Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 115 The City of Killing

Not everyone in the family needs to use the two-word battle armor. For example, Catherine and her uncle Ye Xiaofan are now Contras, so there is no such urgent need for the two-word battle armor.

Therefore, after Yuan Changqing spent a year helping family members in need to forge the two-word battle armor, he began to concentrate on understanding soul forging.


As the last hammer fell, the three-character battle armor Yuan Changqing forged for himself was also completed. After the soul guidance formation seal carving of the parts of the battle armor was completed, Yuan Changqing's battle armor was completely completed.

It has been three years since he returned to Blue Silver Village from Tiandou City.

As early as half a year ago, Yuan Changqing was able to reach the level of Soul Forging. He was not far away from Soul Forging before. After almost a year of painstaking research and understanding, he finally reached it half a year ago.

Subsequently, Yuan Changqing also successively helped Yuan Linglong, his wife and Catherine forge their three-word battle armor.

My sister-in-law is not far away from Contra now, so she doesn't have much desire for the two-word battle armor. She just waits for Yuan Changqing to build the three-word battle armor, but she didn't expect that this wish can be fulfilled so soon.

In the following time, Yuan Changqing was busy assembling the battle armor. This time Yuan Changqing's three-character battle armor was forged from a kind of thunder iron metal.

Yuan Changqing's own attributes are wood attribute and life attribute, so for the choice of metal, thunder iron is very suitable.

For example, the battle armors of Catherine and Ye Xiaofan are made of metal ores selected according to the attributes of the martial soul, so that they can better adapt to the attributes of the martial soul.

After Catherine saw the Doukai, she named the Doukai according to its shape: Golden Phoenix Killing Doukai. And Ye Xiaofan directly named it after the martial spirit, called Liehuo Luan Fighting Armor.

After seeing Yuan Changqing's Doukai completed, Catherine asked: "Husband, have you thought of a name for your Doukai?"

As for the name of Doukai, Yuan Changqing also thought about it and said: "I have already thought about it, and it will be called Zhenleipao."

With the three-word battle armor, Yuan Changqing can now exert the true strength of a titled Douluo with the strength of the Soul Douluo and the mental power of the Titled Douluo.

After getting the three-word battle armor, everyone is also learning from each other in order to master the fighting method of the battle armor as soon as possible.

With the Doukai, Yuan Changqing's family can now use the Doukai to fly, and they have built wings on the two-word Doukai.

When Yuan Changqing and Catherine were lying on the bed, Yuan Changqing expressed his desire to go to the Killing City.

Catherine exclaimed: "What, husband, you want to go to the killing city?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, now that the strength is pretty good, we can't stay in one place all the time. It would be good to go out and see Douluo Continent."

Catherine said: "I heard that it is very dangerous in the Killing City?"

Regarding the City of Killing, Yuan Changqing had also heard about it when he was in Tiandou City, and he also knew from the memory of his previous life that many heavy criminals and evil soul masters from the Douluo Continent had been driven away by the Wuhun Palace, and there were also some They are people who have no way to escape.

As for the danger, that's for sure. You can't use soul skills or soul power inside. You can only rely on your body to fight, and you are still facing danger at any time.

Yuan Changqing said: "It is indeed dangerous, but with my current strength, I don't need to worry so much."

Catherine said: "Then I will go with you, so that the two of us can be taken care of."

Yuan Changqing knew the situation in the Killing City, but Catherine did not know, so Yuan Changqing refused without hesitation.

Yuan Changqing said: "No, you also know some of the situation inside. There are heavy criminals and evil soul masters who were forced in by Wuhun Palace, as well as some people who had no choice but to escape."

"Also, you are so beautiful. If you enter the killing city, wouldn't it be like a sheep escaping from the tiger's mouth? That is the real danger. No matter what, I will not allow you to go in. You can practice well at home, and Yuyan wait me back."

Seeing that Yuan Changqing did not agree to go by herself, Catherine was a little disappointed, but she did not force it. Catherine is actually very curious about the Killing City.

Catherine said: "Okay, then you have to pay attention to your safety!"

Yuan Changqing hugged Catherine and said: "Well, I will pay attention to it. Don't tell the people at home, especially Yu Yan, so as not to worry them. I will tell them that this time I want to see everywhere on Douluo Continent. Look, just treat it as an experience.”

"Well, I understand, I won't tell anyone."

Yuan Changqing added: "You and Yuyan will be obediently waiting for me to come back at home. When I come back from the Killing City, I will take you and Yuyan with me to see everywhere on Douluo Continent."


Afterwards, the two of them finished talking and rested together.

The next day, Yuan Changqing told his family that he was going to go out to practice alone. Everyone asked casually and didn't say anything more.

Privately, Wang Yuyan pulled Catherine together and asked: "Brother Changqing, why do you suddenly think of going to practice? Do you want Sister Catherine and I to accompany you?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "Yu Yan, no need, just practice well at home and wait until I come back."

Catherine took cover at this time and said: "It's okay, sister Yuyan, I won't go either!"

Yuan Changqing added: "If you stay at home for a long time, you can also go to Tiandou City to have a look. You haven't been there for a few years. When the time comes, you can also go and meet your good friends!"

Catherine added: "Yes, it's true that I haven't seen Fei Yan and Er Long for several years. Now we only write letters."

Then, she turned to Wang Yuyan and said, "Sister Yuyan, after my husband leaves, let's go to Tiandou City to have a look. How about it?"

Wang Yuyan looked at Yuan Changqing and Catherine, and why did she feel something was wrong? It was an indescribable feeling.

Wang Yuyan had no choice but to nod her head and said, "Okay, Sister Catherine, after Brother Changqing leaves, we will go to Tiandou City."

However, he said to Yuan Changqing: "Brother Changqing, you have to come back earlier!"

At this time, Yuan Changqing breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Don't worry, I will be back soon. You and Catherine are at home. You should also urge the children to practice hard. If it's okay, you two sisters, just go out for a walk, go shopping or something. of."

Wang Yuyan nodded and replied: "Now that I know Brother Changqing, don't worry, we will take good care of ourselves and our children."

A few days later, Yuan Changqing embarked on the road to the killing capital alone.

According to the location, the Capital of Killing is located in the southeast of the Tiandou Empire. The climate there is dry, it is located in a deserted area, and the environment is also very harsh. Only some people who can't stay in the Douluo Continent will come here.

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