Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 117 High-Level Resolution

The six wings extend to both sides, stretched out, even though it is carved with jade, it has a lifelike beauty. In the middle is the emissary who stretches his hands forward, as if offering forgiveness to those who have sinned and repented. This sculpture in Luo Dian is the sacred symbol of the Shi family, and it represents the God of Shi from the God Realm.

In front of the sculpture, a long table is placed, the long table is more than ten meters long, and there are gorgeous red fur benches on both sides, which are arranged in a row for people to sit.

There are already many people sitting in these seats, their expressions are different, their ages and appearances are also different, sitting there, the sunlight from the dome of the temple falls straight down, shining on them, there is an illusory and unreal feeling Feel.

The only thing that can be felt is their strength, unfathomable strength, they are like the masters of the creatures in this world, as if they move their fingers and discuss, which place will die and which place will prosper in the next moment.

Qian Daoliu was sitting at the head of the table. Beneath the sculpture on the back, benches were arranged on both sides. All the strong ones were still respected by him, which was enough to see Qian Daoliu's status.

At the end of the long table, Chihiro Ji Shanshan came late, but his face was still very natural, his eyes kept looking at the person across the table who was also at the last betting position of the table.

Bibi Dong lowered her eyes, covered her body with a purple gauze skirt, curled her hair in a curly bun, her lotus root arms and onion fingers, her beautiful face and beautiful face exuded a noble and mysterious aura, she occasionally smiled ecstatically, as if she had thought of it A certain person showed a happy expression.

Just, wait for me, I will finish the meeting soon and find you...

Her mind is not here, if this meeting is not very important, she will not withdraw for a short time and come back from Yugang for a meeting.

Obsessed, intoxicated, and somewhat jealous expressions kept appearing on Qian Xun Ji's face. He looked at Bibi Dong, and only Bibi Dong was in his heart. No more than her, she didn't feel the slightly reproachful gaze cast by her father.

The helpless Qian Daoliu coughed dryly, and said: "I believe that this meeting will be held, and everyone will come, and everyone will understand what is going on. Everyone must have felt the incident in the extreme north a few days ago."

When the matter of the Far North was mentioned, all the faces present were extremely dignified and serious, and some even had a trace of fear and panic on their faces.

Even Bibi Dong raised her head and looked at Qian Daoliu, with a thoughtful look in her beautiful eyes. Of course she knew, she also felt it at that time, even the strongest feeling, because she was also carrying on the inheritance of the god position, and she was more sensitive to the power of the god. After feeling the terrifying breath of the god in the extreme north, she I even wanted to quickly check what happened. That power was too terrifying, enough to destroy the entire Douluo Continent. If it wasn't for Yu Gang who was still by my side, it was inconvenient to get out, how could...

Also go and see. This time, I also want to know if Qian Daoliu has noticed something, whether he has the information she wants, Yu Gang is with Flender temporarily, she is not worried.

"That's right, as the descendants of the gods, representing the family of the gods, there is a trace of god's blood in our noble blood, and that power is very clear. After our analysis, we think it should be the Titan God, the Three Goddesses of Fate, The breath of the four gods of Ice and Snow God and Sea God, the four gods are approaching the extreme north at the same time, this is unthinkable, presumably there must be some accidents, and later when we want to organize people to go to the extreme north When we searched in the ground, all the aura of God disappeared, and we hesitated, so we didn’t make a decision right away.”

"What is certain is that the breaths of the three gods of Fate, Titan, and Ice and Snow can't be found at all, and they may even disappear. The only thing that can be felt is the breath of Sea God. The last detection is at sea.

I'm afraid it has returned to the place where it inherited the Seagod. "

The person who spoke was the second in command of Qianjia after Qian Daoliu, Qian Chengyue, a ninety-eight-level Super Douluo, only one step away from Limit Douluo, and the same level as Golden Crocodile Douluo Zhaozhou.

"This matter has a lot to do with it, and it can even be closely related to the luck of the mainland. We must find out what happened in the extreme north, so we have called everyone here to discuss a solution. I have two plans here. You can listen to them. One, one, go directly into the core circle of the Extreme Northern Land. This move is more dangerous. The climate inside the core circle of the Extreme Northern Land is extremely cold, and there are unknown dangers. The degree of danger even exceeds the core circle of the Star Dou Forest. The core circle of the Panlong Great Forest is a forbidden area for life, but the advantage is that we can directly understand the whole story, what do you guys think of this plan?"

"Directly go deep into the core circle of the extreme north? No, no, it's too dangerous."

The object of the veto was a woman. The woman was extremely beautiful and exuded a very strong breath of life. She had green hair and black eyes, and her pupils were like emerald jade. There was a hint of silence in the soft breath of life.

"Don't be so cautious when doing things, Qian Zaoyou, how can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den?"

A sneering tone came from Qian Chengyue's mouth, Qian Zaoyou frowned, she was the highest authority among the women in the Qian family, and she was also the third in command. There are ninety-seven levels, and Wuhun is a mutated life messenger, a fusion of plant and messenger systems.

"The unknown is always dangerous, and there is no sign of God there. There are many beasts in the extreme north. The mysterious and unpredictable Ice Emperor of the Extreme is rumored to be extremely violent. Everyone who has seen it has died. , the eight-winged dragon whale with the blood of a real dragon in the ice-free lake, this guy in the soul beast circle has surpassed the 800,000-year level, even the emperor once went to ask for advice on the method of transitional calamity, and there is also a mountain-like roof of ice Beastmaster, with a cultivation base of 500,000 years, the earth shakes when it moves, the mysterious Nine Tails of the Shadow Cang, the snow ghost boy with the demon sword walking, the Star Ice Spear Dragon that roams the polar night...  …

, as well as guarding the core circle, the ice raccoon snow tail outside the core circle, the ghost-horned sea devil vine emperor, and the sea princess family, these are not easy to mess with! Are you, or you, sure to fight against these giant soul beasts? Isn't this courting death? ! "

The tone of continuous questioning asked all the people present. Although Qian Zaoyou's tone contained exaggeration, it had to be true. When mentioning these giant beasts, all the people present frowned. Even Qian Daoliu All lost in thought.

Since there are very few news and information from the extreme north, what they don't know is that the giants and feared powerhouses in their mouths are basically dead, wounded, and sacrificial offerings. The poor three big giants, there can be no more...

"That's right, I dare not go!"

"It's terrible. Once a Title Douluo ventured in and wanted to go in, but there was no more news about it!"

"Really? Even Title Douluo can't walk sideways?"

"Rumors, listen to them, you can't believe them, and you can't completely disbelieve them..."

"Oh, shut up! Then there is only the second way."

"The second method? Daoliu, what do you mean?"

"Go to Sea God Island! There are traces to follow. I also have a map of the location of Sea God Island. What I mean is to go to Sea God Island and ask the people there if they know what happened. There is a person named Bo Saixi who is also the limit. Douluo may be stronger than me, but she is probably the only one who knows what happened."

"Well, I agree. There are still some adventures in Sea God Island. There are all sea soul masters there. I heard that there are secret methods specially for soul masters to practice."

Qianzao nodded.

"Since that's the case, then it's decided. Organize a group of people to go to Sea God Island, bring some outstanding young disciples, and bring some seniors. I will go with you and lead the team. Everyone can bring one person. What else? Doubt?"


"Xunji! You arrange this matter, don't be distracted!!"

Qian Daoliu patted the table and said angrily.

"Oh, good! Father, I will arrange it now!"

Looking away from Bibi Dong, Chihiro Ji said respectfully.

Seeing his son like this, Qian Daoliu also sighed.

He looked at Bibi Dong again and said:

"Bibi Dong, you can go together, you can bring whoever you want, I have no objection, by the way, this time going to Sea God Island, we must keep it strictly confidential! Do you all understand? We may not be the only ones going."

"Who else?"

"Heh, have you all forgotten? I am not the only Limit Douluo on the mainland. I can feel it. Do you think Tang Chen can't feel it?"

Qian Daoliu smiled wryly.

"You mean..." #br...  

r# "Ah, if Haozong acted quickly enough, they should also organize people to go to Sea God Island to find Bo Saixi..."

"It's all because of the damn thing in the extreme north..."

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