Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 268 Canyon Adventure

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Looking at the endless canyon, the canyon is vertical and horizontal, the rugged landform is winding and long, and it is barren. The sun hangs high in the sky, and under the sunlight, the bright and dark sides of the canyon are clearly separated.

Standing on the top of the cliff, the eagle turned its head from side to side, without moving its body, its eyes were looking around, its mouth was slightly opened, and it let out a loud scream.



With fluttering wings, the eagle flew up to the vast sky, which was a distant blue and cloudless.

Outside the mouth of a certain valley, several people entered one by one. It seemed that they came here specially to enter this Lost Grand Canyon, just like some soul masters who wanted to explore the Grand Canyon. However, most of the soul masters who came to explore the canyon were There is no return.

Misty Grand Canyon, the famous Grand Canyon on the mainland, is known as the Valley of Death. It is said that ordinary humans and soul masters cannot survive here. Only ghosts can survive here.

As time passed, there were many such rumors, and no one dared to come here, but there were still many adventurers and some bold soul masters who entered the canyon, because there were legends about the ancient lost civilization in the canyon, and there were treasures left over from the ancient times. .

Twenty-one figures walked in the canyon. Most of these twenty-one people looked like children, young, and they didn't look like they were here for adventure, but rather for sightseeing.

The inside of the canyon is silent, and the only sound that can be heard is the occasional hawk's cry from the sky. The hawk's cry echoes in the valley, and the valley wind blows, and the sound of the wind is like the sound of a hoarse roaring giant beast.

"This is just the outskirts of the canyon, and there is no danger, but everyone should not be careless, and concentrate on actions together, so as not to fall behind."

The person walking in the front turned around and said, he is the chief of the 21 seats, and also the captain of the Star Luo Seven Samurai, Hao Xiao.

Ming Tian has not yet fully recognized these twenty-one people. The ones he is familiar with are Long En and Tang Fengke, and he also moves with them, but he still abides by the rules that should be followed, and has always been in the last position. He didn't speak, just followed them obediently.

"Even if there is no danger, I think His Majesty Suyue will create danger for us. After all, we have come to the Lost Canyon to receive experience. It is difficult for us to encounter some situations directly, right? ? Sister Yingmeng."

Fu Qianshu looked at Tong Yingmeng who was also a member of the Star Luo Seven Warriors and said.

Tong Yingmeng is the daughter of Qilin Douluo Tong Gefei, but she inherited her mother, Suyue Douluo Long Suwu, a descendant of the Moon God. Although her parents are powerful, her innate talent also allows her to cultivate far beyond her peers. Now has the strength of the soul saint level.

It was inevitable for her to enter the Star Luo Seven Warriors, and she entered according to her strength, but because of her special status, some people still had prejudice against her and sneered at her. She herself is not good at speaking, like a good girl, she doesn't talk back, she just keeps her head down.

Seeing that Tong Yingmeng didn't speak, Fu Qianshu snorted coldly, stopped talking to her, but dispersed her soul power, and looked around.

"As far as I know, there are many rock-type and ghost-type soul beasts in the Mizong Grand Canyon. They gather and survive for the entire soul beast group. Once they are provoked, they may provoke the revenge of the entire group. We still have to be cautious."

"There is nothing to be afraid of. If we are afraid of these things, then there is no need to come. We are here to experience."

"But as chief, I am responsible for everyone's safety. Now we have not only the eldest prince Xingluo, but also the sons of the courtiers. Your lives come first."

"Hehe, it's not your turn to protect everyone, that last seat..."

Seemingly pointing to something, Fu Qianshu glanced back at the last members of Ming Tian and the others. Regarding Ming Tian's strength, it had been discussed among the seven warriors for a long time. Ming Tian's strength is actually absolutely powerful Those who squeezed into the chief position were no match just for his several martial spirits and hundred thousand year soul rings. Many people were also thinking, if Ming Tian and Hao Xiao were the chief, who would be stronger?

Hao Xiao didn't seem to care about these, shook his head, and said:

"I still don't know the teacher's purpose of stuffing him into the twenty-one seats. But I don't think that Mingtian is like someone who is greedy for seats. We'll leave him alone."

"Don't worry about him. I'm interested in him. There are spirit beasts gathered in the front left. There are about a dozen of them. Their strength ranges from a thousand to forty thousand years."

"Huh? Is the information accurate?"

"You don't trust my Magic-eyed Lizard Queen?"

"I believe in the Puzzled Lizard Queen."

The Queen of the Confused-Eyed Lizard is Fu Qianshu's Martial Soul, a spiritual lizard spirit beast with powerful control ability. Fu Qianshu has even cultivated to level seventy-eight, which is extremely powerful.


"Hey, wait, I want to see how far that Mingtian's ability can go. Why don't we lure all those soul beasts to him."

"Absurd! What if something like this happens?"

"All on alert! There are spirit beasts gathered in the northwest of the front left!"

Hao Xiao cut off Fu Qianshu's words in a deep voice, and said to the others behind him.

The voice was loud, and the people who were originally low-spirited, loose and unvigilant quickly cheered up when they heard it, and were ready to deal with the unexpected situation of the soul beast coming out at any time.


The stones piled up above the valley trembled. They were angular stones in irregular circles. From a distance, they looked like they were piled up one by one, but when they were all displayed, It was a rock giant composed of round stones!

"Rockman beasts, humanoid soul beasts, earth-type, rock-type, pure rock giants, possess extreme power. The strength of these soul beasts ranges from a thousand years to ten thousand years. Don't underestimate the enemy, and deal with it with all your strength."

While talking, the rockman beasts on the cliff valley had already jumped into the canyon. They were all made of rocks, and their pupils were small red dots in the dark stone eye bones.


They hammered their chests like a challenge, and they didn't seem to be afraid of these children.

"Huh? It's a rockman beast. This should be the rock-like soul beast with the lowest race, and the highest race should be the warrior class."

Tang Fengke looked at the rock man and beast blocking the way ahead and said.

"Don't worry, they won't reach us. With the Star Luo Seven Warriors ahead, they should be dealt with quickly."

Seeing the rockman beasts at the front of the Star Luo Seven Warriors did not make them have too strong a will to fight, because this kind of soul beast has a single attribute and is aggressive by nature, so it is easy to deal with.

"Open the Martial Soul, quick battle and quick decision!"

Hao shouted that he had already released his martial soul.

Two yellows, two purples, four blacks!

The eight soul rings rose from his body one by one, which meant that he was a powerhouse at the Contra level!

Such a young Contra? ?

No wonder becoming the chief, a Contra who can participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition is probably unique.

"His martial soul, that is..."

When Ming Tian saw Hao Xiao's martial spirit, he was taken aback, the chaotic thunder, crackling lightning flashed, and each section resembled bamboo...

"Thundering Hell Prison Vine!"

"The top-level plant-type and thunder-type martial souls, the Thundering Hell Prison Vine has the characteristic of absorbing the growth of thunder, and it is extremely difficult to survive. It is rare to see someone using the Thundering Hell Prison Vine as a martial soul. Haoxiao is the only one known so far."

"Luxian! Cooperate with me!"

"Hey, boss, understand!"

A yellow-haired male student appeared on one side, and a light yellow soul imprint emerged. The soul imprint was very small, and his martial soul did not appear from the soul imprint. A blade pierced from one side of the soul imprint, and a handle protruded from the other side of the soul imprint , this soul seal has become a knife handle.

Seeing this knife, the Snow Blade in Ming Tian's body trembled violently.

"Demon Saber Shining Break!"

Seven demon knives, the one in front of him is exactly the same famous demon knife as Yanxue, Yaoduan!

"Yaoduan Wanfeng Wuying!!"

"Thunder Prison·Electric Dragons are silent!!"

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