After gradually approaching, Tang San relied on the assistance of Blue Silver Grass, and through his mental power, he could barely see the existence of these twenty people. The man in golden armor walking at the front was none other than Wuhundian. Ju Douluo Yue Guan.

Behind Ju Douluo Yueguan, Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan followed closely behind, and behind them were more than twenty famous cardinals with Shen Ning soul power in the seventies, and the last one , is a faint ghost shadow.

"Two major titled Douluo? Plus the Golden Generation from the Spirit Hall, what are they doing in the Star Dou Forest?" Tang San frowned slightly and said with some confusion, "Could it be that they are here to obtain a soul ring for someone from the Golden Generation? ?”

"It's not like..." Hearing this, Tang Hao shook his head and pondered: "Probably not, what level is the Golden Generation? Even if one of them needs a soul ring to hunt soul beasts and advance, two titled Douluo and such... Are there many martial soul masters? Their combat power is enough to deal with a hundred thousand year old soul beast."

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Tang San's heart skipped a beat. A hundred thousand year soul beast? Could it be said that these people from Wuhun Palace are here for Xiao Wu?

"Dad, do you think these beasts from Wuhun Palace have already found Xiao Wu's whereabouts when they came to Star Dou Forest?" When he thought of this, Tang San suddenly became so anxious that he lost the ability to control his emotions.

What Tang San was most afraid of was that the people from Wuhun Palace had already succeeded. If they really came for Xiao Wu, how could such a huge lineup resist with Xiao Wu's strength? His heart could not be calm for a long time.

His eyes flickered slightly, and Tang Hao's gaze suddenly glanced in the direction of Xinghu. He was stunned for a moment, and then said calmly: "Xiao San, don't worry too much. Judging from the current aura of everyone in Wuhun Hall, it seems that they are not Having never experienced a battle, I think Xiao Wu is safe now."

"Yes." Tang San nodded, heaving a sigh of relief, and then said still slightly helplessly: "Dad, what should we do next?"

"Just wait and wait and see what happens..." Tang Hao muttered.

Tang San nodded slightly, glanced around, then suppressed his breath to the lowest point, and then slowly moved towards the direction of the people in Wuhun Palace, and finally, he flashed to a high jungle with a good view. middle.

With his body huddled in this cluster of jungle, Tang Hao first used his soul power to completely seal off Tang San's aura. Using the terrain, the father and son were able to bring all the depressions in the forest below into their field of vision, their eyes vaguely looking not far away. Sweep away.

In the depression not far away, more than twenty cardinals of Wuhun Palace were scattered. They cut down some surrounding trees to clear an open space, and then placed these trees on the periphery of the open space to make simple defense. As for Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, and the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, they gathered in the center of the open space and directed the cardinals to build defenses.

In a short time, the people of Wuhun Palace completed the cleaning of the outside and the construction of fortifications. Then, they set up tents one after another. Obviously, they planned to rest here tonight.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo lived in the same tent. As for Hu Liena and the other three, they lived in the same tent. The other twenty people lived in five tents respectively. The layout of the tents was vaguely surrounded by The two Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo in the center.

"Dad, what should we do next?" Tang San whispered.

Tang Hao only answered one word: "Wait!"

The body was like a corpse, lying quietly among the trees. Tang San's breathing was compressed from the usual normal state to once every two minutes. After all, in the depression below, there were two titled Douluo-level people. For a strong man, if it weren't for Tang Hao's help, Tang San's own strength alone wouldn't be enough to hide under the opponent's nose so safely.

Just after everyone in Wuhun Hall completely set up the tents, this somewhat remote forest area fell into extreme silence. Even some of the surrounding spirit beasts sensed the powerful aura spreading in the forest. She shivered and shrank into her nest, daring not to make any sound.

The strange and peaceful atmosphere lingers in this forest for a long time.

Tang San's mental power always remained highly concentrated. He took advantage of the time when everyone in Wuhun Palace was setting up the tent, and carefully observed the surroundings. After finding no trace of Xiao Wu, the stone hanging in his heart fell. down.

"Dad, if the people from Wuhun Palace are really here for Xiao Wu, what's the point of us hiding and following them now?" Tang San said anxiously.

"Don't be anxious, there will always be a chance." Tang Hao smiled slightly, but his smile made Tang San shudder. He whispered: "Xiao San, if you want to accomplish great things, you can't be impatient. Maybe, in the end, these people will give you a set of 100,000-year-old soul rings and soul bones."

"One hundred thousand year soul ring and soul bone?" Tang San's eyes shined brightly.

There was a trace of hesitation in Tang Hao's eyes, but he still nodded and said: "Xiaosan, dad has his own way, please believe me."

"Yeah." Tang San nodded.


The next day, a faint white fish belly appeared on the horizon.

Everyone in Wuhun Palace got up early, packed up their tents, and headed straight into the depths of the Star Dou Forest. Along the way, they met many extremely powerful soul beasts, but they did not Too much attention.

Tang San and Tang Hao followed the Wuhun Palace team, while silently observing the team and everything around them. Among them, Tang San was surprised to find that Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo were echoing each other in the front and rear of the team, and actually used their soul power to completely isolate the team's aura from the outside world.

More than ten hours later.

Ghost Douluo, who was walking at the front of the team, seemed to have discovered something. He suddenly accelerated. Suddenly, the entire Wuhundian team was rushing through the woods like lightning, and they also encountered many powerful people. Soul beasts, however, these soul beasts did not dare to attack, they just watched from a distance.

The sky gradually darkened again.

The dense jungle is quiet and peaceful. Occasionally, a few small animals will jump through the forest and startle the birds resting on the branches.

The secluded atmosphere did not last long before it was completely broken by a passing team. In an instant, all the birds and beasts on the ground were frightened away.

"Take a rest where you are. We are very close to the center of the forest." After traveling for more than ten hours, Ghost Douluo, who was walking at the front, stopped. He waved to everyone, indicating that everyone should go first. rest.

After hearing this, the cardinals of Wuhun Palace immediately formed an oval, and a few people went out to patrol. Others immediately entered a state of rest. Few people spoke during the whole process.

Under the pale moonlight, tents stood in the woods, and several pale yellow bonfires looked extremely conspicuous in the night.

Standing on a treetop, Tang Hao and Tang San were able to see the camp below clearly with the help of the cover of heavy branches. They frowned and looked at the heavily defended camp of Wuhun Palace. Tang Hao He whispered: "Xiaosan, we are almost approaching the central area of ​​the Star Forest. Tonight, we can find an opportunity to kill several Soul Saints from the Spirit Hall."

"Are we going to take action tonight?" Tang San was a little confused.

Tang Hao explained: "There should be a big battle tomorrow. Let's find a chance to deal with a few people first, so that we can share some of the pressure on you." After speaking, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Tomorrow? A big battle?" Tang San didn't know what he meant. How could his father be so clear about Wuhun Palace's mission this time?

Could it be that Wuhundian’s target this time is really Xiao Wu? But why is his father so familiar with Xiao Wu's hiding place?

Above the sky, the crescent moon gradually rose higher, and the forest became silent.

After waiting for a few more hours, a light breeze suddenly blew between the sky and the earth. The breeze blew through the woods, making a rushing sound.

Right here, two patrolling Cardinals of Wuhun Palace slowly walked towards the direction where Tang San and others were.

"Have you been discovered?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Tang San's expression changed slightly, his body shrank into the shadows, and then he looked indifferently at the two red-clothed bishops of Wuhun Palace who were approaching him.

At the same time, the soul power in Tang San's body also began to flow. Just as he was about to take action, Tang Hao stretched out his hand and held him down. After the two cardinals came to the tree, they stopped. They looked around, then started urinating and let out a hissing sound.

"Why should we keep vigil while they are sleeping?" During the break, a cardinal suddenly asked with dissatisfaction.

"Stop complaining. I heard from the elders today that we are not far from the goal of this mission. After tomorrow, we should be able to return to Wuhun City." Another cardinal said with relief: "By then, we will be back again I can enjoy the glory and wealth."

After the two men finished urinating and tidied up, the cardinal on the left turned around first. Then, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of him. Before he could react, there was a sharp pain in his throat. Then, he realized Fuzzy fell to the ground instantly.

Another cardinal, after trembling for a while, slowly turned around. Looking at the empty crowd, he was stunned and murmured: "Where are the people?" As soon as he finished speaking, there was a slight chill in his throat. , covering his throat with both hands, blood continuously emerging from his fingers like small snakes.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Hao quietly carried the bodies of the two people on his shoulders, and then galloped towards Star Lake.

Ten minutes later, after passing through a dense forest, the sight ahead suddenly opened up. Under the moonlight, what appeared in front of Tang Hao was a clear small lake. There were towering trees growing around it, like a lake. A paradise.

However, Tang Hao didn't look surprised at all. He seemed to have been here a long time ago. He threw the body on top of his body lightly, and then there was a pop.

The bodies of the two cardinals were thrown into the lake, and bright red blood spread around them.

The next second, Tang Hao's figure disappeared instantly.


A few seconds later, a huge bull's head suddenly emerged from the water. Its eyes were as cold as a sharp sword and looked around, but no trace of any living people was found. There were only two Wuhundian. The body of the cardinal.

"Second Brother, a human has come in. Where is Sister Xiaowu?" The sky-green bull python opened its huge mouth and spoke human words.

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely tall figure ran out from the jungle not far away. It was as tall as a mountain, and its dark hair shone faintly in the moonlight.

The Titan Giant Ape stared at his eyes as big as lanterns and murmured: "Brother, what's wrong? Sister Xiaowu is practicing."

"Someone has come in. It seems that the person who came here is not malicious. Let's go take a look first."

After saying that, the huge snake body of the Azure Bull Python jumped out of the lake.


Meanwhile, Sunset Forest.

I saw a purple-black flaming figure flash across the sky quickly. A moment later, he suddenly stopped in mid-air. Then, the purple-black flames on his body gradually dissipated. After the flames completely dissipated, A handsome young face was revealed.

The dark eyes blinked gently, and the tired look in Xiao Yan's eyes gradually faded away, replaced by the youthful vigor and cunning.

"I finally left this hellish place of the Killing City. The gains from refining the Three Thousand Flame Flames this time are really not small. Not only did I gain four fighting skills, but at the same time, I also gained the sixth soul ring formed by the fusion of strange fires. We have also reached the level of one hundred thousand years." Twisting his neck slightly, Xiao Yan glanced at the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi below, then aimed at one of them, and slowly fell down.

Taking a deep breath of the air in the eyes of Ice and Fire, Xiao Yan licked his lips, and then sat cross-legged. The soul guide on his finger flashed, and immediately a pair of ice and fire bone wings about ten feet wide floated in front of him. .

This is the treasure he got from the body of the Ice and Fire Dragon King.

By refining three thousand flames this time, Xiao Yan obtained a flying fighting skill called Tianyan Nine-line Wings, and this bone wing will be an excellent material for refining Tianyan Nine-line Wings. If he can If the refining is successful, Xiao Yan will have one more way to save his life in the future.

Although he has not tried it himself, Xiao Yan can know through vague guesses that if he uses the bone wings of the Ice and Fire Dragon King to refine the Tian Yan Jiu Xing Wing, his speed will be even faster than that of the strongest people in the entire Douluo Continent. Among the levels, I am afraid that no one can surpass me, and in this way, my life will have another guarantee.

However, if you want to refine the Tianyan Nine-Element Wings, you must refine the residual soul breath in the bone wings, and this is the most difficult thing for Xiao Yan. It wouldn't matter if the wings he prepared were just ordinary soul beasts, but the owner of these jade bone wings was obviously not an ordinary soul beast, but the ancient divine beast Ice and Fire Dragon King. Xiao Yan knew this best.

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