Di Tian's Dragon God Claw slowly lifted up again. Suddenly, it raised its head to the sky. The low dragon roar turned into countless strange sound waves. The light and shadow of the huge black dragon behind him suddenly exploded, turning into countless black mist and pouring into the dragon. In the claws of God.

Immediately, the golden light of the Dragon God's Claw flourished, directly dyeing Di Tian's body golden. The Dragon God's Claw made a virtual claw movement towards Xiao Yan's position out of thin air, and then, a golden beam formed by condensed energy The claw appeared out of thin air in front of Xiao Yan, and then suddenly grabbed it out!

"What a powerful skill. With this, your strength has probably already surpassed the level of an Ultimate Douluo, right?"

Taking a gentle breath, Xiao Yan's eyes also flashed with a fierce light, the seal in his hand suddenly changed, and the five-color flames filled the light array suddenly accelerated and boiled, and immediately rushed towards his right arm.


As more and more five-color flames gathered on Xiao Yan's arm, the energy between heaven and earth also fluctuated slightly. After a moment, a ten-foot-long five-color flame arm also slowly squirmed and emerged.

Seen from a distance, Xiao Yan's right arm at this moment looks like a fire dragon.

Looking at the five golden claw marks that enlarged like lightning in his eyes, Xiao Yan frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, his body stagnated slightly, and then in the face of countless horrified eyes, he stamped the void with the sole of his foot. , the fire-dragon-like arm struck hard at the golden claw marks that came suddenly.

Emperor Yan's arm destroys the world!

The five-color fire arm and the dragon god's claw collided together like a meteorite. The moment they came into contact, a force of destruction broke out.


The dull sound of explosions resounded in the sky. This sound seemed to be able to penetrate people's souls, directly knocking the soul beasts that were under ten thousand years old in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest to the ground. They didn't even make a mournful sound. He was already paralyzed on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and breathless.

Xiao Yan punched down, and where the flame arm collided with the dragon god's claw, the space collapsed, and a pitch black hole half a foot in size suddenly appeared, and an extremely pure darkness gushes out of it, making people's scalp numb. .

Under the erosion of the five kinds of strange fires, cracks began to appear in the golden paw prints formed by the condensed energy. At the same time, the flames on Xiao Yan's right arm were quickly dissipating. Two terrifying forces, In the erosion of each other, they also become weaker and weaker...

Immediately afterwards, the golden claw print exploded with a bang and turned into dots of starlight, scattering across the sky.


A huge fire storm burst out from Xiao Yan's right arm, and then swept across the sky in front of everyone's horrified eyes.

The fire storm swept across, and Di Tian and other ferocious beasts not far away had no time to escape. They were hit hard, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Their bodies flew out like a kite with a broken string, and finally fell. on the ground.

Everywhere along the way, trees were smashed into piles of dust.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, silver lightning flashed under Xiao Yan's feet, and along with a low thunderous sound, his figure turned into an afterimage, quickly flew down from the sky, and then rushed towards the surrounding cave nests.

The next second, a huge hole suddenly appeared in his sight.

"I don't know if Xiao Xiao is in there or not. I don't care. Let's go in and take a look first." Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yan shouted, and his body suddenly jumped down from the top of the cave entrance, and then lightly stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet. Shot into the cave.

Entering the cave, the light is not as dark as imagined. On the surrounding mountain walls, there are occasionally some purple crystals inlaid. These are natural products of the cave and are quite precious in the human world. Ornaments.

The deep and spacious cave was dotted with these amethyst blocks, which looked particularly beautiful. At the same time, it also brought a ray of light to the dark cave. As Xiao Yan walked in, there was no other sound except the small sound of his own walking. sound.

As he was walking forward, suddenly, a figure flashed in front of Xiao Yan. The cold air hit him, and the surrounding amethyst stones also formed a thin layer of ice. Xiao Yan subconsciously pulled out the Xuan Zhong Ruler and observed vigilantly. around.

A trace of icy chill came from the front. Xiao Yan clearly felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped. Then, a round head stretched out from the darkness in front. It looked fleshy and had a diameter of about 10 meters. Mido, it squirmed out and was more than seven meters long.

This soul beast looks like a silkworm baby. Its whole body is white jade and crystal clear. There is no stain on its body. There is a halo flowing under the skin. It has a pair of small golden eyes on its head. The most peculiar thing is that from its head Starting half a meter away, there will be a surrounding golden pattern at regular intervals. From beginning to end, there are nine golden patterns on its body.

"Thank you, you saved my brother, right?" The huge silkworm baby stretched out its huge head, then stopped one meter away from Xiao Yan and said.

Xiao Yan said with some confusion: "I saved you?"

The huge silkworm baby nodded to Xiao Yan and said calmly: "Of course it's you. Just now you fought with those hateful guys outside, and the ripples of ability that exploded caused cracks in the restraint those guys set on me. Finally, , Brother finally escaped with your help."

"Oh." Xiao Yan nodded slightly, not feeling any malice from the huge silkworm baby in front of him, so Xiao Yan took back the Xuan Zhong Ruler.

Silkworm baby continued: "Brother, let me introduce myself to you first. I am the embodiment of hero and chivalry. I am the king of soul beasts with equal emphasis on wisdom and beauty. I am a peerless strong man. I have been cultivating for 990,000 years. I created the Douluo Continent. The soul beast with the longest lifespan recorded is Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. You can call me Brother Tianmeng!"

After saying that, it squirmed a little and said quite confidently: "You didn't say anything. Are you fascinated by my beautiful body?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yan frowned and ignored Tianmeng Bingcan. He walked around the latter and continued walking deeper into the cave.

"..." Tianmeng Iceworm.

Immediately afterwards, Tianmeng Bingcan turned around and shouted at Xiao Yan: "Damn human being, why are you ignoring me? You are the first human being to see me in my true form, shouldn't you be happy? "

"Huh?" Xiao Yan slowly turned around, looked at Tianmeng Bingcan somewhat speechlessly, curled his lips, and said: "Big Chong, I have something else to do. I'm looking for someone and I don't have time to talk to you. Uh, no, It's a dragon. Those guys outside won't be able to regain their fighting strength for a while, so you can escape by yourself."

Tianmeng Iceworm said angrily: "Boy, what do you call me? I am not a big insect, I am Tianmeng Iceworm. You want to call me Brother Tianmeng."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan continued walking towards the depths of the cave without looking back.

The next second, Tianmeng Iceworm squirmed in front of Xiao Yan, blocking the latter's way with his body, and said: "Boy, who are you looking for? Just call me Brother Tianmeng, and I will I’ll tell you what I know.”

Startled slightly, Xiao Yan slowly spread his right hand, and a ball of dark white flame with a slight chill appeared in his palm. He said without giving up: "If you don't let go, I will turn you into a human being." A popsicle. In my eyes, you are just a big bug. You are not a big brother. You annoy me. Carefully, I will pinch your fat body, then slowly use force, and smash you into pieces with a snap, and the meat juice will splash. "

"You..." Tianmeng Iceworm knew that he was no match for Xiao Yan, and was so angry that its nine golden patterns kept surging. Then, it sniffed its nose and said, "Why do you have the aura of the Ice Emperor on you? Have you been to the Far North not long ago?”

"Do you know the Ice Emperor too?" Xiao Yan said in surprise.

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm explained: "That's for sure. I was not born in the Star Forest, but an ordinary ice silkworm soul beast born in the far north. When I was thirteen years old, I was Natural enemies chased me, and then Bingbing suddenly appeared and killed all the soul beasts that were chasing me. Although I knew that she wanted to eat me alone, I still fell in love with her hopelessly. .”

"Then, just when I was about to be eaten by the ice, I accidentally fell into an ice crevice. It was no ordinary ice cave. It was filled with thousands of years of cold marrow. I ate in it and slept. Eat after you finish. The appearance of the first circle of golden patterns on my body also means that my cultivation has reached one hundred thousand years."

"Finally one day, I ate up all the cold marrow in the ice cave, so I got out of it, and then reached the sea. I floated along the sea and came to the Star Forest. But after I got here, Maybe it's because I absorbed too much cold marrow, and my body has a special smell that can attract the attention of soul beasts."

"Not long after I came here, I was captured by these ferocious beasts. I heard them say that I have too much vitality of heaven and earth in my body. As long as they slowly absorb the origin energy in my body, their cultivation will improve. So, I was imprisoned by those hateful guys outside, and just when brother... uh no, I was about to run out of gas, you appeared, and then you saved me."

"By the way, you haven't told me yet, why do you have the aura of ice on your body? Wouldn't you have given her..."

After listening to Tianmeng Bingsi's story, Xiao Yan was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the big bug in front of him could practice for ninety-nine thousand years like this. He shook his head and said calmly: "I went to the extreme not long ago. In the North Land, the Ice Emperor, she has now joined the Soul Palace of Forces I founded and is my subordinate."

"Your subordinates?" Tianmeng Bingsi said with some disbelief: "With Bingbing's character, how could she have contact with you humans? You can't even think of lying to me."

Xiao Yan explained: "Big Chongzi, believe it or not, I refined a shape-changing elixir for her and the Titan Snow Demon King. Not only did they successfully transform into human forms, but they were also able to avoid the catastrophe and continue to practice. "

"Ah? Are you telling the truth? If that's the case, then brother... I want to join you too." Tianmeng Bingsi said excitedly: "In this case, I can meet my favorite Bingbing. "

Slowly bending down, Xiao Yan stared at Tianmeng Iceworm in front of him, frowned, stretched out his hand to touch Tianmeng Iceworm's head, and said: "I can take you back to see the Ice Emperor, but you have to Tell me everything you know. I have just used my mental power to explore all the surrounding caves and nests, but I still haven’t found the person I’m looking for. Do you know if there are any hidden spaces around?”

"Space?" Hearing this, Tianmeng Bingshen pondered for a moment and then said: "When I was absorbing energy by those guys, I vaguely heard something, Lord, would you like to go to the bottom of the lake outside and take a look? Down there, maybe... "

As soon as Tian Meng Bing Can's words fell, Xiao Yan's figure had disappeared. When he reached the sky above the Lake of Life, he did not hesitate, and jumped in directly with a movement of his body. The jade-like ice and fire bone wings slowly extended from Xiao Yan's back, vibrating slowly, stabilizing his body in the lake.

After entering the bottom of the lake, the pressure of the water flow came from all directions, as if it was squeezing Xiao Yan into meat paste. However, as the strange fire surged out of his body, these external resistances were completely blocked.

After carefully looking around and finding that there was no danger, Xiao Yan slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He flicked his finger, and a wisp of green flame curled up from his fingertips. Along with this wisp of flame, Appeared, the surrounding became hot and bright.

At this moment, a transparent circle of light emitting a faint light appeared not far away.

"There is actually a self-contained space door here?"

The light in his eyes flickered. After Xiao Yan hesitated for a few seconds, he moved slightly and jumped over like lightning. When he was about to come into contact with the transparent aperture, his body rushed in without any hindrance.

After the skilled artist bravely broke into the transparent circle of light, Xiao Yan felt his eyes go dark, followed by a strange sense of weightlessness. When his vision returned, he was already in a huge silver palace.

This palace looks very gorgeous, with opulence everywhere, with strange patterns carved around it, and murals on it. The protagonists in them are animals, which seem to record an unknown history...

But this palace was second. What attracted Xiao Yan's attention the most was the silver throne. On that gorgeous and majestic throne, there was a young girl sitting upright. She was the one who brought the little dragon girl with her not long ago. That mysterious man in white.

She is not tall and delicate, but she exudes a strong presence, as if she is the center of the entire hall. She has long silver hair that hangs down her back to her ankles. Not only is her hair smooth, it also has a texture like silver crystal.

A pair of extremely beautiful eyes, with long curly eyelashes and purple eyes that are clear and transparent, revealing a crystal-like flawlessness.

The face of this woman is a kind of beauty that cannot be described in words. It seems that all the beautiful descriptions are not enough to describe the stunning face. She has slightly crystal fair skin and is wearing a holy and slim-fitting white dress. The skirt is uneven. Incomparably perfect figure, extremely feminine!

The two of them looked at each other like an ink painting.

ps: Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes. (End of chapter)

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