Douluo: Wuhun Zhuge's crossbow shoots through everything!

Chapter 190 The Establishment of the Spirit Empire

This day.

The entire Wuhun Mountain was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and extravagant and gorgeous banners and ribbons were hung all over the buildings in Wuhun Mountain.

A large number of soul master teams also began to approach Wuhun Mountain.

These people all received invitations in advance and learned that Wuhun Palace would establish the country tomorrow.

Wuhun Mountain, which was already vast, was also crowded with people at this moment. All the residences in Wuhun City, without exception, were full.

Papal Palace.

Bibi Dong sat on the Pope's chair and asked Ju Douluo again.

"Elder Ju, are all the preparations for founding the country ready?"

Ju Douluo sighed in his heart, but he still replied: "Reporting to His Majesty the Pope, all the preparations for the founding of the country have been completed without any mistakes!"

"Has it been checked during the drill?"

"His Majesty the Pope, there are drills every day. The last drill today has ended without any mistakes."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong nodded with some satisfaction: "Who are the people who are qualified to participate in the founding ceremony in Wuhun Square?"

"His Majesty the Pope, attending the founding ceremony of the country are the elders of the Presbyterian Hall, who have secretly chosen to join our major sects, as well as the bishops of the major cities."

Here Bibi Dong is still confirming, but also in Wuhun Mountain, near the Enshrinement Hall, which is relatively quiet at the moment.

In Guangyu's place, Guangling Douluo and Guangyu, an old man and a young man, were in the room.

Among them, Guang Ling Douluo was pacing back and forth in the room.

"Xiao Yuzi, how confident are you about tomorrow's actions?"

Light Ling Douluo seemed to be more anxious and nervous than Guang Yu.

In addition to the great minister, Guang Ling Douluo and other ministers have been trying to get rid of Bibi Dong for more than a day or two. Now, the great minister finally chose not to intervene. He didn't want Guangyu to fail in the end.

Guang Yu didn't have as many things as Guang Ling Douluo. From his point of view, it didn't matter even if he failed in this matter.

Even if she fails, Bibi Dong will not kill herself, after all, her identity lies here.

So Guangyu was very calm about this.

"Ninety percent!"

"Ah? We're not very sure yet, so what else do we need to prepare to be very sure?"

"Grandpa, we have done everything we can. The last 10% depends entirely on luck or God's will."

The next day.

The entire Wuhun Mountain fired a salute, as if the entire Wuhun Mountain roared to the entire continent.

The square that was previously used as the competition venue for the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition was now neatly filled with soul masters in different costumes.

All of them were facing the Papal Palace, waiting for the most important moment.

Although the door of the Pope's Palace was closed at this time, Bibi Dong inside the Pope's Palace seemed to be able to feel the auras of all the soul masters outside.

"Elder Ju, why are there so many new faces among the disciples of the Spirit Hall outside?"

As soon as Bibi Dong said this, Ju Douluo, who was already getting nervous because of the deposing of the Pope soon, couldn't help but become even more nervous.

In the end, it was Ghost Douluo who answered for Ju Douluo: "Your Majesty the Pope, we suffered heavy losses from our attack on the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family some time ago. These people are the new soul masters that Wuhun Palace has recently absorbed from the mainland!"

Although there were loopholes in Ghost Douluo's rhetoric, Bibi Dong was about to stand at the pinnacle of his life at this time, so he was not as calm and cautious as usual.

Furthermore, after Wuhun Palace carried out the soul hunting operation, it did start to recruit the power of soul masters on the mainland.

Seeing Ghost Douluo fooling Bibi Dong, Ju Douluo felt relieved at this moment.

The period before the auspicious time is undoubtedly the most painful.

When the auspicious moment arrived, Ju Douluo finally spoke to Bibi Dong.

"His Majesty the Pope, the time has come. It's time for you to go out and meet your subjects!"


With a slight hum, Bibi Dong immediately opened her purple eyes, and then holding the scepter representing the power and status of the Pope, wearing an exclusive special dress, she began to walk out of the Pope's Hall.

After leaving the Pope's Palace and standing on the stands in the square, Bibi Dong looked around the audience.

The audience also became silent again.

After clearing her throat, Bibi Dongxuan began her founding speech.

"All the soul masters in Wuhun Palace"



"In order to better serve the entire soul master world and the entire Douluo Continent, the Wuhun Palace today marks the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, and this pope will serve as the first king of the Wuhun Empire!"

However, just half an hour after Bibi Dong preached, he discovered that only a few people in the audience responded to him and just applauded vigorously. As for most of the others, they didn't even raise their hands.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong couldn't help but frown.

"Elder Ju!"

Bibi Dong found that the old guy didn't applaud either, and sometimes people's feelings are very magical. Looking at Ju Douluo, Bibi Dong seemed to feel that Ju Douluo was a little different from before.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo first bowed to Bibi Dong, and then said: "His Majesty the Pope, please allow us to address you like this for the last time."

"Before you ascend the throne today, before Wuhun Palace has been changed to Wuhun Empire, we and the eight elders of the Elder Palace (Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Demon Bear Douluo, Ghost Leopard Douluo, Nihuang Douluo, Thorn Douluo, etc.) Blood Douluo, Snake Spear Douluo, and Tuoba Xi (Holy Dragon Douluo) have jointly decided to remove you from the position of Pope!"

As soon as these words came out, the square couldn't help but burst into uproar.

Even the disciples of the major sects did not know that there would be such a big thing today, and the only ones who knew the inside story in advance were the sect leaders.

And those soul masters who were loyal to Wuhun Palace did not expect that the Elder Palace would choose to remove Bibi Dong at this time.

Compared to them who didn't know how to deal with it, Bibi Dong acted surprisingly calm, and even had a smile on her face, but that smile was a bit cold.

"Hmph, I never thought that you two guys would actually choose to betray me!"

"His Majesty the Pope, the two of us have always been loyal to Wuhun Palace, how can we talk about betrayal?"

Bibi Dong continued to laugh and said: "Remove me? Tell me, who is instigating you behind the scenes? Is it that old guy Qian Daoliu?"

Just as Bibi Dong finished her questioning words, a figure rang out from outside the square.

"It's just to depose you, why do you need to make a big sacrifice? Everything today is a big gift from me to you!"

As he said that, a figure suddenly came to the stands.

The person who came was none other than Guang Yu. At this time, Guang Yu was dressed up. He was wearing a formal and gorgeous dress. With his face that inherited the genes of Guang Ling Douluo's good looks, he actually looked like a born nobleman. temperament.

"How is it? Bibi Dong? Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

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