Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 151 Convincing the Ice Emperor

"Can you really help me become a god?"

Ice Emperor slowly came to Luo Chen: "You didn't lie to me?"

"Even Tian Meng can become a god. Is it difficult to help you become a god?"

Luo Chen motioned to Tian Meng who was standing aside. Ice Emperor nodded subconsciously: "Well, she can do it, and I can do it too."

The best evidence is here, and Ice Emperor cannot help but not believe it.

In addition, there are Ah Rou and Ah Yin, who also showed powerful soul power that far exceeded the Ice Emperor.


Tian Meng said angrily: "How long are you going to look down on me? Especially you, Bingbing, you were clearly taught by my illusion just now!"


Ice Emperor already knew how Tianmeng became a god.

It turned out to be relying on the strength of others.

This incident made the Ice Emperor, who already looked down on Tianmeng, despise this lucky guy even more.

"Is it the same for you guys?"


Ah Yin smiled and said, "I won't let you down, Miss Ice Emperor."

‘A million-year soul beast. ’

The Ice Emperor observed them: 'And the aura is very stable, it doesn't look like it was forcibly improved by some extreme means. ’

The two women are only one step away from becoming gods.

I have to say that Ice Emperor was really moved.


It was really hard for the Ice Emperor to accept that he was a human being who was still a brat.


But that is becoming a god and eternal life.

‘Besides, I’ve already lost. ’

The Ice Emperor looked a little decadent: 'According to the rules of the Far North, even if they eat me as food, there is nothing to say. ’


Luochen knew that Ice Emperor had gone astray. According to her idea, she should have become Luochen's divine beast, and would be enslaved by it from then on, unable to be free. .

However, Luo Chen told the Ice Emperor that although the star spirits had no difference in obligations from the divine beasts, the star spirits were independent individuals and had their own divinity and divinity.

"Yeah, just like me, Bingbing."

Tianmeng does not have an official divine status yet, but she actually already has the divine status.

It should be explained here that divine personality, divine position, and divinity are three different concepts.

Among them, the god's position is related to belief, the godhead can control the laws, and the divinity means the life level of a certain individual.

In short, demigods like Bo Saixi and Qian Daoliu are actually no different from level 100 priests in terms of physical fitness.

But they have no godhead or status, cannot absorb faith, and cannot control laws.

In contrast, although Tianmeng does not have a divine status, she has a godhead and can control the laws of spirit, dreams, illusions, etc., and she also has the physical fitness of a first-level god.

There is actually no difference whether there is a god or not.

The power of faith is not as good as divine power (the power of ascension), let alone the power of law (the power of heaven).

Its greatest function is to improve the cultivation of gods, similar to the 'spiritual energy' in the eyes of gods.

Tianmeng corresponds to a level 1 god, and now in Douluo Continent, because Luo Chen absorbed the Ice and Fire Dragon King, the upper limit of the level of gods that can be accommodated has also been raised from the original level 3 to the peak level 2.

To sum up, at the same level, the order of importance of the three is Godhead \u003e Godhead \u003e Divinity.

"Sister Tianmeng is still some distance away from being able to merge with a level 1 god."

Luo Chen: "After all, the current Douluo Continent cannot bear the status of a level 1 god."

None of the star spirits under Luo Chen's command could value the status of a second-level god.

Even for level 1 gods, after the example of Tianmeng, the girls no longer care that much.

Heaven's dream, the shame of the stars.

Being on the same level as her is really a bit embarrassing.

However, all God Kings are simply delusional.

This is not Luochen's problem, but that the Douluo Universe itself cannot accommodate so many god kings.

Of course, getting two or three more protoss to appear is definitely not a problem.

Tianmeng is out of luck. Her potential is almost at its limit. Even if there is still room for improvement in the future, she will break through from 7 divine rings to 8, which is half a step to the realm of a divine king.

There is no way, Tianmeng's foundation is too poor.

She was indeed lucky, but it was precisely this good luck that restricted her from continuing to climb.

And those who have the same problem as Tian Meng are Ah Yin and Ah Rou.

Ah Yin is too gentle and does not fight or grab.

If you want to break through the God King, the most important thing is unswerving determination.

Ah Yin does not have this.

Luochen once asked Ah Yin a question, that is, if the opportunity to become a god king was placed in front of her, would she be willing to get it herself or give it to other sisters.

Ah Yin's answer is the latter.

Imagine that if you are willing to give up the opportunity to become a god, how can A Yin become the god king on your own?

Ah Rou's situation is similar to Ah Yin's, but different.

In terms of pure potential, Ah Rou itself is not as good as Ah Yin.

One of the two girls is a soft-bone rabbit and the other is a blue silver emperor. They are not soul beasts of the same level at all.

Of course, that's not how the accounts were calculated.

Otherwise, Tianmeng's body is an ice silkworm, and if it dies, it will be a soul beast at the bottom of the food chain that can compete with the Blue Silver Grass.

The main reason why Luo Chen said that Ah Rou was not as good as Ah Yin was that she had lost her enterprising spirit.

Arou is satisfied with her current life. Rather than continuing to become stronger, she wants to give all her opportunities to her daughter Xiaowu.

Luo Chen ostensibly agreed to this, but in fact he did not give up on Arou.

He is thinking of ways to let Xiao Wu and Ah Rou share a set of divine positions, thereby improving the quality of this divine position and godhood.

"what about me?"

"Hope God King."

Of course, there is only hope, not 100%.

"I, the God King."

The Ice Emperor, who knew what the God King meant from Luo Chen, was immediately overwhelmed by the surprise.


Luo Chen touched the Ice Emperor's head and found that it felt very good: "Can you transform into a human form?"

The Ice Emperor was not dissatisfied with Luo Chen's offensive behavior.

As expected, Luochen will be her boss from now on. Trading freedom in exchange for the opportunity to become a god is a good deal no matter how hard you think about it.

The current Ice Emperor has not yet reached the point where he will only have a hundred years of life left in ten thousand years.

However, Ice Emperor is self-aware that she has no confidence to survive the next 400,000 years of catastrophe, so following Luo Chen is her only and best choice.


Without hesitation, I saw the blue light on Ice Emperor flickering. When the light dimmed, an extremely beautiful figure appeared in front of Luo Chen.

"Oh, Bingbing is so beautiful~~"

Tianmeng was not stingy with his praise, but Ice Emperor ignored it. She didn't need the compliments of Tianmeng, a fool.

"It's really beautiful."

Luo Chen: "From now on, just like Sister Tianmeng, I will be called You Bingbing."


The Ice Emperor asked: "What should I do next?"

"Wait a moment."

Luo Chen came to the far north not only to find outstanding soul beasts suitable to become star spirits, but also to find his fifth soul ring.

However, Luo Chen has not yet decided on the candidate for this soul ring.

Yes, his best choice is not the Ice Emperor, but the Snow Emperor, another of the three kings of the Far North.

Of course, the sixth after fifth will be left to the Ice King as expected.

And with luck, Luo Chen can also solve Xiao Wu's problem.

It not only ensures Xiao Wu's star spirit transformation, but also allows her to blend with her mother A Rou's soul to enhance the potential of mother and daughter, killing two birds with one stone.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for someone."

Luo Chen sat cross-legged on the grass casually. He motioned to the Ice Emperor to relax and not be so formal: "You should be familiar with this person."

"Snow Emperor?"

Ice Emperor understood who Luo Chen was talking about.

Tian Meng released his aura to the entire Far North so arrogantly. She was the closest, so she was the first to arrive.

But other soul beasts, especially those hundred thousand year soul beasts that are confident in their own strength, are definitely on their way.


Luochen: "That's her."

"What do you want Snow Emperor to do?"

"My method of transforming star spirits is similar to the soul master's method of attaching soul rings. It just doesn't need to kill the soul beast, it just needs to resonate with each other."

Luo Chen already regarded the Ice Emperor as one of his own, so he did not hide this. He said bluntly: "My current soul power is level 50, and I still need a soul ring to break through the shackles."

"But compared to you, I actually want Snow Emperor to become my fifth soul ring."

Now, the shackles of the soul master are no longer the restrictions of the laws of the Douluo plane, but have become the protection of Luo Chen by the will of the Star-casting Dragon King.

"Really, there is no need to kill the soul beast?"

When he heard about the soul ring, Ice Emperor's heart skipped a beat.

No way, this word is really not a good thing for soul beasts.

"Do not worry."

Luo Chen glanced at the Ice Emperor standing next to him: "If I have any ill intentions towards you, why should I play such a trick?"

And this matter itself is endorsed by Tianmeng and the others.

These ready-made examples are enough to prove the benefits and safety of becoming a Luochen soul ring.

In addition, as Luo Chen said, the Ice Emperor has already experienced how strong he is.

That kind of terrifying mental control that can modify will, memory, and perception at will makes the Ice Emperor feel shuddering when he thinks about it.

"No, you, are you only level 50?"

Ice Emperor: Are you a level 50 bitch?

Ice Emperor felt that her world view was once again impacted. She always thought that Luo Chen was a god, otherwise how could he be so strong.

‘Yes, he is talking about additional soul rings. ’

Only soul masters need to hunt soul beasts and obtain soul rings.

If he were a god, he wouldn't need such a thing as a soul ring.

"Because I'm a genius."

Luo Chen smiled and spread his hands, summoning his two god-level spirits, the Sun Disk and the Celestial Star Crown.

The next moment, Ice Emperor's attention was attracted by these two spirits, and he could no longer look away.

It wasn't until Luo Chen took it back that the Ice Emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

"This, this attraction"

The Ice Emperor tried his best to get rid of the desire for the power of heaven, and she asked: "Do you want me to help you persuade the Snow Emperor?"


Luo Chen did not want to take action against the Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor.

If Tianmeng hadn't clamored to return home in fine clothes, he would have had peace talks with the Ice Emperor instead of using violence to force him to subdue him.

"Forget it, if it's Snow Emperor, you might have to fight her twice."

Ice Emperor is very familiar with Snow Emperor's character. Although she is cold and quiet, she has always been very strong in battle.

To get Snow Emperor's approval, words are absolutely impossible.

"In the end, we still have to take action."

Luo Chen shrugged indifferently and looked at Tianmeng and others: "Which one of you is willing to come this time?"

"I've fought!"

Tianmeng put his hands on his hips and expressed that he was only interested in the Ice Emperor.

Ah Rou and Ah Yin also had no intention of fighting, and even Gu Yuena acted quite calmly this time.

"All right."

Luo Chen knew: "If Snow Emperor wants to fight, I will accompany her to fight a few moves."

Gu Yuena's attitude towards the Snow Emperor was obviously much more serious.

It's like a job interview.

Tianmeng is the department manager, Arou and Ayin are Luochen's nanny and secretary, and Gu Yuena has a high enough status that she is the executive president.

But for a top talent like Emperor Xue, Luo Chen should be hired personally to show enough importance.

Not surprisingly, this Extreme North Heavenly King should be one of the strongest female soul beasts in this world, besides Gu Yuena.

According to what Gu Yuena asked Old Time before, among the current female soul beasts in Douluo Continent, excluding Gu Yuena, the ones with the highest combat power and qualifications are in the Far North and Douluo Overseas respectively.

The Ice and Snow Snow Emperor has cultivated for nearly 700,000 years.

In addition, she is the wife of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King who has cultivated for a million years, and is a Deep Sea Demon Whale who has cultivated for 800,000 years.

The latter is a wife and does not meet Gu Yuena's requirements.

"Remember to be gentle and don't break it."

Gu Yuena was already prepared to prevent Luo Chen from accidentally injuring Snow Emperor, a sister of her own race who was favored by her.


Listening to the conversation between the two, Ice Emperor was speechless.

The Snow Emperor is obviously the strongest person in this far north, but in the conversation between these two people, the Snow Emperor is like a porcelain doll that breaks at the touch of a touch.

"Are you strong?"


Luo Chen thought for a moment and said, "Theoretically, Sister Tianmeng, Sister Naer, Sister Rou and Sister Ayin are all part of my power."

"I mean, not counting them, just you."

Ice Emperor thought about it again and again, and she believed that Luo Chen would not really hurt Snow Emperor, but she still decided to find out: "If you use the illusion spell you cast on me, Snow Emperor should not be able to parry it."

"There's no way to calculate it that way."

Luo Chen's most powerful posture now is to enter the giant god mode, holding the two super artifacts Li Wu and Han Yue.

He himself didn't know how far Luo Chen could reach by gathering the celestial power of all the stars.

Anyway, the current Snow Emperor is definitely not someone who can touch porcelain.

To put it bluntly, the Snow Emperor is equivalent to a level 99 Extreme Douluo if he is able to hold himself to death. Combined with the advantage of the field, he is a demigod.

It's a pity that demigods are no different from ants in front of Luo Chen who is at his peak.

"Don't worry, I won't take the initiative."

"Of course, if Snow Emperor wants to test my quality, I will still try my best to satisfy her."

As he said this, the surrounding scenes suddenly appeared in Ice Emperor's mind.

Not only that, with them as the center, everything within a radius of more than ten kilometers actually appeared in her mind in detail.

What's even more frightening is that despite the huge amount of calculations, Ice Emperor doesn't feel any discomfort at all, but feels refreshed.

Whatever she wants to see, hear, or feel, a large amount of information will appear in her mind with just a thought.

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