Guangyu didn't expect Ye Lingling to see through him.

So Guangyu also asked out of curiosity.

"How do you know I'm not just a teacher?"

Ye Lingling raised his right hand and the distraction control manual in his hand.

"Teacher Yu, just take out a 60,000-year-old soul bone. Can a teacher make this?"

"Although the method of distraction control was widely spread in the past, now it seems that only the Qibao Glazed Sect has a copy. It is not easy for Teacher Yu to take it out!"

Guangyu smiled.

"After working on it for a long time, these two things still betrayed me!"

Ye Lingling didn't say anything more. In fact, Ye Lingling had always had a feeling, or intuition, that she was a woman after all! Intuition is strong!

"Teacher Yu, what do you need me to do next?"

Ye Lingling was also very self-conscious. After absorbing the soul bone, she knew she would take the initiative to work with Guangyu.

"You should familiarize yourself with the soul bone skills in the past few days. In the Soto Soul Fighting Arena in a few days, you will encounter difficult opponents!"

"The Soto Fighting Spirit Arena doesn't seem to be very strong. Will there be difficult opponents there?"

Although Ye Lingling's performance is very stable on weekdays and does not show pride on his face like other members of the Royal Fighter Team, after winning more than ten games in a row, his mentality will change to some extent.

"Don't be too confident. The team I told you about in the previous lesson that achieved a complete victory in team battles in the Soul Fighting Arena was in the Soto City Soul Fighting Arena!"

Hearing what Guangyu said, Ye Lingling put away her inner pride and affirmed: "I know, Teacher Yu, I will be responsible for the team's follow-up treatment!"

Guangyu nodded: "If it were the situation before, I really wasn't sure that you could win, but now, I'm not worried that you will lose! Because with the invisibility skills, as long as you don't fall, the Imperial Fighter Team will always be there." It can’t fall!”

"However, you can teach others a lesson first, and then give them more treatment after they are frustrated!"

Hearing this, Ye Lingling couldn't help but smile.

"I didn't expect that Teacher Yu actually thinks about them! I want some people in the team to curb their pride!"

Guangyu didn't say much.

After a while, Ye Lingling left Guangyu's room alone.

A few days later.

The Royal Dou Team finally arrived at Soto City.

Two days before arriving in Soto City, Qin Ming did not recommend that the Imperial Fighting Team participate in the Soul Fighting Competition. Instead, he wanted them to observe the Soul Fighting Competition in Soto City to learn about it in advance. He was also traveling for several days. rest.

Guangyu naturally had no objection.

Until the third night.

After the city of Soto is brightly lit.

Qin Ming then took the members of the Imperial Fighting Team to the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena to participate in the spirit fighting competition.

"The scale of Soto City is too small! It can't be compared with Tiandou City!" Yufeng whistled and looked at everything on the surrounding streets.

Oslo the Ghost Leopard is the only one in the team who likes to quarrel with Yufeng.

"Nonsense, Tiandou City is the capital of the empire, and Soto City is not even the capital! There probably isn't any decent team in the big spirit fighting arena here! And there isn't any decent academy here either!"

Except for Ye Lingling, who was reminded by Guangyu, the other members of the Royal Dou Team obviously still didn't take it seriously.

The group came to the registration point of the group battle area, and Teacher Qin Ming came to the staff.

"Hello, let's sign up for a team battle!"

The staff habitually took over the team battle badge of the Royal Fighter Team. When they saw the logo on the badge, their expressions changed drastically and they exclaimed: "A Silver Fighter Soul-level team? And it's also a Silver Fighter Soul-level team. !”

Yufeng also urged at this time: "What a fuss! Please arrange registration for us as soon as possible!"

The staff member was a little embarrassed and hesitantly said: "Please wait a moment, we don't have a Silver Fighting Soul Team at the Soul Master level here yet."

"There are no teams at the Silver Soul Fighting level? Is this the Soto Soul Fighting Arena in the Kingdom of Barak, second only to the Royal Capital?" Oslo also said disdainfully.

And the staff member did not dare to argue with the members of the Royal Dou Team. Year-round registration work allowed him to meet many people of all kinds, and he could tell at first glance that these people were not ordinary people.

Soul master level, silver fighting soul, young, these words together are obviously not simple.

So one of the staff members quickly left, presumably to call a higher-level manager.

Soon after, I saw the staff member who was leaving leading a middle-aged man in formal attire over.

The middle-aged man said with a polite smile: "Hello, dear leader, I am the director of the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena, my surname is Ao."

Qin Ming also nodded politely.

Director Ao was still smiling: "The thing is like this, at present, our Soto Spirit Fighting Arena does not have a Silver Fighting Soul level team with soul power at the soul level. If you must fight the soul, we can only give it to you. Arrange a Soul Master-level Bronze Soul Fighting Team!"

Hearing this, before Qin Ming said anything, the disdain on the faces of the other members of the Imperial Fighting Team became even stronger.

Even Ye Lingling's face under the black gauze was filled with doubts.

This Soto Soul Fighting Arena doesn't feel like what Teacher Yu said. There is a strong team!

In the end, Qin Ming also agreed to Director Ao's plan and signed up to participate in the soul fighting competition.

And Guangyu also saw that the Imperial Team's first opponent was the Mad Team.

The Royal Dou Sentai match was scheduled for an hour later.

Before that, the group was taken to the VIP room to rest.

The VIP room has a huge floor-to-ceiling window glass, and you can see the ongoing soul fighting competition in the Soto Soul Fighting Arena, but the Imperial Fighting Team is obviously not interested in this, it is too bad!

Everyone is still doing their own thing, waiting for the soul fighting competition in an hour.

after an hour.

As the host announced the names of the two participating teams, the members of the Royal Fighting Team who were called also stood up and left the VIP room to prepare to play.

The two teams walked to the battle area together. At this time, everyone from the Royal Fighter Team also saw all the members of the opponent's Crazy Fighter Team.

The big guy walking at the front is Kuangxi, the captain of the Kuangzhan team, followed closely by two middle-aged men of similar age to him. Like Brother Shi, they are also a pair of twin brothers, and behind them is a coquettish In the eyes of a few people, the woman is obviously the kind of low-class product who uses cheap cosmetics.

Behind the charming woman were two thin young men, their eyes flickering and they kept looking around.

Then at the end of the mad battle team was a middle-aged man who was the oldest, at least forty years old.

Judging from the appearance alone, why don’t you think this is a strong team?

Especially after seeing that the other party activated martial arts, and saw that only two of the other party had the best configuration of two yellow and one purple, and the others even had white ten-year soul rings, they became even more disdainful.

The disdain of the Imperial Team was naturally noticed by the members of the Mad Team.

"Damn it, the other side is so arrogant! How dare they look down on our Mad Sentai team!"

"After all, they are the Silver Fighting Soul Team. They look down on us and it is normal to be proud. I don't know what Director Ao is doing to arrange such a team for us!"

At this time, Kuangxi, who was standing in front of the team, spoke.

"What are you afraid of? What about the Silver Fighting Spirit team? Our Mad Battle team has only lost once to Shrek's gang so far, and we have won all the others!"

But as the members of the Imperial Fighting Team released their martial spirits, the members of the Mad Fighting Team couldn't help but be shocked.

Seven people, all with the best configuration of two yellows and one purple!

This reminded them of the Shrek team they met before. That team also had the best soul ring configuration. However, the Royal Dou team was more terrifying than Shrek. Shrek only had four soul masters, while the Royal Dou team had seven souls. Respect!

In a VIP room, Manager Ao was also observing the soul fighting competition.

At this time, a staff member brought a piece of information.

"Director Ao, just now, the nobles of Soto City placed heavy bets on the Imperial Fighter Team to win! At the same time, a large amount of unknown funds also bet on the Imperial Fighter Team."

After hearing the staff's words, Manager Ao frowned, feeling uneasy.

And the final result also confirmed all this.

The lightning flashed in the spirit fighting arena, and only twenty minutes later, all the members of the Mad Battle Team had lost their ability to fight and fell to the ground.

Although the Imperial Battle Team also consumed a lot of energy, at least everyone was standing.

"Director Ao, the Imperial Fighting Team has applied for tomorrow's Soul Fighting Competition!"

The second day.

Manager Ao still frowned, because in today's betting, there was still a large amount of money betting on the Royal Fighter Team.

But the Soul Master team arranged in Soto Soul Fighting Arena today is not even as good as the Mad Battle Team.

As soon as the results came out, the Imperial Fighting Team won two games in a row. Due to peripheral bets, the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena had already lost nearly a year's worth of profits!

And what's even more terrible is that the Imperial Fighting Team does not plan to take a rest, but will sign up again for tomorrow's Soul Fighting Competition.

Manager Ao, who had just watched the soul fighting competition, touched his chin and his brows almost knitted together.

"The Soul Lord level team is stronger than the Mad Battle Team."

Manager Ao suddenly thought of the recently rising team.

"Go get the information on Team Shrek!"

Then the staff quickly retrieved the information about Team Shrek.

Manager Ao was surprised when he looked at the information in his hand that recorded Shrek Team's twenty-seven consecutive victories. Except for the fact that Shrek Team defeated Crazy Team, which surprised Director Ao, Director Ao didn't pay much attention to this team afterwards.

As a result, it is now discovered that this team has actually won twenty-seven games in a row. According to the winning streak mechanism, although the Shrek team is now an Iron Soul team, its actual points can reach the Silver Soul level.

Soon, Manager Ao had an idea.

Let Shrek try to face the Royal Fighter Team. After all, the Shrek Team also defeated the Crazy Fighter Team, so they may not be unable to compete with the Royal Fighter Team.

"Hurry up and contact the leader of Team Shrek, I want to see him!"

"But, supervisor, the leader of Team Shrek did not leave detailed contact information."

"Then just contact me as soon as possible when Team Shrek comes to sign up for the Soul Fighting Tournament!"

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