Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 453: The great world fades and the path to immortality opens (two-in-one)

This is a special era. There are three supreme beings standing side by side in the world, suppressing the world.

In this life, there is incomparable splendor, and there is a noble general who has become enlightened and stands in the world, extremely powerful.

In this life, the forbidden areas were bulldozed and suppressed one by one, and the rest could only escape to the land of chaos and nothingness.

So far, five of the seven forbidden areas of Beidou that were once extremely powerful have been destroyed, two have escaped, and only the ancient forbidden areas are still standing in the southern region of the Eastern Wasteland.

Countless creatures in heaven and earth couldn't help but cheer for it, and the entire universe was praising the reputation of the three supreme beings in the world.

In this golden world, the three supreme beings are suppressing the world, countless geniuses have risen one after another, and the stars are shining, so bright.

In this life, some people become emperors, some become immortals, and they have endless glory.

In this life, all the souls in the world are lucky. They have witnessed those extremely powerful forbidden supreme beings.

Witnessed the elimination of restricted areas of life one after another.

Witnessed many ancient emperors being beheaded in this glorious era.

After experiencing such a glorious era, how can we not make people excited and cheering.

Unfortunately, in this life, countless talented people are unfortunate. The three supreme beings in this world stand side by side, blocking the way forward for countless strong people.

There are too many talented people who will live in the shadow of the three supreme beings in this world. It is sad and helpless.

However, this life is destined to be rare throughout the ages, destined to be extremely brilliant, and destined to be carried in the long river of time forever.

Time flies, and hundreds of years pass by. This golden age has reached its most glorious and dazzling time.

After Ye Fan, Yuan Yue'er, and Zeng Li, alternative enlightened persons appeared one after another, extremely powerful.

Ye Fan has some supreme talent, and he is the ancient holy body that has the most hope of becoming enlightened in all eternity.

As for Yuan Yue'er and Zeng Li, they have Yuan Changqing to start a small business. Naturally, they can become alternative enlightened beings faster than the most talented people in the universe.

However, this life is destined to be a glorious time that is rare in the ages. Like Jiang Taixu, Ji Zi, Renmo... these geniuses have all become alternative enlightened persons.

The world is like running water, passing by in a hurry, never to return.

Gai Jiuyou returned to the small hill in Zhongzhou and lived in seclusion there with his apprentice Xia Jiuyou.

Although Gai Jiuyou is the great emperor of the world and suppresses the world, he has not established power like Ye Fan.

After Ye Fan and Gai Jiuyou pacified the restricted area of ​​Xianling, almost three thousand years had passed. Yuan Changqing also lived in seclusion in the East Sea of ​​Earth Stars, constantly comprehending the avenues of heaven and earth, and becoming more and more powerful.

And in these thousands of years, the outstanding figures in the world have become more powerful.

Many powerful people from the quasi-emperor ninth level have stepped into alternative enlightenment, and this world has ushered in its peak glory.

However, there is a great emperor in the world, and even those who have achieved enlightenment in a different way still cannot see their way forward. This is also the tragedy destined by the rules of the world.

After all, there is a great emperor in this world who suppresses all the ways in the world. It is extremely difficult to break through all the ways and become an emperor against heaven.

During this period, many powerful people grew old and passed away between heaven and earth.

Another two thousand years have passed, but Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou, and Ye Fan are still at their peak.

Those once famous and powerful people in the world have aged and passed away one after another, like the Peacock King, Red Dragon Taoist... all ushered in the last moments of their lives and passed away one after another.

Time is ruthless and fair. When the world comes, it is destined to disappear in this world.

In the world, there are too many people who cannot see the way forward. Some have become self-styled early on, and some are unwilling to continue struggling and finish their lives alone.

Even an extremely powerful being like an alternative enlightened person is still unable to achieve enlightenment against nature.

After all, not everyone is as blessed as Yuan Changqing, nor is he as blessed as Ye Fan.

Countless strong men have ushered in their glorious moments in this life. However, time is still flowing slowly, like a ruthless carving knife, and will eventually be far away from their glorious moments.

Of course, during this period, there were also many strong men who refused to admit defeat and wanted to break through ten thousand ways and defy heaven and become emperor.

Unfortunately, what awaits them is destined to perish between heaven and earth and turn into the dust of history.

They all failed, without exception. It was too difficult to break through ten thousand ways when there was a great emperor suppressing them.

Ye Fan did not choose to take risks to break through ten thousand ways. He was still accumulating his own knowledge and concentrating on practicing in heaven.

In the world, the once powerful men of the older generation have grown old and passed away, approaching the last moment of their lives.

In this life, at the final glorious moment, countless powerful bloodline physiques also showed signs of aging.

Those who were the most powerful also began to decline, and their energy and blood began to decline continuously.

This incomparably glorious golden world, after reaching its extreme, began to show signs of decadence.

This golden age, rare in all eternity, has also come to its end and is about to wither and end.

What flourishes must inevitably decline. This is the discovered law of all things. It is irresistible and has been destined for a long time.

Even the most powerful bloodline physiques in the world cannot escape this rule of heaven and earth.

"The body of Pluto is invincible in the world. He once competed in the emperor's way, but now the old injury has occurred and he has passed away."

"The Feathered King went against the will of heaven and ended up being shattered into pieces. It's sad and deplorable!"

"The Biluo body of Shangqiong Biluo has also fallen, and the undefeated king on the ancient road has also come to an end!"

"The Brahma Battle Body defied heaven and broke the law, but it also failed."


In this world, all the once undefeated kings and outstanding men have gone through their unwilling lives, with glory, sorrow, and helplessness.

Although they have all fallen, they are destined to leave a strong mark in the years.

There is a sign of decline in the world, and this golden world is about to wither and come to an end.

Yuan Changqing has been in seclusion in the Immortal Mountain, and sealed his parents in the divine source early.

Now, the great age is about to come to an end, and countless talented people have also come to an end. Yuan Changqing has no choice but to seal Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer in the divine source.

In the end, Yuan Changqing took them into the World Pearl, just like his parents.

Now, apart from Yuan Changqing, there is only the Ancient Qilin Emperor in the Immortal Mountain. It has finally returned from nirvana, resurrected, and once again reached its peak.

The current Ancient Emperor Qilin is even more powerful than the first generation, and he also found the path to becoming an immortal from Yuan Changqing.

After resurrecting his life, Ancient Emperor Qilin also found his own path and was no longer as confused as before.

The Ancient Emperor Qilin, who returned from Nirvana, directly moved the Qilin Cave to the Earth Star, placed it in the East China Sea, and laid out a stunning array as the ancestral land of the Qilin clan.

Finally, he also sealed a pair of his children, and together with Yuan Changqing discussed the Tao and achieved enlightenment in the Immortal Mountain.

This life is coming to an end. It has gone through for more than six thousand years. Under the erosion of the years, it is unable to resist. The energy and blood have declined, and it has reached its peak.

Like Taichu, Shen Canzi, Zhang Bairen, Dao Yi...

Countless geniuses have lost hope and have become self-proclaimed.

Even the Holy Son of Yaoguang once attacked Heaven and was finally defeated by Ye Fan.

In the universe, those talented and powerful people who have the hope of becoming emperor have chosen to proclaim themselves and avoid this life.

This dazzling golden world is finally coming to an end.

But the new generation is a bit out of touch, and the suppression of the avenue is gradually beginning to appear.

In the Heavenly Court, Ye Fan is already six thousand years old. He is still practicing in seclusion as the Lord of the Heavenly Court, and he still has not become an emperor again.

In the Heavenly Court established by Ye Fan, countless old people were aging. In the end, Ye Fan had to choose to take strong action to suppress and seal them all.

Even if those people opposed it, like the old madman, the human demon, and the old holy ape, they were eventually defeated by Ye and suppressed and sealed.

Later, Ye Fan slowly began to seal his brothers, friends, wife, children, and disciples.

After doing this, Ye Fan also started to make preparations.

As many people in the heaven were sealed, Ye Fan's firm heart also made waves, and he also experienced the feeling of loneliness.

In the vast world, those who once cared about him were getting old one after another, but Ye Fan was powerless.

At this moment, Ye Fan didn't know whether he could become an emperor in the end, or the illusory path to immortality in the world of mortals.

However, now Ye Fan's Taoist heart has become more determined. In this life, he must defy heaven and become an emperor, and embark on the path to immortality that countless people want.

For the sake of his wife, children, relatives, friends, brothers, and subordinates, Ye Fan is fearless.

Even Ye Fan had a shocking idea in his heart, that is, he must find a path to immortality and then teach him to become an immortal.

In this life, the only people who can live long are the three supreme beings in this world.

It's a pity that even so, it only lasts for a mere ten thousand years, which may be very long for others.

However, for those who want to pursue the path of immortality, it is extremely short-lived.

Just like those ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life, in order to survive, they would not hesitate to kill themselves, incarnate into darkness, and become the source of darkness in the world.

Therefore, in this world, countless people have become losers, and in the end, they are destined to not have a good outcome.

Another two thousand years have passed, and the great age is really coming to an end. Countless tragedies have been written in the world, and countless unwillingnesses have also been written.

"Is this golden age over like this? It's a pity, no matter how glorious it is, I won't accept it..."

Countless strong men looked up to the sky and sighed. The once high-spirited and undefeated king was now old.

Many once talented people have fallen into this golden age, and the imperial path has long made people despair.

There is no choice but to declare oneself and wait for the next great world. Otherwise, all we can wait for is to sit in the world.

However, no matter how unwilling you are, what can you do? The world and the world, with the impact of those unwilling people again and again, will not survive in the end.

As countless strong men in the world professed themselves, they lost their traces, and those who did not want to profess themselves also died one after another.

At this point, the golden age has finally come to an end.

The decline after the utmost glory began to appear in the world. In the ten thousand years of this world, countless geniuses have been buried in this era.

Finally, Yuan Changqing walked out of the Immortal Mountain and came to Beidou, where he selectively sealed the benevolent people in Yaochi and Taixuan Sect to repay the cause and effect.

Then, he returned to the Earth Star Immortal Mountain again and continued to devote himself to enlightenment and cultivation, looking for the elusive road to immortality.

Time is like a knife, and geniuses wither away. Countless geniuses who once amazed the world continue to grow old and fall, and one after another they reach the end of their lives.

After all, God's will is like a sword and cannot be defied. In this life, except for Gai Jiuyou and Yuan Changqing, no one has become emperor.

One by one, the geniuses continue to fall, or become self-proclaimed, just like bubbles in the long river of time and space, constantly bursting.


Yuan Changqing has devoted himself to cultivating on Earth Star for thousands of years, and now, he has also come to his second life.

However, Yuan Changqing is not relying on his own ability to survive the second life. After all, the road to immortality in the world of mortals is not so easy to pass.

In addition, the time of the first life is too short, Yuan Changqing can only rely on the elixir of immortality to survive the second life.

However, now Yuan Changqing has found his own path to immortality in the mortal world. Yuan Changqing himself is the body of the five elements, and the five elements are the most basic substances composed of heaven and earth.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing used the five elements of his first life to create a world of five elements in his body.

Finally, relying on the White Tiger's elixir of immortality, he transformed himself into the body of the ultimate golden element, using this to evolve the cycle of the five elements. Finally, the five elements were perfected, reversing the yin and yang of life and death, and achieving his own immortality.

Now, Yuan Changqing, who has walked out on his own immortal path, finally has some confidence in the immortal path in the world of mortals during these ten thousand years.

After all, if you want to live forever, you don't just have to have the elixir of immortality. You still have to constantly tap into the longevity substances in your body.

In the second and third lives, the Immortal Medicine may still have an effect, but the further you go, the more it goes on, it won't be something that the Immortal Medicine can solve.

If you don't find your own path to becoming an immortal, you will eventually end up not far away, and you will still perish in the long river of time.

Now that Yuan Changqing has successfully entered his second life, he will be more confident in the future, even if he does not need the elixir of immortality.

Therefore, this is Yuan Changqing's biggest gain, and it is also the place where Yuan Changqing is happiest.

After that, Yuan Changqing also came out of seclusion, wanting to travel around the world again, realize the great way of heaven and earth, and reverse the yin and yang of the five elements.

At this time, the oppression of heaven and earth in the universe has become even more severe. The golden age has come to an end, and the outstanding talents have withered away.

Heaven and earth ushered in its cold winter.

After Yuan Changqing walked out of the Immortal Mountain, he came directly to the Heavenly Court. The Heavenly Court now is extremely silent, and countless powerful people have been sealed by me.

After Ye Fan welcomed Yuan Changqing into the heaven, they sat opposite each other and drank tea and discussed Taoism.

Now, Ye Fan's Qi and blood have become even more profound and terrifying, like a wild beast.

At this moment, Ye Fan is still a Dacheng Holy Body, a different kind of enlightenment. Like Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan has also come to his second life, and he also lives another life through the elixir of immortality.

Now, Ye Fan is still at his peak, and his Taoism has become more and more advanced.

"Senior, I haven't seen you for ten thousand years, you are even more powerful!" Ye Fan said with some envy.

After all, from Ye Fan's point of view, Yuan Changqing has obviously lived his second life, but he has not yet become enlightened.

Ye Fan has long known the correct way to become an immortal from Yuan Changqing. Unfortunately, if he wants to embark on the path of mortal immortality, he must first become an emperor.

Only when you reach the pinnacle of humanity can you be qualified to pursue the path to immortality. At this time, there is a gap between immortality and mortals.

Now Yuan Changqing gave Ye Fan the feeling that he was sharp. Even with his own alternative enlightenment strength, he felt that Yuan Changqing's aura was like a sword.

"Fortunately, I finally have some ideas about the future, and I am no longer as embarrassed as I was at the beginning." Yuan Changqing said with joy in his tone.

Ye Fan also said happily: "Congratulations to the seniors for setting an example for us latecomers."

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "I'm just following those seniors. After all, everyone's path to becoming an immortal is different. It doesn't have much reference value. It can only be said to be a rule of thumb. The road ahead, We still need to continue to explore.”

Ye Fan nodded, and he knew that Yuan Changqing was reminding himself that others could not help him on the immortal road in the mortal world and could only be used as a reference target.

Ye Fan asked again: "Senior, what's your situation now? Why do you give people the feeling of being sharp and domineering?"

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "I am now rotating my path. I used to have a five-element constitution. Now, I have transformed into a golden path. Then, I rotate one by one, and finally reverse the yin and yang of life and death, and become an immortal against heaven."

"Moreover, I directly opened up a world with my former Five Elements Origin, and this world is where my Dao Fruit is."

"Perhaps, whether I can go further in the future depends on this being the Five Elements World."

Yuan Changqing knows that this secret realm actually has not only five realms, but six secret realms.

And this sixth secret realm is a sign of whether one can become an immortal. This is something that Emperor Huangtian did not announce after he passed down the secret realm method.

As for why, it's because everyone's Sixth Secret Realm is different. Even if Emperor Huang Tian tells his own Sixth Secret Realm, he can't make everyone become an immortal.

Therefore, whether you can become an immortal depends on each person's understanding. Whether you are qualified to become an immortal depends on whether you can understand the sixth secret realm.

Moreover, this was left behind intentionally by Emperor Huang Tian, ​​and it was also a test to choose the strong one.

Only the most wonderful and beautiful people can have an effect on the universe.

Ye Fan heard this and said: "It's exactly what the seniors said. Everyone's path to becoming an immortal is different. Even if the seniors are amazing, it will have no effect if it is used on me."

"This road to immortality is really a big chasm on the road to immortality."

"Yes, countless people in the world are pursuing immortality, but there are only a few people in the world who can see it." Yuan Changqing also said with some emotion.

Ye Fan nodded and said with emotion: "Thinking about those ancient supreme beings in the forbidden area of ​​life, it is really sad and hateful, and they are unable to pursue immortality."

"It's a pity that they were once amazing people in the world, but they didn't know that immortals were by their side."

"Hahaha, now that they have embarked on that road of no return, the outcome is already doomed. We don't need to pay more attention to them. Sooner or later, there will be a day to liquidate them." Yuan Changqing laughed, with endless sarcasm.

Then, he looked at Ye Fan and asked: "You should also live in the second life now. It is the immortality medicine you took, but you are sure to live in the third life."

"I have some clues." Ye Fan said honestly.

This is like Yuan Changqing. He is not sure about his second life, so he can only take the elixir of immortality.

Looking at Ye Fan's appearance now, he should be sure about the third life, but it's just that he hasn't reached that time yet.

Obviously, Ye Fan is confident about the third life. He has not wasted his time in these years.

Yuan Changqing is also happy for Ye Fan. It is the greatest blessing in the world to have people who are walking the same path.

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