Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 134 Tang Hao, I’m waiting for you!

Feng Xiaotian and Guang Yu, the two of them had accumulated all their strength and were about to collide with each other.

Feng Xiaotian's eyes showed a look of difficulty. Just when he thought that this collision would be the same as the previous thirty-five collisions, Guang Yu, who had been imitating himself, suddenly changed his tactics.

This time, Guang Yu's blood wings no longer collided with Feng Xiaotian's wind wings. Guang Yu turned slightly sideways before colliding with Feng Xiaotian.

The blood wings behind him avoided Feng Xiaotian's wind wings, but they hit Feng Xiaotian's chest hard.

If it were turned into a sharp blade, the thirty-sixth blow after the Gale Demon Wolf's thirty-six consecutive slashes would definitely split Feng Xiaotian in half.

Fortunately, Guangyu's blood wings were not that sharp, and they hit Feng Xiaotian hard, but they only knocked Feng Xiaotian away.

Feng Xiao's azure figure flew more than ten meters away and hit the ring heavily.

The huge force hit Feng Xiaotian's chest, causing his internal organs to churn, and he fainted immediately after losing his breath.

The remaining members of the Kamikaze Academy team quickly ran over and helped Feng Xiaotian to check his injuries. At the same time, they were just too angry to speak to Guang Yu.

The leading teacher of Kamikaze Academy, after regaining his composure, immediately raised his hands to admit defeat to the referee.

With the Kamikaze Academy team admitting defeat, this challenge that also shocked all the viewers finally came to an end.

Facing Feng Xiaotian's thirty-six consecutive blows from the Wind Demon Wolf, Guangyu imitated the thirty-five blows, and suddenly changed his moves to defeat Feng Xiaotian with the last strike.

In other words, Guangyu not only imitated Feng Xiaotian's self-created soul skill, the Wind Demon Wolf's Thirty-Six Consecutive Slashes, but also finally cracked the Swift Wind Demon Wolf's Thirty-six Consecutive Slashes.

Having said that, those who wanted to explore the bottom of Yu's body before were also disappointed.

Through this battle, they only learned that Guangyu had a good pair of externally attached soul bones, which were quite old and should be around 50,000 years old.

And Guangyu possesses an extremely domineering field skill that can seal demons and restrict the use of soul skills by soul masters in the field.

Other than that, they found out nothing.

What is Guangyu's martial spirit?

What is Guangyu's soul power level?

Guangyu's soul ring configuration?

Now that he has all the attached soul bones, does Guangyu have any other soul bones?

Bibi Dong stared at Guang Yu for a long time. Although Guang Yu only revealed the tip of the iceberg, her expression was more solemn at this time as she knew more than others.

Unknowingly, that little guy has grown to this point.

To be able to defeat Feng Xiaotian in this way without using martial arts or soul skills was indeed beyond Bibi Dong's expectations.

The three golden eyes of Wuhun Palace stayed on Guangyu.

They knew about Guangyu's first few soul rings, knew about Guangyu's martial soul, and even knew about Guangyu's fire immunity characteristics. Today they saw Guangyu's imitation ability, and even defeated Feng Xiaotian with just his imitation ability. The three golden ones of Wuhun Palace clearly realized that they would have to continue working hard next.

After seeing the end, Ning Fengzhi also smiled bitterly and shook his head. After Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong, there will probably be another terrifyingly powerful figure in the Wuhun Palace in the next few decades.

Is this a blessing or a disaster for the mainland? Ning Fengzhi has felt that the mainland has been surprisingly quiet recently. Quietness is often not a good thing, but more like the calm before the storm.

So, who is stirring up this storm?

There are only a few powerful people on the mainland!

Shrek Academy area.

Flanders came to his senses for a long time and asked Yu Xiaogang.

"Xiao Gang, do you see anything?"

Master Yu Xiaogang lowered his head and looked deep in thought. He naturally knew what Flanders was asking.

"If I'm not mistaken, his martial spirit should be a beast martial spirit. Only a beast martial spirit can withstand the dozens of strong collisions just now."

"Furthermore, it should be a bird-like martial spirit in the beast martial spirit. Feng Xiaotian flies by relying on wind power, that is, airflow, and Guangyu can keep up with his wings, which shows that he is very skilled in mastering the external soul bone, but he is too Being young, it is almost impossible to master the external soul bone to this extent through normal channels. Only if his martial soul is a bird soul beast, can he master the use of wings and aerial combat skills so finely and accurately!" ( Outsiders still don’t know Guangyu’s life experience)

Flanders and Liu Erlong also nodded, seeming to believe Yu Xiaogang's words. After all, Yu Xiaogang only had a brain left.

Bibi Dong also spoke calmly at this time.

"Unfortunately, the Kamikaze Academy team failed to succeed in this challenge and cannot bring back the three soul bones!"

Saying that, Bibi Dong's white palm scratched the three soul bones, and the three soul bones were put away by Bibi Dong again.

It wasn't until they saw the three soul bones being put away that many people looked away from the soul bones.

"Dear friends in the soul master world, this continent-wide elite soul master academy competition has ended here. Thank you for your participation!"

As Bibi Dong spoke, everyone present slowly stood up.

Just as the Shrek Academy group was about to leave, bursts of neat steps suddenly came from the venue.

Rows of knights from the Papal Palace rushed into the venue, and a chilling atmosphere instantly filled the entire venue.

The expressions of everyone in the audience suddenly changed, and it was obvious that they had no idea what Wuhun Palace was up to.

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's lips moved and he said something to Ning Fengzhi. Ning Fengzhi's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes immediately fell on Xiao Wu among the people in Shrek Academy.

At this time, Shrek Academy also felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the field. They seemed to be able to feel that these strange behaviors of Wuhun Palace were aimed at them.

"What does this woman Bibi Dong want?" Liu Erlong looked disgusted.

Master Yu Xiaogang frowned slightly and looked at Bibi Dong with some confusion.

Bibi Dong deliberately avoided Yu Xiaogang's gaze, but her tone was still calm, but there was no room for doubt: "Come here, take down that girl and Tang San together!"

While saying this, Bibi Dong also raised her fingers and pointed at Xiao Wu and Tang San.

In an instant, everyone was shocked, and Tang San directly stood in front of Xiao Wu, completely ignoring the pain in his waist.

With anger and surprise on his face, the master said angrily: "His Majesty the Pope, what do you mean?"

The people in the Wuhun Palace will not stop what they are doing because of Master Yu Xiaogang's words. They have long been displeased with a trash with a soul power level of only twenty-nine.

Just when Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were about to take action, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo also protected Shrek Academy, or in other words, protected Ning Rongrong.

"His Majesty the Pope, do you want to ask clearly before speaking?"

Bibi Dong looked at Ning Fengzhi coldly, not changing her mind at all because of Ning Fengzhi's obstruction.

"Sect Master Ning, you should know the identities of these two people. I advise you to take care of yourself and not cause any discord between Wuhun Palace and Qibao Glazed Sect! Anyone who dares to stop Wuhun Palace today will be treated as a member of the Wuhun Palace. enemy!"

Ning Fengzhi was also confused. Bibi Dong's words were undoubtedly very heavy, so heavy that there was no room for maneuver.

"Why?" If Wuhun Palace wants to capture Tang San, Master Yu Xiaogang can still guess why, then why does Wuhun Palace target Xiao Wu?

Master Yu Xiaogang took out the Wuhun Palace Elder Token and said in a decent manner: "I am also the Wuhun Palace Elder, and I want a reasonable reason!"

Bibi Dong frowned slightly when she saw Yu Xiaogang blocking him, but again, this was a scene she could imagine. Bibi Dong, who was familiar with Yu Xiaogang, knew that he would definitely block him.

So Bibi Dong did not intend to hide the truth, but said bluntly: "Why did Wuhun Palace attack her? Just because she is not a human, but a soul beast in human form! Wuhun Palace has reason to kill her Take it! As for Tang San, I don’t need to say more about why Wuhun Palace took action!"

"She is not human."

This simple sentence echoed in everyone's mind, deeply stimulating everyone in Shrek Academy, and deeply irritating Tang San. (Tang San did not use See Through Autumn Water Dew, the Purple Demon Eyes had not yet reached the Mustard Seed Realm, and there were no mutations, so it was not clear that Xiao Wu was a spirit beast.)

They couldn't imagine that Xiao Wu, who they spent time with day and night, was not a human being, but a 100,000-year-old soul beast. (You’re so uncomfortable~)

"Xiao Wu."

Everyone in Shrek asked, but when they saw Xiao Wu lowering her head slightly, everyone could guess that what Bibi Dong said must be true.

Only Tang San, countless scenes with Xiao Wu flashed through his mind. At this time, Tang San continued to stand in front of Xiao Wu and stretched out his arms.

"If you want to deal with her, step over my body first!"

"Brother, you"

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San in disbelief, who was still standing in front of her.

If Bibi Dong's order to arrest her was what she expected, then Tang San's reaction was what Xiao Wu had thought about but didn't dare to think about.

The reason why Xiao Wu came to participate in this competition was just because she didn't want to disappoint Shrek's other companions.

"Silly girl, it's no big deal. As I said, if anyone wants to bully you, let them step over me first."

Such a sensational and disgusting scene made Guang Yu's skin crawl.

Although Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo paused, they soon continued to attack.

"Seven monsters are one. If you want to touch Xiao Wu, please ask us first if we agree!"

Dai Mubai and others also took a step forward. They stood in a row with Tang San and blocked Xiao Wu.

Everyone had firm eyes on their faces. They didn't care at all what the outcome would be today. They just did it subconsciously.

Flanders, Liu Erlong, and the master looked at each other, and the Golden Iron Triangle raised their right hands at the same time. In a blink of an eye, brilliant golden light appeared out of thin air, and the golden light was bright, and finally outlined an extremely dazzling golden triangle in the air. .

In the light, Luo Sanpao transformed into a golden dragon, blocking everyone.

"You little guys, do you really think that teachers like us don't exist?"


The Seven Shrek Monsters also called out in excitement.

However, the martial soul fusion skill Golden Holy Dragon of the three Flanders could not change the situation of the battle.

In the original work, the Golden Holy Dragon couldn't even defeat Dugu Bo, so how could he possibly deal with Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

I saw Ju Douluo hanging in the air, holding a small flower in his hand, singing the beautiful verse directly with his sharp tone.

"The ninth soul skill, the chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is covered with wounds, the flowers fall and the heart is broken!"

As the ninth soul skill was activated, a huge stamen shadow appeared behind Ju Douluo, and countless narrow petals turned into sharp steel blades and headed towards the golden dragon.

"The true form of the Holy Dragon!"

Ju Douluo is a famous titled Douluo in the Wuhun Palace. Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang did not dare to be careless at all. He also directly used all his strength to meet Ju Douluo's strongest ninth soul skill.

"The holy dragon roars!"

The image of the golden holy dragon gradually became solid, and then it raised its head, and there was a concentrated golden energy in its open mouth.

After the energy has gathered to a certain extent, he will breathe out towards the flying petals.

Many petals collided with the holy dragon's breath, causing bursts of intense riots, and soul power overflowed one after another.

At the same time, no one noticed that a black shadow quickly bypassed everyone and suddenly appeared behind the Shrek crowd.

Two big black hands suddenly stretched out and grabbed Tang San and Xiao Wu respectively.

When everyone discovered it, they realized that it was Ghost Douluo who had secretly acted.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo have worked together for many years. No matter what opponent they face, they both pay attention to efficiency.

Therefore, Ju Douluo was only responsible for fighting head-on, while Ghost Douluo chose to take action secretly.

It was too late for the three Flanders to rescue them.

And when Sword Douluo wanted to take action, a low sound suddenly sounded, like exploding in the air. The sound was not loud, but it was not difficult for everyone to hear the tyranny contained in it.

"A little devil dares to hurt my son? Get out of my way!"

This voice was familiar to Tang San, it was the voice that reminded him before.

Tang San raised his head suddenly, his eyes filled with surprise.

With an explosion, a huge hammer shadow passed by, sending the unprepared Ghost Douluo flying away.

"Old ghost!" Ju Douluo shouted with concern.

Then he turned his head to look at the appearing figure fiercely.

He was a middle-aged man, tall and burly, wearing linen clothes, but he was unkempt and unshaven.

It wasn't until the visitor completely appeared that Tang San finally couldn't help shouting those two words.


"Tang Hao!" Bibi Dong shouted fiercely when he saw the person coming. There was anger in his purple eyes, but it probably had nothing to do with Qian Xunji. Maybe it was just Tang Hao's simple contempt for Wuhun Palace.

At this time, Guang Yu, who was standing aside, smiled slightly. He and Tang Hao had no relationship before. If they had to, it would probably be that of a hunter and his prey.

"Tang Hao, I'm waiting for you!"

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