Because the Haotian Sect could not escape from the world, after Guang Yu led the angel army to destroy the Haotian Sect, it was not as sensational as the previous destruction of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Even except for people from the Spirit Empire, everyone else It is unclear that this once number one sect in the mainland and the number one martial soul in the mainland has been wiped out.

The destruction of the Haotian Sect did not greatly affect the rest of the soul master world, but it did affect those within the power of the Spirit Empire.

The destruction of the Haotian Sect by one person leading the Angel Legion without the participation of other Titled Douluo undoubtedly pushed Guangyu's reputation to its peak, and the doubts that originally existed in the Spirit Empire disappeared.

After all, that was the Haotian Sect. The sect that several popes in the Wuhun Palace had not been able to defeat before, but now it was directly destroyed by Guangyu. Together with the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family, the three sects were completely wiped out. , this record is really amazing.

In particular, the destruction of the Haotian Sect completely unleashed the ambitions of the soul masters in the Wuhun Empire. In the past, the soul masters of the Wuhun Empire were still more or less afraid of the reclusive Haotian Sect. , then the spirit masters of the Spirit Empire would not be too indulgent. Now that the Haotian Sect has been destroyed, the spirit masters of the Spirit Empire have become careless.

And as time went on, a new voice gradually sounded in the Spirit Empire, and finally turned into a momentum.

That is to declare war on the Star Luo Empire and use troops against the Star Luo Empire.

No wonder there are such calls.

Looking at the mainland, now the upper three sects are gone, the lower four sects and most of the sects have surrendered to the Wuhun Palace, the Tiandou Empire has changed its tune and merged into the Wuhun Empire, and several major kingdoms and principalities have also been merged into the Wuhun Empire. , the only one in the entire continent who still disobeys the orders of the Wuhun Empire is the Star Luo Empire.

Similarly, this also means that they have few opportunities to make meritorious deeds. Without fighting, where will the credit come from?

Martial Spirit Empire.

Main hall.

"Your Majesty, the Star Luo Empire has once again rejected our solicitation. It seems that it is inevitable to send troops to the Star Luo Empire!" Tuoba Xi, the leader of the Holy Dragon Sect, bowed respectfully to Guang Yu.

Driven by the Wuhun Empire, the re-election of the upper three sects and the lower four sects in the mainland has been completed. The seven major sects have all declared their allegiance to the Wuhun Empire. At the same time, they have also expressed their disapproval of the young and outrageous leader of the Wuhun Empire. Don't dare to have the slightest contempt.

Because of Guangyu's participation, Tuoba Xi, the leader of the Holy Dragon Sect, also avoided the tragic fate of becoming Bibi Dong's rechargeable battery. Now he has the strength of a titled Douluo, and his status in the Spirit Empire is not low.

In addition to Tuoba Xi, the heads of the Elephant Armor Sect, Black Tiger Sect, Bird Bee Sect, Wind Sword Sect, Fire Leopard Sect, and Rock Antelope Sect also proposed to use troops against the Star Luo Empire.

Not only the leaders of these forces, but also several newcomers among the elders of the Wuhun Empire advocated the use of troops against the Star Luo Empire.

Because of the Ice and Fire Eye Immortal Grass, many Platinum Bishops in the Wuhun Empire who were stagnant at the Contra level have been promoted to elders. The number of titled Douluo in the Wuhun Empire has exceeded twenty, reaching nearly thirty. .

Sitting on the main seat, Guangyu stretched without any scruples.

"This is the first time we have officially discussed with the Star Luo Empire?"

As soon as Guangyu finished speaking, Ju Douluo responded first: "Your Majesty, we have proposed negotiations to the Star Luo Empire twice, but both were rejected."

Hu Yanzhen of the Elephant Armor Sect said: "The Star Luo Empire actually dared to reject us twice. Your Majesty, it's time for us to teach the Star Luo Empire a lesson."

Guangyu was neither annoyed nor angry: "Send someone to talk to them again."

Hearing this, everyone below was puzzled.

"Still talking?"

Almost everyone present did not understand what the Xingluo Empire was like. According to their negotiation requirements, the Xingluo Empire would never agree, so Guangyu went to negotiate with the Xingluo Empire without giving up. It's really useless, and may even bring the Spirit Empire's reputation into disrepute.

This time Guangyu did not continue to play riddles, but said directly: "Even if we can beat him, we have to persuade him again and again!"

Before anyone could express their doubts, Guangyu explained first.

"The Wuhun Empire will rule the mainland in the future, so it is necessary to create a good image among the people of the mainland. Let everyone know that we have to fight this war!"

Hearing this, although some people were still puzzled, since Guangyu had said so, they did not dare to say anything more and all followed the order.

During the negotiations between the Wuhun Empire and the Xingluo Empire, the Wuhun Empire was not idle.

In the dungeon of the Spirit Empire.

A bearded figure was mumbling some spells and rubbing his hands continuously.

Various sausages were born under that strange spell.

There is still dirt on the figure's face and stubble, but if you look closely, it is not difficult to see that the appearance is actually quite handsome.

The figure in the underground palace is Oscar who was captured by Guang Yu a few years ago. Over the past few years, with the accumulation of various medicinal materials, Oscar's soul power level has reached level 79.

However, the soul power forcibly accumulated using medicinal materials is not only vain, but also destroys Oscar's foundation. It will be extremely difficult to improve each level in the future.

But this Guangyu didn't care. The food-type soul master who had already controlled the martial soul's true form at more than seventy levels was already capable of making food. There was no need to level it up any more. What's the use of leveling it up? Is it possible for him to continue to inherit the God of Cookery? I want to eat shit!

Oscar's choice of soul rings has also been slightly changed from the original work, but Guangyu still specially added a mirror soul skill to him, a soul skill that extends the preservation time of food.

With the Eye of Calculation, there will naturally be no surprises in the choice of soul skills.

"When can I see Rongrong?"

After finishing rubbing another sausage, Oscar raised his head, looked at the guard with his somewhat dull eyes, and asked.

The guard glanced at him and said coldly.

"There is an order from above to make another 200,000 recovery sausages, 50,000 excitement sausages, 10,000 detoxification sausages, 10,000 flying sausages, and 3,000 mirror sausages. I will arrange for you to meet!"

Oscar's eyes trembled, but he finally nodded.

"By the way, it must be completed within a month!"

When Oscar heard this, he also murmured, and immediately began to rub the sausage with his body almost exhausted, even though his face was already pale.

"One month... that's okay..."

At the same time, the Wuhun Empire, which was gradually fully prepared, also gradually began to mobilize troops to the Star Luo Empire, and the two sides faced off in the buffer zone of the two empires.

Millions of troops are deployed in the Kingdom of Balak and the city of Balak, and war is ignited at any time.

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