Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 172 Hanhai Castle

The episode of the ancient ruins passed quickly, everyone had their own gains, and they were all basically the same. It didn't take long for Wuhundian and Haotianzong to return to the place where the main force was waiting. Tang Xiao and the others went to find Tang Chen. , Qian Xunji and the others went to Qian Daoliu, and they all told about the experience of this trip. Qian Xunji gave Qian Daoliu the three soul bones he had harvested.

"Smart soul beasts? There are so many wonders in the world, maybe it's not necessarily false. These three soul bones are of very high quality, especially the skull of the smart soul beast you mentioned, which has very peculiar abilities. ,but……"

"But what? Father?"

"These three soul bones are restricted, and not everyone can absorb them. It seems that the soul bones also have their own specific owners. It may not be just talking about turning bones into gods."

Stroking his beard, Qian Daoliu said, Qian Xunji finally showed a trace of uneasiness on his face, and began to think about what he said before.

"Turning bones into gods, is it possible that the person who absorbs this soul bone will definitely become a god in the future? Then what that Tupa said before, the hammer injury..."

Turning to look at the Haotianzong group, Tang Hao was excitedly telling Tang Chen how he solved the spirit beast, and Tang Chen nodded with satisfaction from time to time.

"Hammer injury, is it the Clear Sky Hammer? I will be injured by the Clear Sky Hammer? Just these young people?"

A fierce, vicious expression flashed across Qian Xunji's face, Haotianzong is always the only existence on the mainland that can threaten Wuhun Hall, in the future it is necessary...

"As for the child who slipped through the net back then, the child named Mingtian, has he never been whereabouts? That Mingtian is too weird, if he grows up in the future... seek illness, seek illness!"

"Ah? Father?"

"Are you listening to me? That Hades? Is there a whereabouts of him, and what clues can your people find? We can't let go of any information about him for a moment!"

It's rare to see Qian Daoliu attaching so much importance to a child. Yes, he can devour everything and turn it into his martial spirit, and his growth potential is extremely terrifying. Take it seriously? On the side of the couch, how can it allow other people to sleep soundly?

"Not yet, this kid seems to have evaporated from the world, maybe he is already dead or maybe he is already dead, someone is always watching over Mengshenji, we have confidantes in the Tiandou imperial family, we are absolutely reliable, as long as Mengqianji shows up , we will take him down and ask about the whereabouts of Ming Tian.”

"Oh, okay, let's do it like this. I didn't expect that the village of the Holy Spirit Sect was still not wiped out! Zhong Lisu really left such a big trouble..."

"Report! Master Qian Daoliu!! Golden Crocodile Douluo urgent report!!"

Just as Qian Daoliu was speaking, the messenger scouts from the Wuhun Temple came over, looking extremely serious, as if something had happened.

"Show me what urgent report it is?"

After receiving the letter from Golden Crocodile Douluo, Qian Daoliu's expression suddenly changed, a rare expression of seriousness appeared on his face, and even shock and anger.

"What's the matter? Father?"

"The Holy Spirit teaches!!!"

"Golden Crocodile Douluo gave me the news. I have already obtained definite information. I don't know where there is a Holy Spirit Sect. In the name of the Holy Spirit Sect, it has revived. Their predecessor is the Mingyu Sect who intervened in the Biwu Forest."

"What?! The Holy Spirit Cult has other sins besides the Hades?!"

"I don't know, I only know that the Holy Spirit Sect was originally called the Ming Yu Sect. I don't know why it was under the banner of the Holy Spirit Sect. I remember that when the Holy Spirit Sect was in chaos, there was also a Ming Yu Sect, but their spirits were blood-sucking spirits. , not so evil, I forgive them, but I didn't expect them to start to grow and develop in the name of Holy Spirit Cult.


"Do you want to take someone to destroy them?"

"Zhaozhou has already started to do it, but this sect is extremely secretive, the enemy is in the dark, and I am in the open, so it's not easy!"

"What do we do now?"

"Go to Sea God Island first, and after this matter is over, do your best to eliminate any evil soul masters on the mainland! Send a message, this sect is not the real Holy Spirit Sect, and there is no remnant of the Holy Spirit Sect! They are just using the name of the Holy Spirit Sect, It’s just a group of people who do evil things, the Holy Spirit Cult has been wiped out by us long ago.”

"Why do you say that, in case it is really..."

"Wuhundian did not make any mistakes, remember! Find the disease! Once you admit that they are the real remnants of the Holy Spirit Sect, it means that we did not do well in the past, and we will bear the accusations of the people on the mainland! We can't do this!"

"Also, the influence of the Holy Spirit Cult is too great. If they say that they are the real Holy Spirit Cult making a comeback, it will inevitably cause panic. We can't do this and let people believe that this is just a group of clowns who are playing around. , we can control it."

"Secondly, if you admit it, then with their influence, you can use the name of the Holy Spirit Cult to expand the camp and attract soul masters. I don't want to see the second Holy Spirit Rebellion, and I don't want to see the second Zhong Lisu .”

"After publishing, it is said that someone deliberately used the name of the Holy Spirit Cult to cause chaos, so that everyone does not need to panic. It is just one or two small fish that slipped through the net of the Holy Spirit Cult. When the Holy Spirit Cult was cleaned up, most of the strong have been cleaned up. Fleeing on a large scale, our Spirit Hall will wipe out these guys soon."

"Yes! Father, I will arrange it now."

After this little episode, and after a period of delay, the people from Spirit Hall and Haotian School finally set off again, heading to Vast Sea City, looking for Sea God Island.

Hanhai City, the largest seaside city on the mainland, has finally arrived. The city lord of Hanhai City has long received the news that Wuhundian and Haotianzong and his party have come, and is specially prepared to wait, prepare the boats to go to sea, arrange accommodation, food and entertainment A group of Wuhundian and Haotianzong.

"The city lord here has a bit of vision, and he does a good job. I don't know what his name is?"

"It seems to be called Salas. Although his soul power is not enough, he is very good at it."

"Well, let's transfer Salas to Wuhundian later, and then choose someone else to be the city lord."

Qian Daoliu nodded. Salas was overjoyed when he heard the news. He had been waiting for this day. He came here to thank Qian Daoliu, and said:

"Your Majesty, I have already prepared the ships and the people who need to guide the seagoers. Hanhai City is not far from Sea God Island, but it needs to pass through a sea area of ​​​​the magic whale. I believe that with the strength of all of you, you can deal with it. This demonic whale should not be a problem, after crossing the sea area of ​​the demonic whale is the Sea God Island, I heard that there are many other small islands around the Sea God Island, I have to ask them for the specific route to the island."

"Well, Salas, you've done a good job. This information is very useful. Well, go down, brother Tang Chen. How about we stay for a day and go the day after tomorrow? It's impossible for us to get all these people on board. We need to stay The next group of people will meet in Hanhai City."

"It makes sense, since that's the case, let's arrange it together."

"Okay, let's all go down, free for a day, leave the day after tomorrow, and you can store some food by yourself."

Qian Daoliu is undoubtedly extremely humane, so he arranged it immediately. Qian Xunji had some concerns, so he didn't bother Bibi Dong much, and Bibi Dong was also happy, and said while holding Yu Xiaogang's arm.

"Since that's the case, let's take a stroll in Hanhai City. The three of you can move around freely, but you can't run around. Do you understand?"

Bibi Dong said to the three of Hu Liena.

"Okay, Master Bibi Dong, we know."

The three of Hu Liena spoke in a long voice, and left with a smile on their face. After all, they were still around ten years old, and they were always curious when they came to novel places.

"Yan! Yan! Let me tell you, as soon as I came in, I smelled a smell, it was the smell of the sea, the smell of the sea breeze, the sea is so good—"

Hu Liena opened her arms to feel the sea breeze. The three small figures were on the street of Hanhai City, surrounded by people coming and going.

"Yeah, the sea is really nice."

"Then what are we going to do next? One day."

"I don't know, hey? It's Brother Di Yuesi and the others! The golden generation!"

Xie Yue pointed to the seven Di Yuesi and said, sure enough, the golden generation came out with nothing to do.

"Brother Diyuesi—"

The three trotted to keep up with the golden generation. Di Yuesi turned his head and saw the three, and he also had an impression. Yu Cangning smiled and said:

"It's Master Bibi Dong's three disciples, how are you all, I remember you."

"I remember you too, Sister Ning!"

"Where are you going?"

"Hehe, just walk around. I was originally born by the sea, and my clam girl martial spirit is like this. In fact, Hanhai City is my home. My family is here, and my family opened a big soul fighting arena in Hanhai City. I am going to invite everyone to sit at home, so you should come too."

"Great Soul Arena? That's great!".

Hearing this, Yan suddenly remembered Tianling City in a daze. Once upon a time, Tianling City also had a big soul fighting field, and they even won a soul fighting competition that they would never forget. Unfortunately, everyone back then...

"Yan, let's go together! Go to the Great Soul Arena!"

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