Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 119: First confrontation with the master, Xue Qinghe becomes apprentice to Ning Fengzhi

Later, Guangyu met the master Yu Xiaogang.

"Are you the leader of the Imperial Battle Team?"

Yu Xiaogang asked directly after entering the door.

Guangyu has seen Yu Xiaogang, whether it was the sixth test of the Nine Shura Tests or tonight's Soto Spirit Fighting Arena.

What kind of person does Yu Xiaogang make Guangyu feel like?

He is the kind of person who likes to brag, prove himself, and pretend to be the first to answer whatever he encounters, regardless of whether he knows it or not.

There will always be people like this in life!

Guangyu didn't answer Yu Xiaogang, not because he didn't want to give face, but because Guangyu was still wondering whether to kill him now or not.

Yu Xiaogang didn't speak either. To be more precise, he was already suffocated by the cold aura on Guang Yu's body.

Guangyu's murderous intent this time was completely directed at Yu Xiaogang, so Yu Tianheng didn't feel it.

After struggling, Guangyu still didn't take action.

Killing him now seems to bring him some trouble.

Then some people may ask, what's the trouble in killing Yu Xiaogang?

First of all, Guangyu felt that someone was spying on him, and the murderous intent on the other person was not weak, so Guangyu also tried to guess, could it be Tang Hao who had such murderous intent, and at this time, lurking in the dark? ?

Tang Hao should still focus all his attention on Tang San now, especially since Tang San also injured the root this time. However, it cannot be completely denied that Tang Hao would not notice this.

Next is that woman Bibi Dong! Guangyu knew that Bibi Dong still loved Master Yu Xiaogang deeply, so he killed Yu Xiaogang himself. Who knows what Bibi Dong, that crazy woman, would do.

"Forget it, forget it~"

As Guangyu suppressed his murderous intention, he returned to Yu Xiaogang.

"Didn't you participate in tonight's Soul Fighting Competition? Don't you know if I am the leader of the Imperial Fighting Team?"

From the cold breath just now, Yu Xiaogang knew that the other party was not kind to him, but it didn't matter anymore, he was also unkind.

"I heard that you proposed a reform plan for the Imperial Fighter Team, to make Tianheng develop towards the agility and attack system?"

"What I want to say is that your idea is wrong! You will only ruin the advantages of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex and ruin Tianheng's future!"

"You can try some ideas if you want, but please don't try this on these talented children! I won't allow you to do this!"

Guangyu nodded, and after seeing that Yu Xiaogang stopped continuing, he replied lightly.

"Have you finished talking? The little guy who uses Bluesilver Grass seems to be the target for you to try your theoretical ideas, right?"

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang was unhappy and immediately retorted: "Nonsense! That's my disciple! My theories have been proven by many parties! They are correct! They are not like your nonsense!"

Guangyu said: "So he followed your theory, and I taught my students, but the result of today's soul fighting competition was that I won!"

"The success or failure of the moment can't mean anything! Even if the Royal Dou Team wins today, it doesn't mean that your idea is right!" Yu Xiaogang gradually became more emotional.

"But I just won today's soul fighting competition!"


Yu Xiaogang gasped, and finally couldn't help but said: "So what if you won today? Do you know how old the seven Shrek people are actually? Their eldest Dai Mubai, the evil-eyed white tiger, is only now Only sixteen years old! Thousand-Armed Shura Tang San is only thirteen years old!"

"As long as you give these kids time, in a few years, do you think the Imperial Team you coach can still beat them?"

Yu Tianheng, who was also on the side, seemed to have heard something incredible.

The ones who impressed him most among the Shrek Team were the Evil-Eyed White Tiger and Thousand-Hand Shura. Now that he heard their true ages from his uncle, even if Yu Tianheng's Imperial Fighter Team defeated them, Yu Tianheng would still be somewhat older now. Got hit.

"The future? Who can say for sure about the future? Could it be that all the enemies your team members will encounter in the future will be the same age as them? They won't be able to encounter opponents older than themselves? Can you even say this? Aren't you weak looking for excuses? If you're just here to argue, then don't blame me for not having time to talk to you, I'm going to rest!"


At this time, Yu Tianheng also quickly stepped forward to stop Yu Xiaogang, and at the same time cast an apologetic look at Guangyu.

Then he pulled Yu Xiaogang away from Guangyu's residence.

Just as they left, Qin Ming came to see Guangyu again.

When he came in, he didn't forget to look at the direction Yu Tianheng and Yu Xiaogang left.

"Teacher Yu, wasn't that the leader of Team Tianheng and Shrek just now?"

"Yes, it's them!"

"How is it? Can Teacher Yu talk harmoniously with them?"

Guangyu shook his head: "Not so good! Teacher Qin Ming, just say what you want! After you finish speaking, I can sleep!"

Qin Ming chuckled lightly and said immediately: "Haha, you can't hide anything from the teacher!"

"Teacher Yu, do you know who the Shrek team we are fighting against today is? They are also a team composed of students from the same academy!"

"To be honest, I myself graduated from this school! Now that we have met, I just went to reminisce with them! After the negotiation just now, I want to persuade their teachers and students to join our Tiandou Royal Academy!"

"This will not only enhance the teaching staff of our academy, but also enhance the strength of our academy's second team. After all, those little guys are quite talented in order to prepare for the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition less than a year later! "

After hearing what Qin Ming said, Guangyu smiled.

"Teacher Qin Ming, you seem to have found the wrong person, right? This matter is not something I can decide!"

"Haha!" Qin Ming also laughed and said: "I am about to report this matter to the three education committee members of the college. Why don't I discuss it with Teacher Yu first?"

"I don't care!" Guangyu replied lightly.

Although he said this, Guangyu strongly agreed with Shrek Academy to go to Tiandou City!

It’s not that it’s necessary to join Tiandou Royal Academy, but Guangyu’s next move requires Shrek Academy to join the game!

Otherwise, why Guangyu hasn't done much trouble lately? It's not because he's afraid of causing trouble himself, in case the butterfly effect occurs and he changes his plan.

In order for Shrek to join Tiandou Royal Academy, Qin Ming later discussed with Flanders, Zhao Wuji and the master from Shrek Academy.

In fact, the one who couldn't let go was Flanders. After all, Shrek Academy was Flanders' hard work. Although it didn't become bigger, it was still a spiritual sustenance to some extent.

On the contrary, the master tried his best to promote this matter. The master later joined Shrek Academy. In his heart, Tang San's future development was the first priority.

The reason why Tang San came to Soto City to join Shrek was because Shrek Academy was better than other ordinary urban intermediate colleges, and Tang San could develop better in Shrek.

And now that Qin Ming proposed to merge Shrek into the Tiandou Royal Academy, the master felt that the Tiandou Royal Academy was suitable for Tang San's subsequent development.

After all, the college’s finances, facilities, accommodation, food, etc.

For Shrek Academy, every item is a big trouble, but for Tiandou Royal Academy, it is nothing at all.

Just in terms of a mimicry training venue, this is something Shrek Academy cannot provide, and as the first academy in the Tiandou Empire on the mainland, Tiandou Royal Academy can provide far more than this.

Things developed just as in the original work. In the end, Flanders relented and agreed to join the Tiandou Royal Academy.

However, the two parties did not return to Tiandou Royal Academy together. After all, Shrek Academy needs to tidy up, which is equivalent to moving~

At the same time, a big event also happened in Tiandou City!

That is when His Highness the Crown Prince of the Tiandou Empire officially worships Ning Fengzhi, the current master of the Qibao Glazed Sect, as his disciple. Ning Fengzhi is appointed as the Grand Master of the Crown Prince of the Tiandou Empire. (It is possible in terms of time. The protagonist group has not gone to Tiandou City yet. After going to Tiandou City, they will know that Ning Fengzhi is the prince’s teacher.)

But now many people in the Tiandou Empire believe that now they are the crown prince and grand master, and from now on they will be the emperor master!

From this moment on, the Qibao Glazed Sect was no longer just friends with and supportive of the Tiandou Empire, but became more closely tied together.

In the prince's palace.

Xue Qinghe, played by Qian Renxue, is firmly seated.

Two titled Douluo, Goilor and Snake Spear, appeared at the same time.

"Young Master, have you accepted Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect as your master?" Snake Spear Douluo's face was a little complicated.

After seeing Xue Qinghe nodding his head to confirm, Ayurray Douluo stuttered even more.

"This and this"

Xue Qinghe smiled.

"Do the two uncles think that this move I made is a bad move? Will it affect our future events?"

Although the two titled Douluo didn't say it, that's what they meant.

Ning Fengzhi became the crown prince's grand master, which meant that he and Xue Qinghe would have more opportunities to meet and contact each other in the future.

This is equivalent to keeping a pair of eyes by your side!

As for wooing Ning Fengzhi? How can it be? The Qibao Glazed Sect will never affiliate to Wuhun Palace, nor will the entire upper three sects! The next four sects are easier to say~

"Two uncles, even Ning Fengzhi can't see through the camouflage skill of the angel's head soul bone. Although he will notice my every move as the prince and grand master, which will make our actions inconvenient, but also, By keeping him by my side, I can also notice his every move, and even find out everything about the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect more easily and in detail."

"Besides, this is arranged by my "father", Emperor Xueye, so I can't refuse!"

"Two uncles, planning the Tiandou Empire is not the final result we want!"

"In the future, there will definitely be a battle between our Wuhun Palace and the Shangsan Sect!"

Qian Renxue's sharp eyes stared into the distance. If she wanted to attack the three sects, the first target must be the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect!

the other side.

Wuhun Palace.

Papal Palace.

Bibi Dong, who was sitting on the Pope's chair, hit the ground with the staff in her hand, and also issued an order.


"All the secret agents lurking in the Qibao Glazed Sect, from now on, pay close attention to the composition of the relevant personnel of the Qibao Glazed Sect, their detailed strength, and the rules of entry and exit." (It is mentioned in the anime and the original work that the Wuhun Palace sneak attack on the Qibao Glazed Sect was well timed. Accurate~)

Thank you all for reading! Thanks to QRead and Qidian Book Friends for their recommendation votes!

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