Douluo's Beginning Signing into the Divine Tree Martial Spirit

Chapter 45 The beautiful Sisi is forced to be a matchmaker!

"Little guy, what did you say?"

"Don't think that just because you are born with soul power, you will be invincible."

"What kind of genius is there in Wuhun Hall?"

No matter how good-tempered Sisi was, she couldn't bear the deliberate insults over and over again.

"Okay, calling aunt is too much. Is it okay to call aunt?"

"Let's talk about our Lao Su first, a level 26 attack-type battle soul master, although his talent is average."

"But it's okay to become a Soul Emperor in the future."

"The appearance isn't bad, right? None of those aristocratic young men are as handsome as him!"

After Tang Chen finished speaking, he paused and found that Sisi was actually examining Su Yuntao.

Thinking about it, if you are willing to go shopping, at least it will be a backup candidate.

"Tell me about you again"

"Short hair, slightly round face, legs longer than the body, very slender waist, protruding where it should be, and curling where it should be."

"I barely give you a nine."

Tang Chen's voice gradually lowered, and he felt more and more guilty, but he still had to continue.

"As for talent, Lao Su is four or five years older than you, but his strength is only three levels behind. The talent gap isn't that big!"

"I think you two are a good match, why don't you let me be a matchmaker?"

"How about I invest 10,000 gold coins to hold the wedding in just three days?"

Tang Chen's barrage of words left the two parties involved confused.

Even the guards and passers-by watching the show were shocked beyond measure.

I can't believe these words came from a seven-year-old child.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Where are you looking?"

Sisi was in a panic state, but her keen sixth sense made her feel uncomfortable all over.

It's that shameful feeling of being stripped naked and looked at carefully from head to toe.

"Lao Su, it's not bad. It's quite interesting."

The blue light in Tang Chen's eyes disappeared and he quietly said something to Su Yuntao.

"What do you mean, even if Su Yuntao is as good as you say, there are more people who are better than him."

"Why should I marry him?"

Sisi had recovered by this time, and was just shocked by the generosity of 10,000 gold soul coins.

But the soul master's arrogance is still there, how can he give up for this little money.

She also felt like she was always putting it off, now that she wanted to bring up the subject today.

Then just make it clear. There is no benefit in delaying. After all, we are colleagues in the branch hall.

"Simple, because he has a background."

"What? He has a backstage?"

"Su Yuntao should be from a poor background, and he didn't even go to a high-level soul master academy, right?"

A smile appeared on Sisi's face, she was just a child after all.


"Because I am his backstage."

Tang Chen suddenly laughed and said this shamelessly.


"Kid, you are quite cute."

Sisi covered her mouth and snickered, then she paid attention to Tang Chen's appearance.

cute? pretty? Handsome?

She couldn't describe it accurately, she just felt that her blood was flowing faster.

The anger is completely gone.


Tang Chen was a little depressed. Why did the atmosphere change in an instant?

What should I do next if I don’t have the anger?

do not care.

"You don't believe it? How about a bet?"

Tang Chen was extremely embarrassed at this time, as if he punched the air.

Xiao Wu and Tang San next to them almost rolled over holding their stomachs.

They are not just little brats, they have been labeled as failed pretenders.


"What do you want to bet on?"

Sisi was very interested and even deliberately pushed out her breasts.

"Xiaochen, forget it!"

"I know you want to help me, but there are some things you can't force."

Su Yuntao persuaded Tang Chen, but unfortunately he had no decision-making power, and Sisi even pushed him away.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm really interested in what tricks this kid wants to play."

"Of course the full set ahem"

Tang Chen spoke so smoothly that he almost exposed his little secret and quickly added.

"Since we are all soul masters, of course we speak with our strength."

"The baby is only seven years old, are you scared?"

Sisi rolled her eyes, thinking it was a bet?

"You fight me?"

"Let me ask you first, what are the benefits of winning?"

Tang Chen's face lit up with joy. The prey had finally taken the bait, so don't try to break free.

"Just ten thousand gold soul coins."

"If you win, I'll give it to you, if you lose."

"Be my maid or his girlfriend"

"I am very clear-minded and will give you the opportunity to choose freely."


As soon as Tang Chen said this, the onlookers were in an uproar, and even Sisi was stunned.

An ordinary family can't spend ten gold soul coins a year, and a hundred gold soul coins are already considered rich.

Among the four sects under the Haotian Sect, the Min clan, the poorest, only has a hundred gold soul coins.

Converted to before Tang Chen traveled through time, that would be hundreds of millions of RMB.

A bet between great soul masters could be so grand?

"Okay, I agree!"

Sisi agreed without hesitation. A woman's beauty costs money.

Unless she is naturally beautiful, which woman should not take care of herself?

"Nonsense, the dignified deacon of Wuhun Palace is actually dueling with a child."

A voice came from the door of Wuhun Hall, and Master Matthew Nuo, the head of the branch hall, came out.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and then they bowed neatly.

"Master Matthew No!!!!"

"Don't block the door, Yuntao, what on earth is going on?"

Su Yuntao ran over quickly and carefully told what happened.

Although Matthew Nuo is only a great soul master, he is over eighty years old and has very senior qualifications.

And he is the chief steward of this branch.

Here we have to talk about why Wuhun Palace has such a huge influence.

Wuhun Palace is independent from the empire and is officially the representative organization of the soul master world.

Similar to a religious system, there are branch temples in all cities, including villages under their jurisdiction.

The village-level sub-hall is unattended and can only be used temporarily when the martial spirit is awakened every year.

There is a branch hall for Wuhun in the small city. The top leader is the Grand Deacon, and there are about ten deacons who handle daily affairs.

The medium-sized city is the Wuhunzi Palace. Although they are all deacons, they are stronger, with about twenty people.

The big city is the main palace of martial arts, which must be garrisoned by cardinals. The number of soul masters is about fifty.

The capitals of the two empires are the fourth-level Wuhun Temple, which is managed by Bishop Platinum.

With regular legions stationed there, not even the empire dared to offend easily.

Those geniuses who join Wuhun Palace all dream of entering it.

At the junction of the two empires, there was a city directly under the Spirit Hall.

The Papal Palace is located here and is the palace of the Pope.

Finally, there is the dream of all soul masters, the Douluo Enshrinement Hall.

Only titled Douluo are qualified to enter and become worshipers in the Spirit Hall.

Have supreme authority.

There are seven known worshipers in Wuhun Hall, namely: Qianjun Douluo, Demon-Conquering Douluo, Golden Crocodile Douluo, and Angel Douluo.

The other three have disappeared as time has passed.

The nine elders are: Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Snake Spear Douluo, Porcupine Douluo, Demon Bear Douluo, Ghost Leopard Douluo, and Holy Dragon Douluo.

Two others have died, one of whom died while chasing Tang Hao.

Another one died in the Star Dou Forest, and only half of his body was recovered.

Plus the late Pope Qian Xunji and the current Pope Bibi Dong.

And Qian Renxue, who can become a god

Thinking about how powerful Wuhun Palace is, there are fifteen titled Douluo alive.

This does not include those Contras who have just been promoted and have not been made public.

You must know that among the seven major sects, only the upper three sects have titled Douluo.

Where does the power of Wuhun Palace come from?

These names alone can shock Douluo Continent.

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