Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 218 Ye Xingrui

"Hello, it's snowing like a sea, are you Xu Gui?"

The woman smiled, stretched out her hand, and handed it in front of Xu Gui. Xu Gui had been stunned for a long time, her face flushed. Just like his mother said, there is no woman in the world who is more beautiful than her, she is a very beautiful person.


Ye Xingrui coughed, and then brought the shocked people back to reality. After realizing it, Xu Gui quickly stretched out her hand, shook it with the jade hand that was handed over to her, and separated for a while, sitting opposite the woman. On the one hand, Xu Xuan already claimed to have a good appearance, but she still felt a little ashamed when she saw this woman, and even blushed. I am afraid that even if she is a girl, she will fall in love with this appearance.

A look of disappointment flashed across Ai Eqing's face, how could she compare with such a woman? It is impossible for Xu Gui to be with her after all.

Little Luorong looked at this woman with some surprise. Apart from being attracted by Xue Ruming's beauty, she always had a strange feeling. What exactly is this feeling...

"Xuguo, you go down first."


Said to Lan Xuguo who was on the side, Lan Xuguo just stepped aside, Xu Gui came back to his senses at this time, he was a little shy, Xue Ruming glanced at Xu Gui, and tried it with Ye Xingrui, Ye Xingrui said to herself The son said dissatisfied:

"Talk! In front of other girls, can you let them speak first?"

"Oh, yes, you, hello. Xue Ruming..."

"I'm sorry, I'm a soldier. I was born in the army. Girls rarely see it. Like you, it's even more..."

"It's even more impossible to see. When I saw you today, I realized that there is such a peerless beauty like you in the world. It's really..."

"General Xu is overrated. There are thousands of women in the world, and it is impossible for them to be truly beautiful. Maybe there is someone better than me."

"Where, absolutely not, I..."

"I really think you are the most beautiful, and I even think we have met somewhere..."

Staring at Xue Ruming's face, Xue Ruming's eyebrows and face suddenly made him feel a little familiar. This face, this face, this beautiful face, why does he feel familiar, a bit like something he has seen before? people……

Where? Where have you seen it?

"Oh, you really know how to joke, do you always say that when you talk to women you meet?"

"No, no, no, probably there are people I've met who are somewhat similar to you, so I think so."

Xu Gui quickly defended herself, and Xu Xuan who was behind her snorted when she heard this, thinking that her elder brother is too bad at talking, I should have done my homework for him before I came here. How can a beautiful woman...

"This face..."

Xu Xuan, who was making complaints about Xu Gui, looked at Xue Ruming, and when she saw that charming face, she suddenly froze.


"By the way, may I ask what your martial spirit and level are..."


When Xu Gui said this, Xue Ruming, Xu Xuan and the others were stunned for a moment, feeling a little urge to slap their foreheads, is there such a chat? Will you talk to your sister? ! As soon as you come up, you ask someone about their martial spirit and level, shouldn't you ask about their preferences! ! It's really a straight male stone hammer!

"My martial spirit is a mutated Black Rose Dragon, and like you, I am also a Seven-ring Soul Sage."

"Oh! What a martial spirit! I've heard of it, it's very suitable for you!!"

"It seems that you can't chat..."


Xu Gui, who picked up the teacup to drink tea, spat out a sip of water, and he was a little embarrassed to be said so directly by the other party.

"It's okay, I don't care about that.

Why don't I ask, you should relax and don't be nervous. "

"Well, so good, so good!"

"I heard that you commanded the Tianque Legion, one of the six major legions of the Star Luo Empire, and you were stationed in Dragon Valley before?"

"The responsibility is, it has been stationed for several years."

"Longgu, I've heard of it, where did I hear that something happened, what happened?"

"Alas, there was a riot inside Dragon Valley. There was a golden behemoth eating dragons and fighting against the dragon clan. The space was unstable and a space storm occurred, so..."


Just as Xu Gui was about to continue, Xu Xuan immediately interrupted with a violent cough. This is a secret, how can I tell outsiders? What happened to my brother? How come seeing a beautiful woman lowers IQ, I almost said it all.

Xu Xuan's reminder was just in time, Xu Gui was excited, and almost said that she had missed the crime, and looked at Xu Xuan gratefully, Xue Ruming also looked at Xu Xuan ten thousand, which was somewhat meaningful, and the two women looked at each other, both a little strangeness.

"Uh, it involves imperial secrets, some things are inconvenient to tell."

"It's okay, I understand."

Refilling a glass of water for herself, the news she wants to know is similar to what Xu Gui said just now.

"Life in the army is very boring. Did you like someone before? Or maybe General Xu is so good, someone likes you."


"It doesn't matter, General Xu, but it doesn't matter. I came here to make friends. It was introduced by your mother. As for the final result, I don't care."

Xue Ruming gave Xu Gui a good opportunity and stepped down the steps. Ye Xingrui gave Xu Gui a wink, signaling Xu Gui not to talk nonsense. Ai Eqing kept her head down, while Yan Luorong looked at Xu Gui, clutching the corner of Xu Xuan's clothes nervously, looking at him all the time, as if waiting for Xu Gui's answer, because Xu Gui's decision Affect her future stay.

Looking at Yan Luorong's eyes, Xu Gui was touched a lot at once, and even regained consciousness a little bit, thinking of Yan Qingxue again...

Yan Luorong is already helpless, only him, if he ignores her and breaks the vow he made to Yan Qingxue...

Xu Gui, who was initially disturbed, suddenly woke up, Xue Ruming felt the change in Xu Gui's mentality before and after, and followed his gaze towards the little girl strangely.

When she saw Yan Luorong for the first time, she also had a strange feeling in her heart, and Yan Luorong's appearance also gave her a sense of familiarity, as well as a hint of disgust.

It was as if it reminded her of some people and touched the memory deep in her heart...

"Miss Xue Ruming!"

"I'm sorry!! I'm afraid I can't be with you, I'm so sorry!!"

"Gei'er, what are you talking about?"

Ye Xingrui was in a hurry and said angrily.

"Sorry, mother, I can't deceive myself, my heart."

"I can't let Luo Rong down, I already, I can't..."

"I can no longer be with other women, and I can't hurt such a good person as Miss Xue Ruming. Miss Xue Ruming, I have someone I like, who is the mother of this little girl, but she may be dead. She finally entrusted her child to me, and I promised her to take care of her, take care of this child, for this child, for my original promise, I don’t want to marry another wife, if I want to marry a wife, I will also get her recognition."

Xu Gui looked at Yan Luorong, who was already in tears.

"Xu Gui, why do you..."

"Xiao Luorong, I will definitely do what I said, don't cry."

"Xu Gui, I don't want to leave you either, I, I..."

"I can see that sister Eqing likes you, why don't you stay with her, sister Eqing, tell Xu Gui not to be there alone anymore."

Ai Eqing, who was standing there without speaking, was already in tears. She raised her head, looked at Xu Gui, and did not speak.

"Since being with anyone will make you two sad, then I will not leave you again, Eqing, are you willing? Just us, always together, the same as before."

"Well, well, I do, I do!!"

"Okay, stop crying."

"Mother, there is no need to find a lover for me from now on. My lover, my beloved, is always by my side. I'm bothering you today. Miss Xue Ruming, I wish you to find your lover as soon as possible."

After all, Xu Gui and Xue Ruming, Ye Xingrui bowed, and they left with Yan Luorong, Ai Eqing, and Xu Xuan.

"Gui'er! Xu Gui! Come back to me!!".

"Ah, it seems that your son doesn't fully listen to you. He is a bit rebellious. Half of your plan failed. I can't blame me for that."

"Patriarch Ye, ah, no, Deputy Palace Master of the Dark Palace, Ye Xingrui."

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