Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 136 Tang Hao, you can’t leave!

In the first fight between Tang Hao and Bibi Dong, Guang Yu saw Tang Hao's hammer in the air. Although the hammer head did not hit Bibi Dong, all the power was poured into Bibi Dong.

The huge force directly blasted the spider-transformed Bibi Dong into the ground.

"His Majesty the Pope!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Wuhun Hall couldn't help but pale, their eyes widened, and they shouted anxiously.

Will Bibi Dong die?

Obviously impossible.

Bibi Dong is not so easy to kill at this stage.

as expected.

After a while, with the sound of crunching spider legs piercing the ground, Bibi Dong crawled out of the soil again after transforming into a spider.

Because of the immortality of the ninth soul skill, Bibi Dong did not suffer any serious injuries, but she was inevitably in a mess after being blasted into the ground.

If I had known earlier, it would be better to let Tang Hao die directly, and then resurrect after death, it would be as clean as now.

Bibi Dong had a dejected look on her face at this time. Over the years, she has been training hard. No one knows how much she has put in. Now she has finally reached the level of Titled Douluo. The imaginary enemy in her heart is Tang Hao, but today Facing Tang Hao, she discovered that even though her soul rings were exactly the same as those of the other party, Tang Hao was still stronger than her in terms of momentum. He was a Haotian Douluo.

It's ridiculous that I think I can keep Tang Hao with the strength of people like myself.

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong stopped resisting. After all, she had already used her ninth soul skill once and could not use it a second time in a short period of time. If she resisted another blow next time, she might really have to explain it here. .

Just when everyone was still in awe of Tang Hao's invincible posture, Bibi Dong finally turned to look at Guang Yu amid everyone's confused gazes, and said in a somewhat unpleasant tone: "Aren't you going to take action yet?"

As the Pope, Bibi Dong actually talked to Guangyu like this?

Even Bibi Dong couldn't deal with Tang Hao, what could the young Guangyu do?

Looking at Tang Hao in front of him, Guang Yu couldn't help but sigh that Tang Hao was indeed a bit strong, but he also knew that Tang Hao's body was actually on the verge of collapse.

With a closer eye, you can see Tang Hao's breathing and some subtle changes in the hand holding the hammer. These changes undoubtedly indicate that Tang Hao is about to cross.

Tang Hao, who was already suffering from hidden injuries, now forcibly used the Great Sumeru Hammer twice, and the injuries on his body were undoubtedly aggravated. It was considered good that he did not die suddenly.

Then Guangyu snapped his fingers.

In just a moment, two figures appeared next to Guang Yu. They were wearing the unique golden battle armor of the elders of Wuhun Palace. The powerful soul power fluctuations on their bodies undoubtedly told everyone that their strength was not weaker than Gui Dou. Luo, Ju Douluo.

These two titled Douluo are naturally Demon Bear Douluo and Ghost Leopard Douluo.

Pointing at Tang Hao in the field, Guangyu also ordered: "Get Tang Hao!"


Demon Bear Douluo and Ghost Leopard Douluo are also considered senior elders of the older generation of Wuhun Palace. Their attitudes towards Guangyu indirectly tell everyone that Guangyu has a good status in Wuhun Palace.

Demon Bear Douluo is a strong attack type, and Ghost Leopard Douluo is a quick attack type.

The elders of Wuhun Palace seemed to be very good at cooperating between two people. As Demonic Bear Douluo roared, the body of Demonic Bear Douluo possessed by Wuhun expanded directly, and the golden armor on his body seemed to be an extremely magical armor. Broken.

Elder Ghost Leopard is extremely fast. Among all the elders, Elder Ghost Leopard often boasts that he is the fastest.

Although the two of them don't have the spirit fusion skills of Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo, their combined combat is much better than Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo.

"Haha, dispatching so many titled Douluo? The Spirit Hall is really a big deal!"

Tang Hao laughed out loud, seemingly not afraid of Demon Bear Douluo and Ghost Leopard Douluo, and his words and deeds did not change much.

But Tang San, standing behind Tang Hao, carefully discovered some clues.

Guangyu was able to discover some of Tang Hao's physical details because he knew in advance that Tang Hao was injured.

Although Tang San didn't know that Tang Hao had hidden injuries, watching Tang Hao's attack at close range, Tang San also found that something was wrong with Tang Hao's state.


Tang San called out softly, but Tang Hao ignored it, because at this moment Tang Hao was already facing Demon Bear Douluo and Ghost Leopard Douluo.

Demon Bear Douluo and Ghost Leopard Douluo are known as the two elders in the Wuhun Hall who have the best chance of being promoted to the Enshrinement Hall.

Both of them lack attack power, and Demon Bear Douluo has extra defense power, and Ghost Leopard Douluo has extra speed.

Tang Hao was caught in a fight between the two, and even though Tang Hao was swinging his hammer like a tiger, he was still unable to repel the two.

Especially Ghost Leopard Douluo. Compared to Demon Bear Douluo who could fight head-on, Ghost Leopard Douluo was even more disgusting and would attack Tang Hao from time to time.

Ghost Leopard Douluo was so fast that everyone was dazzled by the afterimages.

Just when Demon Bear Douluo and Ghost Leopard Douluo were gradually putting Tang Hao at a disadvantage, Tang Hao's body was once again filled with an unparalleled domineering aura.

"He's going to use that move again!" Ju Douluo said with anger and hatred as he covered his chest and saw two black soul rings appearing again in Tang Hao's hands.

This time, Tang Hao crushed two soul rings again, and not two hundred-year soul rings, nor two thousand-year soul rings, but two ten thousand-year soul rings.

A ten thousand year soul ring is a threshold, and a hundred thousand year soul ring is another threshold.

This time Tang Hao exploded two ten thousand year soul rings. Although they were not more than fifty thousand years old, their power was not comparable to the previous ones.

As the power of the soul ring was injected into Tang Hao's body and the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang Hao's whole body took on a black-gold color.

Tang Hao's right arm no longer lifted the Clear Sky Hammer, but instead dragged the Clear Sky Hammer with one arm, and then twisted his body to lift the Clear Sky Hammer, which was a bit heavier. The weight of the Clear Sky Hammer was unexpectedly greater this time. It causes rapid vibrations in the air.

A solid hammer hit directly towards Demon Bear Douluo.

Demon Bear Douluo was also reckless, not afraid at all, his eyes glowed red, and his whole person seemed to be in some kind of violent state.

The eighth soul skill, Bear’s Wrath!

The ninth soul skill can break mountains and rivers with the palm of your hand!

Demon Bear Douluo's right arm instantly enlarged several times, and then he swung it diagonally towards Tang Hao.


After a huge muffled sound.

Tang Hao took two steps back, but Demon Bear Douluo was directly blasted into Wuhun Mountain and did not climb out for a long time.

Guangyu could feel that although Demon Bear Douluo was not dead, his aura had become vague, and he had obviously suffered great trauma.

After all, the Great Sumeru Hammer was hard-wired. Looking at the original work, only Golden Crocodile Douluo could do it, while Demon Bear Douluo still missed something.

However, Tang Hao's throat also rolled, as if he had swallowed something forcibly, and the movements of his hands did not stop. With the power of the Great Sumeru Hammer, Tang Hao used his left leg as the point of force, and his calf muscles contracted and expanded exaggeratedly. , like another heart in the body, continuously supplying Tang Hao with power.

Tang Hao waved the huge Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, and the whole movement was very rhythmic.

Everyone watching the battle was familiar with the technique used by Tang Hao, because it was exactly the Chaotic Cloak Hammer technique that Tang San had used before.

It's just that the two people's cloak hammering skills are really one in the sky and one on the ground, they are very different.

Tang Hao's cloak hammering technique may not look as elegant as Tang San's, but it is full of the ultimate sense of explosive power.

And as Tang Hao wielded the Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique, a powerful whirlwind formed in the entire arena, causing many people to raise their hands to resist.

Tang Hao's move was not aimed at everyone, but at Ghost Leopard Douluo, who was famous for his speed.

As Tang Hao used the random cloak hammering technique more and more times, the suction force of the wind whirlpool became stronger and stronger, and finally at the eightyth hammer blow, Ghost Leopard Douluo was sucked into the wind whirlpool.


Being sucked into the wind whirlpool, Ghost Leopard Douluo began to spin uncontrollably with the wind whirlpool, howling in pain.

"The random cloak hammer technique, ninety-nine will return to one!"

Looking at Tang Hao who seemed to be in control of everything again at this moment, Ning Fengzhi said bitterly again: "The Haotian Sect is really a place where talents are born, what a Haotian Douluo!"

Sword Douluo also nodded slightly, seeming to agree.

The battle is not static. At this time, Tang Hao used the random cloak to fight against Ghost Leopard Douluo. Naturally, he fully demonstrated his strong fighting consciousness and skilled random cloak skills, which made Tang San's face look hot.

It turns out that the random cloak hammering method can still be used in this way!


With the same last hammer blow, Ghost Leopard Douluo was directly hammered into Wuhun Mountain again.

While everyone was still immersed in the whirlwind, Tang Hao grabbed Tang San, jumped up, and flew outward.


Just as the two were about to escape from the Pope's Palace Square, something suddenly flew towards them and hit them.

Tang Hao looked over alertly, and subconsciously raised the hammer to hit it back.


When the two collided, the huge repulsive force directly shook Tang Hao back to the ground.

From the moment Tang Hao took Tang San and prepared to leave, to when Tang Hao was smashed back, everything happened too fast.

After everyone digested and reacted, they looked at the figure who had just blocked Tang Hao's direction.

He is also wearing gold armor with a slanted cape hanging on the gold armor. He has short hair and a special mark on his forehead.

At this moment, he was sitting on the corner of the roof of the Pope's Palace, playing with a small red stick in his hand.

Tang Hao looked down at Tang Hao with an unruly expression and said contemptuously:

"Tang Hao, you can't leave today!"

Thank you for your continued reading, and thank you for your recommendation votes from QReader and Qidian! thanks for your support!

I thought about this battle for a long time and changed my ideas several times. Finally, I decided to write it this way. However, the content is a bit too much. I hope it can meet everyone's taste. Of course, writing is limited and it is never possible to fully present the scenes in my mind, so sometimes I really want you to be able to directly read the story I imagined in my mind.

But in the end, please believe me, the war will end tomorrow and Tang Hao will be offline! No more delays! At 10:00 on August 20, Tang Hao passed away!

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