Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 150 Peacock King Ming

Ah Yin patted Mingxue's back, just like treating her own daughter. After hearing about Mingxue's experiences and abilities, she suddenly had an idea, tentatively asked Mingxue, and said:

"I was originally invited by the birds and beasts to maintain the vitality of the last Biwu tree. Biwu has the ability to attract phoenixes, and it has the power in its body to help birds, souls and beasts pass through nirvana. Birds The king of the beast clan, Peacock King Ming, had previously reached the bottleneck and was about to break through 700,000 years. The bird and beast clan hadn't seen a phoenix for a long time. Only the phoenix is ​​their real leader, and can lead the birds and beasts to be independent, no longer relying on the Star Forest, So King Peacock Ming wants to rely on the last vitality of this biwu tree, wants to break through the 700,000-year limit, and evolve into a phoenix."

"However, there are grievances and grievances between the leaders of the bird and beast clan. The faction headed by the Ten-tailed Dragon Luan does not want King Peacock Ming to succeed in crossing the tribulation. They surrendered to the Star Dou Great Forest and became a vassal of the Star Dou Soul Beast lineage. The opposite of the Ten-tailed Dragon Luan is the Black Yanyuan faction. They support the Peacock Ming King and hope that a new phoenix will be born to lead the birds and beasts to prosperity. The differences in their positions and their standpoints have allowed them to continue to squabble and fight each other, which has given humans an opportunity to take advantage of, resulting in the current situation. If the birds and beasts work together, how can they be forced to this situation by humans this time? .”

"Aunt, then you..."

"I have never participated in faction battles between soul beasts. Even in the plant lineage, I have never thought about fighting for power. My own wish is to hope that every plant-type soul beast can become stronger by itself." Wake up, I can't bear to watch those precious and rare plant-type soul beasts fall and go to the road of extinction. If it dies, it will be a huge loss."

"It turned out to be like this..."

"Hazel Banshee was killed by you, right?"

Ayin's sudden question made Mingxue nervous all of a sudden. Looking at Ayin's soft eyes, she didn't blame her. my aunt knew.

"Silly boy, don't think too much. You are very good in every way. It's what happened to you. Alas, it made you lose the character and characteristics you should have at your age."

"Come on, release the martial spirit and let me see."

Facing Ah Yin, Mingxue nodded sincerely without hiding her thoughts or reasons, and the first thing to release was the mutated hazel demon spirit, the red hazel queen!

Five red soul rings surrounded Mingxue, appearing in sequence from bottom to top, rhythmically, looking extraordinarily red and bright, full of yang and righteousness.

"Sure enough, with a soul power of level fifty-five, the lifespan of each hundred thousand year soul ring is exactly stuck at one hundred thousand years. Your mutation and devouring power has raised the original Hazel Banshee's race level, which is considered evolution. .. ...

Is there anything else? "

After releasing the Martial Soul of Empress Chizhen, Mingxue released five thousand-year-old Chaos Spirits and the Black Rose Dragon in a standard spirit ring ratio.

"Initial soul sect, the strength of the soul sect level makes your body strong enough to withstand the ten thousand year spirit ring and martial soul, after absorbing the hazel banshee's soul bone, you can barely absorb the fake one hundred thousand year soul ring, so The age of your Martial Soul rings of Empress Scarlet Hazel is stuck at the number of years you can use. Although they are 100,000-year soul rings, they are almost the weakest among the 100,000-year soul rings. These five One hundred thousand years is just used to scare people."

One word explained the essence of Mingxue's martial soul and soul ring. A Yin seemed to be inspecting the goods, and he didn't know who to say to:

"Ming Wang, is my niece okay? Is it in your eyes?"

King Ming? Could it be King Peacock Ming?

Didn't it become a phoenix after crossing the catastrophe and breaking through the limit?

Mingxue was still puzzled,

A female voice with a clear and pleasant voice sounded, and in this sea-inclusive field, a peacock covered with golden light came out from the Biwu tree and flew low. Looking at this beautiful golden peacock, Mingxue was stunned. .

"Infinite devouring, infinite soul control, the ability to mutate and evolve the devoured martial soul to upgrade a race is enough, but unfortunately there is no god position, otherwise becoming a god will be a god king."

The small peacock's head was drooping, and those peacock eyes looked at Mingxue, and said in a deep voice.

"God position? Maybe because Mingxue's devouring power is not complete, it is divided into two parts. The part with the inheritance of the god position is probably..."

Thinking of something, Ah Yin looked at Mingxue's eyes and hesitated to speak. Finally, after thinking about it, he still couldn't bear to ask Mingxue. After all, it was too cruel for her.

"King Peacock Ming..."

"Auntie, what's going on?"

Looking at Ah Yin and King Peacock Ming suspiciously, King Peacock Ming spoke first:

"Let me tell you, my tribulation has failed."

"What?! Lost, failed?!"

Mingxue's face changed drastically. Doesn't that mean that the birds and beasts will decline? Could it be that a phoenix cannot be born after all?

"I have never passed the 700,000-year limit. Somehow, due to racial restrictions, the peacock cannot become a phoenix. I was rejected, and I was annihilated in ashes. Only this soul is left, which is about to disappear in the world. "

"How did this happen? There is still fighting outside! What should we do? If those people knew, they would probably..."

"Don't worry, although I can't become a phoenix, Biwu has not withered. If I can't wait for a phoenix, these Biwu will not die. The meaning of their existence is Biwu Qitong."

"The little guy in your hand is the last hope."

The little guy in your hand?

Mingxue looked down and found the egg in her hand. At this time, the eggshell was also covered with a layer of golden light.


"The phoenix egg, I really don't know where you found it. There may be a real phoenix conceived in it. Once it hatches, it will be born for 100,000 years."

"At that time, the phoenix will be flying, and all birds will be facing the phoenix. It is not impossible to reproduce the prosperous scene of the Biwu Forest."

Speaking of this, King Peacock Ming's eyes showed a touch of nostalgia. When it was a little soul beast, it was surrounded by those Phoenix elders, bathing in their blessings and blessings. Every day in the Biwu Forest, you can see the towering Biwu , the canopy is lush, the birds are singing together, the phoenix is ​​returning to its nest, and the setting sun is shining.

Tens of thousands of years of vicissitudes have passed, the mountains and seas are flowing, the sun, the moon and the stars are moving, and the battles are changing, and they will never be seen again.

"So what do I do? What can I do to help?"

Mingxue raised her head sincerely, looked at King Ming and asked.

"Put it in Biwu, it will become a phoenix, it depends on its good fortune."


Without any hesitation, Mingxue walked towards Biwu and put the phoenix egg into it.

"It should have been found by the Blood Dove King, but unfortunately the Blood Dove King is dead, and he will never know how he found this phoenix egg and the origin of this phoenix egg."

Mentioning the Blood Dove King, King Peacock Ming's eyes flashed a stern look, and said:

"Slaughter my family of birds and beasts, those humans will definitely pay the price!"

"So you agreed?"

"Oh, do I have any other choice? Is this a gift from you to your niece?"


While Ah Yin was talking with King Ming, Mingxue put the phoenix eggs into Biwu, and walked towards them again.

"Xue'er, come, Auntie has something to tell you."

"Auntie? What's the matter?"

"King Ming's deadline has come, and it also knows that its time is running out. It has always been a knot in its heart that it failed to break through the phoenix. It is not reconciled to itself. It originally thought that it would leave this world with hatred, but it did not expect to meet you. , I think maybe this is God’s will.”

Ah Yin and King Ming looked at each other, Ming Xue's face changed when she thought of something, and her next words confirmed her guess.

"So, what Duke Ming and I mean is to sacrifice it to you, let it continue to survive, rely on your ability, let Duke Ming try to break through again, and let it become, your martial soul."

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