Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 251 Canghuo District, Soul Fighting.

Cultivating in the Canghuo District, there are a lot of soul fighting students. Many people gathered at night, some of them often watch the battle here, and some are permanent fighters here. It is very lively.

To apply for the soul fighting platform, you need the points in the Zijin card. Ming Tian and the others obviously don't know this, Zhu Yisheng is also quite generous, and he spent a lot of money to apply for the fighting spirit platform.

Zhu Yisheng came to the fighting spirit stage. Some people who knew Zhu Yisheng knew that Zhu Yisheng was going to fight the soul here or he was a newcomer. They immediately attracted a lot of people's interest. Before the person arrived, many people came to watch the battle.

"Okay, the application has been completed, come on, Mingtian."

Zhu Yisheng came over and said to Ming Tian, ​​some people who came to watch the excitement of the battle had already gathered around, looking at the newcomer Ming Tian.

Ming Tian didn't care much about the gazes of the people around him, looked at Zhu Yisheng's confident eyes, smiled, and said:

"Senior, Mingtian is ready and can start anytime."

"Then follow me."

Zhu Yisheng beckoned, Ming Tian followed behind him, many people watched the two, and a few people had already started whispering.

A person who had just finished fighting the soul came down from the stage, and someone called out to him:

"Chuan Ting, Yi Sheng is fighting the soul of the newcomer, do you want to go and see?"

"Oh, that fellow Zhu Yisheng? Let's go and have a look."

This student seemed to be quite popular, he walked towards Zhu Yisheng and Ming Tian's competition stage, many people saw him and gave way one after another.

"Senior Chuanting is here!"

"Huh? Who is this person? He seems to be very popular."

Long En and Tang Fengke saw that Long En was not familiar with the people here. Tang Fengke politely called out when he saw the visitor:

"Hello, Senior Chuanting."

"Feng Ke, it's nothing, I'll come over and take a look."

"I heard that he is a newcomer?"

"Yes, they didn't know each other without fighting, so they were punished by Teacher Gongsun. You also know Yisheng's temperament."

"I see."

"Long En, this is also Teacher Gongsun's student. He is known as the number one among the Seven Warriors of Star Luo, and his name is Sun Chuanting."

"Among the fourteen, rank first."

Existence second only to the Star Luo Seven Samurai? Long En was surprised, so he should be qualified to participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition? Long En observed Sun Chuanting carefully. Sun Chuanting looked very elegant, but he did not have the arrogance of nobles.

"Brother Chuan Ting was born as a commoner, but his martial spirit is powerful, and his level is as high as seventy-four. He belongs to the beast spirit master of the assault department."

"Hehe, even if you don't introduce it, everyone will gradually get to know each other in the future. Let's watch the fighting spirit."

Sun Chuanting said with a smile, several people looked towards the stage together, the official soul fighting between Zhu Yisheng and Ming Tian had already started.

Zhu Yisheng twisted his neck, his eyes burst out with a warlike light, he could faintly hear the crackling of Zhu Yisheng's bones and muscles, his soul power had reached the best state at this time.

Ming Tian stood quietly facing each other, the whole person seemed relatively calm, and he didn't show too many characteristics.

"Don't worry, brother Mingtian, I won't strike too hard, but you have to show the strength that makes me go all out."

"Then it's better to obey than to be respectful."

"Drink! Blazing Demon Ape!"


A red soul imprint emerged from Zhu Yisheng's feet, a grumpy one with flames all over its body, and a tall ape-like martial soul appeared, beating its chest, and six soul rings were arranged in an orderly manner on its side.

"The fourth soul skill, Fire Ape Explosive Ground Strike!!"


Blazing Demon Ape raised his fist,

It blasted to the ground again, and countless pillars of fire erupted from the ground, rushing towards Mingtian.

"Ice Armor Panshan Beast, the third soul skill, Flower of Ice Edge!"


The huge ice edges bloomed like flowers, and they bloomed in clusters, blocking the attack of the long pillar of flames that spewed forward.

Zhu Yisheng had already released the Fire Ape Burst and leaped high, the fifth soul ring lit up, his hands were raised, and huge fireballs appeared in Zhu Yisheng's hands, and Zhu Yisheng threw them one by one towards the underworld, the fireballs Contains violently high temperature and hot flames.

Blazing Demon Ape's fifth soul skill, Blazing Demon Flame Bomb.

"The fourth soul skill, Ice Armor Shield!!"

A round shield of smooth ice crystals emerged one after another, blocking Mingtian's side, and the blazing magic flame bomb fell on the ice armor shield, and it did not break through, but was rebounded.

"The second soul skill, Demonic Ape Transformation!"

"The first soul skill, Demon Ape Firewire!"

"Hoo hoo!!!"

Under the boost of the second soul ability, the Blazing Demon Ape became a little bigger again, and at the same time, a long line of flame erupted from its mouth, blasting towards the underworld.

"Second Soul Skill, Ice Wall!"

An ice-blue long wall blocked Ming Tian's body, Ming Tian stamped his right foot, and countless red scale vines entangled towards Zhu Yisheng.

"Huh? What kind of ability is this?"

"Soul bone?"

Zhu Yisheng on the stage couldn't see it, but offstage, Sun Chuanting keenly caught it, squinting his eyes, and at the same time, Tang Fengke also pushed his glasses.

"Hmph! A little trick!"

A few more magic flame bombs blasted towards the red scale vines, trying to blow them into powder, but the magic flame bombs fell on the red scale vines, and it was not painful. At the same time, those red scale vines opened their mouths, as if they had no eyes. The snakes, they made a hissing sound, and entangled towards Zhu Yisheng.


How can it be so easy to block the two soul bone skills of the Ghost Horned Sea Demon Vine?

Zhu Yisheng has good combat experience, so he quickly responded, and used the sixth soul ability at the bottom of the box.

"Sixth Soul Skill, Demon Ape Six Arms!"

"The third soul skill, Fire Ape Claw!"

"Puff, puff, puff!!"

Behind the tall blazing demon ape, between the ribs, arms protrude again, and there are six powerful demon ape arms in an instant. At this time, the blazing demon ape looks like a raging rakshasa, with six arms stretching out claws, Flames ignited on the claws, and the six flaming long claws grabbed towards the red scale vine, drawing out the light of the flame claws.

"Fifth soul skill, Frozen Stone Falling!"

"Boom boom boom!!"

Above Zhu Yisheng's head, ice stones gathered one after another, and then fell towards Zhu Yisheng's head. At some point, Mingtian appeared on Zhu Yisheng's head, his right leg was retracted, and the red scale vines were also retracted.

Using the Sea Demon Vine to attract Zhu Yisheng's attention, he took the opportunity to go into the air and cast the fifth soul skill, the fifth soul skill of the Ice Armor Panshan Beast, Bing Shi Luo needs to lock on the target, and even if it is used, it will be easy for the opponent to dodge.

The ice crystal stones that fell from the sky were huge, Zhu Yisheng waved his six arms and smashed the falling stones, how could Mingtian sit still and wait for death? The right arm bone lit up, and a charming pink snow demon knife was in his hand, covered with a layer of ice crystals, and he was slashing towards Zhu Yisheng.

"Yuyuki Yahimai!!"

"Another soul bone? This Mingtian actually has two soul bones, and it seems that his soul bones are of excellent quality. Is this his trump card?"

Sun Chuanting's eyes were bright, and he said, looking at Long En, Long En just smiled, he didn't want to talk about all the soul bones of Mingtian, moreover, it was a perverted soul bone, and even many more powerful spirits were useless.

Mingtian held the Snowy Blade in his right hand, and stabbed at Zhu Yisheng's head. Zhu Yisheng stretched out his hand, held the Snowy Blade, looked at Mingtian above his head, and said with a smile:

"Your weapon seems useless."

"Oh, is it so?"

Dark black light surged from Ming Tian's left arm, left arm bone skills, Overlord Spear!

Another arm grabbed the Dark Blue Silver Overlord Spear, and now Zhu Yisheng also reacted, holding the two weapons, looked at Mingtian, and said:

"Soul bones, three soul bones, no wonder, so your reliance is here."

"See how many weapons you can hold on to me."

"Ice Armored Mountain Beast, the first soul skill, Ice Sword!"


Several ice swords appeared and attacked Zhu Yisheng. Zhu Yisheng held one in each of the remaining four arms, and the six arms were full of weapons.


With a strong grip, the ice sword shattered. After all, it is the first soul skill, and its attack power is not very high.

"Let me see if you still have weapons!"

"No weapons, I have other things."

"Deep Sea Whale Guard!"


A mass of blue light shines from Mingtian's torso, and an oval-shaped barrier appears, which bounces Zhu Yisheng away, and the eight wings on Mingtian's back flap. , bombarded Zhu Yisheng.


"Go down!"

Approaching the edge of the Soul Fighting Stage, Mingtian branched out into a dark blue and silver vine, and just whipped towards Zhu Yisheng's side, tripping Zhu Yisheng off the stage decently. .

The students who saw this scene felt a little incredulous.

Zhu Yisheng actually lost?

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