After Yuan Changqing made plans for the future, he accompanied Catherine and Wang Yuyan to talk and chat.

He also talked about some cultivation matters, and hoped that the two women could work hard to cultivate and increase their strength, because in the final analysis, strength speaks for itself in Douluo Continent.

Then they discussed the "Changchun Jue" exercise. Yuan Changqing's family is now practicing this exercise. Children who have not come to the Soul Sect have to learn one level at a time. Only after they arrive at the Soul Sect can they obtain the Supreme Soul Saint. exercises.

As for the later ones, Yuan Changqing will not take them out until after the Soul Saint, but they will only reach the ninth floor. Yuan Changqing's family members don't know about the later ones.

If there is a family member who can cultivate to level 99 Peerless Douluo, Yuan Changqing will also show it, but it is unlikely.

When Yuan Changqing talked about the issue of cultivation, he told Catherine and Wang Yuyan what he had discovered.

"Did you feel anything different when you were practicing the "Changchun Jue"?"

The two women were stunned for a while, both thinking about the state of their cultivation. However, Wang Yuyan kept frowning and trying to remember.

Catherine was different, she seemed to have remembered something.

"I don't know if my feeling is right or not. I have only practiced the "Eternal Spring Art" since the Soul Emperor. The more I practice, the more I feel that my body's strength and toughness have improved, and when I reach the sixth level , the body begins to detoxify, and the body feels lighter every time.”

Wang Yuyan also nodded when she heard Catherine say this.

"I feel the same way, but I thought it was because I became stronger. If Sister Catherine hadn't told me, I would have thought it was normal. But why haven't I detoxified?"

Yuan Changqing said: "Don't talk about you guys. I thought this was the case before, and I only discovered it after I became the Soul Emperor."

"What's the reason for that?"

The two women asked at the same time.

Yuan Changqing explained, "Since I discovered this situation, I didn't pay attention to it at first, and it was only later that I realized it."

"Later, I felt that this might be due to the "Changchun Jue", so I practiced carefully from beginning to end, and then I realized that it was due to the technique."

"I discovered that each layer of the "Changchun Jue" has a special effect. The effect of the first layer is to build the foundation, which means that the soul power nourishes the body during practice."

"As for the second layer, its function is to temper the skin and make it more resilient. I call it skin refining."

"As for the third layer, its function is to temper the muscles, making them more elastic and firm. I call it meat training."

"As for the fourth layer, its function is to temper the blood and make it more pure. This is a process of purifying the blood and making it more active. I call it blood refining."

"As for the fifth level, its function is to temper the meridians, making them more tough and strong. The space inside the meridians is larger and can hold more soul power. I call it tempering meridians."

"As for the sixth layer, its function is to temper the bones and spinal cord. Its function is to make the bones stronger, the bone density higher, and the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow stronger. I call it bone forging and marrow cleansing. "

"As for the seventh level behind, it may be due to mental power, but we haven't reached the soul saint stage yet, so we don't need to worry about it."

"Therefore, "Changchun Jue" improves us in all aspects layer by layer. When we reach the sixth layer, it begins to expel the toxins accumulated in our body. It can be said to cleanse the meridians and pulses, strengthen the bones and cleanse the marrow. This is the rhythm of reinvention.”

Catherine has cultivated to this level and was very happy to hear Yuan Changqing's explanation.

"That won't always have this effect in the future. As long as we keep practicing the "Eternal Spring Technique", as long as we reach the Soul Emperor level, it will be an evolution of our talents."

Yuan Changqing said: "You can also say, haven't you already experienced it? This is the effect of rebirth. Although you were pregnant with a child last year, which delayed your practice, it is not without benefits for you to insist on practicing "Changchun Jue". That is to flush out as many toxins from your body as possible.”

Wang Yuyan also looked forward to it, hoping that she could cultivate to the level of Soul Emperor and then be reborn, and that she could also achieve a self-evolution.

Yuan Changqing and Catherine couldn't help but smile when they saw Wang Yuyan's expression.

Yuan Changqing consoled her: "Yu Yan, don't be anxious. Just practice step by step. Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"Yes, yes." Catherine said hurriedly.

"Brother Changqing, sister Catherine, I'm fine, I'm just dreaming about it. I think that as long as I keep practicing every day, I will eventually reach the level of Soul Emperor. After all, I have the help of "Eternal Spring Art", although it will be slower."

Yuan Changqing said: "As long as you understand, we and your sister Catherine are just afraid that you will get into trouble."

Wang Yuyan smiled and said: "Okay, I'm not an idiot, I'm just looking forward to it."

Yuan Changqing added: "It's enough for us to know these ourselves. When we go back next time, we can tell our families about it."

Catherine said: "Well, my sister-in-law will be able to practice to the level of Soul Emperor this year. By then, there will be four great Soul Emperor masters in the family, hahaha."

Wang Yuyan smiled and said: "Sister Catherine, you have to work hard and strive to become the first soul saint in our family, hehe."

Catherine was not pretentious and said boldly: "Okay, I'll just listen to you, sister Yuyan, hahaha."

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, if you want to become a Soul Saint, you must practice seriously."


The secret hidden in "Changchun Jue" was a big surprise for Yuan Changqing and the others. They didn't expect that there was such a big secret in it.

It seems that the Taoist skills are indeed well-deserved, and there must be bigger surprises waiting for him later. He feels excited just thinking about it.

This "Eternal Spring Technique" is the necessary magical skill for me to reach the peak of my life. I don't think about it anymore, I just practice hard and wait until I achieve the magic skill in the future.

Now Yuan Changqing has plans for himself again and feels a lot more relaxed. He goes to work every day, reads books, studies pharmacological elixirs, and practices step by step.

Time passed slowly like water. Wang Yuyan's clinic also opened, and she and Catherine no longer had to be so bored at home every day.

Although Wang Yuyan is not very experienced yet, she has gradually become more proficient, and Yuan Changqing will occasionally help.

Yuan Changqing refined a lot of golden medicine and small detoxification pills, and also constantly verified the refining process of other medicinal materials, so he accumulated a lot of information.

Sometimes I would go to the Sunset Forest to find the Ice and Fire Eyes, or help students hunt soul beasts. I also visited many places in the Sunset Forest.

Although the Ice and Fire Eyes have not yet been found, Yuan Changqing feels that it will not be far away from finding them.

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