Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 117 Tang San: I want to go alone! (Be beaten)

Mastering flying skills at this level of soul power is definitely something worthy of shock.

Except the martial soul is a flying soul beast!

The Royal Fighter Team was also shocked, but they quickly adjusted their status, and then continued to attack Shrek and the others in the air according to Guangyu's prior arrangements.

One minute?

Shrek wouldn't be given a second of good time.

Among the six members of the Imperial Fighting Team's attack, except for Dugu Yan and Ghost Leopard Oslo, the other four were all capable of fighting in the air.

Yufeng was originally a flying soul master, so he could naturally attack Shrek's people in the air.

However, although Yu Feng was more active, he still listened to Guang Yu's words. He did not take the initiative to attack the Shrek people, but directly used his third soul skill, Wind and Clouds, to attack the Shrek people from a distance.

Yu Tianheng also took action. Yu Tianheng could not fly, but Yu Tianheng's third soul skill, Thunder's Wrath, increased his own thunder power. With the power of thunder, Yu Tianheng used the power he had used a few days ago. Guangyu taught Yu Tianheng a new trick!

I saw a large amount of silver thunder being pulled by Yu Tianheng, and then with a series of harsh sounds, it surged into the air.

The name of this move was called thunder by Guangyu! For this reason, Yu Tianheng was somewhat unhappy.

Thunder is a special use of thunder. It is not as powerful as Yu Tianheng's close attack relying on the power of thunder, but it is better than this move and can be used for long-range attacks!

As for the Shi brothers, it was even simpler. They just shed their shells and released their third soul skill, the Xuanshui Armor Shield, which not only strengthened the tortoise shell, but also gave it extremely strong cutting power. Then the tortoise shell was thrown into the air while spinning.

"Control the crane and capture the dragon!"

Tang San was in the air, holding three bluesilver grasses in his hands. A teammate was tied to the other end of the bluesilver grass. Facing the follow-up attack from the Huang Dou team, Tang San waved his hands, and everyone from the Shrek team was there. With the pull of the blue silver grass, he cleverly avoided the waves of attacks from everyone.

The effective time of flying mushroom sausage is one minute.

By the time Shrek and the others landed, even if the others still had time to take the flying mushroom sausage, it would only be a few minutes. As soon as they landed, the Imperial Fighter Team would launch a full-scale attack on them.

This is what Guangyu told the members of the Royal Dou Team.

What is the advantage of the Royal Dou Team compared to the Shrek Team?

The first is soul power!

All the soul masters of the Imperial Fighting Team, including Yu Tianheng, have level 39 soul power. After Ye Lingling absorbed the soul bone, his soul power level also reached level 39. Therefore, in terms of total soul power, the Imperial Fighting Team It is better than the Shrek team.

Ning Rongrong's soul power level has not yet exceeded level 30, and her soul skills only increase her strength and speed, but there is no soul power increase or recovery.

Although Oscar has the number one soul skill, the Big Restoration Sausage, precisely because it is the number one soul skill, the soul power he can recover is limited after all, and because he has to make flying mushroom sausages, Oscar doesn't have much soul power to make the Big Restoration Sausage.

So this is the reason why Guangyu told everyone in the Imperial Battle Team that they don't need to attack Shrek's auxiliary soul masters. They only need to focus their fire on Shrek's front row, and there is no need to worry about Shrek's back row.

The second is the number of people in the Huangdou Team who can participate in the attack. In addition to Ye Lingling, the Huangdou Team has six people who can participate in the battle, while the Shrek Team, except Ning Rongrong and Oscar, only has five people who can participate in the attack. Among them, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun are also They have not reached the Soul Master level, so in terms of combat power, the Royal Dou Team also crushes the Shrek Team.

The three people in the front row of the Shrek team simply couldn't withstand the attack of the Royal Dou team.

Time gradually passed by minute by minute.

Tang San ate another flying mushroom sausage.

After eating the flying mushroom sausage, Tang San said to the other Shrek people.

"The opponent is very strong. As soon as the flying mushroom sausage time is over, you will exit the spirit fighting field."

"Quiting the Soul Fighting Arena? Are we just going to give in? Third brother, I won't give in!" Ma Hongjun shouted.

Tang San's eyes glowed with purple light, and the Purple Demon Eyes were constantly activated, not only to see clearly the attack trajectory of Huang Dou's team, but also to look for traces of the opponent's auxiliary spirit master.

However, what Tang San didn't expect was that the Purple Demon Eye couldn't find him either.

The Purple Demon Eye enhances vision, which means it only allows you to detect very small existences, rather than being able to see through invisibility.

"Damn it, it would be great if my Purple Demon Eyes could be cultivated to the mustard seed level!"

"Xiaosan, do we really want to give up? Are we really not capable of fighting?"

Tang San shook his head: "The hope is very small. They don't need to keep anyone to protect the auxiliary spirit masters. Everyone can participate in the attack. Because of the gap in spirit power, even if Rongrong gives us an increase in strength and speed, it will be difficult for us." Use them up!"

"Brother, what about you?" Only Xiao Wu noticed that Tang San just said "you people", so Tang San was not included in it.

Tang San smiled at Xiao Wu, his voice actually a little firm.

"I want to go alone!"

"Xiaosan, since you know there is little hope, why do you still go? There is no need for us to fight a battle we cannot win!" Oscar said.

"Xiao Ao, give me some recovery sausages and flying mushroom sausages!"

Seeing Tang San's firm eyes, Oscar knew that he couldn't persuade Tang San, so he used his remaining soul power to create a few recovery sausages and flying mushroom sausages and gave them to Tang San.

As the time for the second flying mushroom sausage was about to run out, Tang San wrapped his teammates with bluesilver grass in advance and sent them out of the field.

Tang San was the only one left on the field.

Seeing that Tang San was the only one left on the field in the Huangdou Team rest area, Qin Ming breathed a sigh of relief, but Guangyu knew that without the concerns of the rest of Shrek, Tang San who was alone was actually not It's easy to handle, and Tang San will also start his show-off moment.

The audience at the Soto Spirit Arena did not think that Shrek would definitely lose because six of the Shrek Seven Devils left the field.

On the contrary, only Tang San was left in the Shrek team, which made everyone watching the match shout excitedly, because when they fought against the Mad Team before, it was Thousand-Handed Shura who turned the tide of the battle by himself.

And now, will the same scene happen again?

"Thousand-Armed Shura~"

"Thousand-Armed Shura~"

The Royal Dou Team didn't understand why the audience still cheered for the Shrek Team, which had only one person left.

"You're the only one left, and you want to continue?"

Yu Tianheng's whole body was filled with silver thunder, and he glanced sideways at Tang San.

"Why not! The game isn't over yet!"

As he spoke, Tang San's back was bowed, and there was a sound of clothes being torn and rubbed.

Eight strange dark purple things slowly emerged from Tang San's back, and finally turned into eight spider legs and existed behind Tang San.

Tang San, who had not yet fully integrated with the Eight Spider Spears, was easily affected emotionally by the Eight Spider Spears when they were revealed.

The whole person became a little cold.

But in this situation, Tang San's fighting instinct was actually stronger than usual.

This time Tang San didn't hide, but took the initiative to attack.


Tang San disappeared directly from the spot with the help of his ghostly shadow, and his wonderful steps also made everyone in the Huangdou team a little surprised.

"Is this a soul skill?"

"There is no soul power fluctuation! It's not a soul skill!"

The master in the viewing area said: "This is Xiao San's wonderful movement technique!"

The master knew that Tang San mastered some advanced techniques and kicks that were different from soul skills.

But now the master is not sure whether Tang San can defeat the Huangdou Team with this.

Tang San's first target was not Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan, the captains of the Imperial Fighting Team, nor the Shi brothers who were good at defense, but Yu Feng and Osluo.

Because Yufeng was a flying spirit master, it was Oslo who became Tang San's target first.

Seeing Tang San come to him first, Oslo's first reaction was annoyance at being treated like a weakling.

Coupled with the departure of the Shrek six, Ghost Leopard Oslo also forgot Guang Yu's advance warning and chose to fight Tang San on his own initiative.

"The first soul skill, Ghost Leopard Clone!"

"The second soul skill, Ghost Leopard's Violent Claw!"

Oslo's body was divided into three people, and at the same time he raised his right hand and slapped Tang San heavily.

Five sharp blades popped out, revealing their cold glow.

But at this moment, Tang San was using the Purple Demon Eye. Although the Purple Demon Eye could not see through Ye Lingling's invisibility, it could see through Oslo's phantom.

"Xuanyu Hand!"

"Control the crane and capture the dragon!"

Tang San only took action against the Oslo on the left, and didn't care about the other two Oslo.

The mysterious jade hand that turned into light blue clasped Oslo's wrist and curled it hard, directly dissolving Oslo's power.

At the same time, with his left foot as the center, Tang San quickly twisted his body, turned his wrists, and then used the four-liang move of Qianjin in Controlling the Crane to Capture the Dragon!

Tang San's small body actually burst out with a powerful force, directly throwing Oslo away.

Oslo's phantom skill did not hide from Tang San's eyes.

At the same time as he took action, Tang San accurately judged and used a spider web restraint on Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan and the Shi brothers.

Four spider web restraints acted on the four people of Yu Tianheng one after another.

As for Yu Feng, who was not bound by the spider web and was still flying in the air, he was Tang San's next target.

Tang San turned his head and stared at Yu Feng in the air, raised his right hand, and shouted loudly: "Get down!"

The Bluesilver Grass surged out at a crazy speed, directly wrapping around Yufeng and dragging him to the ground.


Yu Tianheng was the first to break the shackles of the cobwebs. Although the shackles of the cobwebs contained toxins and the blue silver grass was extremely tough, they could not trap Yu Tianheng who was now using the Wrath of Thunder.

As the first and second soul skills were activated, Yutian Hengqi came to Tang San, and the dragon claws were frequently activated to grab Tang San.

As a control-type soul master now, Tang San would obviously not benefit from a head-to-head confrontation with Yu Tianheng, so he just relied on the flexibility of Ghost Shadow's pace to fight with Yu Tianheng. While avoiding Yu Tianheng's attacks, Tang San would fight with Yu Tianheng from time to time. Xiao Xiao counterattacked Yu Tianheng.

The next person to break through the shackles of the cobweb was not Dugu Yan, but the Shi brothers.

The tortoise shell strengthened by the third soul skill Xuanshui Armor finally cut through the shackles of the Blue Silver Grass.

After breaking away from the constraints of the spider web, the two took the initiative to join the battle between Tang San and Yu Tianheng.

However, the situation of the battle did not change because of the joining of the two men, and the balance of victory still did not tip to the Royal Dou Team.

Tang San was too slippery. Even if the Shi brothers cooperated tacitly, Tang San relied on the ghost shadow and the purple devil eyes to break through the coordinated attacks of the Shi brothers again and again.

Of course, the Eight Spider Spears also played a great role in this.

Finally, Dugu Yan also escaped from the control of the spider web.

After being freed from restraint, Dugu Yan did not besiege Tang San with Yu Tianheng and the others. After all, close combat was not her strong point.

It was only at this moment that Dugu Yan's third soul ring lit up, and he finally spat out his green phosphorus and purple poison.

Just when the poisonous mist was about to fill the air, a figure rushed over first, very fast.

After the figure passed by, Dugu Yan only felt that his arm seemed to have been scratched by something.

At the same time, everyone in the Royal Fighter Team also heard an extremely confident voice.

"it's over!"

These words were naturally said by Tang San.

Tang San didn't attack any more people at this moment.

Instead, he started talking about it.

"The game is over! Although I still cannot accurately locate your auxiliary soul master, as long as I deal with you all, she will not be able to change the outcome."

Before everyone in the Huang Dou team could say anything, Tang San said self-righteously again.

"Although her ability is healing, healing does not mean that she can detoxify. You were already infected by my Man-Faced Spider Toxin during the fight just now. It's not too late to admit defeat now."

At the same time, Tang San muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear.

"The Tang Sect is good at not only concealed weapons, but also using poison!"

At this time, everyone in the Imperial Fighting Team belatedly looked at some parts of their bodies. There were indeed more or less scratches on their bodies. This level should not be worthy of their attention. However, these were Tang San Eight Spiders. The marks left by the spear.

But at the same time, along with a faint fragrance, rays of white light fell from the sky. The white light looked extremely strange, taking on the shape of petals, falling slowly, and fell directly on the members of the Imperial Fighter Team.

With the integration of the petals, although the soul power of everyone in the Imperial Fighting Team was not replenished, their injuries were wiped away, and the scratches left by the Eight Spider Spears also disappeared.

"Her treatment can also detoxify?"

Tang San exclaimed.

Ye Lingling's Jiuxin Begonia naturally has no detoxification function, but there is one thing that can.

That's Guangyu's blood!

Tang San relied on the poison of the Eight Spider Spears to turn the tide of the battle more than once. Whether he was fighting against the Imperial Dou team or the Spirit Hall team, in the end it was the poison on the Eight Spider Spears that made the difference.

Guangyu, who knew this well, could not be prepared, so he arranged for everyone to take a drop of his diluted blood in advance.

Although they cannot be permanently immune to poison, it can last for a period of time.

Even with Ye Lingling's treatment and the poison immunity given to them by Guangyu, everyone in the Royal Dou Team had to admit that Tang San was difficult to deal with in the fight just now.

However, recognition is recognition, and the game must continue.

This time the six members of the Imperial Fighting Team began to besiege Tang San again.

Even though Tang San still had Oscar's recovery sausage in his hand, it was still somewhat unsustainable.

Tang San is only thirteen years old now!

His body has not yet fully developed, and not only his soul power, but also his physical strength is not superior to those of people like Yu Tianheng who are already around twenty years old.

Standing in the rest area of ​​the Imperial Fighting Team, Guangyu watched the spirit-fighting competition in the spirit-fighting arena.

It gave the Huang Dou Team temporary poison immunity and strengthened Ye Lingling's survivability. It also prevented the Huang Dou Team from underestimating the enemy and the pride of being alone. If they still can't win, then the Huang Dou Team will really come back. Rest at home.

The poison of the Eight Spider Spears didn't work, and now Tang San was forced to use hidden weapons.

But before the start, the master said that his hidden weapons were not allowed to be used in this soul fighting match. After all, the opponent's background was quite high.

So Tang San could only keep dodging.

But avoiding morning and evening will cause problems.

Finally, under the siege of several people, Yu Tianheng found the right opportunity and slapped one side of Tang San's face with a dragon claw, sending Tang San flying away.

At the same time, Yufeng's wing blade attacks and Ghost Leopard Oslo's ghostly shadow claws also landed on Tang San.

When it tore through Tang San's clothes, it also brought out alluring blood flowers.

Then came the Shi brothers. At this moment, the khaki turtle shells were already worn on their bodies. The two jumped up high, and then they smashed towards Tang San like a mountain bearing down on them.

Naturally, Tang San would not stay there and wait for death, but just when Tang San wanted to hide, his hands and feet suddenly tightened and suddenly came together, and his body lost balance and suddenly fell to the ground.

I saw Dugu Yan's lower body snake wrapped around Tang San, tightly trapping Tang San's hands and feet.

It wasn't until the Shi brothers fell down that Dugu Yan found the right opportunity to escape.


A scream sounded.

Each of the Shi brothers weighed nearly two hundred kilograms. The two of them jumped up to a height of three to four meters just now. Now they fell down, and they still used turtle shells. That's not good.

Guang Yu could see that even through the clothes, Tang San's chest seemed to be slightly sunken.

My writing capacity is limited, so let’s write it like this first! To be honest, the reason why the other Shrek people are not allowed to continue fighting is that the author wants to save something for the elite competition, such as Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul fusion skills, etc. Second, in fact, the author did not think of breaking through the enhanced Royal Fighter Team. If we were to write about the participation of other Shrek people, it would probably be very long ~ let’s move forward quickly!

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