Su Yue nodded, her eyes twinkling slightly.

For a moment, neither of them had the intention to speak anymore, and the atmosphere became calm.

❻❾Book Bar

The energy of heaven and earth in the God Realm is extremely abundant, and even the breeze blowing is full of spiritual energy. If someone from the lower world comes here, even if they restrain themselves from actively absorbing it, they will probably be exploded by the energy here.

Su Cheng's power is still increasing at an unimaginable speed.

He can be sure that he has definitely reached above the God King now, and that bottomless and powerful divine consciousness is silently expanding towards the entire God Realm.

Regardless of the divine power and telepathy scattered throughout it, and the dangerous locations and dangers of the mechanism, none of them could hinder him in the slightest.

His control of power has also improved rapidly. Of course, that doesn't slow down the burning potential.

Once the initial outbreak begins, the situation becomes difficult to remedy.

What's more, his increase in understanding and control is far from keeping up with the improvement in power efficiency. Su Cheng has already calculated this clearly.

After walking in silence for a while, Su Cheng suddenly said: "If you have anything else you want to say, just say it directly. There is not much time to continue chatting."

"..." Su Yue's pretty face turned red after being told what was on her mind.

But he noticed that Su Cheng's face was calm, and he felt a little depressed for no reason, so he whispered: "You and those women... what's going on with you?"

"It's hard for you to bear to ask now. The situation is what you think."

Su Cheng's eyes were calm and his tone didn't have much emotion.

Su Yue's attitude since arriving in the God Realm was obviously not just about wanting to understand the situation of this simulation, but probably also thinking about a lot of things.

But now he doesn't care so much about talking about emotional issues.

The improvement in strength and realm has caused some kind of qualitative change in Su Cheng's character. It can be said that he is frighteningly thick-skinned.

Maybe this state will disappear when he returns to reality, but at this moment he can even analyze himself from the perspective of a bystander.

"As you can see... Xiaoxue, Dong'er, Zhuqing, Ayin, they and I all have a deep love between men and women."


Su Yue glanced at Su Cheng with complicated eyes, seemingly shocked by his calmness, but didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Su Cheng continued: "You will probably laugh at or criticize my behavior? But it is normal. I understand that this kind of behavior is not good. This is probably the bad nature of some men. It is difficult to love only one person in a lifetime, otherwise There won’t be so many exes anymore. It’s just that I was lucky enough to catch them at the same time. Whether this is right or wrong, I can only see later.”

"I think Qian Renxue has a lot of opinions." Su Yue's eyes flickered slightly, not knowing what she was thinking, "With your strength and ability, are you still worried about these things?"

"Someone has asked me similar questions before, but emotional matters have nothing to do with strength. People are not objects or tools. They all have independent thoughts and personalities. Their respective temperaments are also unique and shining points."

At this time, Su Cheng looked back at her, "Is the great Silver Dragon King also interested in learning more about human emotions?"

Su Yue's eyes suddenly turned cold and she said calmly: "Boring."

"Okay, forget it." Su Cheng looked at the forest in front of him, "We're here."

"here it is……"

"Do you feel it? The other half of Dragon God's body is right here."

While talking, the two of them flew high into the sky and looked down. In the middle of the vast forest, there was a quiet lake with a diameter of about 500 meters, which contained a very huge aura of life.

There is also a thick stone pillar twenty meters high in the middle of the lake, with a huge castle-like tower standing at the top.

This place is surprisingly the forbidden place used by the God Realm to seal the Golden Dragon King!

"call out--"

Along with the harsh sound of the sword, a sword light swung out from Su Cheng's hand.

It was very thin and narrow at first, but in an instant it turned into a terrifying beam of light that covered the sky and cut down the tower.

The moment he took action, several extremely strong aura fluctuations came from the center of the God Realm, and they came close in a blink of an eye. The leader was none other than God Shura.

Behind him, many god kings and first-level gods came hand in hand.

Su Cheng glanced over there and stopped looking.

When he first sneaked into the God Realm, he covered his aura and was not noticed until now. However, after launching such an intense attack, it was obvious that it was impossible to hide from the detection of the God Realm center. Almost in an instant, all the high-level officials in the God Realm were killed. Come.

Unfortunately it was too late.

The seal of the forbidden land has been broken!

Su Yue, on the other hand, looked at the gods in the distance with cold eyes, and immediately transformed into the gorgeous body of the Silver Dragon King, and the aura fluctuations at the peak level of a first-level god were released to the surroundings without any scruples.

The Shura God's eyebrows were knitted under his mask, and the warning signs in his heart were ringing wildly. He looked ahead and didn't dare to make any rash move for a while.

Needless to say, Su Cheng's strength was completely different from what he had seen before. He was terrifyingly powerful. Just that one glance made the gods feel a chill piercing their backs.

Next to him, there was a Silver Dragon King whose aura stood at the peak of the first-level god, but whose actual combat power was comparable to that of a god king, staring covetously.


The eyes of the God Kings and Lord Gods fell on the forest below.

Accompanied by violent shaking and roaring, the entire land cracked and the vast forest collapsed in all directions.

The huge tower standing in the center of the forbidden land of the gods shattered, and huge cracks spread from the center point of the tower's fall to both sides.


The cracks spread rapidly, and in just a blink of an eye, they extended thousands of meters in length.

Rays of golden light shone through the cracks in the earth, shining like real gold.


A low roar sounded from underground. It was very low at first, but soon became high-pitched and passionate.

The dragon roar, which was filled with complex emotions of excitement, unwillingness, and resentment, also carried endless desire for destruction and destruction.

The next moment, accompanied by a fierce roar, a golden light column shot up into the sky.


A huge golden dragon claw stretched out from the edge of the crack, and a huge dent with a radius of tens of meters appeared on the cliff in an instant.


Another muffled sound, another dragon claw climbed up the cliff, and then both claws exerted force at the same time, and a huge golden dragon as big as a mountain leaped out of the crack.

The diamond-shaped dragon scales reflected a magnificent brilliance, and the whole body was like a carefully forged divine weapon filled with a strong sharp aura.

The huge wings that covered the sky and the sun spread behind it, and on the ferocious dragon head, spikes emerged from the top of the head and the lower jaw, and then spread along the spine to the tail.

Unlike the slender dragon tail of the Silver Dragon King, the tip of the Golden Dragon King's tail is much thicker, and it is covered with dense and sharp spikes, which looks like a magnified wolf-toothed hammer with a terrifying power.

The blood-red dragon eyes are full of cruelty and violence, and the body is surrounded by a powerful blood force that even Su Cheng is amazed by.


The giant dragon spread its wings, and its huge body was suspended in the air, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Unlike the Silver Dragon King who inherited the Dragon God's ability to control elements, the Golden Dragon King got the Dragon God's indestructible terrifying power and physical strength, and his real combat power is also close to the God King.

The golden beast rose into the sky, and its ruby-like eyes scanned the surroundings, as if it was about to spit out fire.

The Golden Dragon King, who had been suppressed in the forbidden land for who knows how many years, now had only endless hatred in his heart, and the terrifying breath of destruction lingered in the air.


Suddenly, its fierce eyes froze in an instant.

Ignoring the deadly enemies in the distance, his sight was immediately focused on the silver dragon shadow beside Su Cheng.

The eyes that were originally full of desire for killing and destruction suddenly became extremely greedy, which made Su Yue frown.

Why did the other half of the Dragon God become like this? It was simply a ferocious beast with no rationality at all, and it looked really stupid...

"You are much more beautiful than him, even though you are a dragon."


"I'm telling the truth."

Su Cheng looked at the golden dragon in front of him and commented sincerely.

In fact, the Golden Dragon King looked good. Although he looked a little hideous, he had a kind of sharp and domineering beauty.

But in comparison, he still prefers the type of Silver Dragon King.


The Golden Dragon King didn't pay any attention to what the two were saying, and didn't even pay attention to Su Cheng. His eyes flashed with blood, and he turned into a golden light and rushed towards Su Yue.

Its speed was extremely fast. Just relying on physical strength, it was not inferior to the Shura God, who was famous for its combat power.


Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, a little helpless.

Originally, he let this guy out to cause some damage and disrupt the situation in the God Realm, and by the way, he wanted to see the trump cards of the several great God Kings and the foundation of the God Realm.


He glanced at the slow-moving golden shadow in his field of vision and shook his head secretly.

This kind of beast is indeed unreliable, so it's better to make use of it.

Anyway, with his current strength, he doesn't need any help at all.


The next moment, in the horrified eyes of the onlookers, the golden shadow was directly cut in half, and then turned into a ball of blood mist.

That indestructible and tyrannical body was as weak as dough in the sword light of Su Cheng.

At this time, both the hostile God Kings and Su Yue, as a teammate, became a little stiff.

The coldness continued to emerge from the depths of the heart, and in a blink of an eye it swept through the whole body, bringing a slight shudder.

You know, the strength level of the Golden Dragon King is at the same level as them, and the combat power is also similar.

But even such a level of existence was killed in an instant, how can people not feel instinctive fear.

This has nothing to do with rational will, it is just the instinctive reaction of all living beings when facing the threat of death.

Su Cheng ignored the eyes and emotions of others, stretched out his hand, and took the dragon blood in front of him into his palm.

Soon, a huge amount of golden blood was extracted by him until only a small ball of blood essence remained.

"Try to absorb it. If there is any problem, I can help you overcome the tribulation."

After playing with the extracted golden dragon blood for a while, Su Cheng threw it to Su Yue without any care, and then turned to look at the high-level gods headed by Shura God.

Beside him, there stood the two great gods of goodness and evil, as well as the two great law enforcers, the God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life.

"Shura God, you told me before that the existence of the God Realm is to maintain the order of the world and represent the overall situation of the universe, but what is the 'overall situation'?"

Although he asked, he was actually asking and answering himself.

"We always ask others to consider the overall situation, but this thing has nothing to do with justice and peace. In the final analysis, it all depends on strength. A group of mediocre people gathered together, and they can also form the so-called overall situation. But unfortunately, I am stronger than all of you put together. So, I am the overall situation."


The Asura God stared at Su Cheng without responding. He has never been a person who likes to talk nonsense.

If he were stronger, he could still communicate a few words.

But now the gap between the enemy and us is obvious, what is the difference between making excuses and showing weakness?

Turning his head and looking at the other great gods, the others were also speechless.

It's not that they were convinced by Su Cheng's reasoning.

But this situation has obviously reached a critical moment of life and death for the gods and the gods.

In the real world, on the Sea God Island, Su Cheng slowly opened his eyes.

The last simulation of the world was a complete success.

It is no exaggeration to say that in his last state, he was almost like a nuclear weapon washing the ground in front of those gods, and the battle was completely a dimensionality reduction attack.

As Su Cheng woke up, the exaggeratedly huge source of power swept through his body, and then quickly matched his current real realm under his command.

No external energy is needed, and there is no need to go to places with abundant energy such as the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire or the Blue Silver Grass Forest to improve. No energy can be more perfectly adapted to his current state than the source of power.

The Changsheng Sword appeared in his hand, and the only remaining unique seventh soul ring was shattered in an instant, turning into pure energy and pouring into the body together with the huge source of power.

The peak of the second-level god, the first-level god, the peak of the first-level god...

It was not until it approached the threshold of the God King that it finally stopped.

As for the second martial soul hidden in the blood, after the lessons of the simulated world, Su Cheng will definitely not try to activate it completely in the short term.

At least he will not touch it before his own reality and knowledge accumulation reach the corresponding realm.

But it won't take too long.

The realm improvement at the last moment gave Su Cheng an extremely profound understanding of the evolution of energy, and it was enough to spend some effort to sort it out.

Of course, even if he uses the earth, water, wind and fire to promote his own energy advancement, the speed of strength improvement will not be as exaggerated as in the simulation.

The reason why he was able to raise his own strength to the level of crushing the God Realm on the last day was because he was forced to use all his vitality and potential as energy to ignite the energy "reactor".

If it were a normal state that he could control, although the improvement speed was also not slow, it would definitely not reach that terrifying level.

It is even hard to say whether he can reach the upper limit at that time.

After all, the controllable evolution of the energy world is obviously not as good as the endless energy expansion.

Just as Su Cheng was silently familiar with his transformed body, a figure with white hair and white skirt came to him silently and looked at him in disbelief.

This guy...

He was obviously just an ordinary soul saint before, how could his aura become so terrifying overnight?

Xue Di was obviously not stupid. He quickly thought of Qian Renxue's fierce reaction after he injured him before. His expression suddenly became gloomy, and he realized that he was being fooled.

There is no doubt that there is a private affair between these two people, but it is unknown what caused some conflicts between them.

So after landing on the Sea God Island, Su Cheng deliberately showed weakness and used himself to win Qian Renxue's sympathy.

Humans are really treacherous!

Xue Di felt that her fists were hard.

As the master of the Arctic Icefield, she started to suffer consecutive defeats after coming to the human world. How could she not feel angry.

But what made Xue Di even more uncomfortable was that there was no way to retaliate.

She was just proud and had a bottom line, but she was not a fool.

It was obviously unnecessary to risk her life for this matter. The aura of the person in front of her was countless times stronger than Qian Renxue.

Just as Xue Di was thinking this, another aura emerged in the forbidden area in the center of the Sea God Island.

The dazzling white light broke through the sky, like another sun, indicating an amazing sense of existence.

But although its momentum was terrifying, the energy was extremely contained, and there was no heat at all.

Compared with the energy level, this amazing control was even more terrifying.

"She broke through again?!"

The Snow Queen turned her head and looked, her pupils trembling slightly.

Before today, Qian Renxue would never have been able to do this.

"Monster... Both of them are monsters..."

The white light disappeared quickly.

Afterwards, Qian Renxue appeared in front of Su Cheng, looking at him with a complicated expression.

In the simulation world, after Su Cheng went to the God Realm, Qian Renxue returned to Wuhun City to practice for a while. With the help of Su Cheng's last instructions, her understanding of the power of the blazing sun made great progress.

After she returned to reality with the core of the spirit, her realm returned to her original body, and her strength naturally made a great leap.

However, compared to what she gained from cultivation, her daily interactions with Bibi Dong were the experiences that had the greatest impact on her.

"Xiaoxue, our breath fluctuations just now should have alarmed the God Realm. I have to go see the Silver Dragon King first... that is Su Yue, you know."

Su Cheng said carefully, considering his words, while gazing at the other party's expression.

He didn't know what happened between the remaining people after he left Douluo Star, but he thought that with Bibi Dong's emotional intelligence, she should be able to ease the relationship between them a lot.

"You..." Qian Renxue opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

But then he gave up and said, "You go, I'll go back to Wuhun City first."

Just as the two were talking, Bo Saixi also appeared not far away, watching them quietly.

Su Cheng turned his head and looked at her, "High Priest, I'm leaving first. If it's convenient for you, you can also go to Wuhun City. Maybe..."

After hesitating for a while, he decided to tell the truth, "Maybe soon, I will be an enemy of the God Realm. As for whether there will be a battle in the end, I can't be sure."


Bo Saixi lowered his eyes and said nothing when he heard this, but sighed secretly in his heart.

Bo Saixi had been mentally prepared for the arrival of this day.

This "apprentice"'s attitude on this matter has never changed.

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