Among all the worlds, a group of powerful Immortal Emperors were also extremely shocked. With the recovery of their memories, they finally remembered everything about Yuan Changqing.

They even didn't know what happened that would make all memories about Yuan Changqing disappear. These were the places where countless creatures in the sky were shocked.

I saw Yuan Changqing walking step by step in the chaos of the world. At this moment, Yuan Changqing gave the impression that there was no sense of truth and reason, just like an ordinary person.

However, the feeling Yuan Changqing gave people at this moment was so special, full of elegance and peace.

However, Yuan Changqing was able to step on chaos in the midst of chaos and nothingness. Chaos was at Yuan Changqing's feet, just like one step in the sky.

Until the moment Yuan Changqing appeared, the memories of him in the world began to be unblocked and constantly revived.

"It's the Evergreen Emperor!"

"It turns out that we have always forgotten the Supreme Emperor."

"In that unprecedented battle, the Evergreen Heavenly Emperor single-handedly attacked the Dark Plateau, fought against the Dark Ancestor, wiped out the Dark Ancestor, supported the Desolate Heaven Emperor, killed the most Dark Ancestors, and made immeasurable achievements for the final victory. However, we forgot about him, wuwuwu..."

At this moment, the ancestors who had existed for many eras, and even those strong men who had experienced that battle, couldn't help but sigh and shed tears.

They were blaming themselves, and they were cheering and happy. The last supreme emperor finally returned at this moment.

All over the world, at this moment, countless creatures burst into the fiercest cheers to welcome Yuan Changqing's return.

"Evergreen Heavenly Emperor!"

"Evergreen Heavenly Emperor!"

At this moment, the whole world was filled with excitement and excitement, and the sound shook the heavens.



Yuan Yue'er, Zeng Li, Ancient Qilin Emperor, Hua Yunfei, Sun Son and others rushed towards Chaos to welcome Yuan Changqing's return.

They had been waiting for this moment for who knows how long. Even if Yuan Changqing died and the memory of him disappeared, they would naturally remember that they were waiting for the return of someone important.

Now, they finally waited for Yuan Changqing's return. At this moment, they were so excited that they shed tears of joy.

At this moment, Emperor Huangtian, Ye Fan, and the ruthless empress who went to the chaos outside the world were extremely shocked.

In fact, when they looked at Yuan Changqing walking step by step, a hint of horror suddenly appeared in their hearts.

Because Yuan Changqing gave Ye Fan and the others the feeling that they had transcended, transcended everything.

"Senior, what are you..." Ye Fan couldn't help but ask.

For a long time, even if Ye Fan and Yuan Changqing were in the same realm, he would naturally call him Senior Yuan Changqing.

This is the greatest respect for Yuan Changqing. After all, since the beginning of cultivation, Yuan Changqing has been equivalent to Ye Fan's protector and has provided tremendous help.

Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan and the other three with a warm smile.

At this moment, even though Yuan Changqing didn't have any words, the meaning was self-evident and it was enough to explain everything.

"Above the Sacrifice."

Emperor Huangtian said softly at this moment, at this moment, even the eternally peaceful heart stirred up huge waves.

The appearance of Yuan Changqing changed too many things, eradicating the darkness, weirdness and unknown in advance.

Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan had never experienced such a tragic battle to the death. Therefore, they wanted to break through the existing realm and set foot on the sacrificial path, but they did not find the opportunity to break through.

Live toward death, revive in silence, return from death, and rise above transcendence.

This is easy to say, but the process involved is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you may be destroyed forever and never come back.

Even those who have not experienced the kind of battle to death and cannot understand the process cannot understand that opportunity.

This is also the reason why Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan are now at the peak of the sacrifice path, but they are unable to set foot on the sacrifice path.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "It has been dormant for too long. Today, I finally came back to life. Let's celebrate. As for the rest, we will discuss it later."

Even if Huang Tian, ​​Ye Fan, and the ruthless empress wanted to ask Yuan Changqing urgently, they could only suppress it.

After all, Yuan Changqing has disappeared for too long, and he has been separated from his relatives for countless epochs.

Now Yuan Changqing also needs to go back and reunite with his relatives.

As for the matters above the sacrificial path, it doesn’t matter for a while. Even if you know it now, you can’t immediately break through to the sacrificial path.

The ruthless empress is the calmest among the three of them. For her, whether she can break through to the sacrificial path or not, she no longer cares so much.

Now, there is no more darkness, and all the worlds no longer have to suffer from the erosion of darkness.

Yuan Changqing has transcended everything and stepped onto the path of sacrifice. Now, there is no need to worry about the follow-up path for the time being.

Then, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan returned to the world, and with a sweep of their spiritual thoughts, everything appeared in Yuan Changqing's mind.

Everything in the heavens and the world has no secrets, and everything appears in Yuan Changqing's eyes.

The departed predecessors and sages were all reflected by Ye Fan and returned to the world. They once again set foot on the road and headed towards a higher peak.

This is a glorious world, with two heavens ruling the world, and countless great forces standing side by side in all heavens and realms.

Yuan Yuer and the others also built the Immortal Mountain Dojo again, waiting for Yuan Changqing's return.

Now, the Immortal Mountain Dojo is even more glorious. Countless years have passed and countless people have gathered.

Yuan Yuer and others welcomed Yuan Changqing's return in the chaos, and they were all excited.

Looking at Yuan Yuer and Zeng Li, Yuan Changqing couldn't help but hug the two of them, experiencing the endless family affection.

After a long time, Yuan Changqing took the people who greeted him, crossed the heavens in one step, returned to the heavens and all realms, and returned to his Immortal Mountain Dojo.

"Evergreen Heavenly Emperor!"

"Evergreen Heavenly Emperor!"

As Yuan Changqing stepped into the heavens and the worlds, countless beings in the world burst into excited cheers, cheering for the return of Yuan Changqing, the supreme emperor of heaven.

A faint smile appeared on Yuan Changqing's face at this moment, and then he returned directly to the Immortal Mountain Dojo.

With the return of Yuan Changqing, all heavenly Taoist ancestors and immortal emperors came to the Immortal Mountain Dojo to pay their respects.

And Yuan Changqing was filled with infinite emotion as he watched the world recover again and regain its glory.

Since his rebirth in the world of Zhetian, he has started practicing again and set foot in Beidou. Until now, he has experienced countless epochs. The people around him and those who follow him are now powerful and extraordinary.

With the arrival of countless powerful people from all over the world, Yuan Changqing also took this opportunity to hold an immortal banquet.

Among the heavens, all the major forces, countless Taoist ancestors, and immortal emperors came to the Immortal Mountain Dojo. Emperor Haohuang, Ye Fan, the ruthless empress, Wu Shi, Qing Emperor, Brother Di Gu, Luo Tianxian and others all came. .

With so many powerful people coming, Yuan Changqing naturally wanted to express his gratitude.

The people who can come here are at the lowest level of Immortal Kings, there are countless Dao Ancestors, there are many Immortal Emperors, and there are four supreme Heavenly Emperors at home.

This banquet is rare in the world. At this moment, so many powerful people gather in the Immortal Mountain Dojo. Endless Tao and principles are permeated, and there are endless opportunities contained in it.

And the countless immortal kings, Taoist ancestors, and immortal emperors who came here are all realizing the great truth blooming from the bodies of Yuan Changqing and the four of them. This is a supreme opportunity.

Even if Yuan Changqing and the four of them didn't say a word, it was like the great road appeared at this moment. Such an opportunity was rare in the world.

Finally, Yuan Changqing also explained the Great Dao to everyone who came here. Just the simple principles of heaven and earth easily allowed countless immortal kings and Tao ancestors to enter the realm of enlightenment.

At this moment, in the Immortal Mountain, all kinds of strange thoughts appeared, the words of the great road bloomed, and the golden lotus was densely covered, just like a fairyland.

In the Immortal Mountain Dojo, various truths are explained from Yuan Changqing's mouth, which are both mysterious and mysterious for everyone to understand.

Even the strong men at the Immortal Emperor level are still in the serious field, let alone those at the level of Immortal King and Dao Ancestor.

Even later, Emperor Huangtian, Ye Fan, and the ruthless empress also invaded.

As we get to the back, few people can understand it, and the great road Yuan Changqing talks about becomes more profound and obscure.

It was not until tens of thousands of years later that this sermon finally ended. When the powerful men in the heavens woke up, the four supreme heavenly emperors were no longer visible.

"Thank you, Emperor Evergreen. We are grateful."

The powerful men from all over the world finally thanked them towards the depths of the Immortal Mountain. They had gained a huge harvest this time.

And Yuan Changqing preached selflessly. To them, this was the grace of preaching, which was as heavy as Mount Tai.

"My way can be expected, my way can be expected!"

The powerful men in the heavens who left were slowly harvesting and cheering endlessly.

Now in the Immortal Mountain Dojo, there are only five people, Emperor Huangtian, Ye Fan, the ruthless empress, Wu Shi, and Emperor Qing.

Yuan Changqing did not invite other people at the level of Immortal Emperor. After all, their accumulation has not reached that level yet, and it is useless to invite them.

The five people left by Yuan now are all people who have accumulated many eras and have the opportunity to step into that realm.

Wu Shi and Qing Emperor are still in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, but Yuan Changqing is still confident that they will enter the realm of sacrifice.

"Aren't fellow Taoist Wushi and fellow Taoist Qingdi still planning to offer sacrifices to the Tao?" Yuan Changqing looked at the two of them and asked.

Qingdi and Wushi have accumulated many epochs and have a profound foundation, which is completely enough. As long as the sacrifice is successful, they can step into the realm of sacrifice.

"Almost." Wu Shi replied while drinking the Enlightenment Tea, and Qing Emperor nodded beside him.

For Wu Shi and Qing Emperor, the current world is no longer as dark as it used to be, and they are in boundless crisis all the time. There is no need to be so urgent.

"Fellow Daoist Changqing is above the Sacrifice Dao now, right?!" Emperor Huangtian asked at this time.

"On top of the sacrifice." Yuan Changqing replied firmly.

"Above the sacrificial path? Beyond the sacrificial path?"

Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan savored it carefully. Now, they know the realm behind it from Yuan Changqing, which is simple and clear.

Yuan Changqing added: "Of course, this is just a name. In fact, for this realm, I prefer to call it Hunyuan."

"Hunyuan, is there any explanation for this?" Emperor Huangtian asked.

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