On the top of Jialing Pass, a transformation from the inside out was happening in Su Cheng's body.

After the initial violent expansion, the huge energy array quickly shrank and rolled back into his body, pushing the deep awakening of his blood.

Although the people around him were a little surprised that they could not feel the energy fluctuations, they were not worried.

After all, past experience has proved that Su Cheng can always make some big noises.

And every time a similar situation occurs, his strength will be greatly improved.

At this time, Su Cheng, who was motionless in the eyes of several people, had already been completely immersed in the mysterious changes in his body.

The flowing blood seemed to be evaporating little by little, coating his blood and soul with layers of brilliance. Su Cheng could feel that his life level was undergoing some kind of sublimation.

In the depths of the soul, the three colors of yellow, blue and red were originally very stable, and then a layer of colorless air flow joined in, and began to stir the changes in the world, and the colors became richer and richer.

The three colors intertwined with each other, and in the blink of an eye, endless energy changes were derived, which was very gorgeous.

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Su Cheng suddenly realized that this was probably the initial energy foundation and dynamic changes when a supernatural world was born.

Thick earth, gentle water, blazing fire, free wind...

Although only four elements evolved from each other, the majestic power gradually derived from them was enough to move anyone.

"No... No..."

Su Cheng suddenly frowned.

There are definitely more than just these four energies, there is still something missing.

Although even the current transformation has long exceeded his understanding, he still has a hunch that something is missing.

Until his soul strength increased to an extremely powerful level that even shocked him secretly, Su Cheng's expression suddenly changed.

He discovered something.

He couldn't stop!

With his current true power and physical level, he simply couldn't limit and accommodate such a powerful soul power!

Logically speaking, this kind of change shouldn't have happened.

The true power he is using now is completely different from the innate power he once developed.

This new power condensed by chance is completely suitable for his cultivation path. The various powers transform into each other without any shackles, and they can naturally maintain a stable balance. There is no need to deliberately maintain the scale, and there will be no bias at all.

But the problem is that his improvement at this moment is not achieved by relying on his own ability.

Before this, whether Su Cheng broke through the god level, or broke through the barrier of the second-level god later, or even promoted to the first-level god level some time ago, it was all based on his own understanding to practice.

But this time, the blood awakening, the energy evolution driven by earth, water, wind and fire, the whole process completely exceeded his cognition.


Su Cheng frowned secretly in his heart.

He finally realized what he lacked.

The power expanded infinitely, but he did not have enough foundation and space to accommodate this power.

Although the special elemental attributes obtained from Bibi Dong and others catalyzed his own energy transition, due to the absolute gap in the level of cognition, he could not control it at all with the true power in his body.

If it is singled out, even Qian Renxue, the strongest among the few, is not his opponent. But when these elements gathered and produced the mysterious reaction, the power expanded thousands of times, far exceeding his own strength.

The most important thing is that he could not understand the essence of this change at all, so he could not stop it.

After a long time, Su Cheng felt that his consciousness seemed to have crossed a thick barrier, and his perception and vision became clear in an instant, as if he had entered a new world, and he knew all the energy changes within his sight.

The effect that used to require full force to produce now seemed to be easily achieved by just randomly fiddling with the distribution and patterns of the elements in front of him.


Su Cheng looked down and saw another "self" standing on the broken wall of Jialing Pass with his eyes closed.

"He" was full of vitality, but he also contained a very strong sense of death. In other words, it was probably similar to the state of a vegetative person.

In contrast to the body, his soul body, which was suspended in the air like a substance after being freed from the shackles of the flesh, might be more appropriate to call it an energy body now.

This new body is made up entirely of soul and energy. It looks no different from a real person except for the brilliant divine glow that lingers all over it.

When the energy afterglow leaves the body, it gradually fades away, turning into light spots and merging into the world.

Su Cheng can clearly feel that he has undergone some extremely powerful qualitative changes in his life level. He is far more powerful than the so-called god-level strongman, like a real "god", and even gives him the illusion that he can control everything.

But he knows very well that this state cannot be maintained for too long. And the so-called control of everything is just an illusion after all.

In fact, Su Cheng can't even suppress the continuous dissipation of energy in his body, otherwise there would be no layer of energy glow lingering outside his body, let alone dissipation.

Su Cheng is sure that he has definitely surpassed the level of a first-level god. As for whether he can be regarded as a god king, he himself is not sure.

Moreover, it is far from reaching the limit at present.

In the next day, his strength will become stronger and stronger until all his potential is exhausted and the power in his blood is squeezed dry.

The four special elemental powers play a role similar to a catalyst in this process.

The soul power is still expanding, becoming stronger every minute and every second, and rising endlessly. It seems that endless energy is bursting out of his body.

If he is given enough time, he may reach an unimaginable height.

Unfortunately, there is no time.

At this time, Su Cheng can clearly sense the rapid loss of vitality, and as his strength further rises, this loss speed will continue to accelerate.

With the powerful computing power of the trajectory magic eye, he instantly calculated how long his massive vitality can last at the current growth rate.

One day.

His life strength, which is much greater than that of a first-level god, can only support one day in this terrifying energy reaction.

Of course, paying such a heavy price is not worthless. He will use this to reach an unprecedented realm and see scenery that no one has ever seen.

Just like ordinary strong men burning their lives to gain strength, he is also consuming his potential to achieve a leapfrog improvement in strength, but the efficiency is completely different.

If Qian Renxue's previous method of breaking the divine throne and burning divine power to improve strength is compared to a steam engine, then Su Cheng's current state is a reactor, and the conversion rates of the two are completely on a different level.

Although this is a great opportunity, in the simulated world, experiencing a super-standard powerful force, the gains far exceed the cost, it is undoubtedly worth it. After seeing the scenery of a higher level, it will definitely be of great benefit to his future cultivation.

But Su Cheng was not happy at all.

He originally wanted to stay in this world for a longer time.

After all, this is the last simulation, and he could have done more with this opportunity.

Su Cheng secretly sighed that although knowledge and experience cannot replace strength, they are the foundation of all strength. When an ignorant child picks up the indestructible divine weapon, perhaps before he can use it against the enemy, it is very likely to hurt himself first.

For example, I am completely helpless about this change.

After many simulations in the past, more than a hundred years of accumulated knowledge, and the vision and knowledge gained in the previous life, it still seems too shallow compared to the energy reaction happening in the soul at this moment.

Even with the supercomputer of the Track Magic Eye to help deduce, it is still difficult to understand half of the mystery.

At the same time, Qian Renxue and others below were also looking at the other him in the air with astonishment, "You...what's wrong with you..."

"Oh, I'm screwed."

Su Cheng landed on the ground, scratched his hair in distress and explained: "Your power is unusual. I tried to stimulate the blood with the energy I got from you, but I couldn't stop after I started."


Several people looked at each other, and then Bibi Dong asked tentatively: "What do you mean by can't stop?"

"It means that my potential has been fully stimulated now, and this process seems to be irreversible, at least with my ability, I can't stop it at all. You know the consequences of fully stimulating potential. I will continue to get stronger until I die. And this speed is extremely fast, and I only have one day left."

"One day?!"

Bibi Dong and others exclaimed in unison.

For strong people of their level, vitality is bottomless. In the absence of encountering strong enemies, even if they burn themselves, it is impossible to exhaust it in one day, not to mention that Su Cheng's strength is obviously much stronger than them.

At least the battle that took place in the sky before was beyond their imagination.

Su Yue frowned and looked over in astonishment.

What made her even more difficult to understand was why Bibi Dong and others, who were obviously close to Su Cheng before, were so relaxed. Although they were also very surprised, they did not have the tension of life and death.

"Well, my current situation is quite special. It is not as simple as burning vitality, but a deeper energy reaction. Hehe... It can be regarded as a full-scale self-destruction from the inside out."

"Then what should we do to leave this world?"

"You don't need to do anything. When I'm done here, we can leave together."

"You mean, as long as you die, we will leave? Why are you so sure?" Qian Renxue looked at Su Cheng suspiciously.

She always felt something was wrong.

Inexplicably, she felt that Su Cheng knew much more about this world than she did.

Su Cheng said calmly: "My current strength may exceed your understanding. Intuition alone is enough to judge. If you reach my current realm, you can also do this."

This is not a lie.

Now he really has an extremely sharp intuition, and can even observe future information fragments to a certain extent.

When this ability is developed to the limit, it is probably the so-called "omniscience and omnipotence".

Of course, Su Cheng is still far from that level, but he still has a very clear judgment of the situation of this simulation.

Ah Yin and Zhu Zhuqing, on the other hand, looked at him at the same time, and then curled their lips without comment.

"What are you talking about?!"

Su Yue gritted her teeth and asked, her voice seemed a little dull, as if she was trying to suppress some strong emotions that were about to burst out.

She didn't know why she was so excited.

Perhaps it was because of the "one day" of life balance in Su Cheng's mouth, or perhaps it was because of the extremely strange and subtle attitude between them...

"What do you mean by leaving this world?"

Su Yue stared at Su Cheng closely, and a faint light appeared in her amethyst-like clear eyes.

When she first heard those words, her first reaction was that Su Cheng was going back to another world, but then she felt something was wrong.

Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue and the others were obviously born in Douluo Continent, so how could they be in the same situation as Su Cheng.

Su Cheng turned his head and looked at her, and pondered: "The situation here is more complicated. Originally, I planned to fight with Shura God and see if the situation was consistent with my expectations, and then explain it to you in detail. But now there is not enough time, I must use the remaining day to go to the God Realm."

"..."Su Yue opened her mouth, with many questions in her heart, but she didn't know how to start.

She was not a person who was willing to show weakness.

So in the end, she just said in a muffled voice: "So all the words you said to me before don't count, right?"

At this moment, Su Yue felt a little uncomfortable.

Originally, she thought that she and Su Cheng were like-minded fellow travelers.

She entered the human world as a soul beast, and Su Cheng, as a stranger, also seemed out of place in Douluo Continent.

Each other was the only support and sustenance of the other, and they worked hard for the same goal.

In the end, she found that it was not the case.

First it was Bibi Dong from Wuhun City, then Ah Yin appeared, and today she saw the inexplicably changed Zhu Zhuqing and Qian Renxue.

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, I was the only one alone...

"How can it not count." Su Cheng smiled and patted her shoulder, "This has just begun, you will know when you wake up."

"What does wake up mean?"

"Just like they just did."

As he said, he glanced at Qian Renxue and others beside him.

After meeting his gaze, Qian Renxue snorted coldly and looked at the two with an unfriendly look, "What's going on between you two? I haven't asked you yet, how did you know each other?"

"Comrade." Su Cheng introduced briefly, "It's a long story, I'll explain it to you after everything is over."

Seeing Su Yue's expression was a little confused, he stopped talking and said, "Don't waste time, I'll help you adjust your cultivation state now, maybe it will be of great help to you in the future."

The help that Su Cheng mentioned naturally refers to the help that the Silver Dragon King can get after this simulation is over and he has obtained this memory.

After all, she in reality has nowhere to find the real dragon god bloodline.

This means that after returning to reality, even if she transforms and cultivates again, it will definitely not be as easy as it is now.

However, after she gets Su Cheng's guidance, it will be completely different.

At present, Su Cheng's level is extremely high.

Although he can't control his own rapidly rising power realm, it is very simple for him to guide Su Yue now from a high-rise building.

The next moment, extraordinary soul power surged into Su Yue's body like a tide, and in an instant it penetrated every corner of her meridians, constantly forcibly fine-tuning the energy trajectory in her body.

Su Cheng's movements were too fast, and she didn't realize what had just happened until she started, and her face flushed instantly.

Although it was just adjusting the energy changes, this feeling was really a bit weird.

"Remember the energy circulation path I showed you, and adjust the blood control elements according to the method I taught you in the future..."

After a moment, Su Cheng turned his head and looked at the other people.

In addition to Su Yue, he was also going to spend some time to instruct Qian Renxue and others one by one.

Su Cheng didn't have much time left, and it was definitely impossible to take them to the God Realm, so he did something first.

"You want to go to the God Realm by yourself?" Before he could speak, Qian Renxue, who had a feeling in her heart, asked first.

"I'll go by myself. Time is short, so you should focus on cultivation first. If you want to bring the stable power you have now back to reality, you must not die here."

This is the main reason why they can't go to the God Realm. The spiritual core cannot be lost.

Although even if Qian Renxue and others die in this world, it will not affect reality, but the spiritual core they obtained is the residual energy condensed after Su Cheng exhausted all his original power to start this simulation.

As long as they maintain the state, then when reality wakes up, these energies will be transformed into their own power, which will be of great benefit to the future.

"Get ready, I'm starting."

After saying that, the faint glow outside Su Cheng's body suddenly became much more dazzling, and then turned into wisps of satin-like golden mist that spread outward, and then wrapped around Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Zhu Zhuqing and A Yin, and quickly penetrated into their bodies.

Because of his own transformation, Su Cheng's understanding of the elements of earth, water, wind and fire is actually higher than that of the Dragon God bloodline, so he can adjust the status of four people at the same time.

Of course, as his power increases, his understanding of these elements will continue to improve, and he may be able to reach the pinnacle of perfection one day.

But things have their urgency, and he can only use them to the extent he has now.

“…Even if the flow of time in the God Realm and the lower world is different, you don’t have much time to comprehend and practice. Don’t think about other things. If you have any ideas, wait until you return to reality. Make sure to seize this opportunity.”

After finishing, Su Cheng nodded to several people, and then followed the powerful perception from the soul, broke away from the traction of the Douluo plane, and quickly went away in the direction of the God Realm.

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