Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 113 (Aren’t you really curious?) Huangdou members’ training and transformation plan

"After a snake catches an enemy, in addition to injecting snake venom into the enemy, the snake will often wrap the enemy tightly and try to strangle the enemy!"

"I'm not asking you to completely give up your Jade Phosphorus Purple Poison, but I want you to have a new method of control after the Jade Phosphorus Purple Poison is cracked."

"Although your first three soul rings are all about enhancing snake venom, for your fourth soul ring, as long as you choose a ghost vine of a suitable age and increase the toughness of the jade phosphorous snake, you can strengthen the snake's entanglement, binding and strangulation."

Guangyu's words gave Duguyan a lot of thinking space. In the past, under the influence of his grandfather, he only blindly enhanced his poison, thinking that poison could determine everything, but now Guangyu is leveraging this view of his, and the other party also It's not just talking, but it's really cracking one's own blue phosphorus and purple poison.

Yes, the green phosphorus and purple poison has been broken, what else can I do?

It is true that snakes do not only use poison to capture and kill prey. They also wrap around the prey, then continuously tighten and strangle it to suffocate it.

If I could cultivate one more entanglement, could I still be useful?

After saying this, Guang Yuxuan looked at Yu Tianheng who was supporting Dugu Yan at the moment.

"And you!"

"What's wrong with me?"

Perhaps because of Dugu Yan, Yu Tianheng is somewhat unfriendly to Guang Yu now.

"Compared to your positioning in the power attack system, I actually hope that you can minor in your speed!"

Minor speed?

Is it possible to allow yourself to develop into the agility and attack system?

What a joke!

But before Yu Tianheng could speak, Guang Yu's voice continued to sound.

"All your previous battles used thunder and lightning to limit your opponents, but this method requires you to control a large amount of thunder and lightning, which consumes a huge amount of your soul power. If your speed can be increased, then you may be able to defeat the enemy in the future. You don’t have to use large-scale thunder and lightning soul skills every time to cause excessive consumption of soul power!”

"You have to know that the characteristics of thunder and lightning are not only its terrifying lethality! It also includes its speed!"


Yu Tianheng quickly put forward a rebuttal at this time.

"But if I increase my speed, my attack power will not be enhanced!"

Guangyu chuckled and said, "Then no matter how powerful your attack is, if you can't hit anyone, what's the use?"

Guangyu then looked around at everyone: "Also, you are a team. Even if your attack is not enough, you can let others take your place."

At this point, Yufeng rolled up his sleeves with a smile.

"Don't worry, boss! As a sensitive attack spirit master, I will take on the offensive responsibility of our Imperial Fighting Team!"

As Yufeng spoke, Guangyu also turned his attention to Yufeng.

"Your transformation is even bigger!"

"Huh? Do I want to change too?"

Yu Feng opened his mouth so wide that it seemed like he could fit a peach into his mouth.

"Although the wind chime bird has the ability to fly, it is not a powerful flying bird spirit beast!"

Hearing this, Yufeng scratched his head.

"Teacher Yu, compared with your golden-feathered eagle, mine is naturally a little house bird! But compared with others, I can still have a lot of advantages, at least Oslo can't do anything to me!"

Seeing Yufeng making trouble against him, Osluo couldn't help but retaliate.

"Does it matter that you can fly on your own?"

But when he turned around and thought of something suddenly, Oslo said to Guangyu again: "Teacher Yu, I'm not talking about you, just Yufeng!"

Guangyu naturally didn't care, but directly interrupted the conversation between the two, and said to Yufeng: "The Wind Chime Bird was originally owned by the scout soul master of the Tiandou Empire, but later it gradually began to pass through due to its superior speed. Increase your attack power to transform into an agility-type soul master. Since you can transform from a pure agility-type soul master to an agility-type soul master, why can't you try to transform into a control-type soul master!"

"What? A control soul master?!"

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

The Wind Chime Bird was indeed a team of pure agility soul masters in the Tiandou Empire a long time ago, relying on speed to transmit information and spy on intelligence.

Because the Haotian Sect supported the Star Luo Empire at that time, the four major single-attribute families naturally supported the Star Luo Empire. Among them, the martial spirit of the sensitive family was the sharp-tailed swift, which naturally assisted the Star Luo Empire in transmitting information and spying on intelligence.

It is impossible for the Tiandou Empire to be without a response, and the Wind Chime Bird Family is the Tiandou Empire's response to the Star Luo Empire.

Although the existence of the Wind Chime Bird Family cannot completely suppress the Min Clan, it does not make the Tiandou Empire completely passive in the confrontation with the Star Luo Empire.

And now the Wind Chime Bird family is trying to transform, starting to gradually develop from fully sensitive systems with additional attack power, from fully sensitive to agile attack system soul masters.

(The development of four-element students from a single attribute to all-round development exactly reflects the current trend of martial arts development in the Tiandou Empire, so the fully agility-type Wind Chime Bird has also transformed into an agility-attack type.)

Although the attack power is average, it can still be regarded as an agility attack type!

But you let the Chime Bird act as a control type? How about playing?

"Teacher Yu, how can I, a wind chime bird, be a control soul master? Could it be that I rely on my wings to fan the wind and blow away enemies?"

Yufeng's personality was such that he didn't tell Guangyu anything and started joking directly.

Guangyu naturally didn't care, but immediately spoke out all his thoughts.

"Dugu Yan is a control soul master, and her control method is poison! Then why can't your control method also be poison?"

"Teacher Yu, but Sister Yanzi's poison is innate. It is a talent that comes with the martial spirit. Where can I get the poison?"

Guangyu continued: "Soul masters can also add poisonous properties to themselves by absorbing soul rings! There are many flying soul beasts in the soul beast world that are poisonous. As far as I know, one of them is named Ba The phosphorus powder on the soul beast of the big butterfly has the properties of drowsiness, paralysis, and poison."

"If your fourth spirit ring in the future absorbs a suitable Bada Butterfly spirit ring, you will have a high probability of acquiring the phosphorus powder skill. If you gain air superiority, you can sprinkle phosphorus powder from the sky to confuse the enemy."

Guangyu's idea was so unreasonable that the members of the Royal Dou Team and Qin Ming couldn't calm down for a while.

If it were anyone else, they might not listen to Guang Yu, but the Wind Chime Bird family has been seeking breakthroughs, and Guang Yu's new ideas provide Yu Feng with a way. At this moment, he feels like he wants to help the family. The urge to give it a try, if it succeeds, then the Chime Bird family will be able to successfully transform!

After all, the Wind Chime Bird clan has not been very successful in transforming into agility attack systems in recent years. Unless the soul power level is suppressed, the most they can rely on at the same level is flight and speed, which cannot solve the enemy.

Finally, Guangyu turned his attention to Oslo the Ghost Leopard.

Seeing Guangyu looking at him, Osluo also asked in anticipation.

"Teacher Yu, how do you plan to reform me?"

"Osluo, are you interested in switching to the control system?"

"Ah? I also want to switch to the control system? Teacher Yu, according to what you just said, it is still possible for Yufeng to switch to the control system. How can I control it if I switch to the control system?"

"Actually, it's not exactly a transfer to the control department, but a minor in the control department!"

Seeing Oslo's puzzled face, Guangyu also slowly expressed his opinion.

"Your Ghost Leopard Spirit is not only a beast spirit, but also a dark element spirit. When you use the Ghost Leopard Spirit, the power of the dark elements becomes more intense, and your whole body is surrounded by black energy."

"Teacher Yu, what does this mean?"

"It means the shadow under you will be much bigger than others!"

"Shadow?" Oslo became more and more puzzled as he listened.

Guangyu continued: "There is a kind of soul beast called the shadow-binding branch. They can use the extension of their shadow to control and restrain their opponents. The shadow-binding branch can do this because their branches are complex and the shadow area is large. They also have With the power of dark elements, if you can obtain their shadow-binding skills, you can quietly use your shadow to bind your opponent while others are not prepared."

"Even if the opponent gets out of control, it will take a lot of time, and this time is enough for you to do a lot of things!"

But just as Guang Yu finished speaking, Ye Lingling, who was dressed in black and wore a veil and had never spoken before, spoke.

"Teacher, Oslo and Yufeng have both switched to control, and the captain has also switched to agility attack. What about our attack? Won't it be weakened a lot?"

Guangyu's eyes finally fell on the two brothers from the Shi family who were tall and similar in appearance.

"Can the Shi brothers switch from the defensive system to the offensive system?"

Logically speaking, everyone should be shocked when they heard this, but as Guang Yu came out with his incredible thoughts one by one, the current Imperial Team and Qin Ming seemed to have gradually adapted to it.

There was no intention of questioning anymore, everyone wanted to listen to what Guang Yu had to say first.

The Shi brothers' martial spirit is the Xuanwu Turtle, and the quality level of the Xuanwu Turtle's martial spirit is actually very high.

In the original work, when the Imperial Fighter Team fought against Shrek, the Shi brothers' presence and role were quite high, and their turtle shell attacks also had strong attack power.

I saw Guangyu picking up a small stone from the ground, and then taking out an egg from the soul guide. The two collided, and the result was obvious.

Hitting an egg against a stone? This is definitely not what Guangyu wants to say~

"Stones are harder than eggs! So the eggs shattered after the collision! In other words, Shi brothers, your turtle shell is hard enough, and the damage caused by hitting the enemy will be extremely high! So your next development, in addition to continuing to increase In addition to the hardness of your turtle shell, you must continue to increase your strength! Secondly, you can also seek a development direction that can rebound the opponent's attack when you withstand attacks."

Is the turtle shell hard enough to hit someone with it? The effects of force are mutual, and while withstanding attacks, they can also bounce back at the opponent!

Everyone now wants to pry Guangyu's head open to see what he is pretending to be and how he can come up with so many weird ideas.

Guangyu analyzed and transformed all six members of the Imperial Fighting Team, and only Ye Lingling was left.

However, Ye Lingling didn't ask, because due to the special nature of his Jiuxin Haitang martial spirit, there seemed to be no possibility of transformation.

Seeing that Guangyu did not continue to give him any advice, even though he had expected it, but it really happened, he would still be a little disappointed.

The whole person also seemed more lonely.

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