The story of this book has ended, but the stories of the characters in the book, Su Cheng, Xiaoxue, Dong'er, Zhuqing, A Yin, Su Yue, and others have not ended.

Dong'er no longer has to live for hatred and regret.

Xiaoxue does not need to devote her entire life to the Angel Clan and the Spirit Hall.

Zhuqing is no longer a pendant of a certain team.

A Yin can be a real person.

The Silver Dragon King no longer needs to bear those missions.

Including Poseidon, Xue Di, Ning Rongrong, Shui Bing'er, Feng Qingyu, Sanyan Jin Ni and others, and even Chen Xin, Dugu Bo, Ning Fengzhi and others, there will be stars and seas to look out in the future.

From then on, all kinds of frost compete for freedom, whether humans or soul beasts, have a new future.

Just as Su Cheng said, he is not a saint, nor a demon, but just a willful boy who wants to give everyone the right to choose freely.

Maybe the world will become worse, maybe it will become better, but it should not be imprisoned in shackles and prisons by someone or a few people in the name of "protection".

For the world and the living beings, this is not the best outcome, but it is not bad either.

At least I think this ending has explained everything that can be explained.

As for the rest of the daily Shura field, I will post it in the form of a special chapter when I have time.

Regarding the God Realm, I don’t know if you are satisfied with the position of the God Realm that I have created, but I have indeed thought about it for a long time.

There are several reasons for this treatment. Now that the book is finished, let’s talk about it casually.

First, I think that as powerful people who are high above, the gods of the Douluo God Realm actually have a certain degree of divinity, at least they are not selfish, so I don’t want to label them as villains.

Second, it is also for the rhythm of the whole book.

If I fight the God Realm again and write dozens of chapters, I think it will be no different from spamming, and readers may not like it.

Although this book has come to an end, the 24-hour subscription is still close to 3,000 in the level of more than 2,000, and the average subscription has not dropped, and it is still hovering around 10,000. Readers who can calculate the average subscription should be able to calculate this from my sales index.

That is to say, even if the plot is dragged out to make money, it can still be written for a long time, and hundreds of thousands of words can be continued, and a few more simulations will be enough.

After all, the traffic pool intelligent push of serialized books and completed books is completely different. Unfinished books will definitely make much more money than completed books.

But I don’t want to wear out the patience of old readers, I don’t want to ruin my reputation because of a book, and I don’t want to write myself into oblivion and become someone who can’t write books. (Here I must thank the readers for their support. Since it’s finished, I will also set up a communication group for old readers. Those who want to scold me or want to make suggestions can come in and chat)

I think I still have a lot of enthusiasm for writing books, and there are many stories in my mind that I want to tell. I haven’t reached the point of relying on my old capital.

The updates were very slow during this period before the end, not because I was lazy, but it was really hard to write.

Since I don’t want to waste the text, I have to end it well.

But when the plot progresses to the final stage, there is actually no suspense. It stands to reason that the ending should be described as a running account, but it was painful for me to write.

For the last few chapters, I couldn’t even write a thousand words in two or three hours.

It is really a torture to write a plot without reversals and ups and downs.

However, when I really typed the last period, I felt mixed emotions, relaxed but reluctant at the same time.

After all, this is my first book. Although it is just a fan fiction, I have put all my efforts into it.

Can I write the next book well?

Will anyone read it?

If I write original works, do I have the ability to do so?

I think I am not lacking in inspiration, and I can also portray outstanding characters. I have been preparing for the new book for a long time, but I still get very nervous when the time comes.

It is a small achievement to write a book to level 5, but the most important thing is that I have gained a lot of experience in this book. The rhythm of the plot, emotional ups and downs, character portrayal, etc. have all been greatly improved.

It must be admitted that fan fiction is really easy to write in the early stage, and it can attract readers.

But in the later stage, the limitations are too great. The more I write, the greater the constraints are. I can't leave this framework at all. It's like walking in shackles, and every step is very difficult.

Not only shackles, but also road signs in front, I can see at a glance where the future plot ends.

I think about the plot over and over again every day, but after thinking about it, I just think about how to optimize the process. The future is an unchanging target.

This feeling is really a bit painful.

Not only do I know the future ending, I also understand that readers also know the future ending.

In this way, the final closing stage cannot depict a more magnificent picture or a more exciting ending.

Of course, I am very grateful to this fan fiction track for giving a newcomer like me a chance and improving my writing ability.

I have my own understanding of the plot, rhythm, layout, emotions, character setting, etc.

I cherish this book and the readers who have come along.

The results of this book prove that I have the ability to describe a story and shape some characters... Even if these characters are divergent on the basis of the original labels.

However, even with the foundation of the original work, I think I still have a little credit.

After all, there are many Douluo fan fictions, but it is rare to have a score of 10,000 subscriptions.

This book has come to an end for now. I will publish some extra chapters in the future, but let me wait for a while to change my mind and write something else.

The new book is tentatively scheduled to be an original fairy tale. I have been talking to the editor for a long time. It should be published next week.

It is still a relaxed and happy Shura field, but the intensity of the ancient background of three wives and four concubines is probably much lower.

The road is long, see you again if you are destined~

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