Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 125 Elegant Spirit, Chaos Feather Dream Beast

Mingxue walked in front, but never let down her vigilance against Xiao Yuhui, because she knew that Xiao Yuhui was only superficially doing well, and she was definitely planning to plot against her secretly. She had never completely let down her vigilance against anyone. , has always maintained a great vigilance. In addition, Xiao Yuhui was called away by Meng Xun's mother. It was definitely not as simple as something. Meng Xun's mother had always disliked her. This will call Xiao Yuhui away. The matter must have something to do with herself.

The sky gradually darkened, and the surroundings became darker. The place where the gathering was gathered was lit up with the flames of the bonfire, and the disciples walking through the forest showed martial spirits and soul rings, exploring the forest, searching for edible food, or Check out whether there are suspicious people or things nearby. I have to say that Morris is really cautious. Everywhere he goes, he checks the area for several miles to make sure that no one is following him.

The Yuhuadie Martial Soul also appeared again, and Xiao Yuhui also remained vigilant. The spirit beasts in the Youjie Basin are all ghost-type, dark-type, and ghost-type. They often appear and disappear, and there are many powerful existences.

The two of them seemed to be wandering around carelessly, occasionally a little light appeared in the dark forest, it was a faint light green, a little eerie, but also a bit dreamy and beautiful.

"Wow, what are these little spots of light, sister Yuhui."

"This is Youdeng Yingying, a firefly with a very low race. It is a kind of soul beast of the ghost system and the insect system. Most of them have been cultivated for about ten years. They feed on rotting animals, plants or human corpses. Born from rotting corpses, there is a saying that rotten grass turns into fireflies."

"Youdengying's natural race is at the level of a young slave, so the maximum lifespan can only be a hundred years. There are very few Youdengying who have broken through to a thousand years. Sister Ruming doesn't have to be afraid of these little guys."

Xiao Yuhui covered his mouth and smiled, but he was also thinking about how to let Mingxue die unexpectedly in this forest.

Just now Mengxun's mother called her to come over because of Mingxue's business, and there was only one task that was ordered. Find a way to make Mingxue die unexpectedly in the process of searching for things. Death couldn't be easier. There are so many soul beasts here, and she can't guarantee that Mingxue will be able to escape unscathed.

"Sister Ruming, let's go pick up some firewood, find some fruit to eat, and go back, okay? You don't have a martial soul or soul power. It's bad if you run into a powerful soul beast. I'm fine if something happens to you. The method is explained to the young suzerain, don't you think?"

The words were full of concern and care for Mingxue, if Mingxue didn't know what kind of virtue Xiao Yuhui was, she probably would have believed her.

"Okay, let's pick some here, but I don't see any fruit around here."

"Well, let me see, you are picking up firewood here first, and I'll go find some fruit, okay. After all, it's too dangerous."

"No problem, sister Yuhui, you can go."

Crouching down, Mingxue is really pretending to be serious about picking up firewood, without showing...

Taking a little precaution, Xiao Yuhui sneered, and walked to other places in the forest by himself.

Seeing no one around, Ling Yizhong reappeared beside Xiao Yuhui again, and asked in a low voice:

"Hey, what did the young suzerain's mother tell you to do? Has our affairs been discovered?"

"What are you thinking? It's not our business. It's the little guy next to the Young Sovereign."

"Xue Ruming? What's going on?"

"Let me take this opportunity to find an excuse to let her die here unexpectedly. You also know that the Young Sect Master likes this lowly servant girl, so the Young Sect Master's mother has worried a lot about this. It just so happens that I have this opportunity to destroy her here."

"So that's the case, it's a pity, what can you do?"

"I'm going to find a soul beast and provoke her to provoke her. When the time comes, I will say that I met a soul beast, and I was caught off guard by that soul beast. I can't win, so I went back to ask for help, and delayed for a while. ,

After she is eaten by the soul beast, I will go to her again, and then I can't blame it on me. "

It was indeed a good idea, Ling Yizhong nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, go find it, be careful, this place is very evil, I'll go back first."


After hooking up with Ling Yizhong, Xiao Yuhui walked alone, thinking about finding that soul beast. With her strength, she was no match for it. It must be a ten thousand-year-level soul beast, but is it easy to find a ten-thousand-year-level soul beast in this forest? ?

There were indeed many soul beasts nearby, and several pairs of eyes were watching Xiao Yuhui secretly. Xiao Yuhui exuded the aura of a fifty-two soul king, and some timid soul beasts were scared away.

"Sigh, hiss..."

Looking at her with a somewhat gloomy aura, Xiao Yuhui turned around vigilantly, and saw a dark black lizard on the tree behind him. The lizard was crawling on the branch and sticking out its purple tongue. It was two or three meters long, and looked at Xiao Yuhui with a pair of dark purple eyes.

"The Hidden Night Lizard? It's good enough to have a thousand years of cultivation, but it's a pity that it's not my opponent."

"Fifth soul skill, Butterfly Rain Eclipse!"

The black fifth soul ring is shining, the butterfly flaps its wings, and a small shower of rain flowers falls on the head of the night monster. The raindrops are highly corrosive, and the night monster screams and runs from the tree open.

"Hmph, the soul beasts in the Youjie Basin are nothing more than that."

Looking at the escaped Hidden Night Demon Lizard, Xiao Yuhui smiled and continued to go deeper. It stands to reason that there is a relatively high possibility of the existence of ten thousand year-level soul beasts in the depths of the forest. With her soul king-level cultivation base, it is estimated that It can only fight against soul beasts that are 10,000 to 20,000 years old, and those that are more than 20,000 years old are dead.

"I hope there won't be any difficult guys."

As she continued walking, just as she was considering whether to go to a more dangerous place, a strong dim light flew to the side. She took a closer look, it was a group of ghost fireflies.

A group of ghost fireflies?

To know... ...

Youdengyingying likes rotting carcasses of animals and plants, especially fresh and rotting plants and animals. Could it be that there are soul beasts or human carcasses that have just died where they gather together?

With curiosity, Xiao Yuhui followed the group of Youdeng Yingying vigilantly. After walking for a certain distance, she really saw a large group of Youdengyingying gathered on a fresh dead body as if they had encountered a gluttonous feast.

The miserable green light illuminated the corpse, it looked like a tiger, the hair all over its body was black and purple, it was on the ground, its abdomen had been dug open, and blood flowed out, as if it had not been dead for a long time, this one Tiger Xiao Yuhui recognized it at a glance.

"Could it be the black-striped devil tiger? The black-striped devil tiger is a soul beast of the dark element and the beast element, and its race is born to be a commander. Judging by its size, it should have been cultivated for ten thousand years. Who would destroy such a black-striped devil tiger?" kill?"

Shocked at the same time, Xiao Yuhui immediately thought of a question. Seeing that the black-striped devil tiger's body is very fresh, it should have died not long ago, which means that the guy who killed it is still nearby!

A feeling of coldness spread all over her body immediately, and she felt stared at by something for a moment, the eyes staring at her had the aura of death, who is it?

"Who's there?!!"

Looking in the direction where the terrifying feeling came from, she raised her head and saw an extremely amazing scene.

On the treetop on her left, under the moonlight, a pair of wings covered with chaotic colors spread out. The guy with the wings looks like a deer or a leopard. It has a pair of white and elegant horns. It is bright purple, with a long and elegant neckline, and the cold light in the pupils. A tail hangs down behind it, with what appears to be a feather at the end.

"Chaos Feather Dream Beast?!"

"Could it be that this Chaos Feather Dream Beast killed this Black-striped Demon Tiger? It's not surprising. This is a dream beast family, a naturally elegant, noble and mysterious soul beast group. They are known as forest elves, and their race level has reached Dominator level, a ten thousand year master is enough to instantly kill a commander of the same ten thousand years."

"It's really exciting. If I didn't break through to the soul emperor, I really want to solve it as a soul ring, but now I'd better run away."

"The fifth soul skill, Butterfly Rain Eclipse!"

"Second Soul Skill, Rain Wing!"

Under Xiao Yuhui's order, Yuhuadie used the fifth soul skill towards the Chaos Feather Dream Beast, and then ran away quickly with the blessing of the second soul skill.

The butterfly rain eclipse seemed to have no effect on the Chaos Feather Dream Beast. The Chaos Feather Dream Beast only made a simple movement. The big horn on the top of its head lit up, and a chaotic seven-color defensive circular barrier enveloped it. The Die Yu Eclipse was not hurt at all. .

Enraged by Xiao Yuhui's provocative action, he flapped his chaotic colorful wings, chasing her from the air.

"Sure enough, I came after you, sister Ruming, don't blame me for being ruthless this time, hehe."

Xiao Yuhui ran towards Mingxue, and Mingxue had just picked up all the firewood when she saw Xiao Yuhui rushing from the depths of the forest.

how she...

What a?

"Sister Ruming, run! A powerful soul beast is coming, it's in the sky!"

Mingxue looked up and saw the Chaos Feather Dream Beast flying gracefully in the sky. Under the moonlight, the Chaos Feather Dream Beast looked extraordinarily noble and beautiful.

"Come on, grab my hand and let's go."

Yuhuadie flew at low altitude, and soon arrived at Mingxue's side. Looking at Xiao Yuhui's extended hand, Mingxue took a step back cautiously for no reason, but the next moment she saw Xiao Yuhui's sinister face, a gust of wind blew up, and she Xiao Yuhui grabbed her, not on Yuhuadie's back, but under her unbelievable and predictable eyes, threw her fiercely to the chaotic feather dream beast in the sky. .

Eyes wide open, Mingxue, who was thrown into the sky, saw Xiao Yuhui's sinister smile on Yuhuadie's back.

And at this moment, a chaotic dream light in the mouth of the Chaos Feather Dream Beast has been condensed, and Mingxue is under this attack!

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