Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 110 (Guest, please click here to take a look!) That year, there was a coaching war!

Guangyu thought deeply for a while, and finally spoke calmly.

"You don't want to drive me away, do you?"

Qian Renxue immediately denied it.

"That's not the case, but you just came to the Tiandou Empire and don't understand the situation in Tiandou City."

"And the Tiandou Royal Academy will also be a key part of our future control of the Tiandou Empire!"

Guangyu still didn't completely believe it. "Is that so?"

Qian Renxue continued: "In addition to the officials and military at all levels in the Tiandou Empire, there is another force that we need to win over!"

"That is the aristocratic forces of the Tiandou Empire. When these aristocratic forces are integrated together, they will be a powerful force!"

"Now we are constantly infiltrating the political and military situation of Tendou. The only ones who have not opened up the situation are the nobles!"

After hearing this, Guangyu also said: "So you want to start from Tiandou Royal Academy. As the aristocratic academy of Tiandou Empire, Tiandou Royal Academy has attracted nearly 90% of the aristocratic children. From them It’s easier to get it than to get it from those aristocratic old men!”

Hearing this, Qian Renxue smiled and nodded.

"It's easy to talk to smart people. Tiandou Royal Academy only accepts nobles, so our next step can be to start with the next generation of these nobles. Sooner or later, they will take over their family's power. We must win them over in advance, and then Once we take action, even if they have not grown into the masters of family power, due to the relationship between these noble children and us, the families behind them will not help but lean towards us, which will naturally be beneficial to our smooth control of the Tiandou Empire in the future!"

"Moreover, didn't you just emphasize your concern for Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing? Xue Beng is currently studying at Tiandou Royal Academy, and Prince Xue Xing is in charge of Tiandou Royal Academy. If you go to Tiandou Royal Academy, you will have Reason enough to keep an eye on them both.”

"It's not like we haven't placed people in Tiandou Royal Academy over the years. Although the three members of the Education Committee of Tiandou Royal Academy are from the Spirit Hall, these three are stubborn! I have asked them to contact them secretly more than once. Those imperial aristocratic disciples, but they work hard for me, they really only regard themselves as academy teachers, and they don’t consider themselves from the standpoint of Wuhun Palace at all!”

"If I want to regain control of the Tiandou Royal Academy, I don't have a suitable candidate for the moment. Now that you are here, you can just take over the Tiandou Royal Academy for me!"

But just as Qian Renxue finished speaking, she saw Guangyu raising his hand to stop him.

"What? You still don't want to go to Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Guangyu shook his head, and then expressed his opinion.

"I can go to Tiandou Royal Academy, but I may not win over those noble disciples. My main purpose of going to the academy is to deal with Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing!"

"No! Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing will not hinder our plan. They do not have the ability and strength. On the contrary, if you attack them now, it will only cause us trouble!" Qian Renxue did not put Xue Beng and Xue Xing The prince saw it, even though he knew that Xue Beng was all a fake, but at this time, the court and the military, Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing did not have any power, so Qian Renxue did not take the two of them seriously at all.

"Don't worry! I won't use force to deal with the two of them, and I will wipe you out cleanly at the same time!"

After saying that, Guangyu left the living room with five physical clones.

Go to Tiandou Royal Academy to be a teacher? Yes, and just now, Guangyu thought of an immature way to solve Xue Beng and Prince Snow Star.

Seeing Guangyu and others leaving, Qian Renxue clenched her fists tightly again.

What she hates most is when others disobey her!

In the original story, when the Heavenly Dou Palace changed, Agatha Douluo wanted to make a sneak attack after Tang San's soul power was exhausted, but Qian Renxue scolded him, not to mention Guangyu contradicting him so blatantly!

But the key is that I still have no choice!

Regardless of whether he used his hands or his brain, he seemed to be unable to take advantage of him.

"Young Master, are we still going to let him go to Tiandou Royal Academy?" Snake Spear Douluo asked cautiously.

With a flash of golden light on her body, Qian Renxue transformed from a daughter back to a sissy Xue Qinghe. Although there was no expression on her face, there was still anger hidden in her bright eyes!


"The plan remains unchanged! If he stays in the court or the military, he will be more likely to disrupt the situation. It is better to arrange him in Tiandou Royal Academy!"

"In addition, send someone to watch him carefully! Don't let him do anything random!"

"Yes!" Snake Spear Douluo responded respectfully with his fists clasped.

In three days, the procedures for Guangyu to go to Tiandou Royal Academy were completed.

Guangyu, who has a soul power level of sixty-four, can receive the treatment of a Tiandou-level teacher in the Tiandou Royal Academy.

In addition to the three members of the Education Committee, the Tiandou-level teachers are the highest-ranking people in the Tiandou Royal Academy.

Tiandou Royal Academy is located on a mountain outside Tiandou City. It is similar to Wuhundian Academy. The reason why it is built next to the mountain is that it is suitable for building a soul master's mimicry training place.

The main campus of the college is halfway up the mountain. Under the guidance of a dedicated person, Guangyu quickly arrived at the college campus.

There are approximately more than 500 students in the entire Tiandou Royal Academy. They are basically noble children from the empire and affiliated kingdoms. In addition, there will also be some disciples from large clans and some descendants with strong backgrounds.

For example, Yu Tianheng from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family and Dugu Yan, the granddaughter of Dugu Bo!

The main campus of Tiandou Royal Academy is all built with bungalows. It feels like a fortress. The outer courtyard wall is five meters high. The whole body is bright yellow, which symbolizes nobility. It looks extremely gorgeous, even the top of the courtyard wall. , also covered with glazed tiles, is particularly dazzling under the sunset.

When he arrived at Tiandou Royal Academy, Guangyu's first goal was naturally to go to the Education Committee and meet the three Education Committee members.

The Education Committee of Tiandou Royal Academy is located in the center of the main campus of the academy. It is also the largest building in the entire main campus. Although it is also a single-story building, the highest point is ten meters tall. It looks a bit like a Wuhun Palace. a feeling of.

When Guangyu arrived at the gate of the Education Committee of Tiandou Royal Academy under the guidance of a dedicated person, three old people were already waiting there.

The three old men were all wearing black robes, which were the exclusive uniforms of Wuhun Palace. The fact that they could greet Guang Yu so solemnly was considered as giving face to Guang Yu, or to Qian Renxue.

After seeing Guang Yu, the old man in the middle laughed and strode forward to greet him.

"Teacher Yu Guang can come to our Tiandou Royal Academy. It is really a blessing for the academy! Now the faculty of the academy has been strengthened!"

I have to say that these three old guys are really capable of being teachers. Wuhun Palace trained them. However, after they came to Tiandou Royal Academy, the three of them worked as teachers and actually left their original identities behind. The back of the head.

Even for the sake of the college, three education committee members wrote to Emperor Xue Ye, requesting for an increase in teaching staff.

It's just that their requests were sent to them in letters, and they never came back, without any reply.

Otherwise, they would not be so willing, or even so eager, to agree to absorb teachers and students from Shrek Academy.

"Senior is so complimentary! Junior Yu Guang has met three seniors!"

Guangyu crossed his hands on his shoulders, bent slightly and made a junior salute.

The old man in the middle of the three old men directly pulled Guang Yu's hand on his shoulder.

"Teacher Yu Guang, you don't have to be polite! Now that we have come to the college, we will be colleagues from now on! And Teacher Yu Guang is so young, he will definitely be able to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the college in the future! Let me introduce first, I am Meng Shenji, the chief of the Education Committee. Martial spirit black demon, control type eighty-sixth level eight-ring spirit Douluo."

Meng Shenji is of medium build, his voice is not harsh, and he looks kind when he smiles.

As he spoke, Mengshenji also pointed at the old man on his left.

"This is the second seat of the college's education committee, Baibaoshan Douluo, Wuhun Tianxingluo, defense department eighty-five-level eight-ring soul douluo!"

Bai Baoshan's body shape is exactly the opposite of Meng Shenji's. He is not tall but extremely fat, with a standard height of four feet. He always has a gentle smile on his face, clearly the kind of fat man who often smiles.

When Mengshenji introduced himself, he also smiled and nodded at Guangyu.

After Meng Shenji introduced Bai Baoshan, he immediately pointed to the last old man, who was an ordinary-looking man with the most normal figure.

"These are the three seats on the Education Committee, Zhilin Soul Douluo, Wuhun Tianqingteng, and control type eighty-three-level eight-ring weapon Soul Douluo!"

Three Contras are already a good configuration for an academy. After all, Titled Douluo usually don't bother to get involved in the academy.

After the introduction, Meng Shenji even raised his hand to make a "please" gesture.

"Teacher Yu Guang, don't be polite. When you get here, it's like arriving at your own home. Quick, please come inside!"

Subsequently, the three education committee members led Guangyu into the education committee.

The Education Committee is not as luxurious as imagined. On the contrary, the interior of the place where these three Contras work and live is very simple.

There are only necessary furnishings and some simple green plants for decoration.

From this, it is not difficult to see the character of the three old guys from the Education Committee. No wonder they are not cooperating with Qian Renxue's actions. These are clearly three people who cannot tolerate sand in their eyes!

Entering the Education Committee, Meng Shenji asked the servants to quickly bring tea and snacks. He glanced at Guang Yu and said with a smile: "Teacher Yu Guang came to the academy. I wonder what his plans are?"

Meng Shenji was actually trying to find out Guang Yu's purpose, or rather, Xue Qinghe's intention.

Guangyu chuckled lightly and said: "To be honest with the three education committee members, I actually have some opinions on cultivation, but to be honest, I am not suitable to teach ordinary students, so I came to the academy because I want to teach the members of the Tiandou Royal Academy team!" (Just like some people can do the questions but not talk about them)

"Furthermore, the continent-wide soul master elite competition is coming soon, and I also want to do my part for the academy!"

Hearing this, the three education committee members looked at each other.

"I wonder what the age and soul power of Teacher Yu Guang are?"

Guangyu also said that Qian Renxue pretended to be a good age for herself.

"Back to seniors, this junior is twenty-eight years old this year. He has a martial soul, Golden Feather Eagle, and a soul power level of sixty-four!"

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