Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 125 Arkfish VS Dugu Bo, Dugu Bo is weak

The border is different from the interior of the empire.

Along the way, I saw that the plants on the ground were getting shorter and shorter, and the stone ground gradually turned into loess ground.

After traveling for more than ten days, the group of people had arrived at the southwestern region of the Tiandou Empire.

"Sir, we have only two more days to go before we reach Juque Pass!"

Juque Pass is a huge pass in the west of the Tiandou Empire's defense satellite Luo Empire going north. Marshal Ge Long, the pillar of the empire, is stationed there himself.

Juque Pass is also the purpose of their group.

But just as the guarding knight finished his report, a faint voice came from the carriage.

"Sure enough, he still came."

Within a moment, the sounds of fighting could be heard outside.

The fight went as quickly as it came, and it was over in ten minutes.

I saw a young man and a strong man in golden armor with more than 20 people surrounding the carriage.

As several people approached, the carriage suddenly exploded.

The explosion did not cause much damage, but at the same time as the explosion, a circle of dark green poisonous mist suddenly spread.



The moment their bodies came into contact with the poison, except for the young man and the strong man in golden armor, everyone else let out heart-piercing screams. The sound did not last long. Within a few seconds, those people fell down one after another. On the ground, the body seemed to be severely corroded, accompanied by a sizzling sound and smelly white smoke.

The carriage exploded, and everything inside could be seen clearly. An old man dressed in dark green was seen standing on the wreckage of the carriage.

It's none other than Poison Douluo Dugu Bo!

The young man and the strong man in golden armor who came to intercept were Guang Yu (the physical clone) and Guangzhou Douluo.

Seeing that Dugu Bo was the only one in the carriage, Guang Yu frowned slightly.

Dugu Bo looked at the two people in front of him with slight doubts. He could feel that the golden-armored man was a titled Douluo, and his level was not lower than his own.

But what really puzzled him was that this titled Douluo was actually one position behind the young man. This meant that the young man's status was higher than that of the titled Douluo.

And this young man is not afraid of his own poison.

Just now, the poisonous mist expanded with the air wave of the explosion, and both the golden-armored man and the young man were affected by the poisonous mist. The golden-armored man was a titled Douluo after all, and he might have some means to resist his own poison, but the young man was just a little Soul Emperor.

Of course, cultivating to the Soul Emperor level at this age is already an exaggeration.

But that doesn't mean that the other party can block his poisonous mist!

In fact, it was not only Dugu Bo who was confused, but also Guangyu Douluo, who was beside Guangyu, was also a little confused, and even a little scared.

Because Dugu Bo's attack just now was too sudden, not even the Array Douluo could react, let alone protect Guang Yu.

This means that Guangyu is fine. If something happens to Guangyu, the five worshipers will not have to kill him!

But having said that, his martial spirit is the agouti, and his skills and abilities are poisonous and strong, and he has a certain immunity to poison. How can the grandson of the five worshipers not be affected by Dugu Bo's poison.

Dugu Bo's poison is not just a toxin. He has been immersed in poison for many years, and he even dared to use poison as a title.

"Prince Xuexing isn't here?" Guangyu didn't care what the two of them were thinking. He was immune to poison and would naturally not be affected by Dugu Bo's poisonous mist.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo smiled brightly.

"Haha, you really want to take action against the prince, but unfortunately, the prince and I have divided our forces. The prince took another route, and must have arrived at Juque Pass now!"

"You actually split up with Prince Snow Star? Instead of staying by his side? This is something I didn't expect."

Dugu Bo said: "The prince's soul power is not high and he can easily hide among ordinary people. On the contrary, I am not good at hiding. If the people who want to assassinate the prince are strong this time, they will definitely track me down, so the prince and I will go together." It’s not safe.”

"If no one wants to assassinate the prince, then the knight guards around the prince will be enough to deal with the ordinary bandits encountered along the way."

"What I didn't expect is that the person who assassinated the prince actually exists a titled Douluo! The fourth prince Xue Beng was also killed by you?"

Guangyu didn't answer, knowing that villains die from talking too much. Uh, no, that's not appropriate to say. Who said he was a villain?

In short, Guangyu would never say anything to Dugu Bo, but just replied lightly.

"Prince Snow Star is gone, but you can't leave!"

"Then I want to see what you are capable of?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dugu Bo was the first to move. With a low drink, his martial spirit was released. Green scales covered his whole body. His whole body, including his hair, turned into a layer of green, and even more appeared under his feet. A huge jade phosphorus snake.


A layer of dense green poisonous mist suddenly spurted out from the mouth of the big snake at Dugu Bo's feet, and the poisonous mist surged towards Guangyu and Arkham Douluo.

Dugu Bo didn't know the two people in front of him, so he had to test them with poison first.

Seeing Dugu Bo take action, Galileo Douluo also took action.

When the martial spirit was released, Douluo's body was inflated like a balloon. Countless purple spikes emerged from the body and spread all over the body surface. The configuration of the spirit ring was exactly the same as that of Dugu Bo, with two yellow spikes. , two purple and five black soul ring configurations.

With the spirit of martial arts possessing him, Agaricus Douluo's appearance was obviously much more ferocious. Even his hands had turned into purple spikes, and his whole body was surrounded by purple mist. The mist was also poisonous!

The agouti Douluo glanced at Guang Yu. Although the poisonous mist just now did not hurt Guang Yu, it did not mean that the subsequent fight would not affect Guang Yu.

It wasn't until Guangyu made sure that the Array Douluo should concentrate on dealing with Dugu Bo and not worry about himself that the Array Douluo slowly moved forward and came to Dugu Bo.

The poisonous mist that the Jade Phosphorus Snake at Dugu Bo's feet had previously sprayed was just as it approached the Agedigu Douluo.

I saw the third soul ring on the body of Agedis Douluo light up, and at the same time he opened his mouth to inhale, and the green poisonous mist released by Dugu Bo was swallowed up by him like a giant whale.

When the terrifying poison entered his body, the entire body of the Agony Douluo was covered with a layer of green brilliance, and the dense purple spikes all over his body were painted with a thick layer of green.

Then in just a moment, the green color on his body immediately disappeared, and the body of Agaricus Douluo returned to purple.

Dugu Bo looked at the agouti Douluo in front of him, and finally understood why his poison was useless to this strong man. It turned out that this guy's martial spirit was the agouti!

There are many titled Douluo who can defeat Dugu Bo, but in terms of restraint, the Array Douluo is undoubtedly the most restrained against Dugu Bo in terms of attributes.

Galway Douluo has the special ability to swallow poison and turn it into himself. Dugu Bo's poison power not only cannot harm the opponent, but will actually enhance the opponent's strength.

For a moment, Dugu Bo didn't know how to take action. At this time, he felt a sense of powerlessness for the first time.

Dugu Bo won't take action, but Douluo will not be idle.

The fifth soul ring on his body lit up, and Galileo Douluo's body first shrank, and then expanded like lightning. Nearly a hundred poisonous stingers attached to his body spurted out in an instant, covering Dugu Bo like a rain of flowers. .

The stinger covered all of Dugu Bo's dodge routes, but Dugu Bo didn't seem to be planning to dodge. The huge snake tail swept in front of him, bringing up a green whirlwind to block him.

There was a sneer on the face of the agouti Douluo, my stinger is so easy to deal with?

Then, the dense stingers in the air suddenly began to explode, turning into large pieces of debris and sputtering in all directions. At the same time, a thick purple mist filled the air.

Seeing this scene, Guangyu couldn't help but find that this move of the Array Douluo was somewhat similar to his sixth soul skill.

But the next moment, Dugu Bo rushed out of the poisonous mist.

And there was still no harm done to him, and it didn't seem to be affected.

Guangyu glanced sharply at the purple poisonous mist, and found that it seemed to be frozen at the moment when the poisonous stinger exploded and released the poisonous mist.

Unlike Light Ling Douluo's freezing of ice elements, it was as if frozen time was no longer flowing.

At this time, Guang Yu also remembered that Dugu Bo's eighth soul skill seemed to be freezing time.

"You were the one who poisoned the second and third princes!"

From this purple poisonous mist, Dugu Bo felt the same poison as the two princes.

Elephant Douluo also did not answer directly, but his expression gradually became serious. On his already swollen body, the seventh soul ring suddenly lit up, the seventh soul skill, the martial spirit avatar!

In just an instant, the entire body of the Gorgon Douluo swelled up again, almost geometrically larger than before.

In the blink of an eye, the whole person has turned into a huge sphere with a diameter of ten meters, and the purple spikes shot out before have also grown back. Each spike is one or two meters long, just like a Giant agouti!

The next moment, the huge agouti opened its mouth, and a purple light spurted out from the black hole-like mouth.

Facing the purple light, Dugu Bo's expression gradually became serious. As his forehead glowed with light, his eyes gathered a gray energy and shot towards the purple light.

"Medusa's Gaze!"

Medusa's gaze not only turns the things it hits into stones, it is also an effective means to counter energy attacks.

The two energies collided together, canceling each other out, and seemed to be locked in a war of attrition.

Galileo Douluo didn't mind competing with Dugu Bo for soul power, but Dugu Bo was a little panicked.

At this moment, the soul power in his body has begun to appear lacking.

Although Medusa's gaze is mainly based on mental power, it also consumes a lot of soul power.

The stalemate lasted for less than a minute, but Dugu Bo quickly got out of the way and stopped fighting with Douluo.

The purple light hit the ground, directly corroding a huge deep pit.

Dugu Bo's behavior successfully attracted the attention of Guang Yu and Galileo Douluo, and they gradually discovered that the fluctuations in the soul power in Dugu Bo's body were getting weaker and weaker.

"Why is this Dugu Bo so vain?"

Soon, Guangyu's eyes lit up, it was Danzhu!

Light Ling Douluo said that without the Danzhu, Dugu Bo would lose the foundation to fight a protracted war, and his soul power would be greatly reduced!

Although Gouda Douluo didn't know why Dugu Bo was so weak, he would not be soft-hearted because of this.

When he was ready to attack Dugu Bo again.

On the other side, Dugu Bo was panting heavily and lost his pill. Not only did Dugu Bo lose his soul power, but his physical strength was also greatly reduced and became less and less durable.

If this continues, sooner or later we will fall into the opponent's hands.

As soon as his eyes moved, Dugu Bo saw Guang Yu.

He has no chance of winning against Gouda Douluo. The key to leaving today lies in this young man.

As long as he captures this young man, Guillotine Douluo's previous attitude towards the young man will be controlled by him, and this will become his only way to survive.

With a swipe of the Jade Phosphorus Snake's tail, Dugu Bo bypassed the Array Douluo and attacked Guangyu at extremely fast speeds.

Although the agouti Douluo suppressed Dugu Bo in terms of poison, the agouti was not superior to the green phosphorus snake in terms of speed.

When Qi Shen came to Guang Yu, Dugu Bo's jade phosphorus snake tail rolled up Guang Yu.

But the next moment, Dugu Bo felt a stinging burning sensation.

I saw a kind of dark red flame lingering all over Guangyu's body. This flame was extremely strange.

After being contaminated by the Jade Phosphorous Snake, it was seriously injured. The flame was not only poisonous and corrosive, but also burned the soul.

No matter how Dugu Bo resisted, he could not offset the burning damage of the flames. After all, the damage caused by the sky fire was real damage. Even if Dugu Bo was a titled Douluo, it would still be unbearable.

Dugu Bo, who was already weak now, became even more weak now.

Under the pain, Dugu Bo Biphosphorus Snake loosened its tail, allowing Guangyu to summon its bleeding wings and escape successfully.

After escaping, Guangyu also released the killing field.

The domain covered Dugu Bo. In addition to feeling the cold killing aura, Dugu Bo found that all his soul skills had been sealed.

"Field? What a domineering field!"

Seal the opponent's soul skill, this kind of field is too overbearing!

The killing field cannot limit Dugu Bo's soul skills forever. After all, the gap between Guangyu and Dugu Bo's soul power is so big, it can only restrict Dugu Bo for a few minutes at most.

However, a few minutes are enough for Agedis Douluo to do a lot of things.

However, the Gorgon Douluo was also simple. He opened his mouth wide, and the black hole's huge mouth suddenly released a strong suction force, and swallowed Dugu Bo directly into his mouth.

As soon as he closed his big mouth, Galway Douluo was suspended in the air, and all that was left was to wait for Dugu Bo to be trapped to death.

As long as Dugu Bo cannot come out, it will be digested and absorbed by himself and turned into his own nutrients.

Guangyu also folded his domain and waited aside.

As time passes by.

In the end, Dugu Bo failed to create a miracle.

Without the blessing of Tang San's halo, Dugu Bo's shortcomings have not been solved. At the same time, he has lost his Danzhu, has been weakened at an epic level, and has insufficient soul power. After being swallowed by the Array Douluo, it is impossible to come out again.

After about ten minutes, the body of Agedigu Douluo gradually returned to its normal size.

Turning his palm over, a gray-white object appeared in his hand.

Guangyu is no stranger to this thing.

This is a soul bone!

And it’s still a skull!

Thousand-year-old Medusa skull!

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