After spending the night peacefully, the next morning, Mingxue woke up from her sleep, she was gently awakened by Mengxun.

Opening her eyes hazily, she still felt a little unrealistic. For her, a lot of things happened last night. She obtained a new martial soul, confirmed the nature of her devouring power, and the dead people of the Holy Spirit Sect. The remnants of resentment merged with her devouring power, she was no longer alone, her plan was proceeding according to her expectations.

After experiencing the feeling of almost losing Mingxue, Meng Xun paid more attention to and felt sorry for Mingxue. Last night, the tent where Mingxue rested was next to his tent. After watching her fall asleep soundly, he confirmed that there was nothing wrong. Things just slowly fell asleep.

They were the last ones to get up, and many people belonging to the Ming Yuzong had already left. In order to prevent the night from having long dreams, Mo Xiula sent his children to set off early in the morning, and he followed up in the middle, seeing that Meng Xun slept too late last night , and didn't bother too much, leaving the Guisha team and Monson to postpone.

"Wake up, Ruming, how are you resting? Are you hungry? I prepared breakfast for you."

The gentle Monson put some snacks beside Mingxue carefully and considerately. Mingxue looked at it and said gratefully:

"Much, thank you, Young Sect Master, I'm sorry for getting up late, slave..."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter, grandpa asked us to postpone, and you and I will follow the Guisha team. I will go to discuss the route with Brother Xiaonong first. You can eat first. There is clear water over there. You can wash your face. I will go first gone."

Obediently nodding towards Mengxun, Mingxue watched Mengxun leave with a somewhat complicated mood, picked up the food he put down, and began to eat without knowing what he was thinking.

"Brother Xiaonong, which way shall we go?"

After leaving Mingxue's camp, Meng Xun came to Mo Xiaonong and asked, at this time, the people from the Guisha team were cleaning up the traces of camping here last night, cleaning up some things.

Mo Xiaonong is the patriarch of the Guisha group, and there are only eight members in the Guisha group, and their average strength is also at the level of soul kings and soul emperors. The four groups of Ming Yuzong are almost all of this configuration. Two Contras.

"The Biwu Forest is on the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest. Although the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest rarely come to the Biwu Forest, there are still a few bold ones. Our task is to be vigilant at all times. On the other side of the forest, we must not let them notice that our people have entered the Biwu Forest."

"Well, it is indeed necessary to do this. Our task is relatively easy, so which area are we responsible for?"

"Here, here, there are two groups of soul beasts guarding the periphery of the Biwu Forest, one of the Feather-type soul beast race and one of the Plant-type soul beast race, which are the Zhenzhi clan and the Hazel clan. These two ethnic groups It is the area where the spirit beasts of the Star Dou Great Forest often come to invade, and they often go deep into the Biwu Forest to hunt food from here. What we have to do is to be vigilant against outsiders in this area, neither the spirit beasts nor the soul masters can let them. .. ...

Entering the Biwu Forest from here, one must ensure the absolute safety of the hunting environment in the Biwu Forest. "

"I will arrange the manpower as soon as possible. How about Tan Shuning and Lan Xuguo following you? Lan Xuguo's child's martial soul happens to be of the plant department, and he is about to break through to the soul emperor. I mean let her Make a breakthrough, let's see if we can get the soul ring on the spot."

"Tan Shuning is more suitable for protecting people. If you can't protect that little girl, you can let her come. There are only two female members in the Guisha group. I gave them all to you. I will treat you well."

Pointing at the map, Mo Xiaonong finally raised his head and said to Meng Xun with a smile. Meng Xun glanced gratefully at Mo Xiaonong and joked:

"Then thank you Brother Mo for lending me someone. I can trust these two girls in terms of strength and character, and they are careful. They are indeed good candidates."

While talking, Mingxue, who finished eating and washing up, came out,

Seeing Meng Xun and Mo Xiaonong talking about something with a smile, and seeing Ming Xue finished cleaning up, Meng Xun waved to her.

"Come here like Ming, I happen to have something to tell you."

Ming Xue walked towards them, and Meng Xun said to her:

"Everyone is almost gone. Next, you and I and the two big sisters will act together, and you must always be by our side. Don't be afraid, I will protect you, and we will not go to dangerous places, just in Biwu In the area outside the forest, my job is to prevent external soul beasts and soul masters from entering the Biwu Forest, and prevent our plans from being disturbed by external soul beasts and soul masters. It's very simple, you just stay by my side .”

"Young Sect Master, Ruming will be obedient."

"Shu Ning, Xu Guo come here!"

Mo Xiaonong, who put away the map, called out, and two figures came here soon, they were two girls.

The two girls are about the same height, but their soul power cultivation and attire are not the same.

Lan Xuguo is dressed in pink, light clothes, two pink ponytails tied up, the ponytails are very long, hanging down, pupils are also pink, looks very sweet, a little cute but slightly taller These are not the kind of petite and cute, but like mature princesses.

Tan Shuning next to Lan Xuguo is about the same height as her, but he is dressed in darker colors, brown clothes, brown skirt, and light brown hair, short, with the hair on the forehead neatly combed to one side, covering one side of the eyebrows.

"Let me introduce, Tan Shuning, the fifty-eighth-level soul king, the martial soul is a ghost dream tapir, the control-type soul king. Lan Xuguo, the fifty-ninth-level soul king, the martial soul is the soul baby fruit, and the attack-type soul king , the peak strength of the soul king."

A powerhouse at the level of a soul king? And they were all around the peak soul king, Mingxue was startled, Mengxun and these two girls obviously knew each other, this introduction was for her, but she was also surprised for a moment, looked at the two of Mingxue and smiled After a moment, Lan Xuguo stretched out his hand first.

"Hi little sister Ruming, I'm Lan Xuguo, I'll protect you from now on."


"Sister Guo, hello."

Mingxue also extended her hand, and the two greeted each other friendly

"Just call me Shuning."

"Hello, Miss Shuning."

"Okay, you all act together with the young suzerain and the others. I will take the others away first. I think everything is almost cleaned up."

Now that everyone has been told that the distribution is over, Mo Xiaonong nodded to Meng Xun and took the people away, leaving only four people here.

"Excuse me, both of you. I'm more at ease than leaving it to Xiao Yuhui."

"Young suzerain is polite, the responsibility lies, then let's go too."

Monson nodded, and the four of them headed towards the outer area of ​​the Biwu Forest together.

The Poison Clan in the Periphery of the Biwu Forest

The dark blue slender feathers are the same color as the surrounding leaves. The feathers are like carved emeralds, and there are light yellow feathers in the middle of the feathers.

The gorgeous feathers attract other things. Some flying soul beasts attracted by these beautiful feathers flew over curiously. The moment they touched the feathers, the lively birds instantly turned green, as if stained with something. Like poison, he became sluggish in an instant, and died within a few breaths.

Beautiful things always contain murderous intent, and if you want to covet beautiful things, you will inevitably pay a price.

The feathers are contaminated with poison, and this poison is one of the strange poisons in the world, the poison of poisonous feathers!

The soul beast with this kind of feathers is precisely the poisonous bird known as Zhen!

The number of zhen is extremely rare, and it has always existed in legends, but in this forest where birds and beasts mainly gather, the number of zhen is much more than other places on the mainland. Even race categories vary.

Binmei stretched out her highly poisonous feathers, and the deep blue brilliance bloomed, and the owner of the feathers turned into a voluptuous woman with green hair and blue eyes, looking extremely alluring.

A few green-feathered poisons surrounded her, respectful, as if they were reporting some news.

There is only one situation where the soul beast takes human form for a short time! That is to say, this poison has actually broken through the existence of a hundred thousand years! !

The zhen guarding the periphery of the Biwu Forest is probably the highest race among the zhen clan, and it is also the only zhen on the mainland that has broken through to the 100,000-year level!

The race of 100,000 years is the emperor-level poison, the moon-drinking concubine! !

"Oh? There are humans coming in. It's really interesting. I haven't seen humans for a long time."

"Don't rush to drive them out, I want to see what these humans are going to do..."

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