"It's dawn."

The next day, Luochen woke up in Bibi Dong's warm embrace.

He struggled slightly, and through the smooth gauze, his face slightly rubbed against the rich and generous land, and the refreshing fragrance of the beautiful Pope came to his nose.


Perhaps sensing Luo Chen's movement, Bibi Dong subconsciously hugged him tighter.

Even in her sleep, Bibi Dong's movements were still extremely gentle, as if she instinctively regarded Luo Chen as a piece of fragile porcelain, for fear of hurting him.

"This is really true."

Luochen had no choice but to continue to use Bibi Dong as a pillow.

As the old saying goes, if you can't resist, you can only enjoy it.

“Sleep so comfortable.”

Soon, Bibi Dong also woke up from her sleep.

Just like last time, with Luochen by her side, she slept very peacefully.


Bibi Dong stretched without any image, showing her perfect body curves in front of Luo Chen: "Xiao Chen, what time is it now?"


Luo Chen was a little speechless, who was the master?

Bibi Dong was obviously the teacher, but she asked Luo Chen about the time to wake up.

Unfortunately, Bibi Dong didn't feel ashamed at all. Instead, she hugged Luochen into her arms and finished today's good morning post.

Luochen had no choice but to let Bibi Dong be manipulated.

"It would be great if I could always stay with Xiaochen."

As the Pope, Bibi Dong has a lot of things to do.

She wanted to be by Luo Chen's side all the time.

However, despite being busy with work, only by taking time out every day, or at night, can we enjoy the hard-won daily life of parent-child life.

That's right, Bibi Dong has already decided that she wants to live with Luo Chen.

The reason is also very good.

The first is the starlight field, which can increase her cultivation speed.

Soul masters in Douluo Continent do not need to practice all the time.

Take Bibi Dong as an example. He only needs to practice for 2 hours a day to complete his daily practice and expand and strengthen the meridians in his body to the limit.

As the saying goes, going too far is never enough.

If you have to practice forcefully, it will not only put a huge burden on the mind and body, but also leave all kinds of hidden dangers, leading to damage to the foundation.

Therefore, it is right to relax one by one.

On this point, Bibi Dong also taught Luo Chen: 'The best time to practice every day is at dawn in the morning and the hour and a half before going to bed. ’

In addition, Bibi Dong came up with that reason again.

‘It’s not safe at night. With the teacher by your side, no one can hurt you. ’

The highest combat power in Wuhun Palace today is Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong.

‘And the poison on your body, Xiaochen, the teacher must check it every day, just in case. ’

Okay, I even gave you the reason for a physical check-up.

What else could Luo Chen say.

After all, who can resist a soft and fragrant Bibi Dong?

Luo Chen: Are you using this to test cadres? Which cadre can withstand such a test? !


Soon after, the master and apprentice finished washing.

They opened the windows to let in the fresh air.

Then the two figures, one big and one small, sat cross-legged on the bed and started their morning lessons.

I saw individual star grasses appearing around the master and apprentice.

They exude quiet starlight, as if the Milky Way is flowing around the two of them, and eventually turn into wisps of azure soul power and merge into their bodies.


Soon, half an hour of practice was over.

Bibi Dong withdrew her soul power. She looked at Luo Chen and saw her disciple giving her a smile.

"Teacher, this is the first time that my practice has gone so smoothly."

An increase of 20% is still too conservative.

Being in Luochen's starlight field, Bibi Dong only felt that the efficiency of refining soul power and the quality of soul power had been greatly improved.

Not only that, after the soul power attached to the starlight enters the body, it will also help Bibi Dong repair some damage to his muscles and veins.

If you really think about it, Bibi Dong has a feeling that if she can bathe in the starlight for a long time, she will definitely undergo a qualitative transformation.


Accompanied by a knock on the door, Hu Liena called outside the door: "Are you awake?"


Opening the door, Luochen saw Hu Liena.

The little fox looked worried, obviously still worried about Luochen's sudden collapse.


Seeing that Luo Chen was safe and sound, the little fox quickly threw himself into his arms: "That's great, it's great that you're okay."


Seeing Hu Liena and Luo Chen being so close, Bibi Dong interrupted with some disgust: "Nana, why are you so frizzy?"


Hu Liena was obviously a little surprised as to why Bibi Dong was here.

She looked through the gap between the two of them and saw a lavender transparent gauze nightgown that she had not yet put away.

At this moment, the little fox felt like he was struck by lightning!

"Teacher, do you and Xiaochen live together?"

Hu Liena was so surprised that she didn't know what to say for a moment.

If the little fox hadn't been only 6 years old this year, she would have complained in her heart that Bibi Dong had sneaked away, which was really despicable.

Of course, the reality is…

Hu Liena: Woohoo, the man was robbed by the teacher~~~

The aggrieved little fox is pitiful, weak and helpless.


Bibi Dong was naturally prepared: "Xiao Chen is weak. As a teacher, of course I have to take good care of him."

Well, the little fox has nothing to say.

"Then, teacher, do you want to go to the academy with us?"

Hu Liena naturally hugged Luo Chen's hand, euphemistically calling it support, but in reality she just wanted to stick to it.


Bibi Dong told Luo Chen before that she hoped he would keep a low profile.

Bibi Dong also told Hu Liena about this here and asked her to tell Wang Sheng who was waiting outside the palace.

"The teacher's arrangement for me is that I can freely choose whether to go to class or not."

Luochen chose to take some theoretical courses, but he did not plan to participate in actual combat and training.

The reason for this is to avoid exposure.

Bibi Dong agreed with this.

"With Xiaochen's qualifications, it won't be long before those lecturers won't be able to teach you any theory."

Speaking of Wuhun theory, Bibi Dong himself is a master of theory.

So she knew very well how terrifying Luochen's theoretical qualifications were.

As for the issue of combat experience.

Bibi Dong will arrange trustworthy people to give Luo Chen adequate training in private.

In fact, Wuhun Palace has always prepared practical training for saints and saints.

Although Luochen is not known as the Holy Son, in terms of treatment, he even surpasses the Holy Sons and Saints of the past generations.

In actual combat, Bibi Dong specially prepared three levels of training modes for Luo Chen: simple, difficult, and extreme.

The simple mode is for Luo Chen to compete with peers like Wang Sheng and Hu Liena.

The period must be limited in order to keep it to a level where both parties can gain something.

The difficulty mode will allow Luo Chen to fight against soul masters whose paper data far exceeds his own.

As for the final extreme mode level, Titled Douluo such as Yue Guan and Gui Mei will allow Luo Chen and others to face enemies whose strength far exceeds theirs in advance, thereby training their countermeasures. .

If necessary, even Bibi Dong would personally go into battle to train her children.

Letting a titled Douluo serve as a training partner was something that would be unimaginable in other sects.

Only Wuhundian is wealthy enough to arrange such a lineup.

"Let's go."

Bibi Dong picked up the two children, and in a flash, she had already arrived at the door of the main hall from the highest floor of the Pope's Palace.

"See the Pope!"

The guards standing guard on both sides saw Bibi Dong and quickly knelt down to salute.

"No need to be polite."

Bibi Dong put the two of them down, and then said gently: "Okay, Nana, please take Xiaochen to the academy."

"Remember to keep it a secret."

Bibi Dong had already accumulated many days of work because she was worried about Luochen's safety.

Although she has Luochen as her new support, Bibi Dong is a strong woman after all.

Now that he has taken over the position of Pope, it is necessary to take control of Wuhun Palace. Bibi Dong does not want to return this inheritance to Qianjia.

"I know, teacher."

Nana took Luo Chen's hand and walked out: "Xiao Chen, let me help you."

"Teacher, let's go."

"Go ahead and take care of yourself."

Bibi Dong said goodbye to the two of them, and at the same time ordered Ju Ghost Douluo to follow them: "Protect them."


Jugui Douluo knew the importance of protecting Luochen and Hu Liena.

Putting aside Luo Chen's ability, Hu Liena also represents the future of Wuhun Palace.

Moreover, Ju Ghost Douluo was quite familiar with this kind of task of being a nanny. After all, Bibi Dong was brought up by the two of them.


Outside the Pope's Palace, Wang Shengzheng was standing next to a gorgeously decorated carriage. When he saw the two people coming out, he quickly stepped forward: "How is your health?"

"I'm fine. Brother Wang Sheng made you worry."

The three children got on the carriage and drove towards the direction of Wuhundian Academy.

Outside the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong looked far away in the direction in which the carriage was leaving.

She seemed to notice the mood swings of the guards around her, and her whole aura changed, instantly transforming into the majestic Pope of Wuhun Palace.

These guards are die-hard loyalists of Wuhun Palace and will never betray them.

Even if any secrets were revealed, they would only be revealed to Sendaoliu.

But now it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Qiandao Liuben already knew about Luo Chen's existence.

Bibi Dong had a tacit understanding with him, and both of them would protect Luo Chen, the future hope that was crucial to Wuhun Palace.

"Who did you send?"

"Lao Liu and Lao Seven."

At some point, Qian Daoliu appeared beside Bibi Dong: "Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards that child."

"no offence?"

Bibi Dong looked at Qian Daoliu suspiciously until the great priest sighed helplessly: "Xiao Chen is a good boy. You are Xue'er's mother after all, so you must consider her."


Bibi Dong subconsciously wanted to refuse, and mocked Qian Renxue a few words.

What about my biological daughter?

Qian Renxue is not worthy of her Luochen at all.

I, Bibi Dong, don’t want this marriage...

"You don't want that one day, that child will be abducted by vixens outside like you, right?"


Good guy, Qian Daoliu said this.

Bibi Dong always felt that this old man was criticizing Huaihuai.

However, Bibi Dong had to admit that Qian Daoliu had indeed hit her sore spot.

"Whether it's the little girl named Hu Liena or Xiaoxue," Qian Daoliu said, "after all, they are family members."

The meat rots in the pot, and the fat does not flow to outsiders.

Qian Daoliu said that under fair competition, if Qian Renxue lost to Hu Liena, he would have nothing to say.

On the contrary, he also hopes that Bibi Dong can admit the relationship between Xiaoxue and Luochen and avoid causing any more tragedies.


Bibi Dong was silent for a long time.

If it was just her, Bibi Dong would definitely refuse.

Thousands of people, Bibi Dong would not leave good things to them even if she went there in person.

However, she still had to consider Luochen's thoughts.

"If she has this ability, she will be able to impress me."

Bibi Dong couldn't refuse because she was also afraid that her regret would happen again to Luo Chen.

Although she expressed dissatisfaction with Qian Renxue, she actually still cared about her daughter.

The most important thing is that no matter who wins Luochen's heart, Hu Liena or Qian Renxue, her mother-in-law's status cannot be shaken.

So what if Qian Renxue gets Luochen?

When the time comes when you enter the house, why don't you just give her small shoes if you want to?

I really thought that with Luo Chen, I could be unscrupulous!

See if she doesn't give Qian Renxue some knowledge and tell her what 'setting rules' means.

Bibi Dong: You’re just a daughter-in-law, let me crawl on you!

"Here we are."

"This is Wuhundian Academy."

Luo Chen and the others didn't know about the private agreement between Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu. They had already arrived at Wuhundian Academy.

The college is located in Nancheng. It covers a very large area and its various facilities, environment, and resources are even higher than those of Tiandou Royal College.

"Xiaochen, let me help you."

As soon as she got off the car, Hu Liena knocked away Wang Sheng and took the position that originally belonged to him.

The intimate look made Wang Sheng shake his head.


Luochen didn't refuse. After all, who could refuse a little love-minded fox who only focused on himself.

"Have you already enrolled in school?"

"I enrolled two months ago."

Hu Liena told Luo Chen that the entrance period for Wuhundian Academy is in September every year.

She awakened her martial spirit three months ago and therefore entered school early.

When Luochen was seriously injured and unconscious, Wang Sheng was brought to the principal's office by Ju Douluo and enrolled as a special admissions student. He was also placed in Hu Liena's elite class.

Naturally, the teachers in the college did not dare to have any objections to this.

Ju Douluo brought it personally, who dares to question it?

As for the students, after learning that Wang Sheng was born with full soul power and the amazing talent of the top beast martial soul, they immediately shut up.

In Douluo Continent, strength is respected.

In the world of soul masters, talent determines status.

"Then where should we go now? Directly to class?"

"Just go to class."

At some point, Yue Guan's figure appeared next to the three little ones.

"Elder Ju!"

"No need to be polite."

Ju Douluo smiled charmingly: "Just call me Grandpa Ju."

Jugui Douluo is the most familiar Titled Douluo among the three, and he alone witnessed the awakening of the three little ones (Hu Liena was reported to him, and Wang Sheng’s ascension ceremony was also considered an awakening). With this relationship, he is called Grandpa. Noticeably closer.

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