Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 257 Lost in the Grand Canyon

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Star Luo City Star Luo Palace

A statue of the head of a white tiger with different-colored pupils hangs on the wall. The two pupils, one blue and one red, seem to have breathtaking power, as if the statue is real.

Under the statue, a tiger seat is placed. On the back of the tiger seat, there are black and white bright leather stripes. There are magnificent carved edges on both sides. Two tiger heads are on the left and right sides as armrests. The heroic king sits on the tiger seat On top of it, two pupils of different colors shone with light, as if waiting for something. In front of him, there were a few people standing. Although these people's breaths were restrained, those who were familiar with them would be surprised to see them here, because They are the strongest powerhouses in the Star Luo Empire, and all of them are Title Douluo. The people here are enough to destroy a country. Their actions will determine the fate of every country on the continent.

The silent powerhouses noticed something, and their expressions moved slightly. A black and white space vortex emerged in this hall, and there was a sound like a beast inside, and then a jade foot tapped the ground, and appeared from inside, followed by A slender figure and a beautiful, alluring woman. The pupils of the woman are also different colors, one gray and one white.

Her eyes swept over everyone here, and finally landed on the mighty king. She smiled and saluted and said:

"Keep everyone waiting for a long time, I have seen His Majesty the Emperor."

"Here, I called you rashly to disturb you. I didn't disturb your rest."

Surprisingly, instead of blaming the emperor, the emperor showed respect to this woman, and the people present were not surprised, as if the emperor did nothing wrong.

"Heck, of course not. It's been a long time since anyone came to call me. I thought that I would be forgotten by you. I didn't expect that one day I would come out and be able to alarm me. I think it must be something interesting. Bar."

The woman smiled, looked at Emperor Xingluo Dai Tianmian, Dai Tianmian sighed deeply, and said:

"I received a notice from Spirit Hall that they will arrange the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition to be held in Star Luo soon, and the finals and rematch will be held in Star Luo Empire."

"It's in Star Luo City."

Some of the people present already knew about it, and some only now. When they heard the news, they all showed a little surprise, and then frowned, as if they were thinking about something.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. When did the Wuhun Palace become so generous, there must be some purpose?"


As a protector of the country and an emperor teacher, you must know something. "

The woman looked at Xuanji and asked.

Xuanji Douluo hesitated for a moment, then respectfully said to the woman:

"A month ago, Qian Shuoning of the Wuhun Palace died in our Xingluo territory. The Xu family of Xingluo has already withdrawn from the stage of Xingluo history. At the same time, the Dark Palace was destroyed, the master of the Dark Palace Yu Sihu died, the Dragon Valley rioted, and the Tianque Legion survived in name only. .”

"Old Ancestor, you have lived in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor for a long time, and you don't know about these things, and we didn't tell you about them."

"Oh? So many interesting things happened in the empire in one month? No one told me about it. I don't know. I thought it was a few years ago."

The woman smiled, as if these things didn't matter to her, they weren't big things worthy of her attention.

"So, the purpose of Wuhundian is very clear. They want to use this opportunity to sneak into our Star Luo Empire and investigate these things secretly. The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition is this excuse, and it is undeniable. Perfect reason."

None of the people present were fools, they all saw the strategy of Wuhundian, the key is how to deal with it.

"It's a good thing, why don't you accept it, just accept it, Tiandou doesn't have such a good thing, but let us catch up, and we can take this opportunity to disgust the Tiandou Empire."

"Uh, but old ancestor, our Xingluo has been developing secretly in recent years, and it's hard to see results. It's not time to show all the cards..."

"Some things, no matter what, people outside the Star Luo Empire cannot know, including your existence. Once the country is opened, some secrets will inevitably be exposed to the spies of the Spirit Hall."

"But if you don't open it, Spirit Hall has every reason to suspect that they will use other methods that are not so gentle to get it."

"It's better to let them come, let them check openly, even if they find out, what can they do?"

"Then ancestor, do you mean to agree?"

"Otherwise, what else can you do? Do you have a better way? Do you have a solution?"

"Tong Gefei."

"The minister is here!"

"Isn't this the day you worked so hard to build the Xingluo Royal Academy and secretly cultivate and develop talents? Defeat the legend of the undefeated champion of the Wuhun Palace, and completely trample on the golden generation of the Wuhun Palace."

"It is precisely because of this that I hesitate to make this decision. Originally, I wanted to surprise Wuhundian during the game. Now it seems that they are very likely to get the news and respond in advance."

"Are you afraid if you make a countermeasure in advance? Where is your confidence? Where is the confidence of the seven warriors of Star Luo? If the strength is strong enough, any conspiracy of the other party will be ineffective!"

"Uh, yes, that's what the ancestors taught."

"In my opinion, you are still too kind to those precious students, and you haven't fully realized their potential."

"The reason why I came late is because Wuyuelu went back, and she told me that a new guy beat her, so I have to teach that person a hard lesson no matter what."

"Gongsun Fu."

"The minister is here!"

"Yue Lu said, but is there such a thing?"

"Hey, yes, I blamed her a lot for this. This child is still too arrogant. Relying on being from the ancestors... Hehe, she is a bit lawless."

"You don't need to pay attention to this child, she should also suffer and suffer."

"The most urgent task is to strengthen the training of our elites so that they have the strength to completely defeat the people of Wuhundian."

"I think it's better to go there, firstly to train them, secondly, after opening the country, people from Wuhundian won't find them immediately."

"Could it be that the place you mentioned is..."

"That's right, it is said that only ghosts can survive, the Lost Grand Canyon..."


A few black crows twisted their eyes and took off from the empty canyon. They flew in the vast sky, overlooking the Lost Grand Canyon like a ghost land.

The ravines are vertical and horizontal, and the rock walls of the canyon are winding and stretching vertically and horizontally. Where the sun's rays do not shine, there is a pitch-black shadow wall. An even more mournful roar of a soul beast resounds from the depths of the canyon, like a death-like guttural sound.

The cry rang for a while, and then the canyon fell silent again, eerily quiet.

A ghostly figure appeared beside the dead soul beast, and beside him was a man in yellow. He seemed to have fear in his eyes, but he let out a long breath when he looked at the dead beast in front of him.


"Finally killed it, ghost, absorb it without delay, it is not suitable to stay here for long."

A pitch black soul ring floated from the soul beast, the man in black smiled hoarsely and said:

"Hey, what are you afraid of? After I absorb this guy's soul ring, I will be a Titled Douluo, a Titled Douluo titled a ghost! From now on, I will be a Ghost Douluo, a ghost!! Hahahaha, hahahaha!!"

The triumphant laughter echoed throughout the canyon, sounding extremely terrifying.

"That's right, you and I are both Titled Douluo, and with our martial soul fusion skills, hehe, the title Douluo level martial soul fusion skills can be said to be the number one martial soul fusion skills in the mainland."

"That's right, what month's pass are we afraid of! When the time comes, we'll go find that new Holy Spirit Sect. I want them to know that if I can destroy one Holy Spirit Sect, I can destroy the second one. I'm a ghost. I haven't really been afraid of it yet." who!!"

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