Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 356 He said he would keep me as a hostage

Xiao Wu's fiery figure slowly landed in front of Tang San, and large drops of bright blood tears gently fell on Tang San's chest.

Red blood flames began to ignite from her body, burning not only her blood and life, but also the profound cultivation accumulated over a hundred thousand years.

The blood flames burned more and more intensely, gradually changing from bright red to dark red, and Xiao Wu's body also gradually faded during this transformation process, like a red crystal that became more and more transparent.

Then, all the red expanded into a huge ring, then slowly shrank, surrounding the two of them.

At this moment, the absolute stillness produced by the huge red magnetic field in the periphery is gradually weakening. The first thing to be restored is the consciousness of everyone within the range.


Bibi Dong couldn't help but frown, her mood that was already a little irritating because of the failure of both her plans to kill Tang San and capture Xiao Wu suddenly became darker.

As a result, the rabbit I got just flew away!

Moreover, Tang San and Tang Hao did not succeed.

It is obviously unreasonable that an ordinary soul beast like the soft-bone rabbit, with ordinary blood and no special talents, did not die immediately after the sacrifice, retaining the opportunity to be resurrected in the future.

"Where's Su Cheng?"

Even though it was five years earlier, Xiao Wu still completed the destined sacrifice. This was her mission.


After returning to Wuhun City, Su Yue walked into the library as usual.

Hearing this, Su Yue was unable to refute for a while.

Even in this Soul Master Competition, whether Shrek Team wins the championship is not that important.

The Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python burst out with light at the same time, and two mouthfuls of thick blood mist spurted out from their throats.

Su Yue followed in silence.

But if he doesn't do this, Bibi Dong may not agree to his trip when a few people meet up, and even if he agrees, he will definitely have to talk nonsense to waste time.

But after reading for a long time, she lost her previous mood when reading, and even felt a little irritable and confused.

As for Su Cheng...

However, Su Yue was not in a very good mood at the moment, so she didn't bother to talk to Bibi Dongxu and Wei Snake, so she simply said everything.

And this accumulation of less than ten thousand years is much richer than the knowledge and experience accumulated by the soul beast group over hundreds of thousands of years of development on Douluo Planet.

When he returns to Wuhun Hall in the future, it won't be too late to deal with that kid.

But if she still failed to get it under such circumstances, it would corroborate Su Cheng's conjecture to a certain extent.

"He said that after seeing today's battle, he felt that the outside world was very exciting, so he wanted to go out and spend some time."

"She's not dead?"

In addition, she also had an advantage in intelligence, and learned the importance of the Vast Sea Universe Shield from Su Cheng.

It was that vitality that saved her life.

Su Yue turned to look at Su Cheng, "Can you see the reason?"

Bibi Dong was paused upon hearing this.

"That's better than a ruthless person." Su Yue glanced at him and said calmly.

I have to admit that human spirituality is indeed extraordinary, and their wisdom is far superior to that of soul beasts.


Excluding the inexplicable conversation that happened today and the complicated emotions caused by it, in fact, during the nearly half a year in Wuhun City, she and Su Cheng got along very well, and their tacit understanding was far better than before.

Anyway, Bibi Dong wouldn't do anything to her, and she wasn't afraid of him, and even vaguely hoped that Bibi Dong would take the initiative.

Even the Titan Giant Ape knew the method of resurrection after sacrifice, and she naturally knew it very well.


This hundred thousand year old spirit beast actually chose to sacrifice to Tang San without hesitation!

As for the significance of Shrek's Seven Monsters, they are essentially to provide assistance for Tang San's promotion, but even if there are no Seven Monsters, there are still other ways to make up for it.

Su Cheng breathed a long sigh of relief, and had a vague understanding in his heart: he had actually fallen into a misunderstanding before.

The second is the awakening of the Blue Silver Emperor.

"I see……"

The extremely surging black and cyan energy was released crazily to the surroundings, and even Tang Hao was slightly affected.

Su Cheng blinked noncommittally, not paying attention to the highly targeted sarcastic words from the other party's mouth, and just said: "You go back with Bibi Dong and the others first, and I want to follow to see what happens next with Tang San and the others."

The surging ring of blood flames suddenly retracted, and in an instant, a series of explosions erupted around Tang San's body. Just as Xiao Wu's body gradually disappeared, the original four soul rings on his body appeared one by one, and the bloody third Five soul rings condensed around him.

When Bibi Dong and the other four titled Douluo walked to the place where they came from with a gloomy expression, they found that only Su Yue was left here.

Whether it was the immortal grass of the Ice and Fire Eyes or Tang San's soul ring age configuration, these were not the most critical aspects.

The timing of Xiao Wu's sacrifice was wrong, but it proved one thing.

Su Cheng knew very well that if he left without saying a word, he would definitely make Bibi Dong unhappy.

This slightly ordinary life is actually much more interesting than the previous two people practicing outside.

Then he took a deep look at Su Yue, snorted coldly and continued walking towards Wuhun City.

"By the way, don't you care about hundred thousand year soul beasts sacrificing themselves to humans?"

"Now that she has transformed into a human being, perhaps she should no longer be held to the standard of a soul beast. No matter what the reason was for her to transform into a human being in the first place, this is indeed a path from which she cannot turn back after making a choice. ”

Then a bloody light suddenly illuminated his left arm, and the red arm bone disappeared in a flash.

Tang San opened his mouth in vain, but couldn't utter a single word. He could only watch Xiao Wu's body gradually fade in front of his eyes.

Su Yue also noticed this.

Considering her own powerful talent, Bibi Dong would not do anything to her just for a few words, nor would he be angry with her because of today's defeat.

Bibi Dong hesitated for a moment, and glanced at the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python who were furious after trying their best, then at the two great ministers who were caught off guard and suffered serious injuries, and at the two Juguis who were completely unable to fight anymore. Can watch Tang Hao and others escape from here.

"He asked me to return to Wuhun Palace with you to continue studying. He said that if you don't trust him, he wants to keep me as a hostage."

The key to becoming Shura God is to be able to coexist with two gods, and the coexistence of two gods requires Xiao Wu to exist as a scabbard.

Su Cheng hasn't been away for too long. If there is a fight, the guy will definitely come back as soon as his martial spirit is released.

The next moment, the two soul beasts that fought for their lives grabbed Tang Hao and Tang San and fled quickly towards the distant Star Dou Forest.

Even Bibi Dong's face flashed with a hint of solemnity, but more importantly, it was filled with strong surprise and gloom.

But as that person left, everything seemed to return to the earlier years, the years of hiding alone in the space of the Lake of Life and silently healing.

So it doesn't matter when she sacrifices, as long as she goes through this process and is resurrected in the future, it can be used as the scabbard for the Shura Divine Sword in the future.

In this case, Tang San and others might lose their sight, so they had no choice but to leave first.

Su Yue muttered after hearing the words: "There are some. Although the Star Dou Forest is not as extreme as the Ice and Fire Dragon King's Burial Ground, it is indeed a treasure land rich in energy. By chance, some spiritual grass can still grow. . For example, the Ten Thousand Years Ivy Root, the Ten Thousand Years Holy Soul Grass, and the Ten Thousand Years Ginseng King have all appeared, but most of them grow near the Lake of Life, so logically they have no chance to get them."

With her current strength, it would be meaningless to catch up by herself.

However, the mere fact that a 100,000-year-old soul beast could still survive after being sacrificed was almost impossible to achieve normally.

At this moment, Xiao Wu's extremely thin body suddenly condensed and turned into a red ball of light. Then the outer colors were peeled off layer by layer, turning into a palm-sized white rabbit lying quietly. Tang San's chest.

"Why didn't he just tell me that he couldn't wait for a while? And you, why didn't you go with him?"

Su Yue was shocked when she heard this, and for a moment she could no longer care about the complex emotions surging in her heart, and said bluntly: "I'm with you."


Su Cheng decided to go and see the situation. If Tang San couldn't awaken from the Blue Silver King, whether he could obtain the Blue Silver Emperor's spirit through other channels in the future.

As for Jiang Mo and Qian Jun, who were about to attack him, they vomited blood and were instantly repelled. Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were even worse. They had already exhausted their soul power, and now they were severely injured. He was immediately thrown away.

However, these are still Su Cheng's guesses for the time being and need a few final proofs.

"It's not necessary. There is no point in following me. This matter has nothing to do with you. If we all leave, it will inevitably make Bibi Dong think more. She is not very reassured about my situation now. And I am not worried about this operation. I don’t know how long it will take, just go back to Wuhun Palace and continue reading. You have only been in Wuhun Palace for half a year now, and the accumulation is far from enough. I think you should be able to feel the need to learn human knowledge during this time. What’s the point?”

Looking at the vast number of books placed on the large bookshelves in front of her, she stepped forward expressionlessly and picked out one, then walked to her usual seat and read through it.

Xiao Wu's figure becomes fainter...

Even if he is the Supreme Pope in the world of human soul masters, he is not considered a great figure in her eyes.

"She had eaten some kind of heavenly and earthly treasure, but she had not digested it before. After this sacrifice, the medicinal power was stimulated. It is also a blessing in disguise. If not, I am afraid she would have died today. By the way, Xingdou Da Are there similar rare herbs in the forest?”

A faint golden halo flashed in Su Cheng's eyes.

The Angel God attained the divine status ten thousand years ago, and even counting from that time, it has only been ten thousand years since the establishment of the Spirit Hall.

Only special plant-type soul beasts like the Blue Silver Emperor have a certain degree of immortality.

During these days in Wuhun Hall, I basically spent time studying quietly in the library.

She had even thought about it more than once. If she had understood this truth earlier and even sent powerful ferocious beasts like Ditian to infiltrate the human race to study with all their heart, I am afraid that the situation between the enemy and ourselves between the soul beast clan and humans would have been drastically changed. Big changes.

Without the powerful medicinal power provided by the Acacia Heartbroken Red to protect her life, Xiao Wu should have died immediately after the sacrifice.

For Su Cheng's sake, she was too lazy to argue with such a junior.

Su Cheng left alone.

"Is it just because of this?" Su Cheng smiled, "I thought you were moved by the affection between the two of them."

She already knew this little girl's character, but apart from not paying much attention to her words, she never did anything out of line.

The corrective power of the fate line also acts more on certain relatively critical opportunities.


Under his true vision, he saw a rich life essence contained in the white rabbit that was rapidly dissolving.

As for Bibi Dong’s personal likes and dislikes? Su Yue didn’t care.

This also means that there is still a possibility for the other party to be resurrected.

One of them is the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

In fact, with Zhu Zhuqing's current potential and foundation, he is definitely better than Tang San. Of course, with the emergence of the 100,000-year fifth soul ring and soul bone, it is hard to say in terms of strength.

Powerful soul beasts have different talents. Like the Titan Giant Ape or the Azure Bull Python, they are not known for their vitality. They can only be said to be rough-skinned and thick-flesh.

In fact, Su Cheng's original words were not what she said. Instead, he told her to use words tactfully and to take care of Bibi Dong's emotions.

"Another variable..."

The so-called sacrifice of a hundred thousand year soul beast involves not only sacrificing one's own life, but also one's own soul. In order for Tang San to successfully absorb the soul ring he had given with his early cultivation of the Soul Sect, Xiao Wu even integrated his entire soul into this soul ring during the entire sacrifice process.

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly noticed something was wrong.

But he could clearly feel that although the white rabbit in Tang San's arms had lost its soul, it was not dead, and its body was still full of vitality.

During the time she left Shrek Academy, what did she get and eat in the Star Dou Forest?

Even without the heartbreaking love, he could still save her life after his sacrifice.

Without that pendant around me, I always feel uncomfortable.

As the battle came to an end, Su Cheng, who had figured out the basics, relaxed and asked Su Yue casually.

The key to becoming a Poseidon lies in the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

"Sir Silver Dragon King, placing too much emphasis on these things is a taboo for a king."

Tang San's foundation for becoming a god was firstly the innate full soul power plus twin martial souls, as well as the eight spider spears with attached soul bones, and then the body invulnerable to water and fire, but that was just the icing on the cake.

This is different from a normal sacrifice.

If she slows down even for a second, she will be restrained by him on the spot and become a reserve soul ring for the future.

After being chased today, Tang Hao and the others will definitely cover their whereabouts carefully. If it takes too long, it will be very difficult to find them by then.

Even more boring than that time.

After all, at that time, she had never really seen the colorful world of humans.

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