to look at the person coming, his small eyes staring intently at the only female soul master in the eight-person team.

That girl is indeed pretty, about twenty years old, and her figure has fully grown. For a young man like Ma Hongjun, he has extraordinary appeal.

At this moment, his eyes were shining brightly, and he stared at the person fiercely.

Dai Mubai curled his lips when he saw this, and said casually: "It's just a small Canghui Academy. It's nothing to show off."

Neither Ma Hongjun nor Dai Mubai had any intention of lowering their voices when speaking.

The soul master's hearing and perception were both extraordinary. Even though the restaurant was a little noisy at the moment, the leading middle-aged man still frowned slightly and cast his gaze over.

When he saw that the table at Shrek Academy was just a group of children, his face suddenly became much uglier.

Oscar smiled lowly at Tang San, "We've got a good show to watch."

Tang San asked doubtfully: "What kind of show is this?"

"This is also part of our practice. Dean Flanders said that a soul master who dare not cause trouble is not a good soul master. As the saying goes, those who dare not cause trouble are mediocre. Moreover, it is safest to provoke people from the soul master academy , at most it’s just a fight.”

Tang San couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Our dean's quotations together can form a monster quotation. Judging from their ages, this Canghui Academy should be an advanced soul master academy, right?"

"Haha..." Not far away, Su Yue, who had seen all this, couldn't help but laugh.

"You are a mediocre person who dares not cause trouble... I never thought that soul masters among you humans would actually say this. Is this what you call the so-called son of human destiny?"

"I'm not a soul master. It's useless for you to tell me this." Su Cheng said calmly, "As for the issue of the Son of Destiny, I will explain it to you later. Let's look at it later."

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