Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 235 The Trial of God

Flying rocks and fire all over the sky, people are fighting, corpses are everywhere, blood flows into rivers, looking down from the sky, the earth is in a mess.

On the chaotic battlefield, the fate of everyone will be determined by this war, whether to live or die, whether to go or stay...

Ming Tian, ​​who was sitting on the ground, had no strength left. He had avenged his life's vengeance, and he was relieved. He let go a little, his face was calm, and he looked at the person who was slowly walking towards him, and the girl who was walking towards her.

The girl's eyes were complicated, her purple hair drooped, and the six wings behind her spread out, with a purple natural holy sword in her hand, walking towards the underworld, with sorrowful emotions and angry killing intent.

Unexpectedly, they have come to this point after all, and their final ending turned into a confrontation. Ming Tian admitted that he has a good impression of Qian Weiyin and does not want to become an enemy with her, but reality seems to have played a joke on him The person he hates the most is her father, and, in front of her, he also eliminated his father and absorbed the Martial Soul of Qian Shuoning.

It is destined that they can only be enemies, and it is impossible to have the slightest sympathy for each other.

Either he died or she died.

"Come on, kill me, if it will give you revenge and make you feel better."

Said in relief, it seems that she has handed over her life to Qian Weiyin's hands, and let her make the decision.

Qian Weiyin struggled, gritted her teeth, tears welled up in her eyes, as she walked closer and closer to Ming Tian, ​​her heart ached like being torn apart.

There were two different voices in her mind, one voice was like a devil, whispering in her ear, saying kill him, kill him, he killed her relatives, didn't he? It's the hateful evil soul master wanted by the Wuhun Temple. She should have killed him a long time ago. When she was in Dragon Valley, when she was in Fengjianzong, why did she hesitate?

Because Mingtian saved her, because she also has a good impression of him?

But it can't, this is not the reason for her not to kill him, everything in front of her, everything, is reminding her that Ming Tian must die! !

"Go to hell!!!"

Qian Weiyin roared, making himself more ruthless, using his voice to cover up the hesitation in his heart, and letting himself only think about those sad things.

"Star chain!"


Two or three golden star chains are absolutely established, restricting Qian Weiyin, Qian Weiyin's movements froze, and she saw that it was Xu Xuan.


Ming Tian also turned around, and Xu Xuan came to them.

The one-second limit disappeared, and Qian Weiyin looked at Xu Xuan with remorse and hatred.

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have saved you when I was in Dragon Valley!!"

"Yeah! We were born as enemies, but you are too kind, Mingtian is also kind, like a good old man, you can't be cruel to anyone, and you can't break it when you have no choice, so it has caused the current situation."

Xu Xuan looked at Ming Tian and said, his tone seemed to be blaming Ming Tian, ​​Ming Tian lowered his head a little ashamedly.

"It's not that I won't watch him being killed by you. If you want to kill him, then you should finish me first."

Sighing, Xu Xuan looked at Ming Tian and said.

Qian Weiyin laughed, an extremely evil and morbid laugh, which turned into a maniacal laugh, and said:

"Ha, hahahaha, that's it, that's it, do you like him? The person you like is going to die, so you came out to save him?"

"It's really sad and hopeless. Because of such stupid love and affection, you do such ridiculous things. Is this you?"

"No, you're wrong, this is not love and affection, I do have a crush on him, but he hasn't arrived yet and I can entrust him for life,

The point where they are willing to become husband and wife. "

"Such a person is not worth entrusting for life, because he can't give the girls the settlement they want. He bears the debt of blood, responsibility, and mission. He will eventually become the strongest in the world. But the strong are lonely, and die alone, without anyone by their side."

"I, Xu Xuan, want to have someone who can bring me the most ordinary life, just like an ordinary person, who can truly understand me and be by my side. He doesn't have to be very strong, but he knows me the most and is the most considerate. Ming Tian, ​​let me ask you, can you do it?"

"Sorry, I can't do it. I still have a lot of things to do. The hatred of the Holy Spirit Sect, the missing sister, shoulders the important task of offering sacrifices to my soul beasts and allowing them to become gods. You are right, so I Yes, there is no way to get love, and there is no way to be with the girl who likes me, like a normal couple, to give her joy, and the person who is most likely to accompany me on the journey, the person who will die forever, died in the extreme north place……."

"Then are you going to die here?! Is this how you treat your enemies? Stand up for me! Let me see what a real strong man should look like!!"

Xu Xuan sternly said these words as if he had woken up to something. Ming Tian slowly stood up from the ground, holding on, looking at Qian Weiyin, something in his eyes became firm, and the depths of his heart seemed to disappear. something.

At this moment of Mingtian, Qian Weiyin looked at it like a stranger.

There is no mercy or mercy for him.

"People with angel spirits are my enemies and should die."

"The people of the Holy Spirit Cult will always be the enemies that the Spirit Hall should get rid of!!"

"Die!! Sound angel, fusion ring!"

"Chanting·Sacred Sound, Soul Lost!!"


Qian Weiyin's six soul rings are fused together. The Yin Angel behind her is tall and tall, like a magnified goddess. Her purple hair hangs down to her heels in waves. The Yin Angel puts her hands together, closes her eyes, and melodious music comes out of her mouth , such as weeping and complaining, like the sound of the sound of nature, the soul of the dead is lifted in the sound, and the soul gradually disappears. The soul of the person who hears this sound begins to collapse, and the resistance of soul power is invalid, and the resistance of soul skills is invalid. Attack on the spiritual level.

"Spiritual attack?"

Ming Tian suddenly realized that he also felt that his soul began to collapse in the sound, and the sea of ​​spirit began to become unstable.



A faint ray of light lit up from the sea of ​​spirits, it was a black spot, Mingtian could feel it, when his sea of ​​spirits began to have problems under the attack of Sheng Yin's soul, it seemed that there was something originally in the sea of ​​spirits The inner things helped him resist the attack.

"The third trial of God, kill a Titled Douluo to complete, and the affinity of the Devouring God will increase to 20%."

"The rudimentary form of the consciousness is formed, and the consciousness of devouring is obtained."

"The power of devouring has been improved and perfected, but it is still incomplete, and some abilities can be unlocked by comprehension."

"The next exam, the assessment continues to be unknown."

The once-familiar voice rang out and then disappeared, Ming Tian burst out laughing, how long has it been since the last assessment? It's still in the extreme north. Remember that the second test is to obtain a 100,000-year-old soul beast as one's martial soul, and the third test is to kill a titled Douluo. Why is the test of the devouring god more difficult than the first test? ?

What is the unknown fourth test, it can't be more difficult.

However, it is not without gains. The affinity of the God of Devouring has increased, and the consciousness has become stable again, resisting most of the spiritual attacks. Qian Weiyin's current attacks are ineffective.

"it's over."

Ming Tian said, the left arm bone skill was activated, and the dark blue silver grass entangled Qian Weiyin. Qian Weiyin didn't expect Ming Tian to be able to move under the soul of her holy voice, and wanted to avoid it. Yincao didn't give her a chance at all, entangled her and brought her to Mingtian.


The thorny dark blue silver grass wrapped around Qian Weiyin's neck, and Qian Weiyin looked at Mingtian.

"Just kill me."

"It's worth it for me to die in your hands from the pain..."

This time Ming Tian did not show mercy. Looking at Qian Weiyin, Ming Tian nodded indifferently. The dark blue silver grass turned into a spear and pierced into Qian Weiyin's body. The girl who had accompanied him was killed by him. in hand. .

Ming Tian lowered his head, he didn't know why, two lines of tears flowed across, it was cold, there seemed to be a void in his heart, there was something there, and it could never be filled again.

"Goodbye, Qian Weiyin..."

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