Douluo’s God Level Selection

Chapter 197 Xuanwu's 3rd Soul Skill!

"Ding! The three-choice system is activated, please make a choice as soon as possible:

1. Directly interrupt the martial arts fusion skills of the three of them, and get a reward - a copper soul coin!

2. Don't wait for their martial soul fusion skills to complete, just jump off the stage, choose to surrender, and get a reward - a random ten thousand year spirit ring!

3. Fake shots, let them complete the martial arts fusion skill, and get a reward---98,000-year-old white tiger-type spirit ring! "

"Please make a choice within 30 seconds of the host!"

At the same time as Dai Mubai and the others attacked, Yu Chen's mind reverberated with the system's icy reminder sound.

Hearing the system prompt sounding in his mind, Yu Chen immediately made a choice.

As I said before, the power of martial arts fusion skills is very powerful, and the martial arts fusion skills of two people are enough to produce double the strength increase.

Not to mention the three spirit fusion skills!

Take Yu Xiaogang, Flender, and Liu Erlong, who are known as the Golden Triangle, for example. At that time, the three of them were a seven-ringed Soul Saint, an eight-ringed Soul Douluo who had just stepped into it, and one more. It's a 29th-level Great Soul Master!

However, the spirit fusion skills of the three of them could have the strength to compete with the 90th-level Title Douluo!

One can imagine how terrifying the three people's martial arts fusion skills are!

The more people there are, the stronger the ability of the spirit fusion skills will be. Canghui Academy's original eight people's spirit fusion skills, if not for the existence of Yuchen, whose mental power far exceeds the soul saint, I am afraid that the entire Shrek will have to do it. Die in their hands!

Therefore, if Hu Liena and the three of them are allowed to complete the martial arts fusion skill, their strength will definitely be upgraded to a higher level!

However, Yu Chen was not flustered in the slightest, and he really wanted to see how powerful the martial soul fusion skills of the martial soul "Golden Generation" were!

Moreover, the third soul skill of his Xuanwu has never been tested!

hold head high!

Thinking of this, Yu Chen condensed a dragon at will, and headed towards the elite team of Spirit Hall.

Everyone from Shrek shot together, and immediately a wave of soul power was stirred up, and the elite team of the Spirit Hall went straight away.

However, there was Hu Liena's reminder before, so everyone in the Spirit Hall elite team came prepared to attack Shrek.

"Be sure to block it!"

"As long as the time is delayed, the victory is definitely ours!"

Huyanli and Huyanshan, who were standing at the front of the Spirit Hall elite team, did not hesitate to move their fifth spirit ring directly to block Hu Liena in front of the three of them.

The same is true of the two auxiliary spirit masters in the team, hurriedly mobilizing their fifth spirit ability to increase Huyanshan and Huyanli.

Its purpose is to block Shrek's attack.


As the fifth spirit ability of the four of them lit up, Huyanshan and Huyanli's body size continued to grow, and the two of them had grown to a height of five or six meters before they stopped.

Not only that, the diamond-like skin directly covered the skin of the two of them.

Even the skin above the eyelids turned into diamond-like skin.

The whole does not look like a person, but like a tall stone mountain!

"Break it for me!"

Seeing the changes in Huyanshan, Tang San in Shrek's team took the lead, first urging Blue Silver Grass to control the two.

Then Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun followed closely behind, using their spirit abilities one after another to shake the two of them!

hold head high!

After they shot, Yu Chen's attack has come!

After the increase, the two people from Huyan Mountain have indeed improved their defense ability by a level, but it is obviously impossible to block all the attacks of the Shrek people!

Boom boom boom!

I saw that under the combined attack of Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, and Yuchen, Huyanshan and Huyanli burst into a ray of light!

The glow dissipated, and it was clear that the diamond-like skin on the chests of the two was cracked!


Seeing that the defenses of the two were broken,

Dai Mubai and the others attacked again, chasing after the victory and knocking them down!

As the two defense spirit masters in the Spirit Hall elite team were knocked down, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing took advantage of this gap, leaving only two afterimages, and hurriedly attacked and killed the three of Hu Liena.

The speed of Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing was very fast, and they came to Hu Liena in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the three people who were about to complete the martial arts fusion skill in front of them, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing did not have the slightest doubts, and they urged their soul power to cut down, intending to interrupt the martial arts fusion skill of the three.


But at the moment when Xiao Wu and the others made their move, the agile attack spirit master who had been hiding from the Spirit Hall elite team, the fifth spirit ring at his feet lit up, and transformed into four avatars, blocking Xiao Wu and the others. before.

"It's the skill of the cat clan's agility attack type soul master!"

Seeing the four clones that appeared in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing's expression changed slightly, and the original attack was all slashed at these clones.

Clone skills are not unfamiliar to Zhu Zhuqing, because her fourth spirit ability is also a spirit ability to condense clones!

She did not expect that the fifth spirit ability of the agility-attack type spirit master of the Spirit Hall elite team was also a clone-type spirit ability.

"It's time to end this boring farce!"

Just when Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing's attack was blocked, Hu Liena's three spirit fusion skills had already been completed.

The martial arts fusion skills of the three of them are completely different from the martial arts fusion skills of Yan and Xie Yue before.

It does not have the huge body of Yan before, but uses Hu Liena as a carrier to transform into a fox.

This fox was surrounded by purple fireworks, two moon-like blades were suspended above his head, and his whole body exuded a very charming aura, and the audience could even be charmed by it at a glance!

The deterrent power emanating from it is close to the 70th-level Soul Saint!

The three-person martial arts fusion skill - demon charm!

"Yuchen, if you reach our age according to your talent, your strength will definitely be far above ours!"

"But unfortunately, you no longer have this chance!"

Hu Liena, who had completed the three-person martial arts fusion skill, obviously didn't want to talk to Yuchen, the evildoer. After she hurriedly said a few words, she saw her whole body's spirit power surge, and a spirit ring lit up at her feet.


As the spirit ring lit up, the blade suspended above Hu Liena's head instantly transformed into countless handles, and then quickly lifted into the air, falling like raindrops!

The range covers the entire table!

Soul Skill--Purple Flame Stray Bullet!

"The three-person martial arts fusion skill is nothing more than that."

Facing the soul skill that kept falling like a meteorite, Yuchen looked calm, and one of the four spirit beasts behind him, the first and third soul skill of Xuanwu Wuhun lit up together!


The two spirit rings lit up, and I saw the Xuanwu Martial Spirit, hundreds of meters high behind Yuchen, let out a low roar, and then shot out an extremely dazzling divine light from the whole body, shrouding everyone in Shrek!

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