Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 435: The Emperor comes out and the chaos stops (two in one)

The Lord of Samsara didn't even have time to use his ultimate sublimation, and was caught off guard by Yuan Changqing.

However, this was a fatal blow, and he fell into Yuan Changqing's hands.

With the disappearance and fall of the Lord of Samsara, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan also reappeared in the world, and the Sea of ​​Samsara also dissipated with the fall of the Lord of Samsara.

At this time, Yuan Changqing did not pay attention to the Lord of Samsara, the Lord of the World Pearl, and he was destined to perish.

"Ye Fan, you go help the Dacheng Holy Body first, kill the Immortal Lord as soon as possible, and then come to support." After Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan appeared again, they began to separate.

"Okay, senior, be more careful." Ye Fan nodded, and rushed towards the Dacheng Holy Body and the Immortal Lord to attack the Immortal Lord together.

Yuan Changqing also began to go to support Yan Emperor and others. Seeing Yuan Changqing's appearance, Shi Huang and others knew that the Lord of Samsara might have fallen.

Otherwise, Yuan Changqing would not appear here now and join the battle group.

"No, I'm afraid Samsara has already fallen."

The four Dark Supremes in the Zhuxian Sword Formation no longer dare to underestimate Yuan Changqing.

Not long after the death of the Lord of Reincarnation, when Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan supported Dacheng Holy Body, Yan Emperor and others, earth-shattering changes occurred.

In the wilderness of the universe, the Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation there officially came to an end, and with the last thunder tribulation, Gai Jiuyou opened his mouth to swallow him.

At this moment, the heaven and earth are roaring, the mighty and boundless power of the Great Emperor sweeps across the heavens and the world, the great avenues are wailing, and they are constantly gathering towards Gai Jiuyou.

A perfect emperor reappeared in the world, overwhelming all realms, and the emperor's power spread throughout the heavens and the universe.

Between heaven and earth, countless creatures are cheering. Finally, a great emperor is born, and he will put down the darkness in the world.

When the world realizes Dao and becomes an emperor, from then on, all the Dao will surrender to Gai Jiuyou. A Tianxin mark condenses and sinks into Gai Jiuyou's eyebrows.

A guqin refined from eternal blue gold bloomed with bright blue light, and the supreme imperial power suppressed the void world.

"I finally became the emperor!" Gai Jiuyou sighed with great emotion after becoming the emperor.

I thought that I would slowly age and die, but I didn't expect that Yuan Changqing gave me a White Tiger elixir of immortality, and I was able to live a new life and recover to the extreme.

Yuan Changqing's later reminder gave him the opportunity to become emperor.

"It's done, the emperor succeeded!"

"I, the great emperor of the human race, have succeeded in attaining enlightenment."

"Great Emperor, Great Emperor Jiuyou!"

"I respectfully ask the Emperor to take action to quell the darkness!"

Boundless cheers came from the universe, and countless human races shouted excitedly at this moment.

As Gai Jiuyou became an emperor, countless geniuses suddenly felt sad. If there are people who become an emperor in this world, they will no longer have the hope of touching the throne.

At this time, the faces of Shi Huang and others changed drastically. They hated Yuan Changqing and others for blocking them.

Without the constant obstruction and resistance from Yuan Changqing and others, Gai Jiuyou would have no hope of becoming emperor. Shihuang and others would definitely intercept and kill Gai Jiuyou midway.

It's a pity that even if there is no if, people like Shi Huang who are despised by the world will not be liquidated now, sooner or later it will be their turn.


In the void, the Immortal Song of Overcoming Tribulation sounded, and a ray of immortal light cut through the starry sky and the universe, tearing apart the void and appearing in the scene.

Gai Jiuyou stepped on the fairy light, came from the wilderness of the universe, and landed on the battlefield in an instant.

"I'm not late!" Gai Jiuyou said to Yuan Changqing.

"It's not too late, it's just the right time." Yuan Changqing smiled.

At this moment, after finally waiting for the arrival of Gai Jiuyou, and with the joining of the Perfect Emperor, the Dark Supremes like the Stone Emperor will never have a chance again.

With the appearance of Gai Jiuyou, Shihuang and others suddenly looked solemn. They also discovered that this emperor, unlike those who had just become emperor, had an extremely profound and powerful background.

"Subliminate, otherwise, we can only let them kill you." The Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness sighed at this time.

Now, the remaining four Dark Sovereigns are no longer able to suppress Yuan Changqing and others, and have reached a dead end again.

However, the Immortal Lord can no longer be fully sublimated. Facing the siege of the Dacheng Holy Body and Ye Fan, his disadvantages have been fully demonstrated and he is not far from falling.

The current Stone Emperor and others, even if they try their best to sublimate, they will not be able to escape death in the end.

However, if you don’t sublimate to the fullest, you will still die.

Without swallowing the life essence to replenish themselves, even if they could escape, Stone Emperor and others would not survive for long.

Therefore, in such a situation, we can only try our best to fight a vigorous battle.

Suddenly, the Supreme Light and Darkness began to sublimate to the extreme, endless fairy light bloomed from his body, and the terrifying laws of the emperor filled the void. He was summoning the former great emperor Dao Fruit.

Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou, Emperor Yan and others looked at each other and took action at the same time.

In an instant, Gai Jiuyou's terrifying imperial power directly interrupted the Supreme Ascension of Light and Darkness.

Suddenly, the imperial law that had appeared continued to collapse, and the aura of the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness dropped instantly.

This is what Yuan Changqing has been waiting for. As long as he takes the opportunity to interrupt the ultimate sublimation of the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness, he has already exhausted his energy and will never be able to achieve his ultimate sublimation again.

"You..." The Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness looked at Gai Jiuyou in disbelief. At this moment, he had no chance of returning to his peak.

When Shihuang and others saw that the Supreme Ascension of Light and Darkness was interrupted by Gai Jiuyou, their expressions suddenly changed.

The plan of Shihuang and others has been shattered. They originally wanted to go through the ultimate sublimation. Even if they die, they have to drag Yuan Changqing and others to die together.

"Lao Gai, I'm here to fight the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness. You watch the other three." Yuan Changqing said to Gai Jiuyou at this time.

At this moment, the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness no longer has much fighting power. His immortal platform has been interrupted due to the ultimate sublimation, and it continues to expand and decay.

Yuan Changqing's purpose is to prevent the ultimate sublimation of these dark supremes and prevent uncontrollable changes.

After all, only Gai Jiuyou, the only one among Yuan Changqing and others, became an emperor, while Yuan Changqing, Emperor Yan and others were only quasi-emperors, and they had already suffered many scars after a hard battle.

If the Stone Emperor and others are fully upgraded, they will become the Four Supreme Beings. Even if they can only stay for a short time, they will still be the Supreme Supreme Beings.

This is not something Yuan Changqing, Yan Emperor and others can handle.

"If you fight hard, you'll all die anyway." The Stone Emperor, the Lord of the Divine Ruins, and the Qi Tian Supreme also began to fight for their lives.

Anyway, they all die together. There is no difference whether they die early or later. Shihuang and others have only one purpose now, and that is to drag people into the water even if they die.

The four Yan Emperors also began to work hard at this time. Now that it was at the last moment, there was no room for any mistakes.

The ruthless emperor also began to bloom the ultimate power. She was in confusion because she separated from her own Tao fruit.

However, at this time, the ruthless emperor suddenly woke her up because of the appearance of the extremely powerful emperor, and she woke up briefly.

As a result, the ruthless emperor also began to show his power, controlling the Zhuxian array and sealing the void. The four Yan Emperors, holding the four Zhuxian swords, cooperated with the ruthless emperor to launch the first killing array in the world.

Boundless terrifying murderous intent permeated the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and the boundless sword energy killed the three Stone Emperors.

The three Stone Emperors want to reach the highest level, but there is no suitable time at this moment, so they can only wait for the opportunity.

However, the longer time goes by, the more dangerous they become, and now they can only continue to fight desperately.

And Gai Jiuyou, the current emperor, was also playing the immortal song of transcending tribulation and joining in the battle.

As terrifying supreme battles continued to take place on Yuan Changqing and others' side, the battle between Ye Fan and Dacheng Holy Body was finally coming to an end.


As the Immortal Emperor's immortal body was shattered again, he could no longer recover.

And Ye Fan also used the Xuanhuang Cauldron to collect the broken immortal emperor corpses and seal them up.

"Are you finally going to die? Immortal, do you really exist..."

In the end, Changsheng Tianzun still wanted to become an immortal. Unfortunately, he still reached the end of his life.

I saw the soul of Changsheng Tianzun constantly turning into light rain, beginning to dissipate, and turned into a way.

At this point, there is no longer an Immortal Lord in the world, and he also fell into the Beidou Star Territory with the expectation of becoming an immortal.

The Dacheng Holy Body also went through a hard battle and finally killed its former enemy. For a moment, I didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

After all, in terms of personality, Changsheng Tianzun was in harmony with him for a while, but Changsheng Tianzun later launched a dark turmoil, which caused the two to part ways and become enemies.

After Ye Fan and Dacheng Holy Body solved the Immortal Lord, they joined Yuan Changqing's battle group again.

As time goes by, the balance of fate finally tilts to the side of justice.

"Subliminate, otherwise, you will never have a chance again."

Seeing the addition of Ye Fan and Dacheng Holy Body, the three Stone Emperors had no choice. Even if they failed to achieve ultimate sublimation, they had no choice but to fight.

It's a pity that the three people who have run out of oil and light, like the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness, were interrupted in the process of sublimation. From now on, there is no hope anymore, and what awaits them will be death.

After that, the Stone Emperor, the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness, the Lord of the Divine Ruins, and the Supreme Lord of the Abandoned Heaven were still surrounded and killed by Yuan Changqing and others, and the prelude to darkness came to an end.

These supreme beings who once suppressed them all their lives and were invincible in the world finally ushered in their last moments and disappeared from the world.

As all the Dark Lords fell, countless creatures cheered at this moment.

They were extremely desperate from the moment the Dark Supreme wanted to cause dark turmoil.

But now, they were cheering incomparably, and countless creatures shed tears of excitement.

At this moment, countless creatures discovered how happy they were to be alive.

With the death of the Stone Emperor and the other six Dark Supremes, this heralds the end of this dark turmoil and the world will usher in a new era.

This era belongs to Gai Jiuyou, and he has become an enlightened person in this world.

This golden age also ended because Gai Jiuyou became the emperor, leaving countless geniuses feeling sad alone.

The strongest ancient trial road in the starry sky also has no meaning at this moment.

Therefore, countless geniuses have withdrawn from the Starry Sky Ancient Road, preparing to proclaim themselves, waiting for the coming of the next era.

However, a young prodigy like Ye Fan was not discouraged by Gai Jiuyou's becoming an emperor. The ancient road to the starry sky has not yet been completed, and the ultimate ancient road has not yet been opened.

And Ye Fan also wants to complete the final journey of the ancient road of trials. As for becoming an emperor, that is a matter for the future.

After all, Ye Fan has only cultivated to the Great Sage stage, and there is a quasi-emperor waiting for him later. It is not known how much time it will take to reach the peak of quasi-emperor.

After the dark turmoil was lifted, Ye Fan also came out of the fused Dacheng Holy Body. Now he doesn't feel well either.

At this moment, the laws in Ye Fan's body were extremely chaotic. Three different laws were constantly colliding in the body, all trying to occupy Ye Fan's body.

Fortunately, Gai Jiuyou, the great emperor, temporarily suppressed the other two laws of Dao in Ye Fan's body that did not belong to him.

However, now Ye Fan has only temporarily solved the troubles in his body, but has not completely eliminated them.

Moreover, because Ye Fan practices different strongest scriptures in the world in each secret realm, this time there is also a conflict in the body due to the other two laws of the great road.

However, for Ye Fan, he did not give up on himself. He was able to join in the fight against the dark turmoil regardless of life and death. His character was still passable and he was not afraid of all tests.

"Ye Fan, in your case, the best solution is to rely on yourself. For example, the natural way of Taixuanmen, which encompasses all things, is the best solution. You can give it a try." Yuan Changqing was at this time Said to Mark.

Ye Fan listened to Yuan Changqing's suggestion, and after thinking about it carefully, he really thought it was a good idea.

After all, Ye Fan has also been exposed to the Tao of Nature, although he has not practiced the Tao of Nature.

Ye Fan himself is an ancient holy body. In this era, cultivation is extremely difficult. If he practices the way of nature, it is terrifying that Ye Fan will not be able to achieve his current achievements.

Then, Ye Fan nodded and said with a faint smile: "It seems that I am going back to the starting point again, and I have to go back to Taixuan Sect again to ask Senior Li for advice."

"You don't have to worry. The Beidou has been broken now. You still need to wait for it to recover. When the Taixuan Sect returns to the Beidou, you can meditate for a period of time, calm down and don't rush for success." Yuan Changqing reminded again.

At this time, Beidou has been torn apart due to the emergence of the Road to Immortality. Coupled with an earth-shattering Supreme War, the entire Beidou Star Territory has become a dead place.

In the current Beidou Star Territory, countless stars around it have disappeared, and it is completely empty, leaving only the five protected continents that still remain in the starry sky.

Before the dark turmoil, countless forces on the Beidou Emperor Burial Star had already stayed away from this star field and went to the depths of the starry sky.

Only after the Big Dipper Star is repaired will those forces return again.

At this time, Emperor Yan, Emperor Huang, Laozi, and Sakyamuni came to Yuan Changqing.

"The dark turmoil has been resolved, and we are ready to leave." Huang Di said to Yuan Changqing and others.

Yuan Changqing also nodded and said: "Thank you to the seniors for their help this time. I will definitely help you if you need it in the future."

Huang Di and the other four nodded without saying anything more, and then left here together.

Now, after a big battle, they were also seriously injured. Although they were all emperors, they did not have the laws of the emperor, and their combat power could only reach the peak of the quasi-emperor.

The battle with those Dark Lords was also exhausting, and now Huang Di and the other four were eager to go back to recover from their injuries.

However, this time the dark turmoil was much better than before. At least Jiang Taixu and Ji Zi, the emperor of the Ji family, did not die because of putting down the dark turmoil.

Even Ye Fan is the same. He should have been on the verge of death, but now he is alive and well, although there are serious sequelae.

With the departure of Huang Di and the others, the Hengyu Divine Furnace and the Void Ancient Mirror were also sent back to the Huanggu Jiang Family and the Huanggu Ji Family.

However, the two Ji Dao Imperial Weapons were wailing endlessly. Unfortunately, their owners had long since changed, and they were no longer the Great Emperor of the Void and the Great Emperor of Hengyu.

Huangdi and Yandi both channeled spirits through the emperor's corpse and did not truly return.

After the two Ji Dao imperial weapons were sent back, Huangdi and Yandi disappeared into the starry sky.


The Dacheng Holy Body couldn't help but sigh as the Huang Di and the four left. He originally thought that he would fall into this dark turmoil, but unexpectedly, he still managed to survive.

Finally, he returned to the ancient forbidden land and followed the ruthless emperor.

Seeing the Dacheng Holy Body leaving with the ruthless emperor, Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou, and Ye Fan also watched them return to the ancient forbidden land.

This great saint, who cares about the common people, looks so old now, and he doesn't know how long he can live.

"Is the most terrifying dark turmoil in ancient times over?!"

"The Dark Age, is this the end?"


In the universe, countless creatures are asking, but this time the dark turmoil only affects Beidou, and countless creatures also die because of it.

And the Big Dipper Star was also torn into pieces, floating in the void.

The cold starry sky and the dim universe were filled with the emperor's blood, and it was extremely miserable.

However, the dark turmoil has finally ended, and a new era has arrived.

"It's over, the most terrifying dark turmoil in ancient times is over!"

"The catastrophe is finally over, we are still alive..."

Countless creatures in the heavens and universe cheered at this moment, and were so excited that they shed tears.

It's a pity that only the Beidou Ancient Star in this universe has shed countless blood and tears.

Countless stars fell, shattered, and disappeared, and the galaxies hanging high in the starry sky also disappeared. The universe was ruined, like a ruins of stars, and it was dark.

Yuan Changqing and the others looked at the Beidou Starfield, which was like a dead place, and they were also silent for a while.

The Supreme War was really terrifying. This terrifying war affected countless star fields. Fortunately, it is finally over now.

"Lao Gai, we still need you to restore the Big Dipper Star!" Yuan Changqing said while looking at the five continents in the starry sky.

After all, this world will enter Gai Jiuyou's era, and now only Gai Jiuyou has the ability to restore Beidou Ancient Star.

Once upon a time, Gai Jiuyou was also recognized by Beidou as a peerless god. Under the suppression of Qingdi Dao, he almost became an emperor.

It's a pity that after all, he was just a little short of that. He suffered a serious Taoist injury and disappeared from the world. He lingered on. Countless people thought that Gai Jiuyou, an outstanding figure, had come to an end.

However, he did not expect that the person who would become emperor in this life would be Gai Jiuyou, which made countless geniuses feel sad.

Now, the mess left in the Beidou Star Territory can only wait for Gai Jiuyou, the current emperor, to clean up the mess.

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