Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 262 Yuetianyuan

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Huiyue star card?

There was a surprised expression on Ming Tian's face, and his face changed. He had friendship with Xingluo Xu Jiabo, but he had never heard of such a thing. Neither Xu Xuan nor Xu Gui had mentioned it to him. He Xuanji suddenly appeared at the Xingluo Royal Auction today, and what is the so-called Yuetianyuan?

Looking at Tang Fengke with a blank expression, Tang Fengke stroked his forehead and said:

"How lacking is your knowledge about the mainland? It seems that after finishing the work of the auction house, it is necessary to take you to the library in the Qiongtu District."

"Ahem, according to legend, Yuetianyuan is the territory of the gods, also known as Gaotianyuan and Yuegong. It is equivalent to the God Realm, but it is different from the legendary God Realm. The God Realm we yearn for in Douluo Continent is the god who founded the mainland. The God Realm is the God of Creation in our continent, and Yue Tianyuan is the God Realm who created the illusory universe, and is a matriarchal god race, which means that Yue Tianyuan is a level higher than the God Realm."

"It is said that there are ancient soul beasts there, and there are millions of years and tens of millions of years. There are also gods. The gods there can't break through a hundred levels to enter, and there is no specific level division. It is rumored that they can enter there. Everyone can benefit greatly.”

"Then why can the Huiyue star card enter Yuetianyuan?"

"Among the gods in Yuetianyuan, the Moon God and the Star God belong to us. The Bright Moon Star Card is a token from the Star God, and the Xu family has inherited the power of the Star God."

"Similarly, another family that can enter Yuetianyuan is the descendants of the Moon God."

"It is said that they are descendants of the Moon God, with a thin bloodline of the Moon God, and the minimum age of their martial souls is also a thousand years."

"The powerful descendants of the Moon God, but no one knows their whereabouts, even our Star Luo Empire has only one known."

"There are people who are descendants of the Moon God in the Star Luo Empire?"

"Yes, you will see her soon, she is among the people auctioned today..."

Tang Fengke made a fool of himself, and his words stopped abruptly. At the same time, Didore on the stage smiled at the people in the audience:

"Presumably some people are here for this thing today, so I won't waste time and offer an offer directly. The starting price is four million gold soul coins!"

Four million, the audience was stunned.

Some people without strength just shut up and didn't participate in the auction. Those who can bid are all quite powerful people in the Star Luo Empire.

"Seven million gold soul coins!"

Someone made an offer and almost doubled it.

"Nine million gold soul coins!"

"Ten million gold soul coins!"

"Twelve million..."

The fare increase is getting higher and higher, but the increase has gradually slowed down. There is no particularly high fare increase, but a slight increase of 10,000 or 20,000.

Didore smiled, those real big shots haven't guessed yet, these guys are just appetizers before the big shots, they are all clowns used to highlight their status.

"Sister, it's time."

"Things from the Moon Palace cannot fall into the hands of these mortals."

"Well, I understand, but it's not the time yet."

"Thirty million gold soul coins!!"

In the quiet corner, a woman raised the serial number plate in her hand and shouted.

The audience was in an uproar, including Tang Fengke and Ming Tian, ​​who turned their heads in shock and looked in that direction. No. 120 was the last guest of this auction.

The guest was hidden under the black robe, so he couldn't see his face, but he could vaguely tell that it was a woman, or a girl when he saw those eyes!

"Very brave, but this guest, you must show the strength to pay the 30 million gold soul coins."


With a flick of the woman's hand, a card was thrown onto the stage. It was a black card with finely carved white tigers and civet cats on it!

The Star Luo Empire's highest-level overdraft card, this card has long since disappeared, and there are only a few cards in existence. This woman, who is she? ! !

"Sorry, please ignore my rudeness just now, you are indeed qualified to win such an auction item."

Didore bowed to the woman, handed the card to the assistant beside him, but whispered:

"Go and check, the source of this card must be top secret."

The assistant with the card hurried down, but because of the woman's price increase, no one dared to make another move.

"Some interesting, more and more interesting."

The woman in the front seat smiled, and slowly raised her arm when Didore asked if there was anyone raising the price.

"Forty million gold soul coins!"

The woman spoke confidently and powerfully, and there was a faint sense of oppression emanating from it. Everyone's expression changed suddenly when they noticed this breath.

"Title Douluo!!"

"Is that her? Who is the title Douluo Didore mentioned earlier?"

Mingtian was puzzled, but the next moment, Didore's address explained everyone's doubts.

"Mrs. Tong, you finally made a move."

"Forty million gold soul coins, can someone increase the price?"

"Ms. Tong?!"

The Tong surname, brought up in the Star Luo Empire, only means one person, Qilin Douluo Tong Gefei!

"That's right, as you imagined, this person is Qilin Douluo Tong Gefei's wife, titled Douluo, Long Suwu!"

"Her martial soul is the descendant of the moon god, the only known owner of the descendant of the moon god in the Star Luo Empire. At the same time, she and Tong Gefei have a daughter, and their daughter also has the descendant of the moon god. The seventeenth-level Soul Sage, one of the Star Luo Seven Warriors, will represent the Star Luo Empire to participate in the next Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, and its name is Tong Yingmeng!"

"The whole family is perverted!"

Ming Tian sighed, two titled Douluo, and a daughter of the soul saint, the status in the Star Luo Empire is light.

"Little friend over there, can you still increase the price? Although that card has no upper limit, but its origin is probably unknown. Once it is found out that it does not belong to you, then a penny will not be swiped out."

The last guest stood up all of a sudden, looking a little excited, but then smiled and said in a nice voice:

"Since I have nothing to do with this thing, then forget it, and I will leave."

As he said that, that person just left. It seems that she came here for the Huiyue star card. Since there is no possibility of obtaining the Huiyue star card, and there is a danger of being exposed, she did not stay long, and the Star Luo Auction did not limit her time. Those who come to the auction cannot leave the rules.


Dai Duoer glanced at Long Suwu as if asking for help, as if asking for the other party's opinion on whether to keep this person.

Long Suwu shook her head, Dai Duoer understood that no one stopped her, the girl left the auction house so easily, the wide robe gradually took off, revealing her perfect slim body.

She gradually walked out of the Xingluo Auction House and walked in a certain direction, and someone followed in the dark.

"Heck, the mission failed."

Somewhere in a corner, there seemed to be someone answering him, also a woman.

"I didn't expect success at first, go back and tell Long Jinyue, at least I have completed some things and found something interesting."

Lan Xuguo smiled, there seemed to be some deep meaning on her face.

"Do you want to get rid of the tail?"

"Forget it, this is Xingluo after all, this is Xingluo City after all, if someone dies, it's not easy to deal with the aftermath, just get rid of it."

Tan Shuning and Lan Xuguo looked at each other, and they twisted their figures strangely, and scattered like a puff of smoke.

"Ma'am, I found out, that card was given to the Ye family by the emperor back then, that is, the former richest man in Star Luo City."

"The Ye family that was wiped out by the dark palace?"

Long Suwu looked surprised, as if he had figured out the joints.

"That's right, it is rumored that the development of the Dark Palace depends on the Ye family's money."

"And the Dark Palace is already dead. If there are things in the Dark Palace, it means that she has something to do with the Dark Palace..."

"After the incident with the Xu family, we thought about following the vine to get rid of all the people in the dark palace, but there seemed to be some force in the middle who solved the dark palace ahead of time. It was a very mysterious organization, and our people were also lost..."

"It's getting more and more interesting."

Long Suwu smiled, as if she had other ideas.

On the stage, Didore had already auctioned off the eighth and ninth items, and only the last one remained among the ten items prepared.

"Okay, the ninth item has also been successfully auctioned, and finally we will auction the last, most valuable item of the day!"

"This is the Xieyan Legion, brought back from the Insect Realm. You all know that there are six legions in the Star Luo Empire, each of which is stationed in a mysterious forbidden area, and the Xieyan Legion, which represents the Dai family, guards the Insect Realm. , there is the kingdom of insects."

"It is said that the insect-like soul beasts that exist there have existed for millions of years and have established a huge insect empire. They once broke out a plague of insects and ravaged the mainland."

"Our Xieyan Legion has been guarding the entrance of the insect world, and has fought many battles with the insect world."

"They won a big victory in a fight, and killed a 100,000-year-level worm-like spirit beast, brought back its heart, and a 100,000-year-old spirit bone!"

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