Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 433: The sword formation comes out and fights against the Supreme (two-in-one)

Four peak quasi-emperors, including Yuan Changqing and Emperor Yan, jointly set up the Immortal Killing Sword Formation to fight against the five ancient supreme beings, preventing them from continuing to devour all living beings and affect Gai Jiuyou's Thunder Tribulation.

Fortunately, the five ancient supreme beings such as Stone Emperor were already scarred by the exhaustion of the road to immortality. Otherwise, Yuan Changqing and the other five would really not be able to fight against the five of them.

Now, with the Immortal Killing Sword Formation blocking this space, as long as these five ancient supreme beings do not fully sublimate, they should be able to form a confrontation for a period of time.

As long as Gai Jiuyou becomes emperor, Yuan Changqing and others will no longer be afraid of anything.

Moreover, in this plan, not only Yuan Changqing and the five people came, but Ye Fan was also hiding around.

Although Ye Fan's current strength is only that of the Great Sage, Ye Fan has two bodies of the Great Saint in his hands. As long as they are fused, they can temporarily display a strength comparable to that of the Great Emperor.

However, now that Ye Fan has not shown up, it is not the time yet, and it is also to prevent those ancient supreme beings from jumping over the wall.

Moreover, Ye Fan's overloaded fusion of the body of the Dacheng Holy Body was not without cost.

Therefore, Ye Fan has not yet reached the time to take action. He needs to wait until the most critical moment for the best time to take action.

"I didn't expect that these four swords are actually in your hands. It seems that you have prepared them early!" The Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness said at this time.

A scepter made of Daojie gold and a shield made of black gold with dragon patterns bloomed in the hands of the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness with extremely terrifying brilliance and unfathomable power.

Now, Sakyamuni is holding a divine sword and fighting with the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness. The dark red sword body is like blood flowing.

Sakyamuni waved his hand to cut away a terrifying sword light, murderous intent surged, and a cold air filled the air, as if the void was about to be frozen.

The eyes of the Lord of Light and Darkness are also constantly changing. The left eye bursts out with bright divine light, and the right eye is dark, like a black hole. This is the embodiment of light and darkness.


The fierce collision, the burst of light and darkness, and the two ultimate divine weapons in the hands of the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness came out of the same source, bursting out with shocking power, like the creation of the world, and the starry sky was shaken.

The extremely bright light and boundless darkness constantly surged towards the killing sword in Sakyamuni's hand.


The fusion of light and darkness erupted into a violent explosion, and the sound spread throughout the universe.

The surrounding star field was shattered, and countless stars were also affected by the violent energy aftermath and turned into fragments.

In the Star Territory on Beidou's side, a shocking imperial war broke out here. It was already a dead place. The Dacheng Holy Body was wielding the Six Paths of Samsara Fist and was having a fierce battle with its old enemy, the Immortal Lord.

In the surrounding starry sky, countless stars were affected by the terrifying energy.

Yuan Changqing used the power of the World Pearl to bless his body, waved the five-color divine fist, unleashed the power of the five elements, and continuously bombarded the Lord of Samsara.

With the blessing of the power of the World Pearl, Yuan Changqing can now briefly exert the power of the Great Emperor, no weaker than the Lord of Reincarnation.

As the Supreme Being, the Lord of Samsara saw Yuan Changqing fighting with his divine fists, so he also fought Yuan Changqing with his fists.

The divine power of the Five Elements burst out from Yuan Changqing's fist, exuding the power of the Five Elements' annihilation. It was so oppressive that the heaven and earth shook, and the stars swayed, as if they were about to fall down at any time.


The collision of fists and fists erupted with terrifying energy fluctuations.

The fist of the Lord of Samsara also erupted with peerless divine power, which was extremely terrifying. This was an ancient supreme being that had existed for an extremely long time. It was also a peerless powerhouse that suppressed an era.

A terrifying and fierce battle, divine light soared into the sky, shaking the heaven and earth. A fierce battle continued to break out in the Beidou Star Territory.

The fists of Yuan Changqing and the Lord of Samsara collided, making a loud noise and splashing blood. The blood that flew out could directly penetrate a star field.

Laozi, Huangdi, and Yandi were also holding a killing sword respectively, and they were constantly fighting with Stone Emperor, Qitian Supreme, and the Lord of Shenxu.

Although they seem to be evenly matched now, there will definitely be changes if the battle lasts for a long time.

These Dark Lords must fight tooth and nail if they want to survive, and they will not be in a stalemate with Yuan Changqing and others here for a long time.

After all, the longer the stalemate lasts, the more detrimental it will be to these Dark Supremes.

Because they had already fought a big battle on the road to becoming immortals, and they were almost at the point where they were running out of fuel.

Now, what the Stone Emperor and other Dark Supremes urgently need is to replenish their own life essence and delay the continuous expansion of the cracks in Sendai.

If the stalemate lasts for a long time, they will automatically collapse and disappear without Yuan Changqing and others taking action.

Therefore, what Yuan Changqing and the other five have to do now is to try their best to delay time and continue to consume Shi Huang and others.

After all, although the power of Yuan Changqing and the five others is not comparable to that of Shi Huang and others, this is a gap in realm.

However, the advantage of the five Yuan Changqings is that they are at the peak of their strength and there is no threat to their lives. Coupled with the assistance of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, they can deal with it calmly for the time being.

The four Yan Emperors kept waving the Four Immortal Swords. Their peerless swords filled the sky with murderous intent, colliding with the great halberds, scepters and other extreme divine weapons of the Stone Emperor and others.

The void was shattered, chaotic air currents continued to emerge from the broken cracks, and the laws of the emperor filled the void.

At this moment, even if Stone Emperor and others were supreme level experts, they still had to be moved.

Facing Yuan Changqing and the other five, Shi Huang and the others looked a little ugly. If Yuan Changqing and others were not dealt with as soon as possible, it would be in danger.

At this time, Emperor Yan slashed at the Stone Emperor with his sword. Thousands of streams of light flew across the sky. The Stone Emperor's halberd collided with the killing sword.


After the violent collision, the Stone Emperor continued to retreat, and the tiger's mouth was cracked by the shock, and blood flowed out.

Emperor Yan also flew out at this time, and cracks appeared on his body.

The Yellow Emperor also fought with the Lord of the Divine Ruins. Even though he held the killing sword in his hand, his own body was beaten with blood.

However, the Lord of Shenxu did not fare well. His body was also marked with extremely ferocious swords and you, and the emperor's blood continued to flow.

I was also dripping with blood, and he and Qitian Supreme also fought together.

This is a battle of extremes. Even a casual blow has the power to destroy the world.

This was a fierce battle between Shihuang and the other five people on the road to immortality, which resulted in huge losses and serious injuries.

Now facing the five Yuan Changqing, Shi Huang and other ancient supreme beings, they are not at a disadvantage. It is really terrifying.

The current strength of Shi Huang and others should be at the lowest level of their strength, but they are still inseparable from Yuan Changqing and others, so they should not be underestimated.

However, there is nothing to say about this. After all, none of the five Yuan Changqings are supremely powerful.

Even if Stone Emperor and others kill themselves and return to their peak, this is not something that the quasi-emperor's cultivation level can contend with.

Even if the five Yuan Changqings were assisted by the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, fighting against these ancient supreme beings would still require a huge price to pay.

Fortunately, Shihuang and others had consumed a lot of money on the road to immortality and suffered serious injuries.

Otherwise, it is really not something that Yuan Changqing and others can deal with so easily.

Now, the strategy of Yuan Changqing and others is to delay as much as possible. The longer they delay, the greater their chances of winning.

This is a difficult test. The six ancient supreme beings are going to launch a horrific disaster, wanting to devour all living beings and wash the universe with blood.

If no one stops it, I don’t know how many creatures in the entire universe can survive.

Just look at the current Beidou Emperor Burial Star and you will know what a horrific disaster this is.

The stars of the Big Dipper are shattered and torn apart. Billions of living beings have become the blood food in the mouth of the Dark Lord. Those who can survive now are the old, weak, sick and disabled.

On the ground, gray-haired old people watched their descendants fall, hunched over and crying constantly.

However, those young and strong young people have lost their vitality.

" child..."

"Wake up, my child, wake up..."


Now, on the entire land, those young people have long since died. The source of life in their bodies has been deprived by the Dark Lord.

The cries of the old man and the cry of the baby have become the last hope of life in the world.

This is a boundless picture of purgatory, as if entering the end of the world, extremely miserable and desolate.

In the universe, the big forces also used various means to see what happened above Beidou. The endless tragedy made countless creatures tremble.

Now, all the creatures in the world are praying that Yuan Changqing and others can resist the six Dark Lords, and praying that Gai Jiuyou can complete the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation as soon as possible and calm the darkness in the world.


The fists of Yuan Changqing and the Lord of Samsara collided, which shook the earth and the sky, and countless stars turned into dust.

After all, he was only a quasi-emperor. Even with the blessing of the World Pearl, half of Yuan Changqing's body was shattered by that terrifying power. His flesh and blood were everywhere, and he looked extremely miserable.

As for the Lord of Reincarnation, even if he kills himself, as a former supreme powerhouse, he possesses the laws of the emperor and is naturally stronger.

However, the Lord of Reincarnation is no longer at his peak, he is at the lowest point in his life, and his strength has been greatly reduced.


In the end, the Lord of Samsara was beaten by Yuan Changqing until he vomited blood. He kept retreating and almost flew out.


The Lord of Reincarnation pointed at Yuan Changqing and was furious. He never thought that he would be here today.

"You are so powerful, I think I only need to kill you and devour your flesh and blood to make up for my loss." The Lord of Samsara looked at Yuan Changqing with a sneer, and the Lord of the tone seemed to have an indescribable excitement.

Then, I saw the Lord of Samsara rapidly increasing his combat power, unleashing the terrifying power of the extreme, shining brightly in the starry sky and the universe, and the terrifying power shocked the heavens and the world.

"Huh, if you want to kill me, I don't know who will kill whom!"

Yuan Changqing naturally cannot show weakness at this time, even if his strength is indeed not as good as the Lord of Reincarnation.

However, with the blessing of the World Bead, he could briefly confront the Lord of Samsara.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing was not without means to kill the Lord of Reincarnation.

However, if you want to kill the Lord of Reincarnation, you can only hit it with one hit. Yuan Changqing will not use it easily without full confidence.

Only when the Lord of Samsara is out of defense is when Yuan Changqing takes action. As long as he kills the Lord of Samsara, the pressure here will be reduced a lot.

Therefore, when the Lord of Simple Reincarnation was rapidly improving his strength, Yuan Changqing was not to be outdone. He used the secret techniques he had learned to quickly improve his combat power.

All secrets, Dou secrets, Qianzi secrets... all the secret techniques that can improve one's own strength are constantly running in Yuan Changqing's body.

At this moment, the Lord of Samsara's lapis lazuli battle suit is constantly emitting bright divine light, with divine patterns densely covered on it, as if it is about to fly into the sky. It is dazzling and dazzling. It is fully recovering.

As a once supreme and powerful man, now he has been beaten to a tie by Yuan Changqing, a little-known figure. How can the Lord of Samsara be reconciled? Such a result is simply an insult.


The furious Lord of Samsara, at this moment, showed his divine power, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the laws of the emperor were intertwined, and the divine chains of order were intertwined in the void, forming shackles, trying to lock Yuan Changqing and suppress him on the spot.


Yuan Changqing's strength has also been raised to the extreme. The boundless power of the Five Elements is constantly being drawn from the universe, and the terrifying Five Elements Divine Fist is densely covered with five-color divine light.

The terrifying energy collision caused the heaven, earth and universe to shatter, shaking for eternity, and the heaven-shaking divine light was dazzling.

In an instant, most of the Lord of Reincarnation's Divine Chain of Imperial Law, Law, and Order was shattered. Unfortunately, Yuan Changqing's body was still pierced and flew out.

Then, Yuan Changqing's body shook, directly shattering the Imperial Law on his body, and rushed towards the Lord of Samsara again, constantly waving the Five Elements Divine Fist, fighting together.


The power of destroying heaven and earth exploded in front of Yuan Changqing and the Lord of Reincarnation. The fairy light was bright, and everything around them turned into a vacuum, and everything ceased to exist.

The violent and terrifying big explosion, the place where the energy clashed, seemed to be back to the original point, silent and silent, as if everything had stopped.

In an instant, a shocking loud noise spread to all the worlds, and the terrifying energy directly exploded the void, forming a black hole-like existence.

The violent explosion caused the Beidou Star to be torn apart and floating in the starry sky.

If the ruthless emperor hadn't been there to protect it at the end, I'm afraid it would have turned into cosmic dust under the terrifying energy fluctuations, and all the remaining creatures on it would have died.

The big explosion caused the energy aftermath to continuously spread toward the depths of the universe. The stars in the affected star field also exploded in the energy aftermath, forming a bright and gorgeous fireworks in the starry sky.

However, behind this splendor, there is a great destruction.

This time during the confrontation, Yuan Changqing was extremely miserable, even worse than the Lord of Samsara. His whole body was broken and there was no good spot.

Fortunately, his head was not injured, otherwise Yuan Changqing might have died here.

Subsequently, Yuan Changqing also continued to activate Zhizi and repaired his own damage.

"Hmph, let me see how many times you can recover and how long you can persist. I don't believe it. You won't pay the price." Seeing that Yuan Changqing was not killed, the Lord of Samsara said coldly again.

Immediately afterwards, a strange light emitted from the eyes of the Lord of Reincarnation, flashing continuously.

Then, streams of divine light shot out from his eyes, intertwined with terrifying runes, forming a fairy sword, and slashed towards Yuan Changqing's eyebrows, hoping to directly kill Yuan Changqing's soul.

Suddenly, Yuan Changqing's eyebrows cracked, leaving a shocking crack.

However, after the terrifying sword entered Yuan Changqing's eyebrows, it disappeared without a trace like a stone sinking into the sea.

At this moment, on the Immortal Platform between Yuan Changqing's eyebrows, there was a World Pearl protecting Yuan Changqing's soul. The Immortal Sword was directly swallowed by the World Pearl, easily blocking the fatal blow.

"No, there's something weird. It seems you have a big secret!" The face of the Lord of Samsara suddenly changed.

"Hmph, no matter what big secret there is, it is not something that a dying person like you can pry into. Today, you will be killed here." Yuan Changqing waved the Five Elements Divine Fist to kill the Lord of Samsara.

This time, Yuan Changqing planned to completely kill the Lord of Samsara here. After spending so long on him, it was time to fight back on his own.

Before, countless creatures in the universe became extremely desperate when they saw Yuan Changqing's eyebrows being broken.

However, they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Yuan Changqing killing the Lord of Samsara again.

Obviously, Yuan Changqing also had the means to deal with it easily.

At this moment, countless living beings are praying, praying that Yuan Changqing and others can persevere.

As for the universe, everyone already knew that Gai Jiuyou was overcoming the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation.

Now that the dark turmoil is coming, who can quell it if you leave the Great Emperor? All sentient beings are now praying that Gai Jiuyou can successfully survive the thunder tribulation of the Great Emperor and quell the dark turmoil.

Otherwise, all the souls in the world will fall into endless darkness and will be unable to escape. The Dark Lord will wash the world with blood, and all souls will cry.

"Please also ask the emperor to control the Immortal Killing Formation, seal off the surrounding areas, and seal the starry sky." Yuan Changqing shouted towards the ruthless emperor.

The ruthless emperor with confused eyes suddenly brightened up, nodded slightly, and took over Yuan Changqing's position.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing shouted again: "Ye Fan, you and I surround and kill the Lord of Reincarnation, and we have solved him."


Ye Fan walked out of the starry sky, and in an instant, two great holy bodies appeared, and then merged away.

Now Yuan Changqing had to call Ye Fan out. At this moment, it had reached a critical moment and there was no room for any mistakes.

After all, Yuan Changqing was not sure that the five Dark Lords would be trapped in the Immortal Killing Sword Formation forever.

Even if there are four people including Lao Tzu, Yan Emperor, Huang Emperor and Sakyamuni standing by to help.

After all, they only have the body of an emperor, but their souls are still at the peak of the quasi-emperor and cannot exert the ultimate power.

Therefore, now Yuan Changqing plans to kill the Lord of Samsara first, and then deal with them one by one when the time comes.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing felt that Gai Jiuyou should be almost through the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation.

By then, with help, we won't be as stretched as we are now.

Fortunately, there was a ruthless emperor beside her at this time, although she was confused now.

However, a brief period of sobriety can also help Yuan Changqing and others suppress themselves for a while and buy some time.

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