Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 147 Infighting

An old and hoarse voice came from Moshula's mouth, and Moshula just stood there with a terrifying pressure.

He bent his body, looked like an old man who was nearing the end of his life, and was like a rotten dead tree in the wind, only his eyes were different, full of blood, which seemed to contain endless killing intent and desolate.

Facing Moshula, the members of the Heaven Dou imperial family didn't make any further movements. The ordinary soldiers and soul masters trembled slightly. He frowned, also just finished absorbing the ninth spirit ring, but there was a huge gap between him and Moshula.

Now this kind of situation is not suitable to be an enemy, Dugu Bo winked at Xue Xing, Xue Xing understood something, nodded, put down a little airs, but still said sternly:

"Cooperation? Cooperation for what? What can we cooperate with? You haven't settled the account of those who killed my Tiandou royal family."

"Hmph, the prince is a smart man. You should know that there is no benefit in being our enemy. You followed us here just to find out our details. Now you have also seen that the strength of my Ming Yuzong, I Ming Yuzong is definitely not at the mercy of others, if you still want to fight against us, you can try, I don't mind fighting against the royal family, and the royal family is not willing to be an enemy of a titled Douluo either."

"As for the loss of two soul emperors, using the lives of two soul emperors to gain the favor of a Titled Douluo, the support of a sect, and even two hundred thousand year soul bones, do you think this is a good deal?"

"Hmm, wait, what did you just say? Two hundred thousand year spirit bones?!"

Prince Xue Xing, who was stroking his beard, nodded and thought about it. He was shocked when he heard the last sentence, and suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, if the prince is willing, it is not impossible to cooperate with us to obtain two hundred thousand year spirit bones."

"Old guy, you don't mean to..."

Dugu Bo on one side has already thought about the taste, and knows what Moshula is going to say.

"To be honest, in order to help me obtain this one hundred thousand year soul ring, the boy Morris died at the hands of a hundred thousand year soul beast. The old man just buried him with his own hands. Although he obtained the one hundred thousand year soul ring, he lost his son I will never let these hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts go! This old man is going to kill those hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts to comfort the child's spirit in heaven!"

Speaking of this, the emotion shown by Moshula is definitely not feigned, his pupils are angry, and tears even flowed out.

"Only by myself, I know that my strength is limited, but I think I can give it a try after seeing you, two Title Douluo, five Soul Douluo, it will not be a problem for this camp to kill one or two hundred thousand year spirit beasts , we don’t need soul bones, we will give them all to you, I just want to kill, kill my son’s soul beast for revenge!”

"Prince, what do you think?"

Moshura looked at Prince Xuexing...

Said, Prince Xue Xing fell into deep thought for a moment, looked at Dugu Bo and Ran Chun beside him, the eyes of the three were different.

There is no doubt that this is a daring hunt. Ordinary people come here to get a hundred thousand year spirit ring with a narrow escape, and the spirit bone is gone. It is not easy to deal with a hundred thousand year spirit beast, but like Mo Xiula After solving one, I want to solve the second one, and the third one is either crazy or stupid.

Two Titled Douluo, five Contras, this kind of faction can indeed walk sideways on the mainland, but Xue Xing dare not bet on it! Who knows if Ming Yuzong wants to use their power to help them hunt and kill soul beasts before crossing the river and demolishing bridges, and then they will be fooled by others. Wouldn't it be worth the loss if they didn't get anything?

But, this plan is indeed bold and attractive, and the risks are indeed high, which makes people extremely entangled.

Seeing Prince Xue Xing like this, Mo Xiula knew what Prince Xue Xing was worried about,

So he said:

"In order to reassure the prince, I will tell you another piece of news. When we were fighting these hundred thousand year spirit beasts earlier, we heard the ten-tailed dragon Luan say a word, saying that King Ming is retreating and is at a critical juncture. This sentence is quite thought-provoking. If I expected it right, the real master of the Biwu Forest, King Peacock Ming, may have broken through the 700,000-year limit in retreat, and he is in the most critical period, that is to say, our The opponent will not face it, even if we can take advantage of it to retreat and attack, we can directly save a lot of energy, and it is not impossible to kill it directly."

"In this way, our opponents are only Ten-tailed Dragon Luan, Gilded Yang Peng, and the rest Master Hei Yanyuan who did not show up. I think Master Hei Yanyuan should stay by King Ming's side to prevent problems with Peacock King Ming's retreat. That's right, so the situation is very favorable to us, and they still have to protect King Peacock Ming, so there must be more obstacles in the battle with us, if we arrange enough tactics, it is enough to catch them all in one go."

"How? Is this news beneficial to you? If you don't want to, we are sure to go by ourselves. If you are willing, we will discuss a plan and how to distribute the soul bones in the end. In order to let you rest assured, my daughter You and my grandson can be handed over to you with confidence, I have already lost my son, and they are the relatives I care most about."

Mo Xiula is worthy of being a hero of the generation, and only from the words of the previous ten-tailed dragon luan can infer the hidden beneficial information. These words are no different from touching Prince Xue Xing.

"Interests, we have common interests, so you can rest assured that our goals are the same if we have the same interests. We are partners with the same position. The prince should be a smart person. I won't say much about the rest. I hope the prince You can think about it carefully."

After finishing speaking, Mo Xiu La didn't look at Xue Xing any more, but closed his eyes and meditated. Naturally, the disciples of Ming Yu Sect next to him heard what he said, and Ming Xue was also shocked when he heard it. .. ...

Surprised, I didn't expect Moxiura to be so bold, killing one hundred thousand year spirit beast is not enough, but also killing the second and third ones, and judging from what he said just now, it seems that it is not impossible, but there is one thing What Moxiula didn't know was that besides the few soul beasts he mentioned, there was also a Moon-drinking Poisonous Lady, and even the one that the Moon-drinking Poisonous Lady mentioned earlier...

The scene was quiet for a long time. Dugu Bo, Xue Xing, and Ran Chun were also discussing something in low voices. Finally, it seemed that they had made up their minds. Prince Xue Xing came out and said:

"Your Majesty, we have come to a conclusion and we have decided to trust you. As for the previous matter, we can write it off. There will be no more grievances between Tiandou and Mingyu, and even Mingyuzong can become Tiandou. The Guozong of the Dou Empire enjoys the same treatment as the previous three sects. I assure you in my name, Xue Xing, that the Tiandou imperial family will not cause any trouble for you any more. Ming Yuzong can ask the imperial family anytime and anywhere. propose."

This attitude can be said to be a 180-degree turn. I don't know what Xue Xing and Dugu Bo discussed to come to such a decision, but it is undoubtedly certain that this cooperation is finalized.

"Thank you, Prince, then let's discuss the details. Lin Xiangyue, Lianke, Lu Qing, Heer, you all come here too."

Lu Qing, Meng He has already absorbed the soul ring, and after learning about Mosula's plan, he still agrees. After all, it was Meng He's brother-in-law who died!

Seeing the Tiandou imperial family and Ming Yuzong people start to cooperate, Mingxue also began to make plans in her heart, her own plan.


Biwu's radiance became stronger than before, and it seemed that King Peacock Ming had a little more confidence in his breakthrough. Seeing this scene, Hei Yanyuan showed a little smile on his face.

On the one hand, with the help of Ten-tailed Dragon Luan, Bi Ji's injury is gradually recovering. Ten-tailed Dragon Luan looks at Biwu with other meanings in his eyes.

"Master Long Luan! Master Hei Yanyuan, Liu Jin is here to make an apology!"

At this time, the golden Yangpeng also came here in the form of a human, and made a loud noise just after arriving, disturbing the Blue Silver Emperor, Hei Yanyuan frowned displeasedly, and said:

"Won't you keep your voice down? This is a critical moment, and King Ming needs a quiet atmosphere."

"What's going on? Aren't you going to stay and deal with those humans? Are those humans finished?"

"It's over, just, just..."

Gilded Yang Peng hesitated to speak.

"Just what?"

"Those humans are too cunning, and their strength is somewhat beyond our expectations. I will fight against the enemies together with the Blood Dove King. In order to defeat those enemies, the Blood Dove King has, already..."

"already dead!!"

After finishing speaking, the gold-plated Yangpeng and the ten-tailed dragon luan looked at each other, and the ten-tailed dragon luan nodded towards the gold-plated Yangpeng in satisfaction.

Hearing that King Xuejiu was dead, Hei Yanyuan stood up straight away and screamed incredulously:



"Jiu'er, Jiu is dead?!"

This news is like a bolt from the blue, Hei Yanyuan has always been on good terms with the Blood Dove King, the two are like sisters, the Blood Dove King has always been its confidant, but now he has received the news of the Blood Dove King's death.

Thinking of something, he looked at Ten-tailed Longluan with angry eyes, just in time to see the flash of joy on Ten-tailed Longluan's face.

"Ten-tailed Dragon Luan, Gilded Yang Peng!!"

"With Jiu'er's strength, it's not a problem to deal with Super Douluo. A Quasi-Title Douluo, how many Soul Douluo can kill it?"

"You, are you you!!!"

"My lord, don't frame me! Those few human beings know a three-in-one martial soul fusion technique, and they can somewhat restrain the Blood Dove King."

"Then what did you do? Are you watching the whole process?!"

"Of course I didn't at the time, and I even rescued the Blood Dove King. My lord, don't blame me for the death of the Blood Dove King. Lord Long Luan, you must make the decision for me!"

"Oh, sister Heiyan, the Blood Dove King is dead, please let us know your condolences. Now that it has happened, you and I still...".

"Don't be so pretentious! Ten-tailed Dragon Luan, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking. You just want to wait for King Ming to fail in his breakthrough, so that he can lead the birds and beasts, seek refuge with the Xingdou lineage, and become a vassal of Xingdou!"

"I just didn't expect you to do such a thing of slaughtering your own people. Very good, very good, today I will clean you up!!!"

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