Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 445: On the road of mortal world, it is difficult to become an immortal

The fairy mist is lingering, the spiritual energy is compelling, and the fairy spirits are flying, just like a dreamy fairyland, which makes people yearn for it.

Wisps of immortal energy overflowed from that world, making Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou, and Ye Fan feel comfortable.

Although they could only watch the Immortal Emperor leave in the end, Yuan Changqing and the others still knew what was going on.

As long as the Immortal Emperor can be forced out of this universe, there will be no regrets. At least this world will become safer.

As the Immortal Emperor left, Wushi Bell also entered the crack and disappeared from this world.

Yuan Changqing's goal this time was finally achieved successfully, which is something to be happy about.

As for that strange world, let Emperor Wushi solve it.

Eventually, the cracks closed, the Chaos Cave collapsed, and all the strange images disappeared, leaving only chaos.

"Senior, in that it the Immortal Realm?!" Ye Fan looked at the strange world with hot eyes at this time, and couldn't help but ask Yuan Changqing.

"No!" Yuan Changqing shook his head and continued: "The Immortal Realm, it is so easy to enter. Moreover, if it is really the Immortal Realm, why would the Immortal Emperor bother to cause trouble in our world."

Ye Fan also came to his senses at this time, and after Yuan Changqing's point, he also figured it out.

It is indeed the case. There is no big difference between those ancient supreme beings sleeping in the forbidden area of ​​life, and even the immortal emperors. They all want to enter the immortal realm and become immortals.

It's just that the Immortal Emperor was lucky and found the way to become an immortal.

At this time, Gai Jiuyou asked again: "What just leaked out of that world must be immortal energy. Just a little bit of it makes people feel extremely comfortable."

"Yes, after breathing into the body, my injuries have improved a lot." Ye Fan also nodded and said.

However, Yuan Changqing didn't say much and just nodded. After all, in that strange world, there is indeed immortality material that can make people live longer.

However, that strange world is just a fragmented world, a node world between the road to immortality and the current real immortal realm.

Now, the Chaos Cave has collapsed, the road to immortality has collapsed, and the Immortal Emperor has been forced into a strange world. If he wants to intervene in the world of Zhetian, he will have to pay a huge price.

To have such a result is already the best ending.

This time, the Immortal Emperor laid out his path to become an immortal, devouring the essence of the Supreme flesh and blood and transforming into one. He was interrupted by Yuan Changqing and the others and Emperor Wu Shi, blocking his chance of resurrecting his life. It also delayed the time for the Immortal Emperor to become a mortal immortal.

However, Yuan Changqing and the other three also formed a serious feud with the Immortal Emperor.

However, now that Emperor Wushi is restraining the Immortal Emperor, Yuan Changqing is not afraid of him becoming a monster, and his goal has been achieved this time.

Seeing that strange world this time also touched Ye Fan and Gai Jiuyou greatly.

In addition, the correct way to become an immortal mentioned by Yuan Changqing before also made Gai Jiuyou and Ye Fan very excited.

After all, who doesn’t want to become an immortal? Haven’t you seen those ancient supreme beings who would rather turn into darkness in order to become immortals?

Gai Jiuyou said again: "In that world, I feel the breath of immortality."

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Lao Gai feels good. It is indeed a substance of immortality. Unlike our world, the substance of immortality is scarce."

"This also means that even the Supreme Humanity can only live for ten thousand years, and those in that world should live longer than ours."

"Therefore, that world can make some people live forever."

Finally, Yuan Changqing looked at Gai Jiuyou and said faintly: "If you can't walk on the immortal road of mortals, entering that world is also a good choice."

"However, if you don't follow the path of immortality in the world of mortals and want to become an immortal, you can only waste time."

"Moreover, the mortal immortal is more powerful than the step-by-step immortal."

Yuan Changqing is not worried about Ye Fan. As the son of the world in this world, he will definitely embark on this extremely difficult road.

Therefore, whether or not to enter that strange world has little impact on Ye Fan.

However, Gai Jiuyou was sure, and Yuan Changqing didn't know if he could embark on or walk the path of the Red Dust Immortal.

Gai Jiuyou also knew that Yuan Changqing was reminding him, and replied: "There is no rush now, there is still a long time, I also want to give it a try. If it doesn't work, it will not be too late to make a decision then."

Being able to be a peerless person nine thousand years ago, Gai Jiuyou still has his pride.

After becoming an immortal, Gai Jiuyou now sees hope and is no longer as confused as before.

Therefore, there are two roads before him now, and he is destined to take one of them in this life.

You know, the realm of the Great Emperor, as the supreme fruit of this world, has no means to seal itself.

After all, being at the pinnacle of humanity is too powerful, which is why it is a pity that a great emperor suppressed the world and the current world.

Unless, like those ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life, he kills himself.

However, the immortal road in the world mentioned by Yuan Changqing is what Gai Jiuyou yearns for.

Therefore, after knowing the correct path to becoming an immortal, how would Gai Jiuyou be willing to not take it!

Even Ye Fan had the same idea as Gai Jiuyou. Ye Fan was not as eager as Gai Jiuyou before.

After all, although Ye Fan is now a master of the Holy Body, he is comparable to the Great Emperor.

However, in the end, he is still in the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor, although he is only one step away from the Great Emperor.

However, this step is because there is a great emperor in this world, which is like a natural chasm.

Therefore, Ye Fan was not so obsessed with becoming an immortal before, why was he still thinking about becoming an emperor!

The situation is different now. Seeing the road to becoming an immortal, Ye Fan is even more determined. In this life, he must become an emperor and an immortal.

"Okay, let's go. Now that the scourge of the Immortal Emperor has left this world, our goal has been achieved. Next, we will all practice well." Yuan Changqing said.

Gai Jiuyou and Ye Fan also nodded, but this day brought an incomparable shock to them.

They saw the Immortal Emperor who had lived for millions of years, and also learned that the Wushi Emperor was still alive, but not in this world.

In fact, Gai Jiuyou and Ye Fan even learned the correct way to become an immortal from Yuan Changqing, and their hearts were filled with excitement.

As the three of them came out of the independent world inside the ancient planet Yingluo, they looked at this ancient star. Because of this shocking battle, it had become tattered and seemed to be disintegrated at any time.

That independent world is the world of Jie Ling sealed inside the ancient planet Yinghuo.

Now that the Immortal Emperor has left this universe, this ancient star has also completed its mission.

Yuan Changqing took action directly at this time and took the Yingzhuo Ancient Star into the World Pearl, turning it into World Pearl Nutrition.

After that, three shocking rainbows cut through the starry sky and the universe, traversing the star field and leading directly to the Beidou.

The three supreme beings travel with overwhelming power. Wherever they pass, all the heavens and the universe will surrender.

Beidou, Ye Fan and Yuan Changqing sat together in the Heavenly Court.

This time, although the three of them joined forces and failed to kill the Immortal Emperor, they still achieved their goal.

Not only did he not interrupt the transformation of the Immortal Emperor and prevent him from resurrecting his life again, but he also joined forces with Emperor Wu Shi to force the Immortal Emperor to enter that strange world.

Moreover, this time the harvest was huge. Yuan Changqing and the others collected a lot of the supreme flesh and blood chopped off from the big meat ball.

These supreme flesh and blood essences can not only prolong life, but can also be used for cultivation.

Even the Immortal Emperor was beaten until his divine blood was spilled, and was collected by Yuan Changqing and the others. In this divine blood, some of the Immortal Emperor's principles existed!

Therefore, these essences of flesh and blood, whether you take them yourself, understand the principles in them, or use them for people around you, are of great benefit.

After drinking the tea brewed by Wu Dao Tea, Gai Jiuyou asked: "Yuan Xiaoyou, can you tell us about the Red Dust Immortal in detail."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "In my understanding, immortality is actually a realm where strength is divided."

"Just like the different names for each of our secret realms, we have now cultivated to the realm of the Great Emperor, which is also called the pinnacle of humanity."

"So, this and the immortal realm are two huge divisions. We are still in the human realm and cannot live forever."

"An obvious characteristic of immortals is that they can live forever. This is also a huge gap between the two. It cannot be easily distinguished by simple realms."

Gai Jiuyou and Ye Fan nodded, and understood the difference between the human realm and the immortal realm.

Ye Fan said at this time: "Senior, you mean that after entering the realm of immortals, it will be a different world!"

"Yes, the realm of immortality can no longer be described as otherworldly. It can already make people live in the world forever." Yuan Changqing nodded.

Then, Yuan Changqing continued: "So, the great emperor is the pinnacle of humanity, and the realm of immortality is another world."

"Therefore, what an immortal is is a realm above the emperor."

"Actually, I told you before that our universe is an incomplete universe and can no longer produce immortal matter."

"However, before the age of mythology, people like the Supreme Power could live for millions of years."

"It's just that the world has undergone great changes and entered the Age of Ending Dharma. The matter of immortality has disappeared, so that even the Great Emperor can only live for about 10,000 years."

"Just like the world we saw the Immortal Emperor enter before, there is immortality in it, and he can live longer than us."

"The lack of immortality is also the reason why the Supreme Emperor of our world has a short life span."

"So, the Red Dust Immortal is actually looking for immortality substances from one's own body and living for life after life. This is the Red Dust Immortal Road."

"As long as the immortal material is continuously born and transformed in one's body, then it means that one has embarked on the path of immortality in the world of mortals."

"That's it." Ye Fan understood what he heard, but he accidentally understood it, and quickly asked: "Senior, is there any way to find the longevity substance in my body?!"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "I don't know either. I have just cultivated to the realm of the Great Emperor. Even if I know the road ahead, I don't know how to go."

"You should know that there are so many amazing people in this world. Among those ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life, none of them were influential figures who once dominated an era."

"However, there are very few people who can walk on the path of immortality in the world of mortals."

"So, it is extremely difficult to find the longevity substance hidden deep in my body. No one can help you. You can only rely on yourself. You may not be able to find it for tens of thousands of years."

"And even if we are the Great Emperor, we are only about 10,000 years old. You can imagine how difficult this mortal road is."

Listening to Yuan Changqing's narration, Ye Fan and Gai Jiuyou also knew about this worldly fairy road. They could only rely on themselves. With good luck, they might successfully find the immortality substance in their bodies.

If you are unlucky and fail to find it when your life span comes, you can only wait to die, or like those dark supremes, kill yourself and transform into darkness.

However, if you want to live life after life, you must find the immortality substance in your body and constantly transform yourself. This is the fairy road in the world of mortals.

However, Gai Jiuyou and Ye Fan also heard that it was extremely difficult to find the longevity substance in their own bodies, and it might take tens of thousands of years to find it.

Suddenly, Gai Jiuyou and Ye Fan's hearts became a little heavy.

However, it is no wonder that from the age of mythology to the present day, only a handful of people have been able to successfully embark on the path of immortality in the world of mortals.

In this world, there are only the Emperor Zun, the Divine Silkworm Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor, the Wushi Emperor, the Immortal Emperor, and Duan De who are just walking on the immortal road in the mortal world, which shows how difficult it is.

And like other ancient emperors, if they could find the substance of immortality, they would not kill themselves and sleep in the restricted area of ​​life.

This world will not be so dark and turbulent. However, this road is destined to be difficult. Those who can set foot on the mortal road are destined to be the most amazing people in this world.

Even if Yuan Changqing knew how to take the immortal road in the world of mortals, he couldn't guarantee that he would succeed.

Therefore, in the years to come, Yuan Changqing will need to continue to understand this path alone.

Ye Fan suddenly asked: "Senior, is the ruthless emperor in the ancient forbidden land already on this road?"

"Yes, it's not just the ruthless emperor, but also the immortal emperor you saw before, and the Wushi emperor." Yuan Changqing nodded.

Some people are already taking this road, but few people know about it.

And now, these people who are guiding the direction have also allowed Yuan Changqing and the others to see the way forward. Whether they can succeed or not depends on their own destiny.

People like these who have already walked in the front also make Yuan Changqing and the others even more eager.

Yuan Changqing continued: "If you want to follow the immortal path of the mortal world, you must have a long-term persistence."

"If my life comes, as long as I have the elixir of immortality, I can continue to live another life and continue exploring."

"However, if you really can't set foot on the immortal road of mortals, you can also enter the world where the Great Emperor Wushi lives."

"However, it's not possible to enter that world just if you want to."

"So if you have the opportunity to get in, take it."

Gai Jiuyou and Ye Fan nodded at the same time, and they also knew the reason why Yuan Changqing said this.

After all, even if you know how to become an immortal, you may not be able to succeed.

Then, that strange world is also a good place to go.

However, even that strange world does not mean that unlimited people can enter it, only three or four people can enter it at a time.

The next time the road to immortality opens, Yuan Changqing also knows that it will be on Feixianxing. This is an opportunity to enter a strange world.

With this opportunity, Yuan Changqing also plans to talk to Huang Di and the other four when he returns to Earth Star.

As for their choice, it depends on their final decision.

"Senior, does that fairyland really exist?" Ye Fan asked again.

This is not surprising. If Yuan Changqing didn't know this, he would be as curious as Ye Fan.

Yuan Changqing said ambiguously: "Maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't exist. These are not something we can touch with our cultivation level."

"If you really want to know whether the Immortal Realm exists, maybe when you reach the next realm, you will naturally know it. We don't have to worry about it now."

"What we need to do now is to practice hard and survive life after life. If there is a fairy world, we will naturally see it when we become immortals."

Gai Jiuyou sighed: "Yes, what we have to do next is to practice hard and find our own path to immortality in the world of mortals."

"That's right. The Immortal Realm we know may be a world with immortality substances that make people live forever, a world larger and more prosperous than our universe!" Yuan Changqing nodded.

Ye Fan said again at this time: "In this case, the road to becoming an immortal is just a shocking scam!"

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